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package Mac::Errors;
use strict;

use warnings;
no warnings;

use base qw(Exporter Tie::Scalar);
use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK %MacErrors $MacError $VERSION);

$VERSION = 1.16;

use Exporter;

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Mac::Errors - constants for Mac error codes


	use Mac::Errors qw(openErr);
	if( $value == openErr )
	my $error = $MacErrors{ $symbol };
	# -- OR --
	my $error = $MacErrors{ $number };
	my $symbol = $error->symbol;
	my $number = $error->number;
	my $desc   = $error->description; 
	# in MacPerl, $^E is meaningful, and we tie $MacError to it
	use Mac::Errors qw( $MacError );
	open FILE, $foo or die $^E;       # error number
	open FILE, $foo or die $MacError; # gets description from $^E


The C<%MacErrors> hash indexes error information by the error
number or symbol.  Each value is a C<Mac::Errors> object which
has the symbol, number, and description.

The C<$MacError> scalar performs some tied magic to translate
MacPerl's C<$^E> to the error text.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item symbol

Returns the symbolic constant, (e.g. openErr)

=item number

Returns the error number, (e.g. -23)

=item description

Returns the errror description from MacErrors.h, which may
mean something to you, and may not, (e.g. I/O System Errors).

Descriptions of errors are not unique, and some errors do
not have a description.



All symbolic constants also have a subroutine of the same name.
The subroutine returns the error number.


@EXPORT_OK = qw(%MacErrors $MacError);

tie $MacError, __PACKAGE__;

	my( $class, $scalar ) = @_;
	return bless \$scalar, $class;

	my $errno = $^E + 0;
	return $errno unless exists $MacErrors{ $errno };
	return $MacErrors{ $errno }->description;


sub constants 
	seek DATA, 0, 0; # this reads the entire script
	my $data = do { local $/; <DATA> };
	while( $data =~ m|=item (\w+)(?:\s+([^\n]+))?\n\s+?=cut\s+sub \1 { (-?\d+) }|g ) 
		my( $symbol, $desc, $value ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
		push @EXPORT_OK, $symbol;
		$desc  ||= $symbol;
		my $array = [ $symbol, $value, $desc ];
		bless $array, __PACKAGE__;
		$MacErrors{$symbol} = $MacErrors{$value} = $array;

sub symbol      { $_[0]->[0] }
sub number      { $_[0]->[1] }
sub description { $_[0]->[2] }

=over 4


=item paramErr

 error in user parameter list


sub paramErr { -50 }

=item noHardwareErr

 Sound Manager Error Returns


sub noHardwareErr { -200 }

=item notEnoughHardwareErr

 Sound Manager Error Returns


sub notEnoughHardwareErr { -201 }

=item userCanceledErr


sub userCanceledErr { -128 }

=item qErr

 queue element not found during deletion


sub qErr { -1 }

=item vTypErr

 invalid queue element


sub vTypErr { -2 }

=item corErr

 core routine number out of range


sub corErr { -3 }

=item unimpErr

 unimplemented core routine


sub unimpErr { -4 }

=item SlpTypeErr

 invalid queue element


sub SlpTypeErr { -5 }

=item seNoDB

 no debugger installed to handle debugger command


sub seNoDB { -8 }

=item controlErr

 I/O System Errors


sub controlErr { -17 }

=item statusErr

 I/O System Errors


sub statusErr { -18 }

=item readErr

 I/O System Errors


sub readErr { -19 }

=item writErr

 I/O System Errors


sub writErr { -20 }

=item badUnitErr

 I/O System Errors


sub badUnitErr { -21 }

=item unitEmptyErr

 I/O System Errors


sub unitEmptyErr { -22 }

=item openErr

 I/O System Errors


sub openErr { -23 }

=item closErr

 I/O System Errors


sub closErr { -24 }

=item dRemovErr

 tried to remove an open driver


sub dRemovErr { -25 }

=item abortErr

 IO call aborted by KillIO


sub abortErr { -27 }

=item iIOAbortErr

 IO abort error (Printing Manager)


sub iIOAbortErr { -27 }

=item notOpenErr

 Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened


sub notOpenErr { -28 }

=item unitTblFullErr

 unit table has no more entries


sub unitTblFullErr { -29 }

=item dceExtErr

 dce extension error


sub dceExtErr { -30 }

=item slotNumErr

 invalid slot # error


sub slotNumErr { -360 }

=item gcrOnMFMErr

 gcr format on high density media error


sub gcrOnMFMErr { -400 }

=item dirFulErr

 Directory full


sub dirFulErr { -33 }

=item dskFulErr

 disk full


sub dskFulErr { -34 }

=item nsvErr

 no such volume


sub nsvErr { -35 }

=item ioErr

 I/O error (bummers)


sub ioErr { -36 }

=item bdNamErr

 there may be no bad names in the final system!


sub bdNamErr { -37 }

=item fnOpnErr

 File not open


sub fnOpnErr { -38 }

=item eofErr

 End of file


sub eofErr { -39 }

=item posErr

 tried to position to before start of file (r/w)


sub posErr { -40 }

=item mFulErr

 memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)


sub mFulErr { -41 }

=item tmfoErr

 too many files open


sub tmfoErr { -42 }

=item fnfErr

 File not found


sub fnfErr { -43 }

=item wPrErr

 diskette is write protected.


sub wPrErr { -44 }

=item vLckdErr

 volume is locked


sub vLckdErr { -46 }

=item fBsyErr

 File is busy (delete)


sub fBsyErr { -47 }

=item dupFNErr

 duplicate filename (rename)


sub dupFNErr { -48 }

=item opWrErr

 file already open with with write permission


sub opWrErr { -49 }

=item rfNumErr

 refnum error


sub rfNumErr { -51 }

=item gfpErr

 get file position error


sub gfpErr { -52 }

=item volOffLinErr

 volume not on line error (was Ejected)


sub volOffLinErr { -53 }

=item permErr

 permissions error (on file open)


sub permErr { -54 }

=item volOnLinErr

 drive volume already on-line at MountVol


sub volOnLinErr { -55 }

=item nsDrvErr

 no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)


sub nsDrvErr { -56 }

=item noMacDskErr

 not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)


sub noMacDskErr { -57 }

=item extFSErr

 volume in question belongs to an external fs


sub extFSErr { -58 }

=item fsRnErr

 file system internal error:during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored.


sub fsRnErr { -59 }

=item badMDBErr

 bad master directory block


sub badMDBErr { -60 }

=item wrPermErr

 write permissions error


sub wrPermErr { -61 }

=item dirNFErr

 Directory not found


sub dirNFErr { -120 }

=item tmwdoErr

 No free WDCB available


sub tmwdoErr { -121 }

=item badMovErr

 Move into offspring error


sub badMovErr { -122 }

=item wrgVolTypErr

 Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS]


sub wrgVolTypErr { -123 }

=item fidNotFound

 no file thread exists.


sub fidNotFound { -1300 }

=item fidExists

 file id already exists


sub fidExists { -1301 }

=item notAFileErr

 directory specified


sub notAFileErr { -1302 }

=item diffVolErr

 files on different volumes


sub diffVolErr { -1303 }

=item catChangedErr

 the catalog has been modified


sub catChangedErr { -1304 }

=item desktopDamagedErr

 desktop database files are corrupted


sub desktopDamagedErr { -1305 }

=item sameFileErr

 can't exchange a file with itself


sub sameFileErr { -1306 }

=item badFidErr

 file id is dangling or doesn't match with the file number


sub badFidErr { -1307 }

=item notARemountErr

 when _Mount allows only remounts and doesn't get one


sub notARemountErr { -1308 }

=item fileBoundsErr

 file's EOF, offset, mark or size is too big


sub fileBoundsErr { -1309 }

=item fsDataTooBigErr

 file or volume is too big for system


sub fsDataTooBigErr { -1310 }

=item volVMBusyErr

 can't eject because volume is in use by VM


sub volVMBusyErr { -1311 }

=item badFCBErr

 FCBRecPtr is not valid


sub badFCBErr { -1327 }

=item errFSUnknownCall

 selector is not recognized by this filesystem


sub errFSUnknownCall { -1400 }

=item errFSBadFSRef

 FSRef parameter is bad


sub errFSBadFSRef { -1401 }

=item errFSBadForkName

 Fork name parameter is bad


sub errFSBadForkName { -1402 }

=item errFSBadBuffer

 A buffer parameter was bad


sub errFSBadBuffer { -1403 }

=item errFSBadForkRef

 A ForkRefNum parameter was bad


sub errFSBadForkRef { -1404 }

=item errFSBadInfoBitmap

 A CatalogInfoBitmap or VolumeInfoBitmap has reserved or invalid bits set


sub errFSBadInfoBitmap { -1405 }

=item errFSMissingCatInfo

 A CatalogInfo parameter was NULL


sub errFSMissingCatInfo { -1406 }

=item errFSNotAFolder

 Expected a folder, got a file


sub errFSNotAFolder { -1407 }

=item errFSForkNotFound

 Named fork does not exist


sub errFSForkNotFound { -1409 }

=item errFSNameTooLong

 File/fork name is too long to create/rename


sub errFSNameTooLong { -1410 }

=item errFSMissingName

 A Unicode name parameter was NULL or nameLength parameter was zero


sub errFSMissingName { -1411 }

=item errFSBadPosMode

 Newline bits set in positionMode


sub errFSBadPosMode { -1412 }

=item errFSBadAllocFlags

 Invalid bits set in allocationFlags


sub errFSBadAllocFlags { -1413 }

=item errFSNoMoreItems

 Iteration ran out of items to return


sub errFSNoMoreItems { -1417 }

=item errFSBadItemCount

 maximumItems was zero


sub errFSBadItemCount { -1418 }

=item errFSBadSearchParams

 Something wrong with CatalogSearch searchParams


sub errFSBadSearchParams { -1419 }

=item errFSRefsDifferent

 FSCompareFSRefs; refs are for different objects


sub errFSRefsDifferent { -1420 }

=item errFSForkExists

 Named fork already exists.


sub errFSForkExists { -1421 }

=item errFSBadIteratorFlags

 Flags passed to FSOpenIterator are bad


sub errFSBadIteratorFlags { -1422 }

=item errFSIteratorNotFound

 Passed FSIterator is not an open iterator


sub errFSIteratorNotFound { -1423 }

=item errFSIteratorNotSupported

 The iterator's flags or container are not supported by this call


sub errFSIteratorNotSupported { -1424 }

=item envNotPresent

 returned by glue.


sub envNotPresent { -5500 }

=item envBadVers

 Version non-positive


sub envBadVers { -5501 }

=item envVersTooBig

 Version bigger than call can handle


sub envVersTooBig { -5502 }

=item fontDecError

 error during font declaration


sub fontDecError { -64 }

=item fontNotDeclared

 font not declared


sub fontNotDeclared { -65 }

=item fontSubErr

 font substitution occurred


sub fontSubErr { -66 }

=item fontNotOutlineErr

 bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only


sub fontNotOutlineErr { -32615 }

=item firstDskErr

 I/O System Errors


sub firstDskErr { -84 }

=item lastDskErr

 I/O System Errors


sub lastDskErr { -64 }

=item noDriveErr

 drive not installed


sub noDriveErr { -64 }

=item offLinErr

 r/w requested for an off-line drive


sub offLinErr { -65 }

=item noAdrMkErr

 couldn't find valid addr mark


sub noAdrMkErr { -67 }

=item dataVerErr

 read verify compare failed


sub dataVerErr { -68 }

=item badCksmErr

 addr mark checksum didn't check


sub badCksmErr { -69 }

=item badBtSlpErr

 bad addr mark bit slip nibbles


sub badBtSlpErr { -70 }

=item noDtaMkErr

 couldn't find a data mark header


sub noDtaMkErr { -71 }

=item badDCksum

 bad data mark checksum


sub badDCksum { -72 }

=item badDBtSlp

 bad data mark bit slip nibbles


sub badDBtSlp { -73 }

=item wrUnderrun

 write underrun occurred


sub wrUnderrun { -74 }

=item cantStepErr

 step handshake failed


sub cantStepErr { -75 }

=item tk0BadErr

 track 0 detect doesn't change


sub tk0BadErr { -76 }

=item initIWMErr

 unable to initialize IWM


sub initIWMErr { -77 }

=item twoSideErr

 tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive


sub twoSideErr { -78 }

=item spdAdjErr

 unable to correctly adjust disk speed


sub spdAdjErr { -79 }

=item seekErr

 track number wrong on address mark


sub seekErr { -80 }

=item sectNFErr

 sector number never found on a track


sub sectNFErr { -81 }

=item fmt1Err

 can't find sector 0 after track format


sub fmt1Err { -82 }

=item fmt2Err

 can't get enough sync


sub fmt2Err { -83 }

=item verErr

 track failed to verify


sub verErr { -84 }

=item clkRdErr

 unable to read same clock value twice


sub clkRdErr { -85 }

=item clkWrErr

 time written did not verify


sub clkWrErr { -86 }

=item prWrErr

 parameter ram written didn't read-verify


sub prWrErr { -87 }

=item prInitErr

 InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized


sub prInitErr { -88 }

=item rcvrErr

 SCC receiver error (framing; parity; OR)


