The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Brick::General;
use strict;

use base qw(Exporter);
use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '0.228';

package Brick::Bucket;
use strict;

use Carp qw(croak confess);

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Brick::General - constraints for domain-nonspecific stuff


	use Brick;


=head2 Single fields

=over 4

=item _is_blank( HASHREF )


sub _is_blank
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	$setup->{fields} = [ $setup->{field} ];

	$bucket->_fields_are_blank( $setup );

=item _is_true( HASHREF )


sub _is_true
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	$setup->{fields} = [ $setup->{field} ];

	$bucket->_fields_are_true( $setup );

=item _is_defined( HASHREF )


sub _is_defined
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	$setup->{fields} = [ $setup->{field} ];

	$bucket->_fields_are_defined( $setup );


=head2 Multiple field conditions

=over 4

=item defined_fields( HASHREF )

A wrapper around __fields_are_something to supply the code reference
to verify that each field for definedness. It takes the same input.


sub defined_fields
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	my $sub = $bucket->_fields_are_defined( $setup );
	$bucket->__make_constraint( $sub, $setup );

=item true_fields( HASHREF )

A wrapper around __fields_are_something to supply the code reference
to verify that each field for true values. It takes the same input.


sub true_fields
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	my $sub = $bucket->_fields_are_true( $setup );
	$bucket->__make_constraint( $sub, $setup );

=item false_fields( HASHREF )

A wrapper around __fields_are_something to supply the code reference
to verify that each field for false values. It takes the same input.


sub false_fields
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	my $sub = $bucket->_fields_are_false( $setup );
	$bucket->__make_constraint( $sub, $setup );

=item blank_fields( HASHREF )

A wrapper around __fields_are_something to supply the code reference
to verify that each field has blank values. It takes the same input.


sub blank_fields
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	my $sub = $bucket->_fields_are_blank( $setup );
	$bucket->__make_constraint( $sub, $setup );

=item exist_fields( HASHREF )

A wrapper around __fields_are_something to supply the code reference
to verify that each field has blank values. It takes the same input.


sub exist_fields
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	my $sub = $bucket->_fields_exist( $setup );
	$bucket->__make_constraint( $sub, $setup );

=item allowed_fields( HASHREF )

A wrapper around _remove_extra_fields to remove anything not in the
list of the key 'allowed_fields' in HASHREF.

This constraint only cares about fields that do not belong in the
input. It does not, for instance, ensure that all the fields that
should be there are. Use required fields for that.


sub allowed_fields
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	my $filter_sub = $bucket->_remove_extra_fields(
		filter_fields => $setup->{allowed_fields}

	$bucket->__make_constraint( $filter_sub, $setup );

=item required_fields( HASHREF )

A wrapper around _fields_are_defined_and_not_null_string to check for
the presence of the required fields. A required field must exist in
the input hash and have a defined value that is not the null string.


sub required_fields
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	my $sub = $bucket->_fields_are_defined_and_not_null_string(
		fields => $setup->{required_fields},

	$bucket->__make_constraint( $sub, $setup );

=item _fields_exist( HASHREF )

	fields  - an anonymous array of fields that must exist in input

If all of the fields satisfy the condition, it does not die. If some of the
fields do not satisfy the condition, it dies with a hash reference whose keys

	message - message about the error
	errors  - anonymous array of fields that failed the condition
	handler - anonymous array of fields that satisfy the condition

If a code error occurs, it dies with a simple scalar.


sub _fields_exist
	my( $bucket, $setup, $sub ) = @_;

	my @caller = $bucket->__caller_chain_as_list();

	#print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump( [\@caller], [qw(caller)] );

	unless( eval { $setup->{fields}->isa( ref [] ) } or
		UNIVERSAL::isa( $setup->{fields}, ref [] ) )
		croak( "Argument to $caller[0]{'sub'} must be an anonymous array of field names!" );

	my $composed = $bucket->add_to_bucket ( {
		name        => $setup->{name} || $caller[0]{'sub'},
		description => ( $setup->{description} || "Fields exist" ),
		fields      => [ $setup->{fields} ],
		code        => sub {
			my @errors;
			my @missing;
			foreach my $f ( @{ $setup->{fields} } )
				next if exists $_[0]->{ $f };

				push @errors, {
					handler => $caller[1]{'sub'} || $caller[0]{'sub'},
					message => "Field [$f] was not in input",

				push @missing, $f;

			die {
				message  => "These fields were missing in the input: [@missing]",
				errors   => \@errors,
				handler  => $caller[1]{'sub'} || $caller[0]{'sub'},
				} if @missing;
		} );

