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use 5.012;
use MooseX::Declare;
use Method::Signatures::Modifiers;

class Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::BAREFOOT with Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy
	use autodie										2.00					;
	use PerlX::Maybe								0.003		'provided'	;
	use List::MoreUtils											'uniq'		;
	use MooseX::Has::Sugar													;
	use MooseX::Types::Moose									':all'		;
	use MooseX::ClassAttribute												;

	# Dependencies
	use Dist::Zilla									4.3			  ;		# authordeps

	# supplies: Git::Check, Git::Commit, Git::NextVersion, Git::Push, Git::Tag
	use Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Git				2.013		();

	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver							();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GithubMeta				0.10		();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Bugtracker				1.102670	();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaNoIndex						();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MinimumPerl						();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::OurPkgVersion			0.001008	();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeFromPod						();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Version						();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckExtraTests					();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertCopyright		0.001		();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAnyFromPod		0.120051	();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::PodSpelling		2.001002	();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CopyFilesFromBuild					();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckPrereqsIndexed	0.002		();
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckVersionIncrement	0.121750	();
	#use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package	1.14		();		# hides DB/main/private packages
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Class	2.001		();		# adds 'provides' to META.* for `class`
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodnameFromClassname				();		# stops Pod::Weaver from complaining
	use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckChangesHasContent				();

	our $VERSION = '0.05_01'; # TRIAL VERSION

	my @dirty_files = qw< dist.ini Changes >;
	my @exclude_generated_files = qw< README.pod META.json >;

	class_has weaver_payload	=>	( ro, writer => '_store_weaver_data', isa => HashRef, lazy,
											default => sub { die "class attribute weaver_payload called too soon!" }, );

	sub mvp_multivalue_args { qw/stopwords/ }

	has stopwords		=>	( ro, isa => ArrayRef, lazy, default => method { $self->payload->{'stopwords'} // [] } );
	has fake_release	=>	( ro, isa => Bool, lazy, default => method { $self->payload->{'fake_release'} } );
	has no_spellcheck	=>	( ro, isa => Bool, default => 0 );
	has auto_prereq		=>	( ro, isa => Bool, lazy, default => method { $self->payload->{'auto_prereq'} // 1 } );
	has tag_format		=>	( ro, isa => Str, lazy, default => method { $self->payload->{'tag_format'} // 'v%v' } );
	has version_regexp	=>	( ro, isa => Str, lazy, default => method { $self->payload->{'version_regexp'} // '^v(.+)$' } );
	has git_remote		=>	( ro, isa => Str, lazy, default => method { $self->payload->{'git_remote'} // 'origin' } );
	has legal_addendum	=>	( ro, isa => Str, lazy, default => method { $self->payload->{'legal_addendum'} // '' } );

	method configure
		my @push_to = uniq 'origin', $self->git_remote;

		$self->add_plugins (

			# version number
			#[ 'Git::NextVersion'		=>	{ first_version => '0.01', version_regexp => $self->version_regexp } ],

			# gather and prune
			[ GatherDir					=>	{ exclude_filename => [@exclude_generated_files] }],# core
			#PruneCruft					=>														# core
			#ManifestSkip				=>														# core

provided $self->auto_prereq,
			[ AutoPrereqs				=>	{ skip => "^t::lib" } ],
			# file munging
			OurPkgVersion				=>
			PodnameFromClassname		=>
			#InsertCopyright				=>
			[ PodWeaver					=>	{ config_plugin => '@BAREFOOT', } ],

			# generated distribution files
			License						=>														# core
			[ ReadmeAnyFromPod			=>	{	# generate in root for github, etc.
												type		=> 'pod',
												filename	=> 'README.pod',
												location	=> 'root',
			[ Bugtracker				=>	{ web => '' } ],

#			# generated xt/ tests
#provided not $self->no_spellcheck,
#			[ 'Test::PodSpelling'		=>	{ stopwords => $self->stopwords } ],
#			MetaTests					=>														# core
#			PodSyntaxTests				=>														# core
#			PodCoverageTests			=>														# core
#			'Test::Version'				=>