sub rcvrErr { -89 }


=head1 Scrap Manager errors

=over 4

=item noScrapErr

 No scrap exists error


sub noScrapErr { -100 }


=head1 ENET error codes

=over 4

=item eLenErr

 Length error ddpLenErr


sub eLenErr { -92 }

=item ddpSktErr

 error in soket number


sub ddpSktErr { -91 }

=item ddpLenErr

 data length too big


sub ddpLenErr { -92 }

=item noBridgeErr

 no network bridge for non-local send


sub noBridgeErr { -93 }

=item lapProtErr

 error in attaching/detaching protocol


sub lapProtErr { -94 }

=item excessCollsns

 excessive collisions on write


sub excessCollsns { -95 }

=item portNotPwr

 serial port not currently powered


sub portNotPwr { -96 }

=item portInUse

 driver Open error code (port is in use)


sub portInUse { -97 }


=head1 Memory Manager errors

=over 4

=item memROZWarn

 soft error in ROZ


sub memROZWarn { -99 }

=item memROZError

 hard error in ROZ


sub memROZError { -99 }

=item memROZErr

 hard error in ROZ


sub memROZErr { -99 }

=item memFullErr

 Not enough room in heap zone


sub memFullErr { -108 }

=item nilHandleErr

 Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other


sub nilHandleErr { -109 }

=item memWZErr

 WhichZone failed (applied to free block)


sub memWZErr { -111 }

=item memPurErr

 trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block


sub memPurErr { -112 }

=item memAdrErr

 address was odd; or out of range


sub memAdrErr { -110 }

=item memAZErr

 Address in zone check failed


sub memAZErr { -113 }

=item memPCErr

 Pointer Check failed


sub memPCErr { -114 }

=item memBCErr

 Block Check failed


sub memBCErr { -115 }

=item memSCErr

 Size Check failed


sub memSCErr { -116 }


=head1 Printing Errors

=over 4

=item iMemFullErr


sub iMemFullErr { -108 }

=item resourceInMemory

 Resource already in memory


sub resourceInMemory { -188 }

=item writingPastEnd

 Writing past end of file


sub writingPastEnd { -189 }

=item inputOutOfBounds

 Offset of Count out of bounds


sub inputOutOfBounds { -190 }

=item resNotFound

 Resource not found


sub resNotFound { -192 }

=item resFNotFound

 Resource file not found


sub resFNotFound { -193 }

=item addResFailed

 AddResource failed


sub addResFailed { -194 }

=item addRefFailed

 AddReference failed


sub addRefFailed { -195 }

=item rmvResFailed

 RmveResource failed


sub rmvResFailed { -196 }

=item rmvRefFailed

 RmveReference failed


sub rmvRefFailed { -197 }

=item resAttrErr

 attribute inconsistent with operation


sub resAttrErr { -198 }

=item mapReadErr

 map inconsistent with operation


sub mapReadErr { -199 }

=item CantDecompress

 resource bent ("the bends") - can't decompress a compressed resource


sub CantDecompress { -186 }

=item badExtResource

 extended resource has a bad format.


sub badExtResource { -185 }

=item noMemForPictPlaybackErr


sub noMemForPictPlaybackErr { -145 }

=item rgnOverflowErr


sub rgnOverflowErr { -147 }

=item rgnTooBigError


sub rgnTooBigError { -147 }

=item pixMapTooDeepErr


sub pixMapTooDeepErr { -148 }

=item insufficientStackErr


sub insufficientStackErr { -149 }

=item cMatchErr

 Color2Index failed to find an index


sub cMatchErr { -150 }

=item cTempMemErr

 failed to allocate memory for temporary structures


sub cTempMemErr { -151 }

=item cNoMemErr

 failed to allocate memory for structure


sub cNoMemErr { -152 }

=item cRangeErr

 range error on colorTable request


sub cRangeErr { -153 }

=item cProtectErr

 colorTable entry protection violation


sub cProtectErr { -154 }

=item cDevErr

 invalid type of graphics device


sub cDevErr { -155 }

=item cResErr

 invalid resolution for MakeITable


sub cResErr { -156 }

=item cDepthErr

 invalid pixel depth


sub cDepthErr { -157 }

=item rgnTooBigErr


sub rgnTooBigErr { -500 }

=item updPixMemErr

 insufficient memory to update a pixmap


sub updPixMemErr { -125 }

=item pictInfoVersionErr

 wrong version of the PictInfo structure


sub pictInfoVersionErr { -11000 }

=item pictInfoIDErr

 the internal consistancy check for the PictInfoID is wrong


sub pictInfoIDErr { -11001 }

=item pictInfoVerbErr

 the passed verb was invalid


sub pictInfoVerbErr { -11002 }

=item cantLoadPickMethodErr

 unable to load the custom pick proc


sub cantLoadPickMethodErr { -11003 }

=item colorsRequestedErr

 the number of colors requested was illegal


sub colorsRequestedErr { -11004 }


=head1 General Errors

=over 4

=item cmProfileError


sub cmProfileError { -170 }

=item cmMethodError


sub cmMethodError { -171 }

=item cmMethodNotFound

 CMM not present


sub cmMethodNotFound { -175 }

=item cmProfileNotFound

 Responder error


sub cmProfileNotFound { -176 }

=item cmProfilesIdentical

 Profiles the same


sub cmProfilesIdentical { -177 }

=item cmCantConcatenateError

 Profile can't be concatenated


sub cmCantConcatenateError { -178 }

=item cmCantXYZ

 CMM cant handle XYZ space


sub cmCantXYZ { -179 }

=item cmCantDeleteProfile

 Responder error


sub cmCantDeleteProfile { -180 }

=item cmUnsupportedDataType

 Responder error


sub cmUnsupportedDataType { -181 }


=head1 Sound Manager errors

=over 4

=item noHardware

 obsolete spelling


sub noHardware { noHardwareErr }

=item notEnoughHardware

 obsolete spelling


sub notEnoughHardware { notEnoughHardwareErr }

=item queueFull

 Sound Manager Error Returns


sub queueFull { -203 }

=item resProblem

 Sound Manager Error Returns


sub resProblem { -204 }

=item badChannel

 Sound Manager Error Returns


sub badChannel { -205 }

=item badFormat

 Sound Manager Error Returns


sub badFormat { -206 }

=item notEnoughBufferSpace

 could not allocate enough memory


sub notEnoughBufferSpace { -207 }

=item badFileFormat

 was not type AIFF or was of bad format,corrupt


sub badFileFormat { -208 }

=item channelBusy

 the Channel is being used for a PFD already


sub channelBusy { -209 }

=item buffersTooSmall

 can not operate in the memory allowed


sub buffersTooSmall { -210 }

=item channelNotBusy


sub channelNotBusy { -211 }

=item noMoreRealTime

 not enough CPU cycles left to add another task


sub noMoreRealTime { -212 }

=item siVBRCompressionNotSupported

 vbr audio compression not supported for this operation


sub siVBRCompressionNotSupported { -213 }

=item siNoSoundInHardware

 no Sound Input hardware


sub siNoSoundInHardware { -220 }

=item siBadSoundInDevice

 invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice


sub siBadSoundInDevice { -221 }

=item siNoBufferSpecified

 returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed


sub siNoBufferSpecified { -222 }

=item siInvalidCompression

 invalid compression type


sub siInvalidCompression { -223 }

=item siHardDriveTooSlow

 hard drive too slow to record to disk


sub siHardDriveTooSlow { -224 }

=item siInvalidSampleRate

 invalid sample rate


sub siInvalidSampleRate { -225 }

=item siInvalidSampleSize

 invalid sample size


sub siInvalidSampleSize { -226 }

=item siDeviceBusyErr

 input device already in use


sub siDeviceBusyErr { -227 }

=item siBadDeviceName

 input device could not be opened


sub siBadDeviceName { -228 }

=item siBadRefNum

 invalid input device reference number


sub siBadRefNum { -229 }

=item siInputDeviceErr

 input device hardware failure


sub siInputDeviceErr { -230 }

=item siUnknownInfoType

 invalid info type selector (returned by driver)


sub siUnknownInfoType { -231 }

=item noSynthFound


sub noSynthFound { -240 }

=item synthOpenFailed


sub synthOpenFailed { -241 }

=item synthNotReady


sub synthNotReady { -242 }

=item bufTooSmall


sub bufTooSmall { -243 }

=item voiceNotFound


sub voiceNotFound { -244 }

=item incompatibleVoice


sub incompatibleVoice { -245 }

=item badDictFormat


sub badDictFormat { -246 }

=item midiNoClientErr

 no client with that ID found


sub midiNoClientErr { -250 }

=item midiNoPortErr

 no port with that ID found


sub midiNoPortErr { -251 }

=item midiTooManyPortsErr

 too many ports already installed in the system


sub midiTooManyPortsErr { -252 }

=item midiTooManyConsErr

 too many connections made


sub midiTooManyConsErr { -253 }

=item midiVConnectErr

 pending virtual connection created


sub midiVConnectErr { -254 }

=item midiVConnectMade

 pending virtual connection resolved


sub midiVConnectMade { -255 }

=item midiVConnectRmvd

 pending virtual connection removed


sub midiVConnectRmvd { -256 }

=item midiNoConErr

 no connection exists between specified ports


sub midiNoConErr { -257 }

=item midiWriteErr

 MIDIWritePacket couldn't write to all connected ports


sub midiWriteErr { -258 }

=item midiNameLenErr

 name supplied is longer than 31 characters


sub midiNameLenErr { -259 }

=item midiDupIDErr

 duplicate client ID


sub midiDupIDErr { -260 }

=item siInitSDTblErr

 slot int dispatch table could not be initialized.


sub siInitSDTblErr { 1 }

=item siInitVBLQsErr

 VBLqueues for all slots could not be initialized.


sub siInitVBLQsErr { 2 }

=item siInitSPTblErr

 slot priority table could not be initialized.


sub siInitSPTblErr { 3 }

=item sdmJTInitErr

 SDM Jump Table could not be initialized.


sub sdmJTInitErr { 10 }

=item sdmInitErr

 SDM could not be initialized.


sub sdmInitErr { 11 }

=item sdmSRTInitErr

 Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.


sub sdmSRTInitErr { 12 }

=item sdmPRAMInitErr

 Slot PRAM could not be initialized.


sub sdmPRAMInitErr { 13 }

=item smSDMInitErr

 Error; SDM could not be initialized.


sub smSDMInitErr { -290 }

=item smSRTInitErr

 Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.


sub smSRTInitErr { -291 }

=item smPRAMInitErr

 Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.


sub smPRAMInitErr { -292 }

=item smPriInitErr

 Error; Cards could not be initialized.


sub smPriInitErr { -293 }

=item smEmptySlot

 No card in slot


sub smEmptySlot { -300 }

=item smCRCFail

 CRC check failed for declaration data


sub smCRCFail { -301 }

=item smFormatErr

 FHeader Format is not Apple's


sub smFormatErr { -302 }

=item smRevisionErr

 Wrong revison level


sub smRevisionErr { -303 }

=item smNoDir

 Directory offset is Nil


sub smNoDir { -304 }

=item smDisabledSlot

 This slot is disabled (-305 use to be smLWTstBad)


sub smDisabledSlot { -305 }

=item smResrvErr

 Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0.


sub smResrvErr { -307 }

=item smUnExBusErr

 Unexpected BusError


sub smUnExBusErr { -308 }

=item smBLFieldBad

 ByteLanes field was bad.


sub smBLFieldBad { -309 }

=item smFHBlockRdErr

 Error occurred during _sGetFHeader.


sub smFHBlockRdErr { -310 }

=item smFHBlkDispErr

 Error occurred during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).


sub smFHBlkDispErr { -311 }

=item smDisposePErr

 _DisposePointer error


sub smDisposePErr { -312 }

=item smNoBoardSRsrc

 No Board sResource.


sub smNoBoardSRsrc { -313 }

=item smGetPRErr

 Error occurred during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).


sub smGetPRErr { -314 }

=item smNoBoardId

 No Board Id.


sub smNoBoardId { -315 }

=item smInitStatVErr

 The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.


sub smInitStatVErr { -316 }

=item smInitTblVErr

 An error occurred while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.


sub smInitTblVErr { -317 }

=item smNoJmpTbl

 SDM jump table could not be created.


sub smNoJmpTbl { -318 }

=item smReservedSlot

 slot is reserved, VM should not use this address space.


sub smReservedSlot { -318 }

=item smBadBoardId

 BoardId was wrong; re-init the PRAM record.


sub smBadBoardId { -319 }

=item smBusErrTO

 BusError time out.
These errors are logged in the  vendor status field of the sInfo record.


sub smBusErrTO { -320 }

=item svTempDisable

 Temporarily disable card but run primary init.


sub svTempDisable { -32768 }

=item svDisabled

 Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.


sub svDisabled { -32640 }

=item smBadRefId

 Reference Id not found in List


sub smBadRefId { -330 }

=item smBadsList

 Bad sList: Id1 < Id2 < Id3 ...format is not followed.


sub smBadsList { -331 }

=item smReservedErr

 Reserved field not zero


sub smReservedErr { -332 }

=item smCPUErr

 Code revision is wrong


sub smCPUErr { -334 }

=item smsPointerNil

 LPointer is nil From sOffsetData. If this error occurs; check sInfo rec for more information.


