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package Dist::Zilla::App::CommandHelper::ChainSmoking;

our $VERSION = '1.12'; # VERSION
# ABSTRACT: Helper class for chainsmoke command

use sanity;
use Moose;

use List::AllUtils 'first';

use Dist::Zilla::Util::Git::Bundle;

# dzil chainsmoke has to pass this, and we can figure out the rest
has app => ( isa => 'Object', is => 'ro', required => 1 );

sub zilla { shift->app->zilla }

has logger => (
   is      => 'ro',
   lazy    => 1,
   handles => [ qw(log log_debug log_fatal) ],
   default => sub { shift->zilla->logger },

has git_bundle => (
   is      => 'ro',
   isa     => 'Dist::Zilla::Util::Git::Bundle',
   lazy    => 1,
   handles => [ qw( git ) ],
   default => sub {
      my $self = shift;
      Dist::Zilla::Util::Git::Bundle->new( zilla => $self->zilla );

with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::TravisYML';

sub chainsmoke {
   my ($self, $opt) = @_;
   my $gb = $self->git_bundle;

   # have Git::Check verify there are no dirty files, etc.

   # have Git::Remote::Check verify the branch is up to date
   unless ($gb->is_remote_branch_new) {
      $self->git->remote('update', $gb->remote);

   # checks are done, so create the YML
   my $yml_creator = first { $_->isa('Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TravisYML') } @{$self->zilla->plugins};

   # doesn't appear to be in dist.ini, so set based on $opt
   unless ($yml_creator) {
      if ($opt->silentci) {
         $self->notify_irc  ([0]);
      $self->mvdt(1) if $opt->mvdt;
   # else modify the options via the plugin
   else {
      $self->notify_email ($opt->silentci ? [0] : $yml_creator->notify_email );
      $self->notify_irc   ($opt->silentci ? [0] : $yml_creator->notify_irc   );
      $self->mvdt         ($opt->mvdt     ? 1   : $yml_creator->mvdt         );

   # in order to access the prereqs and distmeta in general,
   # we need to partially run through the build process

   ### TODO: Make some extra checks to see if we even need the distmeta object. ###
   ###       We only need it for notification detection and MVDT.               ###
   $self->log("\nStarting pre-build...");
   $self->log("Done with pre-build\n");

   # actual creation
   $self->log("YML file built");

   # now for the Git commit/push
   $self->log_debug($_) for $self->git->commit(
      { message => 'Chain smoking for local branch '.$gb->branch },
      '--allow-empty',  # because it might be ran multiple times without changes

   $self->log_debug($_) for $self->git->push( $gb->remote, 'HEAD:'.$gb->_remote_branch );

### FIXME: Mostly a copy from D:Z:D:B->build_in; will put in ticket to add in a separate method ###
sub prebuild {
   my $self = shift;
   my $zilla = $self->zilla;

   use Moose::Autobox 0.09; # ->flatten

   $_->before_build     for $zilla->plugins_with(-BeforeBuild )->flatten;
   $_->gather_files     for $zilla->plugins_with(-FileGatherer)->flatten;
   $_->prune_files      for $zilla->plugins_with(-FilePruner  )->flatten;
   $_->munge_files      for $zilla->plugins_with(-FileMunger  )->flatten;
   $_->register_prereqs for $zilla->plugins_with(-PrereqSource)->flatten;





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=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::App::CommandHelper::ChainSmoking - Helper class for chainsmoke command


The project homepage is L<>.

The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN). Visit L<> to find a CPAN
site near you, or see L<>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Brendan Byrd <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Brendan Byrd.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
