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use strict;
use warnings;
use Dumbbench;
use Getopt::Long qw/GetOptions/;

sub usage {
  my $msg = shift;
  print "$msg\n\n" if defined $msg;

  print <<USAGE;
Usage: $0 [options] -- command with arguments
Or:    $0 [options] --code='Perl-code-to-benchmark'
Or:    $0 [options] --package='Perl-package-with-subs-to-benchmark'

For a full manual of the underlying module, see
"perldoc Dumbbench"

 --precision=X     Set the target precision (default: 0.10=10%)
                   Set to 0 to disable.
 --absprecision=X  Set the target absolute precision (default: 0)
                   Set to 0 to disable.
 -v|--verbose      Increase verbosity. Increases up to three times.
 -i=X|--initial=X  Set number of initial timing runs (default: 20)
                   Increase, not decrease this number if possible.
 -m=X|--maxiter=X  Set a hard maximum number of iterations (default:1000)
                   If this hard limit is hit, the precision is off.
 -d=X|--dry-run=X  Set explicit dry-run command or code.
 --no-dry-run      Disable subtraction of dry runs.
 --raw             Set raw output mode. Only the final count will be
                   printed to stdout.
 -s|--std          Use the standard deviation instead of the MAD as a
                   measure of variability.
 --code='code'     Benchmarks Perl code (can be specified multiple times
                   for multiple benchmarks)
 --package='package' Perl package of subroutines to benchmark. The
                   package must define get_subs_to_benchmark() that
                   returns a list of subroutine names to benchmark
 --t|table=X       Output timings as a data table suitable for R. Each
                   column of timings is headed by the code name.

our $RelPrecision    = 0.10;
our $AbsPrecision    = 0;
our $V               = 0;
our $InitialTimings  = 20; # more or less arbitrary but can't be much smaller than 6-7 on fundamental grounds
our $DryRunCmd;
our $MaxIter         = 1000;
our $RawOutput       = 0;
our $UseStdDeviation = 0;
our $PlotTimings     = 0; # hidden option since virtually nobody has SOOT
our $DataTable       = undef;
our $NoDryRun        = 0;
our $Package         = undef;
our @Code;

  'h|help'           => \&usage,
  'p|precision=f'    => \$RelPrecision,
  'a|absprecision=f' => \$AbsPrecision,
  'v|verbose+'       => \$V,
  'i|initial=i'      => \$InitialTimings,
  'm|maxiter=i'      => \$MaxIter,
  'raw'              => \$RawOutput,
  's|std'            => \$UseStdDeviation,
  'plot_timings'     => \$PlotTimings,
  't|table=s'        => \$DataTable,
  'code=s'           => \@Code,
  'd|dryrun|dry-run|dry_run=s' => \$DryRunCmd,
  'no_dry_run|nodryrun|no-dry-run' => \$NoDryRun,
  'package=s'        => \$Package,

if ($RawOutput) {
  $V = 0;

usage() if not @Code and not @ARGV and not $Package;

my @CMD = @ARGV;

if ($PlotTimings) {
  eval "use SOOT";
  die "Timing distribution plots require the SOOT module" if $@;
  require Capture::Tiny;
  my @discarded = Capture::Tiny::capture(sub {

my $bench = Dumbbench->new(
  verbosity            => $V,
  target_rel_precision => $RelPrecision,
  target_abs_precision => $AbsPrecision,
  initial_runs         => $InitialTimings,
  max_iterations       => $MaxIter,
  variability_measure  => ($UseStdDeviation ? 'std_dev' : 'mad_dev' ),
  subtract_dry_run     => !$NoDryRun,

if (@CMD) {
      name    => 'cmd',
        defined $DryRunCmd
        ? (dry_run_command => $DryRunCmd, use_shell => 1, command => join(" ", @CMD))
        : (command => \@CMD)
if (@Code) {
  my $i = 0;
    map {
        name => 'code' . $i,
        code => $Code[$i-1],
    } @Code
if ($Package) {
  die "Invalid package name [$Package]\n" unless
    $Package =~ m/\A[A-Z0-9_]+(?:::[A-Z0-9_])*\z/i;
  eval "require $Package" or die "Could not load package $Package: $@\n";
  die "get_subs_to_benchmark not defined in $Package"
    unless $Package->can( 'get_subs_to_benchmark' );
  my @subs = $Package->get_subs_to_benchmark;
  foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
    unless ( $sub =~ m/\A[A-Z0-9_]+\z/i ) {
      warn "$sub name is invalid. Skipping.\n";
    unless ( defined &{"${Package}::$sub"} ) {
      warn "$sub is not defined in $Package. Skipping.\n";

        name => $sub,
        code => \&{"${Package}::$sub"}



if ($PlotTimings) {
  my @src = (
    $NoDryRun ? (qw(timings_as_histogram))
              : (qw(dry_timings_as_histogram timings_as_histogram))
  foreach my $instance ($bench->instances) {
    foreach my $src (@src) {
      my $hist = $instance->$src;
      if (defined $hist) {
        my $cv = TCanvas->new->keep;


  defined($SOOT::gApplication) && 1; # silence warnings;

if ($DataTable) {
  my @timings = map { $_->timings } $bench->instances;

  my $filename = join( '-', map { $_->name } $bench->instances ) . '.dat';
  open my $fh, '>:utf8', $DataTable
    or die "Could not open $DataTable: $!\n";

  require List::Util;
  my $max = List::Util::max( map { $#$_ } @timings );

  say { $fh } join "\t", map { sprintf q("%s"), $_->name } $bench->instances;
  foreach my $i ( 0 .. $max ) {
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    say { $fh } join "\t", map { $_->[$i] } @timings;
  # stuff here to run R to make a plot?