sub smsPointerNil { -335 }

=item smNilsBlockErr

 Nil sBlock error (Dont allocate and try to use a nil sBlock)


sub smNilsBlockErr { -336 }

=item smSlotOOBErr

 Slot out of bounds error


sub smSlotOOBErr { -337 }

=item smSelOOBErr

 Selector out of bounds error


sub smSelOOBErr { -338 }

=item smNewPErr

 _NewPtr error


sub smNewPErr { -339 }

=item smBlkMoveErr

 _BlockMove error


sub smBlkMoveErr { -340 }

=item smCkStatusErr

 Status of slot = fail.


sub smCkStatusErr { -341 }

=item smGetDrvrNamErr

 Error occurred during _sGetDrvrName.


sub smGetDrvrNamErr { -342 }

=item smDisDrvrNamErr

 Error occurred during _sDisDrvrName.


sub smDisDrvrNamErr { -343 }

=item smNoMoresRsrcs

 No more sResources


sub smNoMoresRsrcs { -344 }

=item smsGetDrvrErr

 Error occurred during _sGetDriver.


sub smsGetDrvrErr { -345 }

=item smBadsPtrErr

 Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer


sub smBadsPtrErr { -346 }

=item smByteLanesErr

 NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.


sub smByteLanesErr { -347 }

=item smOffsetErr

 Offset was too big (temporary error


sub smOffsetErr { -348 }

=item smNoGoodOpens

 No opens were successfull in the loop.


sub smNoGoodOpens { -349 }

=item smSRTOvrFlErr

 SRT over flow.


sub smSRTOvrFlErr { -350 }


=head1 Dictionary Manager errors

=over 4

=item notBTree

 The file is not a dictionary.


sub notBTree { -410 }

=item btNoSpace

 Can't allocate disk space.


sub btNoSpace { -413 }

=item btDupRecErr

 Record already exists.


sub btDupRecErr { -414 }

=item btRecNotFnd

 Record cannot be found.


sub btRecNotFnd { -415 }

=item btKeyLenErr

 Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero.


sub btKeyLenErr { -416 }

=item btKeyAttrErr

 There is no such a key attribute.


sub btKeyAttrErr { -417 }

=item unknownInsertModeErr

 There is no such an insert mode.


sub unknownInsertModeErr { -20000 }

=item recordDataTooBigErr

 The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).


sub recordDataTooBigErr { -20001 }

=item fsmFFSNotFoundErr

 Foreign File system does not exist - new Pack2 could return this error too


sub fsmFFSNotFoundErr { -431 }

=item fsmBusyFFSErr

 File system is busy, cannot be removed


sub fsmBusyFFSErr { -432 }

=item fsmBadFFSNameErr

 Name length not 1 <= length <= 31


sub fsmBadFFSNameErr { -433 }

=item fsmBadFSDLenErr

 FSD size incompatible with current FSM vers


sub fsmBadFSDLenErr { -434 }

=item fsmDuplicateFSIDErr

 FSID already exists on InstallFS


sub fsmDuplicateFSIDErr { -435 }

=item fsmBadFSDVersionErr

 FSM version incompatible with FSD


sub fsmBadFSDVersionErr { -436 }

=item fsmNoAlternateStackErr

 no alternate stack for HFS CI


sub fsmNoAlternateStackErr { -437 }


=head1 Edition Mgr errors

=over 4

=item editionMgrInitErr

 edition manager not inited by this app


sub editionMgrInitErr { -450 }

=item badSectionErr

 not a valid SectionRecord


sub badSectionErr { -451 }

=item notRegisteredSectionErr

 not a registered SectionRecord


sub notRegisteredSectionErr { -452 }

=item badEditionFileErr

 edition file is corrupt


sub badEditionFileErr { -453 }

=item badSubPartErr

 can not use sub parts in this release


sub badSubPartErr { -454 }

=item multiplePublisherWrn

 A Publisher is already registered for that container


sub multiplePublisherWrn { -460 }

=item containerNotFoundWrn

 could not find editionContainer at this time


sub containerNotFoundWrn { -461 }

=item containerAlreadyOpenWrn

 container already opened by this section


sub containerAlreadyOpenWrn { -462 }

=item teScrapSizeErr

 scrap item too big for text edit record


sub teScrapSizeErr { -501 }

=item hwParamErr

 bad selector for _HWPriv


sub hwParamErr { -502 }


=head1 Process Manager errors

=over 4

=item procNotFound

 no eligible process with specified descriptor


sub procNotFound { -600 }

=item memFragErr

 not enough room to launch app w/special requirements


sub memFragErr { -601 }

=item appModeErr

 memory mode is 32-bit, but app not 32-bit clean


sub appModeErr { -602 }

=item protocolErr

 app made module calls in improper order


sub protocolErr { -603 }

=item hardwareConfigErr

 hardware configuration not correct for call


sub hardwareConfigErr { -604 }

=item appMemFullErr

 application SIZE not big enough for launch


sub appMemFullErr { -605 }

=item appIsDaemon

 app is BG-only, and launch flags disallow this


sub appIsDaemon { -606 }

=item bufferIsSmall

 error returns from Post and Accept


sub bufferIsSmall { -607 }

=item noOutstandingHLE


sub noOutstandingHLE { -608 }

=item connectionInvalid


sub connectionInvalid { -609 }


=head1 More Process Manager errors

=over 4

=item wrongApplicationPlatform

 The application could not launch because the required platform is not available


sub wrongApplicationPlatform { -875 }

=item appVersionTooOld

 The application's creator and version are incompatible with the current version of Mac OS.


sub appVersionTooOld { -876 }

=item threadTooManyReqsErr


sub threadTooManyReqsErr { -617 }

=item threadNotFoundErr


sub threadNotFoundErr { -618 }

=item notEnoughMemoryErr

 insufficient physical memory


sub notEnoughMemoryErr { -620 }

=item notHeldErr

 specified range of memory is not held


sub notHeldErr { -621 }

=item cannotMakeContiguousErr

 cannot make specified range contiguous


sub cannotMakeContiguousErr { -622 }

=item notLockedErr

 specified range of memory is not locked


sub notLockedErr { -623 }

=item interruptsMaskedErr

 don't call with interrupts masked


sub interruptsMaskedErr { -624 }

=item cannotDeferErr

 unable to defer additional functions


sub cannotDeferErr { -625 }

=item vmMorePhysicalThanVirtualErr

 VM could not start because there was more physical memory than virtual memory (bad setting in VM config resource)


sub vmMorePhysicalThanVirtualErr { -628 }

=item vmKernelMMUInitErr

 VM could not start because VM_MMUInit kernel call failed


sub vmKernelMMUInitErr { -629 }

=item vmOffErr

 VM was configured off, or command key was held down at boot


sub vmOffErr { -630 }

=item vmMemLckdErr

 VM could not start because of a lock table conflict (only on non-SuperMario ROMs)


sub vmMemLckdErr { -631 }

=item vmBadDriver

 VM could not start because the driver was incompatible


sub vmBadDriver { -632 }

=item vmInvalidBackingFileIDErr

 invalid BackingFileID


sub vmInvalidBackingFileIDErr { -640 }

=item vmMappingPrivilegesErr

 requested MappingPrivileges cannot be obtained


sub vmMappingPrivilegesErr { -641 }

=item vmBusyBackingFileErr

 open views found on BackingFile


sub vmBusyBackingFileErr { -642 }

=item vmNoMoreBackingFilesErr

 no more BackingFiles were found


sub vmNoMoreBackingFilesErr { -643 }

=item vmInvalidFileViewIDErr

 invalid FileViewID


sub vmInvalidFileViewIDErr { -644 }

=item vmFileViewAccessErr

 requested FileViewAccess cannot be obtained


sub vmFileViewAccessErr { -645 }

=item vmNoMoreFileViewsErr

 no more FileViews were found


sub vmNoMoreFileViewsErr { -646 }

=item vmAddressNotInFileViewErr

 address is not in a FileView


sub vmAddressNotInFileViewErr { -647 }

=item rcDBNull


sub rcDBNull { -800 }

=item rcDBValue


sub rcDBValue { -801 }

=item rcDBError


sub rcDBError { -802 }

=item rcDBBadType


sub rcDBBadType { -803 }

=item rcDBBreak


sub rcDBBreak { -804 }

=item rcDBExec


sub rcDBExec { -805 }

=item rcDBBadSessID


sub rcDBBadSessID { -806 }

=item rcDBBadSessNum

 bad session number for DBGetConnInfo


sub rcDBBadSessNum { -807 }

=item rcDBBadDDEV

 bad ddev specified on DBInit


sub rcDBBadDDEV { -808 }

=item rcDBAsyncNotSupp

 ddev does not support async calls


sub rcDBAsyncNotSupp { -809 }

=item rcDBBadAsyncPB

 tried to kill a bad pb


sub rcDBBadAsyncPB { -810 }

=item rcDBNoHandler

 no app handler for specified data type


sub rcDBNoHandler { -811 }

=item rcDBWrongVersion

 incompatible versions


sub rcDBWrongVersion { -812 }

=item hmHelpDisabled

 Show Balloons mode was off, call to routine ignored


sub hmHelpDisabled { -850 }

=item hmBalloonAborted

 Returned if mouse was moving or mouse wasn't in window port rect


sub hmBalloonAborted { -853 }

=item hmSameAsLastBalloon

 Returned from HMShowMenuBalloon if menu & item is same as last time


sub hmSameAsLastBalloon { -854 }

=item hmHelpManagerNotInited

 Returned from HMGetHelpMenuHandle if help menu not setup


sub hmHelpManagerNotInited { -855 }

=item hmSkippedBalloon

 Returned from calls if helpmsg specified a skip balloon


sub hmSkippedBalloon { -857 }

=item hmWrongVersion

 Returned if help mgr resource was the wrong version


sub hmWrongVersion { -858 }

=item hmUnknownHelpType

 Returned if help msg record contained a bad type


sub hmUnknownHelpType { -859 }

=item hmOperationUnsupported

 Returned from HMShowBalloon call if bad method passed to routine


sub hmOperationUnsupported { -861 }

=item hmNoBalloonUp

 Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if no balloon was visible when call was made


sub hmNoBalloonUp { -862 }


=head1 PPC errors

=over 4

=item notInitErr

 PPCToolBox not initialized


sub notInitErr { -900 }

=item nameTypeErr

 Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName


sub nameTypeErr { -902 }

=item noPortErr

 Unable to open port or bad portRefNum.  If you're calling
AESend, this is because your application does not have


sub noPortErr { -903 }

=item noGlobalsErr

 The system is hosed, better re-boot


sub noGlobalsErr { -904 }

=item localOnlyErr

 Network activity is currently disabled


sub localOnlyErr { -905 }

=item destPortErr

 Port does not exist at destination


sub destPortErr { -906 }

=item sessTableErr

 Out of session tables, try again later


sub sessTableErr { -907 }

=item noSessionErr

 Invalid session reference number


sub noSessionErr { -908 }

=item badReqErr

 bad parameter or invalid state for operation


sub badReqErr { -909 }

=item portNameExistsErr

 port is already open (perhaps in another app)


sub portNameExistsErr { -910 }

=item noUserNameErr

 user name unknown on destination machine


sub noUserNameErr { -911 }

=item userRejectErr

 Destination rejected the session request


sub userRejectErr { -912 }

=item noMachineNameErr

 user hasn't named his Macintosh in the Network Setup Control Panel


sub noMachineNameErr { -913 }

=item noToolboxNameErr

 A system resource is missing, not too likely


sub noToolboxNameErr { -914 }

=item noResponseErr

 unable to contact destination


sub noResponseErr { -915 }

=item portClosedErr

 port was closed


sub portClosedErr { -916 }

=item sessClosedErr

 session was closed


sub sessClosedErr { -917 }

=item badPortNameErr

 PPCPortRec malformed


sub badPortNameErr { -919 }

=item noDefaultUserErr

 user hasn't typed in owners name in Network Setup Control Pannel


sub noDefaultUserErr { -922 }

=item notLoggedInErr

 The default userRefNum does not yet exist


sub notLoggedInErr { -923 }

=item noUserRefErr

 unable to create a new userRefNum


sub noUserRefErr { -924 }

=item networkErr

 An error has occurred in the network, not too likely


sub networkErr { -925 }

=item noInformErr

 PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending


sub noInformErr { -926 }

=item authFailErr

 unable to authenticate user at destination


sub authFailErr { -927 }

=item noUserRecErr

 Invalid user reference number


sub noUserRecErr { -928 }

=item badServiceMethodErr

 illegal service type, or not supported


sub badServiceMethodErr { -930 }

=item badLocNameErr

 location name malformed


sub badLocNameErr { -931 }


=head1 Font Mgr errors

=over 4

=item kFMIterationCompleted


sub kFMIterationCompleted { -980 }

=item kFMInvalidFontFamilyErr


sub kFMInvalidFontFamilyErr { -981 }

=item kFMInvalidFontErr


sub kFMInvalidFontErr { -982 }

=item kFMIterationScopeModifiedErr


sub kFMIterationScopeModifiedErr { -983 }

=item kFMFontTableAccessErr


sub kFMFontTableAccessErr { -984 }

=item nbpBuffOvr

 Buffer overflow in LookupName


sub nbpBuffOvr { -1024 }

=item nbpNoConfirm


sub nbpNoConfirm { -1025 }

=item nbpConfDiff

 Name confirmed at different socket


sub nbpConfDiff { -1026 }

=item nbpDuplicate

 Duplicate name exists already


sub nbpDuplicate { -1027 }

=item nbpNotFound

 Name not found on remove


sub nbpNotFound { -1028 }

=item aspBadVersNum

 Server cannot support this ASP version


sub aspBadVersNum { -1066 }

=item aspBufTooSmall

 Buffer too small


sub aspBufTooSmall { -1067 }

=item aspNoMoreSess

 No more sessions on server


sub aspNoMoreSess { -1068 }

=item aspNoServers

 No servers at that address


sub aspNoServers { -1069 }

=item aspParamErr

 Parameter error


sub aspParamErr { -1070 }

=item aspServerBusy

 Server cannot open another session


sub aspServerBusy { -1071 }

=item aspSessClosed

 Session closed


sub aspSessClosed { -1072 }

=item aspSizeErr

 Command block too big


sub aspSizeErr { -1073 }

=item aspTooMany

 Too many clients (server error)


