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use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;

my $output;

	'output=s' => \$output,

if (!@ARGV) {
	print <<END;

Usage: [--output outfile] original patch
	vlpatch [--output outfile] original	# take patch from stdin

if --output is not specified, the patched file is put in place of
the original, and the original is renamed to *.orig


my $orig = shift @ARGV;
my ($pat,$patsrc) = @ARGV ? ($ARGV[0],$ARGV[0]) : (\*STDIN,'-');
my $el1 = VCS::Lite->new($orig);
my $dt1 = VCS::Lite::Delta->new($patsrc,undef,$orig,$pat);

my $chg = $el1->patch($dt1) or die "Patch failed";

if (!$output) {
	rename $orig, "$orig.orig";
	$output = $orig;

open PAT,">$output" or die "Failed to write output, $!";
print PAT $chg->text;
close PAT;