	$bucket->comprise( $composed, $sub );


=item __fields_are_something( HASHREF, CODEREF )

Applies CODEREF to all of the fields in HASHREF->{fields}.

	fields      - an anonymous array of fields to apply CODEREF to
	description - a textual description of the test (has default)
	test_name   - short (couple word) description of test (e.g. "defined")

If all of the fields satisfy the condition, it does not die. If some of the
fields do not satisfy the condition, it dies with a hash reference whose keys

	message - message about the error
	errors  - anonymous array of fields that failed the condition
	handler - anonymous array of fields that satisfy the condition

If a code error occurs, it dies with a simple scalar.


sub __fields_are_something
	my( $bucket, $setup, $sub ) = @_;

	my @caller = $bucket->__caller_chain_as_list();

	unless( eval { $setup->{fields}->isa( ref [] ) } or
		UNIVERSAL::isa( $setup->{fields}, ref [] ) )
		croak( "Argument to $caller[0]{'sub'} must be an anonymous array of field names!" );

	my $composed = $bucket->add_to_bucket ( {
		name        => $setup->{name} || $caller[0]{'sub'},
		description => ( $setup->{description} || "Fields exist" ),
		fields      => [ $setup->{fields} ],
		code        => sub {

			#print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump( [$_[0]], [qw(input)] );
			my @errors;
			my @bad;
			foreach my $f ( @{ $setup->{fields} } )
				no warnings 'uninitialized';
				#print STDERR "Checking field $f ... ";
				my $result = $sub->( $_[0]->{$f} );
				#print STDERR "$result\n";
				my $at = $@;

				push @errors, {
					handler => $caller[1]{'sub'},
					message => "Field [$f] was not $setup->{test_name}. It was [$_[0]->{$f}]",
					} unless $result;

				push @bad, $f unless $result;

			die {
				message  => "Not all fields were $setup->{test_name}: [@bad]",
				errors   => \@errors,
				handler  => $caller[0]{'sub'},
				} if @bad;

			return 1;
		} );

	$bucket->comprise( $composed, $sub );


=item _fields_are_defined_and_not_null_string( HASHREF )

Check that all fields in HASHREF->{fields) are defined and
have a true value. See __fields_are_something for details.


sub _fields_are_defined_and_not_null_string
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	#print STDERR "_fields_are_defined_and_not_null_string: ", Data::Dumper->Dump( [$setup], [qw(setup)] );

	$setup->{test_name} = 'defined but not null';

	$bucket->__fields_are_something( $setup, sub { defined $_[0] and $_[0] ne '' } );

=item _fields_are_defined( HASHREF )

Check that all fields in HASHREF->{fields) are defined. See
__fields_are_something for details.


sub _fields_are_defined
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	$setup->{test_name} = 'defined';

	$bucket->__fields_are_something( $setup, sub { defined $_[0] } );

=item _fields_are_blank( HASHREF )

Check that all fields in HASHREF->{fields) are blank (either
undefined or the empty string). See __fields_are_something for details.


sub _fields_are_blank
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	$setup->{test_name} = 'blank';

	$bucket->__fields_are_something( $setup, sub { ! defined $_[0] or $_[0] eq ''  } );

=item _fields_are_false( HASHREF )

Check that all fields in HASHREF->{fields) are false (in the Perl
sense). See __fields_are_something for details.


sub _fields_are_false
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	$setup->{test_name} = 'false';

	$bucket->__fields_are_something( $setup, sub { ! $_[0]  } );

=item _fields_are_true( HASHREF )

Check that all fields in HASHREF->{fields) are true (in the Perl
sense). See __fields_are_something for details.


sub _fields_are_true
	my( $bucket, $setup ) = @_;

	$setup->{test_name} = 'true';

	$bucket->__fields_are_something( $setup, sub { $_[0] } );


=head1 TO DO


=head1 SEE ALSO



This source is in Github:

=head1 AUTHOR

brian d foy, C<< <> >>


Copyright © 2007-2018, brian d foy <>. All rights reserved.

You may redistribute this under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