sub aspTooMany { -1074 }

=item reqFailed


sub reqFailed { -1096 }

=item tooManyReqs


sub tooManyReqs { -1097 }

=item tooManySkts


sub tooManySkts { -1098 }

=item badATPSkt


sub badATPSkt { -1099 }

=item badBuffNum


sub badBuffNum { -1100 }

=item noRelErr


sub noRelErr { -1101 }

=item cbNotFound


sub cbNotFound { -1102 }

=item noSendResp


sub noSendResp { -1103 }

=item noDataArea


sub noDataArea { -1104 }


=head1 driver control ioResults

=over 4

=item errRefNum

 bad connection refNum


sub errRefNum { -1280 }

=item errAborted

 control call was aborted


sub errAborted { -1279 }

=item errState

 bad connection state for this operation


sub errState { -1278 }

=item errOpening

 open connection request failed


sub errOpening { -1277 }

=item errAttention

 attention message too long


sub errAttention { -1276 }

=item errFwdReset

 read terminated by forward reset


sub errFwdReset { -1275 }

=item errDSPQueueSize

 DSP Read/Write Queue Too small


sub errDSPQueueSize { -1274 }


=head1 Apple event manager error messages

=over 4

=item errAECoercionFail

 bad parameter data or unable to coerce the data supplied


sub errAECoercionFail { -1700 }

=item errAEDescNotFound


sub errAEDescNotFound { -1701 }

=item errAECorruptData


sub errAECorruptData { -1702 }

=item errAEWrongDataType


sub errAEWrongDataType { -1703 }

=item errAENotAEDesc


sub errAENotAEDesc { -1704 }

=item errAEBadListItem

 the specified list item does not exist


sub errAEBadListItem { -1705 }

=item errAENewerVersion

 need newer version of the AppleEvent manager


sub errAENewerVersion { -1706 }

=item errAENotAppleEvent

 the event is not in AppleEvent format


sub errAENotAppleEvent { -1707 }

=item errAEEventNotHandled

 the AppleEvent was not handled by any handler


sub errAEEventNotHandled { -1708 }

=item errAEReplyNotValid

 AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter


sub errAEReplyNotValid { -1709 }

=item errAEUnknownSendMode

 mode wasn't NoReply, WaitReply, or QueueReply or Interaction level is unknown


sub errAEUnknownSendMode { -1710 }

=item errAEWaitCanceled

 in AESend, the user cancelled out of wait loop for reply or receipt


sub errAEWaitCanceled { -1711 }

=item errAETimeout

 the AppleEvent timed out


sub errAETimeout { -1712 }

=item errAENoUserInteraction

 no user interaction is allowed


sub errAENoUserInteraction { -1713 }

=item errAENotASpecialFunction

 there is no special function for/with this keyword


sub errAENotASpecialFunction { -1714 }

=item errAEParamMissed

 a required parameter was not accessed


sub errAEParamMissed { -1715 }

=item errAEUnknownAddressType

 the target address type is not known


sub errAEUnknownAddressType { -1716 }

=item errAEHandlerNotFound

 no handler in the dispatch tables fits the parameters to AEGetEventHandler or AEGetCoercionHandler


sub errAEHandlerNotFound { -1717 }

=item errAEReplyNotArrived

 the contents of the reply you are accessing have not arrived yet


sub errAEReplyNotArrived { -1718 }

=item errAEIllegalIndex

 index is out of range in a put operation


sub errAEIllegalIndex { -1719 }

=item errAEImpossibleRange

 A range like 3rd to 2nd, or 1st to all.


sub errAEImpossibleRange { -1720 }

=item errAEWrongNumberArgs

 Logical op kAENOT used with other than 1 term


sub errAEWrongNumberArgs { -1721 }

=item errAEAccessorNotFound

 Accessor proc matching wantClass and containerType or wildcards not found


sub errAEAccessorNotFound { -1723 }

=item errAENoSuchLogical

 Something other than AND, OR, or NOT


sub errAENoSuchLogical { -1725 }

=item errAEBadTestKey

 Test is neither typeLogicalDescriptor nor typeCompDescriptor


sub errAEBadTestKey { -1726 }

=item errAENotAnObjSpec

 Param to AEResolve not of type 'obj '


sub errAENotAnObjSpec { -1727 }

=item errAENoSuchObject

 e.g.,: specifier asked for the 3rd, but there are only 2. Basically, this indicates a run-time resolution error.


sub errAENoSuchObject { -1728 }

=item errAENegativeCount

 CountProc returned negative value


sub errAENegativeCount { -1729 }

=item errAEEmptyListContainer

 Attempt to pass empty list as container to accessor


sub errAEEmptyListContainer { -1730 }

=item errAEUnknownObjectType

 available only in version 1.0.1 or greater


sub errAEUnknownObjectType { -1731 }

=item errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn

 available only in version 1.0.1 or greater


sub errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn { -1732 }

=item errAEReceiveTerminate

 break out of all levels of AEReceive to the topmost (1.1 or greater)


sub errAEReceiveTerminate { -1733 }

=item errAEReceiveEscapeCurrent

 break out of only lowest level of AEReceive (1.1 or greater)


sub errAEReceiveEscapeCurrent { -1734 }

=item errAEEventFiltered

 event has been filtered, and should not be propogated (1.1 or greater)


sub errAEEventFiltered { -1735 }

=item errAEDuplicateHandler

 attempt to install handler in table for identical class and id (1.1 or greater)


sub errAEDuplicateHandler { -1736 }

=item errAEStreamBadNesting

 nesting violation while streaming


sub errAEStreamBadNesting { -1737 }

=item errAEStreamAlreadyConverted

 attempt to convert a stream that has already been converted


sub errAEStreamAlreadyConverted { -1738 }

=item errAEDescIsNull

 attempting to perform an invalid operation on a null descriptor


sub errAEDescIsNull { -1739 }

=item errAEBuildSyntaxError

 AEBuildDesc and friends detected a syntax error


sub errAEBuildSyntaxError { -1740 }

=item errOSASystemError


sub errOSASystemError { -1750 }

=item errOSAInvalidID


sub errOSAInvalidID { -1751 }

=item errOSABadStorageType


sub errOSABadStorageType { -1752 }

=item errOSAScriptError


sub errOSAScriptError { -1753 }

=item errOSABadSelector


sub errOSABadSelector { -1754 }

=item errOSASourceNotAvailable


sub errOSASourceNotAvailable { -1756 }

=item errOSANoSuchDialect


sub errOSANoSuchDialect { -1757 }

=item errOSADataFormatObsolete


sub errOSADataFormatObsolete { -1758 }

=item errOSADataFormatTooNew


sub errOSADataFormatTooNew { -1759 }

=item errOSACorruptData


sub errOSACorruptData { errAECorruptData }

=item errOSARecordingIsAlreadyOn


sub errOSARecordingIsAlreadyOn { errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn }

