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package WWW::Scraper::ISBN::ISBNnu_Driver;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.19';


# Inheritence

use base qw(WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Driver);

# Modules

use WWW::Mechanize;

# Variables

my $IN2MM = 0.0393700787;   # number of inches in a millimetre (mm)
my $LB2G  = 0.00220462;     # number of pounds (lbs) in a gram
my $OZ2G  = 0.035274;       # number of ounces (oz) in a gram


# Public Interface

sub trim {
	my ($self,$value) = @_;

    return ''   unless(defined $value);

    $value =~ s/^\s+//;         # trim leading whitespace
    $value =~ s/\s+$//;         # trim trailing whitespace
    $value =~ s/\n//g;          # trim newlines?
    $value =~ s/ +/ /g;         # trim extra middle space
    $value =~ s/<[^>]+>//g;     # remove tags

    return $value;
sub search {
    my ($self,$isbn) = @_;
    my %data;

    my $post_url = "".$isbn;
	my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
    $mech->agent_alias( 'Linux Mozilla' );
    $mech->add_header( 'Accept-Encoding' => undef );

    eval { $mech->get( $post_url ) };
    return $self->handler(" website appears to be unavailable.")
        if($@ || !$mech->success() || !$mech->content());

    my $html = $mech->content();
    if ($html =~ /<title>([^<]+)<\/title>/) {
        $data{title} = $self->trim($1);

    return $self->handler("Failed to find that book on the website.")
        if (($data{title} eq "") || ($data{title} eq "No Title Found"));

    ($data{publisher})  = $html =~ m!<span class="bi_col_title">Publisher</span>\s*<span class="bi_col_value">([^<]+)</span></div>!si;
    ($data{pubdate})    = $html =~ m!<span class="bi_col_title">Publication date</span>\s*<span class="bi_col_value">([^<]+)</span></div>!;
    ($data{pages})      = $html =~ m!<span class="bi_col_title">Pages</span>\s*<span class="bi_col_value">([0-9]+)</span></div>!;
    ($data{edition})    = $html =~ m!<span class="bi_col_title">Edition</span>\s*<span class="bi_col_value">([^<]+)</span></div>!;
    ($data{volume})     = $html =~ m!<span class="bi_col_title">Volume</span>\s*<span class="bi_col_value">([^<]+)</span></div>!;
    ($data{binding})    = $html =~ m!<span class="bi_col_title">Binding</span>\s*<span class="bi_col_value">([^<]+)</span></div>!;
    ($data{isbn13})     = $html =~ m!<span class="bi_col_title">ISBN-13</span>\s*<span class="bi_col_value">([0-9]+)</span></div>!;
    ($data{isbn10})     = $html =~ m!<span class="bi_col_title">ISBN-10</span>\s*<span class="bi_col_value">([0-9X]+)</span></div>!;
    ($data{weight})     = $html =~ m!<span class="bi_col_title">Weight</span>\s*<span class="bi_col_value">([0-9\.]+) lbs.</span></div>!;
    ($data{author})     = $html =~ m!<div class="d_descriptive">By\s*(.*?)\s*</div>!;
    ($data{description})= $html =~ m!<div class="bi_annotation_text"><div class="bi_anno_text_head">Summary</div>([^<]+)<!;
    ($data{description})= $html =~ m!<div class="bi_wide bi_annotation_text"><a name="amazondesc"></a><b> description:</b> <b>Product Description</b>:([^<]+)<!   unless($data{description});

    $data{$_} = $self->trim($data{$_})  for(qw(publisher pubdate binding author description));

    if($data{weight}) {
        $data{weight} = int($data{weight} / $LB2G);

    my @size = $html =~ m!<span class="bi_col_title">Dimensions</span>\s*<span class="bi_col_value">([0-9\.]+) by ([0-9\.]+) by ([0-9\.]+) in.</span></div>!;
    if(@size) {
        ($data{depth},$data{width},$data{height}) = sort @size;    
        $data{$_} = int($data{$_} / $IN2MM)  for(qw( height width depth ));

#print STDERR "#html=".Dumper(\%data)."\n";

    $data{book_link} = $mech->uri();

    $data{ean13} = $data{isbn13};
    $data{isbn}  = $data{isbn13} || $isbn;
    $data{html}  = $html;


    return $self->book;



=head1 NAME

WWW::Scraper::ISBN::ISBNnu_Driver - Search driver for the online book catalog


See parent class documentation (L<WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Driver>)


Requires the following modules be installed:

=over 4

=item L<WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Driver>

=item L<HTTP::Request::Common>

=item L<LWP::UserAgent>



Searches for book information from

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item C<clean_authors()>

Cleans junk from authors field.

=item C<trim()>

Trims excess whitespace.

=item C<search()>

Grabs page from L<>'s handy interface and attempts to 
extract the desired information.  If a valid result is returned the 
following fields are returned:



=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item L<< WWW::Scraper::ISBN >>

=item L<< WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Record >>

=item L<< WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Driver >>


=head1 AUTHOR

  2004-2013 Andy Schamp, E<lt>andy@schamp.netE<gt>
  2013      Barbie, E<lt>barbie@cpan.orgE<gt>


  Copyright 2004-2013 by Andy Schamp
  Copyright 2013 by Barbie

  This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the Artistic Licence v2.