			# metadata
			#MinimumPerl					=>
			[ GithubMeta				=>	{ remote => $self->git_remote } ],
			#[ MetaNoIndex				=>	{
			#									directory	=> [qw< t xt examples corpus >],
			#									package		=> [qw< DB >]
			#								}
			#[ 'MetaProvides::Package'	=>	{ meta_noindex => 1 } ],
			[ 'MetaProvides::Class'		=>	{ inherit_version => 1 } ],							# AFTER MetaNoIndex
			#MetaYAML					=>														# core
			MetaJSON					=>														# core

			# build system
			ExecDir						=>														# core
			ShareDir					=>														# core
			MakeMaker					=>														# core

			# manifest -- must come after all generated files
			Manifest					=>														# core

			# before release
			[ 'Git::Check'				=>	{
												allow_dirty	=> [@dirty_files, @exclude_generated_files]
			CheckVersionIncrement		=>
			#CheckPrereqsIndexed			=>
			CheckChangesHasContent		=>
			#CheckExtraTests				=>
			TestRelease					=>														# core
			ConfirmRelease				=>														# core

			# release
		?	'FakeRelease'
		:	'UploadToCPAN',																		# core

			# after release
			# Note -- NextRelease is here to get the ordering right with
			# git actions.  It is *also* a file munger that acts earlier.

			[ 'Git::Tag'				=>	{
												tag_format	=> $self->tag_format,
												tag_message	=> 'version %v for CPAN',
			# bumps Changes
			NextRelease					=>														# core (also munges files)
			# commit dirty Changes, dist.ini, README.pod
			[ 'Git::Commit'				=>
												allow_dirty	=> [@dirty_files],
												commit_msg	=> "packaging for CPAN: %v",

			[ 'Git::Push'				=>	{ push_to => [@push_to] } ],


		my @weaver_params = qw< repository_link >;
		$self->_store_weaver_data({ map { $_ => $self->payload->{$_} } @weaver_params });




# ABSTRACT: Dist::Zilla configuration the way BAREFOOT does it



=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::BAREFOOT - Dist::Zilla configuration the way BAREFOOT does it

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.05_01 of Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::BAREFOOT.


   # in dist.ini


This is a L<Dist::Zilla> PluginBundle.  It is roughly equivalent to the following dist.ini:

 	; version provider
 	; hopefully soemething here soon
 	; choose files to include
 	[GatherDir]							; everything under top dir
 	exclude_filename = README.pod		; skip this generated file
 	exclude_filename = META.json		; skip this generated file
 	;[PruneCruft]						; default stuff to skip
 	;[ManifestSkip]						; if -f MANIFEST.SKIP, skip those, too
 	; this should probably be moved to metadata section
 	[AutoPrereqs]						; find prereqs from code
 	skip = ^t::lib
 	; file modifications
 	[OurPkgVersion]						; add $VERSION = ... to all files
 	;[InsertCopyright					; add copyright at "# COPYRIGHT"
 	[PodWeaver]							; generate Pod
 	config_plugin = @BAREFOOT			; allows Pod::WikiDoc and a few other bits and bobs
 	; generated files
 	[License]							; boilerplate license
 	[ReadmeAnyFromPod]					; create README.pod in repo directory
 	type = pod
 	filename = README.pod
 	location = root
 	; should this be in metadata section?
 	web =
 	; xt tests
 	;[Test::PodSpelling]					; xt/author/pod-spell.t
 	;[MetaTests]							; xt/release/meta-yaml.t
 	;[PodSyntaxTests]					; xt/release/pod-syntax.t
 	;[PodCoverageTests]					; xt/release/pod-coverage.t
 	;[Test::Version]						; xt/release/test-version.t
 	; metadata
 	;[MinimumPerl]						; determine minimum perl version
 	remote = origin
 	;[MetaYAML]							; generate META.yml (v1.4)
 	[MetaJSON]							; generate META.json (v2)
 	;[MetaNoIndex]						; sets 'no_index' in META
 	;directory = t
 	;directory = xt
 	;directory = examples
 	;directory = corpus
 	;package = DB						; just in case
 	; can't get this one to work right ATM
 	; [MetaProvides::Package]			; add 'provides' to META files
 	; meta_noindex = 1					; respect prior no_index directives
 	[MetaProvides::Class]				; add 'provides' to META files for classes
 	inherit_version = 1 				; use version from dist.ini
 	; build system
 	[ExecDir]							; include 'bin/*' as executables
 	[ShareDir]							; include 'share/' for File::ShareDir
 	[MakeMaker]							; create Makefile.PL
 	; manifest (after all generated files)
 	[Manifest]							; create MANIFEST
 	; before release
 	[Git::Check]						; ensure all files checked in
 	allow_dirty = dist.ini
 	allow_dirty = Changes
 	allow_dirty = README.pod			; ignore this generated file
 	allow_dirty = META.json				; ignore this generated file
 	;[CheckPrereqsIndexed]				; ensure prereqs are on CPAN
 	[CheckVersionIncrement]				; ensure version has been bumped
 	[CheckChangesHasContent]			; ensure Changes has been updated
 	;[CheckExtraTests]					; ensure xt/ tests pass
 	[TestRelease]						; ensure t/ tests pass
 	[ConfirmRelease]					; prompt before uploading
 	; releaser
 	[UploadToCPAN]						; uploads to CPAN
 	; after release
 	[Git::Tag]							; tag repo with custom tag
 	tag_format = v%v					; this one is overridable
 	tag_message = version %v for CPAN	; this one isn't
 	; NextRelease acts *during* pre-release to write $VERSION and
 	; timestamp to Changes and  *after* release to add a new {{$NEXT}}
 	; section, so to act at the right time after release, it must come
 	; after UploadToCPAN but before Git::Commit in the dist.ini.  It
 	; will still act during pre-release as usual.
 	[Git::Commit]						; commit Changes (for new dev)
 	[Git::Push]							; push repo to remote
 	push_to = origin

=begin stopwords

=end stopwords

=for Pod::Coverage configure mvp_multivalue_args

=head1 USAGE

To use this PluginBundle, just add it to your dist.ini.  You can provide the following options:


=item *

C<<< auto_prereq >>> -- This indicates whether AutoPrereq should be used or not.  Default is 1.

=item *

C<<< tag_format >>> -- Given to C<<< Git::Tag >>>.  Default is 'v%v'.

=item *

C<<< version_regexp >>> -- Given to C<<< Git::NextVersion >>>.  Default is '^v(.+)$'.

=item *

C<<< git_remote >>> -- Given to C<<< Git::Push >>> _in addition to_ origin; given to GithubMeta _instead of_

=item *

C<<< fake_release >>> -- Swaps FakeRelease for UploadToCPAN. Mostly useful for testing a dist.ini without
risking a real release.

=item *

C<<< stopwords >>> -- Add stopword for Test::PodSpelling (can be repeated).

=item *

C<<< no_spellcheck >>> -- Omit Test::PodSpelling tests.

=item *

C<<< repository_link >>> -- Override the Pod::Weaver L<Support> section default (which is "both").



If you want to make sure you have all the necessary prereqs, try this (from the dir you checked out
the distro into):

 	perl -lne 'print $1 if /Dependencies/../VERSION/ and /use\s+(\S+)/' lib/*/*/PluginBundle/ | cpanm -n

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *


=item *



=for :stopwords cpan testmatrix url annocpan anno bugtracker rt cpants kwalitee diff irc mailto metadata placeholders metacpan

=head1 SUPPORT

=head2 Perldoc

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

  perldoc Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::BAREFOOT

=head2 Bugs / Feature Requests

		This module is on GitHub.  Feel free to fork and submit patches.  Please note that I develop
		via TDD (Test-Driven Development), so a patch that includes a failing test is much more
		likely to get accepted (or least likely to get accepted more quickly).

		If you just want to report a problem or suggest a feature, that's okay too.  You can create
		an issue on GitHub here: L<>.

=head2 Source Code


  git clone

=head1 AUTHOR

Buddy Burden <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by Buddy Burden.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