=item errOSAComponentMismatch

 Parameters are from 2 different components


sub errOSAComponentMismatch { -1761 }


=head1 AppleEvent error definitions

=over 4

=item errOffsetInvalid


sub errOffsetInvalid { -1800 }

=item errOffsetIsOutsideOfView


sub errOffsetIsOutsideOfView { -1801 }

=item errTopOfDocument


sub errTopOfDocument { -1810 }

=item errTopOfBody


sub errTopOfBody { -1811 }

=item errEndOfDocument


sub errEndOfDocument { -1812 }


=head1 Drag Manager error codes

=over 4

=item badDragRefErr

 unknown drag reference


sub badDragRefErr { -1850 }

=item badDragItemErr

 unknown drag item reference


sub badDragItemErr { -1851 }

=item badDragFlavorErr

 unknown flavor type


sub badDragFlavorErr { -1852 }

=item duplicateFlavorErr

 flavor type already exists


sub duplicateFlavorErr { -1853 }

=item cantGetFlavorErr

 error while trying to get flavor data


sub cantGetFlavorErr { -1854 }

=item duplicateHandlerErr

 handler already exists


sub duplicateHandlerErr { -1855 }

=item handlerNotFoundErr

 handler not found


sub handlerNotFoundErr { -1856 }

=item dragNotAcceptedErr

 drag was not accepted by receiver


sub dragNotAcceptedErr { -1857 }

=item unsupportedForPlatformErr

 call is for PowerPC only


sub unsupportedForPlatformErr { -1858 }

=item noSuitableDisplaysErr

 no displays support translucency


sub noSuitableDisplaysErr { -1859 }

=item badImageRgnErr

 bad translucent image region


sub badImageRgnErr { -1860 }

=item badImageErr

 bad translucent image PixMap


sub badImageErr { -1861 }


=head1 QuickTime errors

=over 4

=item couldNotResolveDataRef


sub couldNotResolveDataRef { -2000 }

=item badImageDescription


sub badImageDescription { -2001 }

=item badPublicMovieAtom


sub badPublicMovieAtom { -2002 }

=item cantFindHandler


sub cantFindHandler { -2003 }

=item cantOpenHandler


sub cantOpenHandler { -2004 }

=item badComponentType


sub badComponentType { -2005 }

=item noMediaHandler


sub noMediaHandler { -2006 }

=item noDataHandler


sub noDataHandler { -2007 }

=item invalidMedia


sub invalidMedia { -2008 }

=item invalidTrack


sub invalidTrack { -2009 }

=item invalidMovie


sub invalidMovie { -2010 }

=item invalidSampleTable


sub invalidSampleTable { -2011 }

=item invalidDataRef


sub invalidDataRef { -2012 }

=item invalidHandler


sub invalidHandler { -2013 }

=item invalidDuration


sub invalidDuration { -2014 }

=item invalidTime


sub invalidTime { -2015 }

=item cantPutPublicMovieAtom


sub cantPutPublicMovieAtom { -2016 }

=item badEditList


sub badEditList { -2017 }

=item mediaTypesDontMatch


sub mediaTypesDontMatch { -2018 }

=item progressProcAborted


sub progressProcAborted { -2019 }

=item movieToolboxUninitialized


sub movieToolboxUninitialized { -2020 }

=item noRecordOfApp



sub noRecordOfApp { movieToolboxUninitialized }

=item wfFileNotFound


sub wfFileNotFound { -2021 }

=item cantCreateSingleForkFile

 happens when file already exists


sub cantCreateSingleForkFile { -2022 }

=item invalidEditState


sub invalidEditState { -2023 }

=item nonMatchingEditState


sub nonMatchingEditState { -2024 }

=item staleEditState


sub staleEditState { -2025 }

=item userDataItemNotFound


sub userDataItemNotFound { -2026 }

=item maxSizeToGrowTooSmall


sub maxSizeToGrowTooSmall { -2027 }

=item badTrackIndex


sub badTrackIndex { -2028 }

=item trackIDNotFound


sub trackIDNotFound { -2029 }

=item trackNotInMovie


sub trackNotInMovie { -2030 }

=item timeNotInTrack


sub timeNotInTrack { -2031 }

=item timeNotInMedia


sub timeNotInMedia { -2032 }

=item badEditIndex


sub badEditIndex { -2033 }

=item internalQuickTimeError


sub internalQuickTimeError { -2034 }

=item cantEnableTrack


sub cantEnableTrack { -2035 }

=item invalidRect


sub invalidRect { -2036 }

=item invalidSampleNum


sub invalidSampleNum { -2037 }

=item invalidChunkNum


sub invalidChunkNum { -2038 }

=item invalidSampleDescIndex


sub invalidSampleDescIndex { -2039 }

=item invalidChunkCache


sub invalidChunkCache { -2040 }

=item invalidSampleDescription


sub invalidSampleDescription { -2041 }

=item dataNotOpenForRead


sub dataNotOpenForRead { -2042 }

=item dataNotOpenForWrite


sub dataNotOpenForWrite { -2043 }

=item dataAlreadyOpenForWrite


sub dataAlreadyOpenForWrite { -2044 }

=item dataAlreadyClosed


sub dataAlreadyClosed { -2045 }

=item endOfDataReached


sub endOfDataReached { -2046 }

=item dataNoDataRef


sub dataNoDataRef { -2047 }

=item noMovieFound


sub noMovieFound { -2048 }

=item invalidDataRefContainer


sub invalidDataRefContainer { -2049 }

=item badDataRefIndex


sub badDataRefIndex { -2050 }

=item noDefaultDataRef


sub noDefaultDataRef { -2051 }

=item couldNotUseAnExistingSample


sub couldNotUseAnExistingSample { -2052 }

=item featureUnsupported


sub featureUnsupported { -2053 }

=item noVideoTrackInMovieErr

 QT for Windows error


sub noVideoTrackInMovieErr { -2054 }

=item noSoundTrackInMovieErr

 QT for Windows error


sub noSoundTrackInMovieErr { -2055 }

=item soundSupportNotAvailableErr

 QT for Windows error


sub soundSupportNotAvailableErr { -2056 }

=item unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData


sub unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData { -2057 }

=item auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable


sub auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable { -2058 }

=item samplesAlreadyInMediaErr


sub samplesAlreadyInMediaErr { -2059 }

=item noSourceTreeFoundErr


sub noSourceTreeFoundErr { -2060 }

=item sourceNotFoundErr


sub sourceNotFoundErr { -2061 }

=item movieTextNotFoundErr


sub movieTextNotFoundErr { -2062 }

=item missingRequiredParameterErr


sub missingRequiredParameterErr { -2063 }

=item invalidSpriteWorldPropertyErr


sub invalidSpriteWorldPropertyErr { -2064 }

=item invalidSpritePropertyErr


sub invalidSpritePropertyErr { -2065 }

=item gWorldsNotSameDepthAndSizeErr


sub gWorldsNotSameDepthAndSizeErr { -2066 }

=item invalidSpriteIndexErr


sub invalidSpriteIndexErr { -2067 }

=item invalidImageIndexErr


sub invalidImageIndexErr { -2068 }

=item internalComponentErr


sub internalComponentErr { -2070 }

=item notImplementedMusicOSErr


sub notImplementedMusicOSErr { -2071 }

=item cantSendToSynthesizerOSErr


sub cantSendToSynthesizerOSErr { -2072 }

=item cantReceiveFromSynthesizerOSErr


sub cantReceiveFromSynthesizerOSErr { -2073 }

=item illegalVoiceAllocationOSErr


sub illegalVoiceAllocationOSErr { -2074 }

=item illegalPartOSErr


sub illegalPartOSErr { -2075 }

=item illegalChannelOSErr


sub illegalChannelOSErr { -2076 }

=item illegalKnobOSErr


sub illegalKnobOSErr { -2077 }

=item illegalKnobValueOSErr


sub illegalKnobValueOSErr { -2078 }

=item illegalInstrumentOSErr


sub illegalInstrumentOSErr { -2079 }

=item illegalControllerOSErr


sub illegalControllerOSErr { -2080 }

=item midiManagerAbsentOSErr


sub midiManagerAbsentOSErr { -2081 }

=item synthesizerNotRespondingOSErr


sub synthesizerNotRespondingOSErr { -2082 }

=item synthesizerOSErr


sub synthesizerOSErr { -2083 }

=item illegalNoteChannelOSErr


sub illegalNoteChannelOSErr { -2084 }

=item noteChannelNotAllocatedOSErr


sub noteChannelNotAllocatedOSErr { -2085 }

=item tunePlayerFullOSErr


sub tunePlayerFullOSErr { -2086 }

=item tuneParseOSErr


sub tuneParseOSErr { -2087 }

=item noExportProcAvailableErr


sub noExportProcAvailableErr { -2089 }

=item componentDllLoadErr

 Windows specific errors (when component is loading)


sub componentDllLoadErr { -2091 }

=item componentDllEntryNotFoundErr

 Windows specific errors (when component is loading)


sub componentDllEntryNotFoundErr { -2092 }

=item qtmlDllLoadErr

 Windows specific errors (when qtml is loading)


sub qtmlDllLoadErr { -2093 }

=item qtmlDllEntryNotFoundErr

 Windows specific errors (when qtml is loading)


sub qtmlDllEntryNotFoundErr { -2094 }

=item qtmlUninitialized


sub qtmlUninitialized { -2095 }

=item unsupportedOSErr


sub unsupportedOSErr { -2096 }

=item cannotFindAtomErr


sub cannotFindAtomErr { -2101 }

=item notLeafAtomErr


sub notLeafAtomErr { -2102 }

=item atomsNotOfSameTypeErr


sub atomsNotOfSameTypeErr { -2103 }

=item atomIndexInvalidErr


sub atomIndexInvalidErr { -2104 }

=item duplicateAtomTypeAndIDErr


sub duplicateAtomTypeAndIDErr { -2105 }

=item invalidAtomErr


sub invalidAtomErr { -2106 }

=item invalidAtomContainerErr


sub invalidAtomContainerErr { -2107 }

=item invalidAtomTypeErr


sub invalidAtomTypeErr { -2108 }

=item cannotBeLeafAtomErr


sub cannotBeLeafAtomErr { -2109 }

=item pathTooLongErr


sub pathTooLongErr { -2110 }

=item emptyPathErr


sub emptyPathErr { -2111 }

=item noPathMappingErr


sub noPathMappingErr { -2112 }

=item pathNotVerifiedErr


sub pathNotVerifiedErr { -2113 }

=item unknownFormatErr


sub unknownFormatErr { -2114 }

=item wackBadFileErr


sub wackBadFileErr { -2115 }

=item wackForkNotFoundErr


sub wackForkNotFoundErr { -2116 }

=item wackBadMetaDataErr


sub wackBadMetaDataErr { -2117 }

=item qfcbNotFoundErr


sub qfcbNotFoundErr { -2118 }

=item qfcbNotCreatedErr


sub qfcbNotCreatedErr { -2119 }

=item AAPNotCreatedErr


sub AAPNotCreatedErr { -2120 }

=item AAPNotFoundErr


sub AAPNotFoundErr { -2121 }

=item ASDBadHeaderErr


sub ASDBadHeaderErr { -2122 }

=item ASDBadForkErr


sub ASDBadForkErr { -2123 }

=item ASDEntryNotFoundErr


sub ASDEntryNotFoundErr { -2124 }

=item fileOffsetTooBigErr


sub fileOffsetTooBigErr { -2125 }

=item notAllowedToSaveMovieErr


sub notAllowedToSaveMovieErr { -2126 }

=item qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr


sub qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr { -2127 }

=item urlDataHHTTPProtocolErr


sub urlDataHHTTPProtocolErr { -2129 }

=item urlDataHHTTPNoNetDriverErr


sub urlDataHHTTPNoNetDriverErr { -2130 }

=item urlDataHHTTPURLErr


sub urlDataHHTTPURLErr { -2131 }

=item urlDataHHTTPRedirectErr


sub urlDataHHTTPRedirectErr { -2132 }

=item urlDataHFTPProtocolErr


sub urlDataHFTPProtocolErr { -2133 }

=item urlDataHFTPShutdownErr


sub urlDataHFTPShutdownErr { -2134 }

=item urlDataHFTPBadUserErr


sub urlDataHFTPBadUserErr { -2135 }

=item urlDataHFTPBadPasswordErr


sub urlDataHFTPBadPasswordErr { -2136 }

=item urlDataHFTPServerErr


sub urlDataHFTPServerErr { -2137 }

=item urlDataHFTPDataConnectionErr


sub urlDataHFTPDataConnectionErr { -2138 }

=item urlDataHFTPNoDirectoryErr


sub urlDataHFTPNoDirectoryErr { -2139 }

=item urlDataHFTPQuotaErr


sub urlDataHFTPQuotaErr { -2140 }

=item urlDataHFTPPermissionsErr


sub urlDataHFTPPermissionsErr { -2141 }

=item urlDataHFTPFilenameErr


sub urlDataHFTPFilenameErr { -2142 }

=item urlDataHFTPNoNetDriverErr


sub urlDataHFTPNoNetDriverErr { -2143 }

=item urlDataHFTPBadNameListErr


sub urlDataHFTPBadNameListErr { -2144 }

=item urlDataHFTPNeedPasswordErr


sub urlDataHFTPNeedPasswordErr { -2145 }

=item urlDataHFTPNoPasswordErr


sub urlDataHFTPNoPasswordErr { -2146 }

=item urlDataHFTPServerDisconnectedErr


sub urlDataHFTPServerDisconnectedErr { -2147 }

=item urlDataHFTPURLErr


sub urlDataHFTPURLErr { -2148 }

=item notEnoughDataErr


sub notEnoughDataErr { -2149 }

=item qtActionNotHandledErr


sub qtActionNotHandledErr { -2157 }

=item qtXMLParseErr


sub qtXMLParseErr { -2158 }

=item digiUnimpErr

 feature unimplemented


sub digiUnimpErr { -2201 }

=item qtParamErr

 bad input parameter (out of range, etc)


sub qtParamErr { -2202 }

=item matrixErr

 bad matrix, digitizer did nothing


sub matrixErr { -2203 }

=item notExactMatrixErr

 warning of bad matrix, digitizer did its best


sub notExactMatrixErr { -2204 }

=item noMoreKeyColorsErr

 all key indexes in use


sub noMoreKeyColorsErr { -2205 }

=item notExactSizeErr

 Can't do exact size requested


sub notExactSizeErr { -2206 }

=item badDepthErr

 Can't digitize into this depth


sub badDepthErr { -2207 }

=item noDMAErr

 Can't do DMA digitizing (i.e. can't go to requested dest


sub noDMAErr { -2208 }


=head1 Kernel Error Codes

=over 4

=item kernelIncompleteErr


sub kernelIncompleteErr { -2401 }

=item kernelCanceledErr


sub kernelCanceledErr { -2402 }

=item kernelOptionsErr


sub kernelOptionsErr { -2403 }

=item kernelPrivilegeErr


sub kernelPrivilegeErr { -2404 }

=item kernelUnsupportedErr


sub kernelUnsupportedErr { -2405 }

=item kernelObjectExistsErr


sub kernelObjectExistsErr { -2406 }

=item kernelWritePermissionErr


sub kernelWritePermissionErr { -2407 }

=item kernelReadPermissionErr


sub kernelReadPermissionErr { -2408 }

=item kernelExecutePermissionErr


sub kernelExecutePermissionErr { -2409 }

=item kernelDeletePermissionErr


sub kernelDeletePermissionErr { -2410 }

=item kernelExecutionLevelErr


sub kernelExecutionLevelErr { -2411 }

=item kernelAttributeErr


sub kernelAttributeErr { -2412 }

=item kernelAsyncSendLimitErr


sub kernelAsyncSendLimitErr { -2413 }

=item kernelAsyncReceiveLimitErr


sub kernelAsyncReceiveLimitErr { -2414 }

=item kernelTimeoutErr


sub kernelTimeoutErr { -2415 }

=item kernelInUseErr


sub kernelInUseErr { -2416 }

=item kernelTerminatedErr


sub kernelTerminatedErr { -2417 }

=item kernelExceptionErr


sub kernelExceptionErr { -2418 }

=item kernelIDErr


sub kernelIDErr { -2419 }

=item kernelAlreadyFreeErr


sub kernelAlreadyFreeErr { -2421 }

=item kernelReturnValueErr


sub kernelReturnValueErr { -2422 }


=head1 Text Services Mgr error codes

=over 4

=item tsmComponentNoErr

 component result = no error


sub tsmComponentNoErr { 0 }

=item tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr


sub tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr { -2500 }

=item tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr


sub tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr { -2501 }

=item tsmNotAnAppErr

 not an application error


sub tsmNotAnAppErr { -2502 }

=item tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr

 want to register again error


sub tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr { -2503 }

=item tsmNeverRegisteredErr

 app never registered error (not TSM aware)


