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package Dumbbench::Sim;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Dumbbench;
use Carp 'croak';
require Dumbbench::Sim::Config;

use SOOT qw/:all/;
use Number::WithError 'witherror';

use Class::XSAccessor {
  constructor => 'new',
  accessors   => [qw(

sub from_yaml {
  my $class = shift;
  my $file = shift;

  my $self = $class->new(
    config => Dumbbench::Sim::Config->from_yaml($file)
  return $self;

sub run {
  my $self = shift;
  my $runs = shift || 200;
  my $cfg = $self->config;
  my $timings = [];
  $self->stats(Dumbbench::Stats->new(data => $timings));

  # Random number generators for the different distributions
  # we rescale manually due to the small numbers involved.
  if (not $self->outlier_distribution) {
      TF1->new("outliers", "gaus(0)", -10., 10.)
    $self->outlier_distribution->SetParameters(1., 0., 1.); # max, mean, sigma

  if (not $self->data_distribution) {
      TF1->new("data", "gaus(0)", -10., 10.)
    $self->data_distribution->SetParameters(1., 0., 1.); # max, mean, sigma

  $self->_sim_single_timing(setup => 1);
  $self->_sim_single_timing for 1..$runs;

  # Dumbbench data analysis
  my $stats = $self->stats;
  my ($good, $outliers) = $stats->filter_outliers(
    variability_measure => $cfg->variability_measure,
    nsigma_outliers     => $cfg->outlier_rejection,

  my $variability_measure = $cfg->variability_measure;
  my $res_before = $stats->median;
  my $err_before = $stats->$variability_measure() / sqrt(@{$timings});
  $self->ev_before(witherror($res_before, $err_before));

  my $good_stats = Dumbbench::Stats->new(data => $good);
  $self->stats_outliers(Dumbbench::Stats->new(data => $outliers));

  print "timings:           " . $stats->n . "\n";
  print "good timings:      " . $good_stats->n . "\n";
  print "outlier timings:   " . $self->stats_outliers->n . "\n";

  my $res_after  = $good_stats->median;
  my $err_after  = $good_stats->$variability_measure() / sqrt(@{$good});
  $self->ev_after(witherror($res_after, $err_after));

  print "true time:         " . $cfg->true_time, "\n";
  print "before correction: " . $self->ev_before . " (mean: " . $stats->mean . ")\n";
  print "after correction:  " . $self->ev_after . " (mean: " . $good_stats->mean . ")\n";
  print "\n";

# simulates one run
sub _sim_single_timing {
  my $self = shift;
  my %opts = @_;
  my $cfg = $self->config;

  # The logic behind $opts{setup}, the while(1) loop and $n is that Dumbbench will
  # first run a training run of your benchmark. If the run time is below some value
  # (currently 1.e-4), then it puts a loop around your code and keeps doubling
  # the loop count until the total time is above the limit.
  # THEN, it keeps that N fixed for the real iterations. Here, $opts{setup} indicates
  # the test run.

  my $time = 0;
  my $n = 1;
  my $iloop = 0;
  while (1) {
    # Simulate n levels of offsets with a probability of occurring $outlier_fraction^n
    my $offset = 0;
    while (rand() < $cfg->outlier_fraction) {
      $offset += $self->outlier_distribution->GetRandom()
                 * $cfg->outlier_jitter + $cfg->outlier_offset;

    # now add everything up to a result
    my $regular_time = $self->data_distribution->GetRandom()
                       * $cfg->gauss_jitter_sigma + $cfg->true_time; # rescale manually
    $time += $offset + $regular_time;

    # end condition
    if ($iloop == $n) {
      # increase $n until we're above the limit
      if ($opts{setup}) {
        $n *= 2, next if $time < $cfg->duration_lower_limit;

  # save the required no. of iterations for the actual runs
  if ($opts{setup}) {
    print "Detected a required $n iterations per run.\n";

  # discretization
  # In a nutshell, there is a limited precision to the clock
  # we're using. There is a feature to wait for the next clock
  # tick and then start measuring.
  # If we use this, then we always start at the beginning of the tick.
  # The reported time will be shorter than the actual time because
  # calling time() between ticks reports the time from the preceding tick
  # (obviously). This is done by simply rounding down in units of the
  # clock tick. More precisely, we're probably starting at a defined
  # time in the clock tick since the "waiting" logic has overhead.
  # But we're not simulating that atm.
  # If we do not wait for a tick to start, we start at a random time
  # within a clock tick. Therefore, when we call time() for the first time,
  # it will give us a time that is earlier than the actual time by
  # a uniform random time [0, $clock_tick). So we add that to the
  # run time in this case BEFORE doing the truncation.
  my $ctick = $cfg->clock_tick;
  my $in_tick_start;
  if ($cfg->wait_for_tick) {
    $in_tick_start = 0;
  } else {
    $in_tick_start = $gRandom->Uniform() * $ctick;
  $time += $in_tick_start;
  $time = int($time/$ctick)*$ctick;

  push @{$self->stats->data}, $time/$n if not $opts{setup};

# This is just to create a pretty graph
sub show_plots {
  my $self = shift;
  my $cfg = $self->config;


  # display distributions
  my $hist = TH1D->new(
    "base_dist", "timing distribution MC",
    $cfg->hist_bins+0., $cfg->hist_min+0., $cfg->hist_max+0.
  $hist->Fill($_) for @{$self->stats->data};
  $hist->SetTitle("timing distribution MC;time [s];#");

  my $good_hist = TH1D->new(
    "good_dist", "accepted",
    $cfg->hist_bins+0., $cfg->hist_min+0., $cfg->hist_max+0.
  $good_hist->Fill($_) for @{$self->stats_good->data};

  my $outlier_hist = TH1D->new(
    "outlier_dist", "rejected",
    $cfg->hist_bins+0., $cfg->hist_min+0., $cfg->hist_max+0.
  $outlier_hist->Fill($_) for @{$self->stats_outliers->data};

  my $res_before = $self->ev_before->raw_number;
  my $err_before = $self->ev_before->raw_error->[0];
  my $res_after  = $self->ev_after->raw_number;
  my $err_after  = $self->ev_after->raw_error->[0];

  my $max_y = $hist->GetMaximum();
  my $before = TGraphErrors->new(1, [$res_before*1.0], [$max_y*0.5], [$err_before*1.0], [0.]);
  my $after  = TGraphErrors->new(1, [$res_after*1.0],  [$max_y*0.5], [$err_after*1.0],  [0.]);
  $before->SetTitle("Expect. Val (before)");
  $after->SetTitle("Expect. Val (after)");
  $_->SetMarkerStyle(21), $_->SetMarkerSize(0.8) for $before;
  $_->SetMarkerStyle(20), $_->SetMarkerSize(0.7) for $after;
  $_->SetFillColor(0), $_->SetFillStyle(0) for ($before, $after);

  my $cv = TCanvas->new("cv");

  $_->Draw("P") for ($before, $after);

  my $legend = $cv->BuildLegend();