sub tsmNeverRegisteredErr { -2504 }

=item tsmInvalidDocIDErr

 invalid TSM documentation id


sub tsmInvalidDocIDErr { -2505 }

=item tsmTSMDocBusyErr

 document is still active


sub tsmTSMDocBusyErr { -2506 }

=item tsmDocNotActiveErr

 document is NOT active


sub tsmDocNotActiveErr { -2507 }

=item tsmNoOpenTSErr

 no open text service


sub tsmNoOpenTSErr { -2508 }

=item tsmCantOpenComponentErr

 can't open the component


sub tsmCantOpenComponentErr { -2509 }

=item tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr

 no text service found


sub tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr { -2510 }

=item tsmDocumentOpenErr

 there are open documents


sub tsmDocumentOpenErr { -2511 }

=item tsmUseInputWindowErr

 not TSM aware because we are using input window


sub tsmUseInputWindowErr { -2512 }

=item tsmTSHasNoMenuErr

 the text service has no menu


sub tsmTSHasNoMenuErr { -2513 }

=item tsmTSNotOpenErr

 text service is not open


sub tsmTSNotOpenErr { -2514 }

=item tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr

 text service already opened for the document


sub tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr { -2515 }

=item tsmInputMethodIsOldErr

 returned by GetDefaultInputMethod


sub tsmInputMethodIsOldErr { -2516 }

=item tsmScriptHasNoIMErr

 script has no imput method or is using old IM


sub tsmScriptHasNoIMErr { -2517 }

=item tsmUnsupportedTypeErr

 unSupported interface type error


sub tsmUnsupportedTypeErr { -2518 }

=item tsmUnknownErr

 any other errors


sub tsmUnknownErr { -2519 }

=item tsmInvalidContext

 Invalid TSMContext specified in call


sub tsmInvalidContext { -2520 }

=item tsmNoHandler

 No Callback Handler exists for callback


sub tsmNoHandler { -2521 }

=item tsmNoMoreTokens

 No more tokens are available for the source text


sub tsmNoMoreTokens { -2522 }

=item tsmNoStem

 No stem exists for the token


sub tsmNoStem { -2523 }


=head1 Mixed Mode error codes

=over 4


=head1 NameRegistry error codes

=over 4

=item nrLockedErr


sub nrLockedErr { -2536 }

=item nrNotEnoughMemoryErr


sub nrNotEnoughMemoryErr { -2537 }

=item nrInvalidNodeErr


sub nrInvalidNodeErr { -2538 }

=item nrNotFoundErr


sub nrNotFoundErr { -2539 }

=item nrNotCreatedErr


sub nrNotCreatedErr { -2540 }

=item nrNameErr


sub nrNameErr { -2541 }

=item nrNotSlotDeviceErr


sub nrNotSlotDeviceErr { -2542 }

=item nrDataTruncatedErr


sub nrDataTruncatedErr { -2543 }

=item nrPowerErr


sub nrPowerErr { -2544 }

=item nrPowerSwitchAbortErr


sub nrPowerSwitchAbortErr { -2545 }

=item nrTypeMismatchErr


sub nrTypeMismatchErr { -2546 }

=item nrNotModifiedErr


sub nrNotModifiedErr { -2547 }

=item nrOverrunErr


sub nrOverrunErr { -2548 }

=item nrResultCodeBase


sub nrResultCodeBase { -2549 }

=item nrPathNotFound

 a path component lookup failed


sub nrPathNotFound { -2550 }

=item nrPathBufferTooSmall

 buffer for path is too small


sub nrPathBufferTooSmall { -2551 }

=item nrInvalidEntryIterationOp

 invalid entry iteration operation


sub nrInvalidEntryIterationOp { -2552 }

=item nrPropertyAlreadyExists

 property already exists


sub nrPropertyAlreadyExists { -2553 }

=item nrIterationDone

 iteration operation is done


sub nrIterationDone { -2554 }

=item nrExitedIteratorScope

 outer scope of iterator was exited


sub nrExitedIteratorScope { -2555 }

=item nrTransactionAborted

 transaction was aborted


sub nrTransactionAborted { -2556 }


=head1 Icon Services error codes

=over 4

=item invalidIconRefErr

 The icon ref is not valid


sub invalidIconRefErr { -2580 }

=item noSuchIconErr

 The requested icon could not be found


sub noSuchIconErr { -2581 }


=head1 Dynamic AppleScript errors

=over 4

=item errOSACantCoerce

 Signaled when a value can't be coerced to the desired type.


sub errOSACantCoerce { errAECoercionFail }

=item errOSACantAccess

 Signaled when an object is not found in a container


sub errOSACantAccess { errAENoSuchObject }

=item errOSACantAssign

 Signaled when an object cannot be set in a container.


sub errOSACantAssign { -10006 }

=item errOSAGeneralError

 Signaled by user scripts or applications when no actual error code is to be returned.


sub errOSAGeneralError { -2700 }

=item errOSADivideByZero

 Signaled when there is an attempt to divide by zero


sub errOSADivideByZero { -2701 }

=item errOSANumericOverflow

 Signaled when integer or real value is too large to be represented


sub errOSANumericOverflow { -2702 }

=item errOSACantLaunch

 Signaled when application can't be launched or when it is remote and program linking is not enabled


sub errOSACantLaunch { -2703 }

=item errOSAAppNotHighLevelEventAware

 Signaled when an application can't respond to AppleEvents


sub errOSAAppNotHighLevelEventAware { -2704 }

=item errOSACorruptTerminology

 Signaled when an application's terminology resource is not readable


sub errOSACorruptTerminology { -2705 }

=item errOSAStackOverflow

 Signaled when the runtime stack overflows


sub errOSAStackOverflow { -2706 }

=item errOSAInternalTableOverflow

 Signaled when a runtime internal data structure overflows


sub errOSAInternalTableOverflow { -2707 }

=item errOSADataBlockTooLarge

 Signaled when an intrinsic limitation is exceeded for the size of a value or data structure.


sub errOSADataBlockTooLarge { -2708 }

=item errOSACantGetTerminology


sub errOSACantGetTerminology { -2709 }


=head1 Static AppleScript errors

=over 4

=item errOSATypeError


sub errOSATypeError { errAEWrongDataType }

=item OSAMessageNotUnderstood

 Signaled when a message was sent to an object that didn't handle it


sub OSAMessageNotUnderstood { errAEEventNotHandled }

=item OSAUndefinedHandler

 Signaled when a function to be returned doesn't exist.


sub OSAUndefinedHandler { errAEHandlerNotFound }

=item OSAIllegalAccess

 Signaled when a container can never have the requested object


sub OSAIllegalAccess { errAEAccessorNotFound }

=item OSAIllegalIndex

 Signaled when index was out of range. Specialization of errOSACantAccess


sub OSAIllegalIndex { errAEIllegalIndex }

=item OSAIllegalRange

 Signaled when a range is screwy. Specialization of errOSACantAccess


sub OSAIllegalRange { errAEImpossibleRange }

=item OSAIllegalAssign

 Signaled when an object can never be set in a container


sub OSAIllegalAssign { -10003 }

=item OSASyntaxError

 Signaled when a syntax error occurs. (e.g. "Syntax error" or "<this> can't go after <that>")


sub OSASyntaxError { -2740 }

=item OSASyntaxTypeError

 Signaled when another form of syntax was expected. (e.g. "expected a <type> but found <this>")


sub OSASyntaxTypeError { -2741 }

=item OSATokenTooLong

 Signaled when a name or number is too long to be parsed


sub OSATokenTooLong { -2742 }

=item OSAMissingParameter

 Signaled when a parameter is missing for a function invocation


sub OSAMissingParameter { errAEDescNotFound }

=item OSAParameterMismatch

 Signaled when function is called with the wrong number of parameters, or a parameter pattern cannot be matched


sub OSAParameterMismatch { errAEWrongNumberArgs }

=item OSADuplicateParameter

 Signaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable is specified more than once


sub OSADuplicateParameter { -2750 }

=item OSADuplicateProperty

 Signaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable is specified more than once.


sub OSADuplicateProperty { -2751 }

=item OSADuplicateHandler

 Signaled when more than one handler is defined with the same name in a scope where the language doesn't allow it


sub OSADuplicateHandler { -2752 }

=item OSAUndefinedVariable

 Signaled when a variable is accessed that has no value


sub OSAUndefinedVariable { -2753 }

=item OSAInconsistentDeclarations

 Signaled when a variable is declared inconsistently in the same scope, such as both local and global


sub OSAInconsistentDeclarations { -2754 }

=item errASCantConsiderAndIgnore


sub errASCantConsiderAndIgnore { -2720 }

=item errASCantCompareMoreThan32k

 Parser/Compiler errors:


sub errASCantCompareMoreThan32k { -2721 }

=item errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep


sub errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep { -2760 }

=item errASIllegalFormalParameter


sub errASIllegalFormalParameter { -2761 }

=item errASParameterNotForEvent


sub errASParameterNotForEvent { -2762 }

=item errASNoResultReturned

 The range -2780 thru -2799 is reserved for dialect specific error codes. (Error codes from different dialects may overlap.)


sub errASNoResultReturned { -2763 }


=head1 The preferred spelling for Code Fragment Manager errors:

=over 4

=item cfragFirstErrCode

 The first value in the range of CFM errors.


sub cfragFirstErrCode { -2800 }

=item cfragContextIDErr

 The context ID was not valid.


sub cfragContextIDErr { -2800 }

=item cfragConnectionIDErr

 The connection ID was not valid.


sub cfragConnectionIDErr { -2801 }

=item cfragNoSymbolErr

 The specified symbol was not found.


sub cfragNoSymbolErr { -2802 }

=item cfragNoSectionErr

 The specified section was not found.


sub cfragNoSectionErr { -2803 }

=item cfragNoLibraryErr

 The named library was not found.


sub cfragNoLibraryErr { -2804 }

=item cfragDupRegistrationErr

 The registration name was already in use.


sub cfragDupRegistrationErr { -2805 }

=item cfragFragmentFormatErr

 A fragment's container format is unknown.


sub cfragFragmentFormatErr { -2806 }

=item cfragUnresolvedErr

 A fragment had "hard" unresolved imports.


sub cfragUnresolvedErr { -2807 }

=item cfragNoPositionErr

 The registration insertion point was not found.


sub cfragNoPositionErr { -2808 }

=item cfragNoPrivateMemErr

 Out of memory for internal bookkeeping.


sub cfragNoPrivateMemErr { -2809 }

=item cfragNoClientMemErr

 Out of memory for fragment mapping or section instances.


sub cfragNoClientMemErr { -2810 }

=item cfragNoIDsErr

 No more CFM IDs for contexts, connections, etc.


sub cfragNoIDsErr { -2811 }

=item cfragInitOrderErr


sub cfragInitOrderErr { -2812 }

=item cfragImportTooOldErr

 An import library was too old for a client.


sub cfragImportTooOldErr { -2813 }

=item cfragImportTooNewErr

 An import library was too new for a client.


sub cfragImportTooNewErr { -2814 }

=item cfragInitLoopErr

 Circularity in required initialization order.


sub cfragInitLoopErr { -2815 }

=item cfragInitAtBootErr

 A boot library has an initialization function.  (System 7 only)


sub cfragInitAtBootErr { -2816 }

=item cfragLibConnErr


sub cfragLibConnErr { -2817 }

=item cfragCFMStartupErr

 Internal error during CFM initialization.


sub cfragCFMStartupErr { -2818 }

=item cfragCFMInternalErr

 An internal inconstistancy has been detected.


sub cfragCFMInternalErr { -2819 }

=item cfragFragmentCorruptErr

 A fragment's container was corrupt (known format).


sub cfragFragmentCorruptErr { -2820 }

=item cfragInitFunctionErr

 A fragment's initialization routine returned an error.


sub cfragInitFunctionErr { -2821 }

=item cfragNoApplicationErr

 No application member found in the cfrg resource.


sub cfragNoApplicationErr { -2822 }

=item cfragArchitectureErr

 A fragment has an unacceptable architecture.


sub cfragArchitectureErr { -2823 }

=item cfragFragmentUsageErr

 A semantic error in usage of the fragment.


sub cfragFragmentUsageErr { -2824 }

=item cfragFileSizeErr

 A file was too large to be mapped.


sub cfragFileSizeErr { -2825 }

=item cfragNotClosureErr

 The closure ID was actually a connection ID.


sub cfragNotClosureErr { -2826 }

=item cfragNoRegistrationErr

 The registration name was not found.


sub cfragNoRegistrationErr { -2827 }

=item cfragContainerIDErr

 The fragment container ID was not valid.


sub cfragContainerIDErr { -2828 }

=item cfragClosureIDErr

 The closure ID was not valid.


sub cfragClosureIDErr { -2829 }

=item cfragAbortClosureErr

 Used by notification handlers to abort a closure.


sub cfragAbortClosureErr { -2830 }

=item cfragOutputLengthErr

 An output parameter is too small to hold the value.


sub cfragOutputLengthErr { -2831 }


=head1 Reserved values for internal "warnings".

=over 4

=item cfragFirstReservedCode


sub cfragFirstReservedCode { -2897 }

=item cfragReservedCode_3


sub cfragReservedCode_3 { -2897 }

=item cfragReservedCode_2


sub cfragReservedCode_2 { -2898 }

=item fragContextNotFound


sub fragContextNotFound { cfragContextIDErr }

=item fragConnectionIDNotFound


sub fragConnectionIDNotFound { cfragConnectionIDErr }

=item fragSymbolNotFound


sub fragSymbolNotFound { cfragNoSymbolErr }

=item fragSectionNotFound


sub fragSectionNotFound { cfragNoSectionErr }

=item fragLibNotFound


sub fragLibNotFound { cfragNoLibraryErr }

=item fragDupRegLibName


sub fragDupRegLibName { cfragDupRegistrationErr }

=item fragFormatUnknown


sub fragFormatUnknown { cfragFragmentFormatErr }

=item fragHadUnresolveds


sub fragHadUnresolveds { cfragUnresolvedErr }

=item fragNoMem


sub fragNoMem { cfragNoPrivateMemErr }

=item fragNoAddrSpace


sub fragNoAddrSpace { cfragNoClientMemErr }

=item fragNoContextIDs


sub fragNoContextIDs { cfragNoIDsErr }

=item fragObjectInitSeqErr


sub fragObjectInitSeqErr { cfragInitOrderErr }

=item fragImportTooOld


sub fragImportTooOld { cfragImportTooOldErr }

=item fragImportTooNew


sub fragImportTooNew { cfragImportTooNewErr }

=item fragInitLoop


sub fragInitLoop { cfragInitLoopErr }

=item fragInitRtnUsageErr


sub fragInitRtnUsageErr { cfragInitAtBootErr }

=item fragLibConnErr


sub fragLibConnErr { cfragLibConnErr }

=item fragMgrInitErr


sub fragMgrInitErr { cfragCFMStartupErr }

=item fragConstErr


sub fragConstErr { cfragCFMInternalErr }

=item fragCorruptErr


sub fragCorruptErr { cfragFragmentCorruptErr }

=item fragUserInitProcErr


sub fragUserInitProcErr { cfragInitFunctionErr }

=item fragAppNotFound


sub fragAppNotFound { cfragNoApplicationErr }

=item fragArchError


sub fragArchError { cfragArchitectureErr }

=item fragInvalidFragmentUsage


sub fragInvalidFragmentUsage { cfragFragmentUsageErr }

=item invalidComponentID


sub invalidComponentID { -3000 }

=item validInstancesExist


sub validInstancesExist { -3001 }

=item componentNotCaptured


sub componentNotCaptured { -3002 }

=item componentDontRegister


sub componentDontRegister { -3003 }

=item unresolvedComponentDLLErr


sub unresolvedComponentDLLErr { -3004 }

=item invalidTranslationPathErr

 Source type to destination type not a valid path


sub invalidTranslationPathErr { -3025 }

=item couldNotParseSourceFileErr

 Source document does not contain source type


sub couldNotParseSourceFileErr { -3026 }

=item noTranslationPathErr


sub noTranslationPathErr { -3030 }

=item badTranslationSpecErr


sub badTranslationSpecErr { -3031 }

=item buf2SmallErr


sub buf2SmallErr { -3101 }

=item noMPPErr


sub noMPPErr { -3102 }

=item ckSumErr


sub ckSumErr { -3103 }

=item extractErr


sub extractErr { -3104 }

=item readQErr


sub readQErr { -3105 }

=item atpLenErr


sub atpLenErr { -3106 }

=item atpBadRsp


sub atpBadRsp { -3107 }

=item recNotFnd


sub recNotFnd { -3108 }


=head1 OpenTransport errors

=over 4

=item kOTNoError

 No Error occurred


sub kOTNoError { 0 }

=item kOTOutOfMemoryErr

 OT ran out of memory, may be a temporary


sub kOTOutOfMemoryErr { -3211 }

=item kOTNotFoundErr

 OT generic not found error


sub kOTNotFoundErr { -3201 }

=item kOTDuplicateFoundErr

 OT generic duplicate found error


sub kOTDuplicateFoundErr { -3216 }

=item kOTBadAddressErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TBADADDR) A Bad address was specified


sub kOTBadAddressErr { -3150 }

=item kOTBadOptionErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TBADOPT) A Bad option was specified


sub kOTBadOptionErr { -3151 }

=item kOTAccessErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TACCES) Missing access permission


sub kOTAccessErr { -3152 }

=item kOTBadReferenceErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TBADF) Bad provider reference


sub kOTBadReferenceErr { -3153 }

=item kOTNoAddressErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TNOADDR) No address was specified


sub kOTNoAddressErr { -3154 }

=item kOTOutStateErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TOUTSTATE) Call issued in wrong state


sub kOTOutStateErr { -3155 }

=item kOTBadSequenceErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TBADSEQ) Sequence specified does not exist


sub kOTBadSequenceErr { -3156 }

=item kOTSysErrorErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TSYSERR) A system error occurred


sub kOTSysErrorErr { -3157 }

=item kOTLookErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TLOOK) An event occurred - call Look()


sub kOTLookErr { -3158 }

=item kOTBadDataErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TBADDATA) An illegal amount of data was specified


sub kOTBadDataErr { -3159 }

=item kOTBufferOverflowErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TBUFOVFLW) Passed buffer not big enough


sub kOTBufferOverflowErr { -3160 }

=item kOTFlowErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TFLOW) Provider is flow-controlled


sub kOTFlowErr { -3161 }

=item kOTNoDataErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TNODATA) No data available for reading


sub kOTNoDataErr { -3162 }

=item kOTNoDisconnectErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TNODIS) No disconnect indication available


sub kOTNoDisconnectErr { -3163 }

=item kOTNoUDErrErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TNOUDERR) No Unit Data Error indication available


sub kOTNoUDErrErr { -3164 }

=item kOTBadFlagErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TBADFLAG) A Bad flag value was supplied


sub kOTBadFlagErr { -3165 }

=item kOTNoReleaseErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TNOREL) No orderly release indication available


sub kOTNoReleaseErr { -3166 }

=item kOTNotSupportedErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TNOTSUPPORT) Command is not supported


sub kOTNotSupportedErr { -3167 }

=item kOTStateChangeErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TSTATECHNG) State is changing - try again later


sub kOTStateChangeErr { -3168 }

=item kOTNoStructureTypeErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TNOSTRUCTYPE) Bad structure type requested for OTAlloc


sub kOTNoStructureTypeErr { -3169 }

=item kOTBadNameErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TBADNAME) A bad endpoint name was supplied


sub kOTBadNameErr { -3170 }

=item kOTBadQLenErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TBADQLEN) A Bind to an in-use addr with qlen > 0


sub kOTBadQLenErr { -3171 }

=item kOTAddressBusyErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TADDRBUSY) Address requested is already in use


sub kOTAddressBusyErr { -3172 }

=item kOTIndOutErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TINDOUT) Accept failed because of pending listen


sub kOTIndOutErr { -3173 }

=item kOTProviderMismatchErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TPROVMISMATCH) Tried to accept on incompatible endpoint


sub kOTProviderMismatchErr { -3174 }

=item kOTResQLenErr



sub kOTResQLenErr { -3175 }

=item kOTResAddressErr



sub kOTResAddressErr { -3176 }

=item kOTQFullErr



sub kOTQFullErr { -3177 }

=item kOTProtocolErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TPROTO) An unspecified provider error occurred


sub kOTProtocolErr { -3178 }

=item kOTBadSyncErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TBADSYNC) A synchronous call at interrupt time


sub kOTBadSyncErr { -3179 }

=item kOTCanceledErr

 XTI2OSStatus(TCANCELED) The command was cancelled


sub kOTCanceledErr { -3180 }

=item kEPERMErr

 Permission denied


sub kEPERMErr { -3200 }

=item kENOENTErr

 No such file or directory


sub kENOENTErr { -3201 }

=item kENORSRCErr

 No such resource


sub kENORSRCErr { -3202 }

=item kEINTRErr

 Interrupted system service


sub kEINTRErr { -3203 }

=item kEIOErr

 I/O error


sub kEIOErr { -3204 }

=item kENXIOErr

 No such device or address


sub kENXIOErr { -3205 }

=item kEBADFErr

 Bad file number


sub kEBADFErr { -3208 }

=item kEAGAINErr

 Try operation again later


sub kEAGAINErr { -3210 }

=item kENOMEMErr

 Not enough space


sub kENOMEMErr { -3211 }

=item kEACCESErr

 Permission denied


sub kEACCESErr { -3212 }

=item kEFAULTErr

 Bad address


sub kEFAULTErr { -3213 }

=item kEBUSYErr

 Device or resource busy


sub kEBUSYErr { -3215 }

=item kEEXISTErr

 File exists


sub kEEXISTErr { -3216 }

=item kENODEVErr

 No such device


sub kENODEVErr { -3218 }

=item kEINVALErr

 Invalid argument


sub kEINVALErr { -3221 }

=item kENOTTYErr

 Not a character device


sub kENOTTYErr { -3224 }

=item kEPIPEErr

 Broken pipe


sub kEPIPEErr { -3231 }

=item kERANGEErr

 Message size too large for STREAM


sub kERANGEErr { -3233 }


 Call would block, so was aborted


sub kEWOULDBLOCKErr { -3234 }

=item kEDEADLKErr

 or a deadlock would occur


sub kEDEADLKErr { -3234 }

=item kEALREADYErr


sub kEALREADYErr { -3236 }

=item kENOTSOCKErr

 Socket operation on non-socket


sub kENOTSOCKErr { -3237 }


 Destination address required


sub kEDESTADDRREQErr { -3238 }

=item kEMSGSIZEErr

 Message too long


sub kEMSGSIZEErr { -3239 }


 Protocol wrong type for socket


sub kEPROTOTYPEErr { -3240 }


 Protocol not available


sub kENOPROTOOPTErr { -3241 }


 Protocol not supported


sub kEPROTONOSUPPORTErr { -3242 }


 Socket type not supported


sub kESOCKTNOSUPPORTErr { -3243 }


 Operation not supported on socket


sub kEOPNOTSUPPErr { -3244 }


 Address already in use


sub kEADDRINUSEErr { -3247 }


 Can't assign requested address


sub kEADDRNOTAVAILErr { -3248 }

=item kENETDOWNErr

 Network is down


sub kENETDOWNErr { -3249 }


 Network is unreachable


sub kENETUNREACHErr { -3250 }


 Network dropped connection on reset


sub kENETRESETErr { -3251 }


 Software caused connection abort


sub kECONNABORTEDErr { -3252 }


 Connection reset by peer


sub kECONNRESETErr { -3253 }

=item kENOBUFSErr

 No buffer space available


sub kENOBUFSErr { -3254 }

=item kEISCONNErr

 Socket is already connected


sub kEISCONNErr { -3255 }

=item kENOTCONNErr

 Socket is not connected


sub kENOTCONNErr { -3256 }


 Can't send after socket shutdown


sub kESHUTDOWNErr { -3257 }


 Too many references: can't splice


sub kETOOMANYREFSErr { -3258 }


 Connection timed out


sub kETIMEDOUTErr { -3259 }


 Connection refused


sub kECONNREFUSEDErr { -3260 }


 Host is down


sub kEHOSTDOWNErr { -3263 }


 No route to host


sub kEHOSTUNREACHErr { -3264 }

=item kEPROTOErr

 ''' fill out missing codes '''


sub kEPROTOErr { -3269 }

=item kETIMEErr


sub kETIMEErr { -3270 }

=item kENOSRErr


sub kENOSRErr { -3271 }

=item kEBADMSGErr


sub kEBADMSGErr { -3272 }

=item kECANCELErr


sub kECANCELErr { -3273 }

=item kENOSTRErr


sub kENOSTRErr { -3274 }

=item kENODATAErr


sub kENODATAErr { -3275 }



sub kEINPROGRESSErr { -3276 }

=item kESRCHErr


sub kESRCHErr { -3277 }

=item kENOMSGErr


sub kENOMSGErr { -3278 }

=item kOTClientNotInittedErr


sub kOTClientNotInittedErr { -3279 }

=item kOTPortHasDiedErr


sub kOTPortHasDiedErr { -3280 }

=item kOTPortWasEjectedErr


sub kOTPortWasEjectedErr { -3281 }

=item kOTBadConfigurationErr


sub kOTBadConfigurationErr { -3282 }

=item kOTConfigurationChangedErr


sub kOTConfigurationChangedErr { -3283 }

=item kOTUserRequestedErr


sub kOTUserRequestedErr { -3284 }


=head1 Color Picker errors

=over 4

=item firstPickerError


sub firstPickerError { -4000 }

=item invalidPickerType


sub invalidPickerType { firstPickerError }

=item requiredFlagsDontMatch


sub requiredFlagsDontMatch { -4001 }

=item pickerResourceError


sub pickerResourceError { -4002 }

=item cantLoadPicker


sub cantLoadPicker { -4003 }

=item cantCreatePickerWindow


sub cantCreatePickerWindow { -4004 }

=item cantLoadPackage


sub cantLoadPackage { -4005 }

=item pickerCantLive


sub pickerCantLive { -4006 }

=item colorSyncNotInstalled


sub colorSyncNotInstalled { -4007 }

=item badProfileError


sub badProfileError { -4008 }

=item kNSL68kContextNotSupported

 no 68k allowed


sub kNSL68kContextNotSupported { -4170 }

=item kNSLSchedulerError

 A custom thread routine encountered an error


sub kNSLSchedulerError { -4171 }

=item kNSLBadURLSyntax

 URL contains illegal characters


sub kNSLBadURLSyntax { -4172 }

=item kNSLNoCarbonLib


sub kNSLNoCarbonLib { -4173 }

=item kNSLUILibraryNotAvailable

 The NSL UI Library needs to be in the Extensions Folder


sub kNSLUILibraryNotAvailable { -4174 }

=item kNSLNotImplementedYet


sub kNSLNotImplementedYet { -4175 }

=item kNSLErrNullPtrError


sub kNSLErrNullPtrError { -4176 }

=item kNSLSomePluginsFailedToLoad

 (one or more plugins failed to load, but at least one did load; this error isn't fatal)


sub kNSLSomePluginsFailedToLoad { -4177 }

=item kNSLNullNeighborhoodPtr

 (client passed a null neighborhood ptr)


sub kNSLNullNeighborhoodPtr { -4178 }

=item kNSLNoPluginsForSearch

 (no plugins will respond to search request; bad protocol(s)?)


sub kNSLNoPluginsForSearch { -4179 }

=item kNSLSearchAlreadyInProgress

 (you can only have one ongoing search per clientRef)


sub kNSLSearchAlreadyInProgress { -4180 }

=item kNSLNoPluginsFound

 (manager didn't find any valid plugins to load)


sub kNSLNoPluginsFound { -4181 }

=item kNSLPluginLoadFailed

 (manager unable to load one of the plugins)


sub kNSLPluginLoadFailed { -4182 }

=item kNSLBadProtocolTypeErr

 (client is trying to add a null protocol type)


sub kNSLBadProtocolTypeErr { -4183 }

=item kNSLNullListPtr

 (client is trying to add items to a nil list)


sub kNSLNullListPtr { -4184 }

=item kNSLBadClientInfoPtr

 (nil ClientAsyncInfoPtr; no reference available)


sub kNSLBadClientInfoPtr { -4185 }

=item kNSLCannotContinueLookup

 (Can't continue lookup; error or bad state)


sub kNSLCannotContinueLookup { -4186 }

=item kNSLBufferTooSmallForData

 (Client buffer too small for data from plugin)


sub kNSLBufferTooSmallForData { -4187 }

=item kNSLNoContextAvailable

 (ContinueLookup function ptr invalid)


sub kNSLNoContextAvailable { -4188 }

=item kNSLRequestBufferAlreadyInList


sub kNSLRequestBufferAlreadyInList { -4189 }

=item kNSLInvalidPluginSpec


sub kNSLInvalidPluginSpec { -4190 }

=item kNSLNoSupportForService


sub kNSLNoSupportForService { -4191 }

=item kNSLBadNetConnection


sub kNSLBadNetConnection { -4192 }

=item kNSLBadDataTypeErr


sub kNSLBadDataTypeErr { -4193 }

=item kNSLBadServiceTypeErr


sub kNSLBadServiceTypeErr { -4194 }

=item kNSLBadReferenceErr


sub kNSLBadReferenceErr { -4195 }

=item kNSLNoElementsInList


sub kNSLNoElementsInList { -4196 }

=item kNSLInsufficientOTVer


sub kNSLInsufficientOTVer { -4197 }

=item kNSLInsufficientSysVer


sub kNSLInsufficientSysVer { -4198 }

=item kNSLNotInitialized


sub kNSLNotInitialized { -4199 }

=item kDTPHoldJobErr


sub kDTPHoldJobErr { -4200 }

=item kDTPStopQueueErr


sub kDTPStopQueueErr { -4201 }

=item kDTPTryAgainErr


sub kDTPTryAgainErr { -4202 }


=head1 ColorSync Result codes

=over 4

=item cmElementTagNotFound


sub cmElementTagNotFound { -4200 }

=item cmIndexRangeErr

 Tag index out of range


sub cmIndexRangeErr { -4201 }

=item cmCantDeleteElement


sub cmCantDeleteElement { -4202 }

=item cmFatalProfileErr


sub cmFatalProfileErr { -4203 }

=item cmInvalidProfile

 A Profile must contain a 'cs1 ' tag to be valid


sub cmInvalidProfile { -4204 }

=item cmInvalidProfileLocation

 Operation not supported for this profile location


sub cmInvalidProfileLocation { -4205 }

=item cmCantCopyModifiedV1Profile

 Illegal to copy version 1 profiles that have been modified
Profile Search Errors


sub cmCantCopyModifiedV1Profile { -4215 }

=item cmInvalidSearch

 Bad Search Handle


sub cmInvalidSearch { -4206 }

=item cmSearchError


sub cmSearchError { -4207 }

=item cmErrIncompatibleProfile

 Other ColorSync Errors


sub cmErrIncompatibleProfile { -4208 }

=item cmInvalidColorSpace

 Profile colorspace does not match bitmap type


sub cmInvalidColorSpace { -4209 }

=item cmInvalidSrcMap

 Source pix/bit map was invalid


sub cmInvalidSrcMap { -4210 }

=item cmInvalidDstMap

 Destination pix/bit map was invalid


sub cmInvalidDstMap { -4211 }

=item cmNoGDevicesError

 Begin/End Matching -- no gdevices available


sub cmNoGDevicesError { -4212 }

=item cmInvalidProfileComment

 Bad Profile comment during drawpicture


sub cmInvalidProfileComment { -4213 }

=item cmRangeOverFlow

 Color conversion warning that some output color values over/underflowed and were clipped


sub cmRangeOverFlow { -4214 }

=item cmNamedColorNotFound

 NamedColor not found


sub cmNamedColorNotFound { -4216 }

=item badFolderDescErr


sub badFolderDescErr { -4270 }

=item duplicateFolderDescErr


sub duplicateFolderDescErr { -4271 }

=item noMoreFolderDescErr


sub noMoreFolderDescErr { -4272 }

=item invalidFolderTypeErr


sub invalidFolderTypeErr { -4273 }

=item duplicateRoutingErr


sub duplicateRoutingErr { -4274 }

=item routingNotFoundErr


sub routingNotFoundErr { -4275 }

=item internalScrapErr


sub internalScrapErr { -4988 }

=item duplicateScrapFlavorErr


sub duplicateScrapFlavorErr { -4989 }

=item badScrapRefErr


sub badScrapRefErr { -4990 }

=item processStateIncorrectErr


sub processStateIncorrectErr { -4991 }

=item scrapPromiseNotKeptErr


sub scrapPromiseNotKeptErr { -4992 }

=item noScrapPromiseKeeperErr


sub noScrapPromiseKeeperErr { -4993 }

=item nilScrapFlavorDataErr


sub nilScrapFlavorDataErr { -4994 }

=item scrapFlavorFlagsMismatchErr


sub scrapFlavorFlagsMismatchErr { -4995 }

=item scrapFlavorSizeMismatchErr


sub scrapFlavorSizeMismatchErr { -4996 }

=item illegalScrapFlavorFlagsErr


sub illegalScrapFlavorFlagsErr { -4997 }

=item illegalScrapFlavorTypeErr


sub illegalScrapFlavorTypeErr { -4998 }

=item illegalScrapFlavorSizeErr


sub illegalScrapFlavorSizeErr { -4999 }

=item scrapFlavorNotFoundErr

 == noTypeErr


sub scrapFlavorNotFoundErr { -102 }


=head1 AFP Protocol Errors

=over 4

=item afpAccessDenied

 Insufficient access privileges for operation


sub afpAccessDenied { -5000 }

=item afpAuthContinue

 Further information required to complete AFPLogin call


sub afpAuthContinue { -5001 }

=item afpBadUAM

 Unknown user authentication method specified


sub afpBadUAM { -5002 }

=item afpBadVersNum

 Unknown AFP protocol version number specified


sub afpBadVersNum { -5003 }

=item afpBitmapErr

 Bitmap contained bits undefined for call


sub afpBitmapErr { -5004 }

=item afpCantMove

 Move destination is offspring of source, or root was specified


sub afpCantMove { -5005 }

=item afpDenyConflict

 Specified open/deny modes conflict with current open modes


sub afpDenyConflict { -5006 }

=item afpDirNotEmpty

 Cannot delete non-empty directory


sub afpDirNotEmpty { -5007 }

=item afpDiskFull

 Insufficient free space on volume for operation


sub afpDiskFull { -5008 }

=item afpEofError

 Read beyond logical end-of-file


sub afpEofError { -5009 }

=item afpFileBusy

 Cannot delete an open file


sub afpFileBusy { -5010 }

=item afpFlatVol

 Cannot create directory on specified volume


sub afpFlatVol { -5011 }

=item afpItemNotFound

 Unknown UserName/UserID or missing comment/APPL entry


sub afpItemNotFound { -5012 }

=item afpLockErr

 Some or all of requested range is locked by another user


sub afpLockErr { -5013 }

=item afpMiscErr

 Unexpected error encountered during execution


sub afpMiscErr { -5014 }

=item afpNoMoreLocks

 Maximum lock limit reached


sub afpNoMoreLocks { -5015 }

=item afpNoServer

 Server not responding


sub afpNoServer { -5016 }

=item afpObjectExists

 Specified destination file or directory already exists


sub afpObjectExists { -5017 }

=item afpObjectNotFound

 Specified file or directory does not exist


sub afpObjectNotFound { -5018 }

=item afpParmErr

 A specified parameter was out of allowable range


sub afpParmErr { -5019 }

=item afpRangeNotLocked

 Tried to unlock range that was not locked by user


sub afpRangeNotLocked { -5020 }

=item afpRangeOverlap

 Some or all of range already locked by same user


sub afpRangeOverlap { -5021 }

=item afpSessClosed

 Session closed


sub afpSessClosed { -5022 }

=item afpUserNotAuth

 No AFPLogin call has successfully been made for this session


sub afpUserNotAuth { -5023 }

=item afpCallNotSupported

 Unsupported AFP call was made


sub afpCallNotSupported { -5024 }

=item afpObjectTypeErr

 File/Directory specified where Directory/File expected


sub afpObjectTypeErr { -5025 }

=item afpTooManyFilesOpen

 Maximum open file count reached


sub afpTooManyFilesOpen { -5026 }

=item afpServerGoingDown

 Server is shutting down


sub afpServerGoingDown { -5027 }

=item afpCantRename

 AFPRename cannot rename volume


sub afpCantRename { -5028 }

=item afpDirNotFound

 Unknown directory specified


sub afpDirNotFound { -5029 }

=item afpIconTypeError

 Icon size specified different from existing icon size


sub afpIconTypeError { -5030 }

=item afpVolLocked

 Volume is Read-Only


sub afpVolLocked { -5031 }

=item afpObjectLocked

 Object is M/R/D/W inhibited


sub afpObjectLocked { -5032 }

=item afpContainsSharedErr

 the folder being shared contains a shared folder


sub afpContainsSharedErr { -5033 }

=item afpIDNotFound


sub afpIDNotFound { -5034 }

=item afpIDExists


sub afpIDExists { -5035 }

=item afpDiffVolErr


sub afpDiffVolErr { -5036 }

=item afpCatalogChanged


sub afpCatalogChanged { -5037 }

=item afpSameObjectErr


sub afpSameObjectErr { -5038 }

=item afpBadIDErr


sub afpBadIDErr { -5039 }

=item afpPwdSameErr

 Someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change


sub afpPwdSameErr { -5040 }

=item afpPwdTooShortErr

 The password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded


sub afpPwdTooShortErr { -5041 }

=item afpPwdExpiredErr

 The password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue


sub afpPwdExpiredErr { -5042 }

=item afpInsideSharedErr

 The folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder
OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into the descendent of a shared folder.


sub afpInsideSharedErr { -5043 }

=item afpInsideTrashErr

 The folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder
OR the folder is being moved to the trash and it contains a shared folder


sub afpInsideTrashErr { -5044 }

=item afpPwdNeedsChangeErr

 The password needs to be changed


sub afpPwdNeedsChangeErr { -5045 }

=item afpPwdPolicyErr

 Password does not conform to servers password policy


sub afpPwdPolicyErr { -5046 }

=item afpAlreadyLoggedInErr

 User has been authenticated but is already logged in from another machine (and that's not allowed on this server)


sub afpAlreadyLoggedInErr { -5047 }


=head1 AppleShare Client Errors

=over 4

=item afpBadDirIDType


sub afpBadDirIDType { -5060 }

=item afpCantMountMoreSrvre

 The Maximum number of server connections has been reached


sub afpCantMountMoreSrvre { -5061 }

=item afpAlreadyMounted

 The volume is already mounted


sub afpAlreadyMounted { -5062 }


=head1 NumberFormatting error codes

=over 4

=item numberFormattingNotANumberErr


sub numberFormattingNotANumberErr { -5200 }

=item numberFormattingOverflowInDestinationErr


sub numberFormattingOverflowInDestinationErr { -5201 }

=item numberFormattingBadNumberFormattingObjectErr


sub numberFormattingBadNumberFormattingObjectErr { -5202 }

=item numberFormattingSpuriousCharErr


sub numberFormattingSpuriousCharErr { -5203 }

=item numberFormattingLiteralMissingErr


sub numberFormattingLiteralMissingErr { -5204 }

=item numberFormattingDelimiterMissingErr


sub numberFormattingDelimiterMissingErr { -5205 }

=item numberFormattingEmptyFormatErr


sub numberFormattingEmptyFormatErr { -5206 }

=item numberFormattingBadFormatErr


sub numberFormattingBadFormatErr { -5207 }

=item numberFormattingBadOptionsErr


sub numberFormattingBadOptionsErr { -5208 }

=item numberFormattingBadTokenErr


sub numberFormattingBadTokenErr { -5209 }

=item numberFormattingUnOrderedCurrencyRangeErr


sub numberFormattingUnOrderedCurrencyRangeErr { -5210 }

=item numberFormattingBadCurrencyPositionErr


sub numberFormattingBadCurrencyPositionErr { -5211 }

=item numberFormattingNotADigitErr

 deprecated misspelled versions:


sub numberFormattingNotADigitErr { -5212 }

=item numberFormattingUnOrdredCurrencyRangeErr


sub numberFormattingUnOrdredCurrencyRangeErr { -5210 }

=item textParserBadParamErr


sub textParserBadParamErr { -5220 }

=item textParserObjectNotFoundErr


sub textParserObjectNotFoundErr { -5221 }

=item textParserBadTokenValueErr


sub textParserBadTokenValueErr { -5222 }

=item textParserBadParserObjectErr


sub textParserBadParserObjectErr { -5223 }

=item textParserParamErr


sub textParserParamErr { -5224 }

=item textParserNoMoreTextErr


sub textParserNoMoreTextErr { -5225 }

=item textParserBadTextLanguageErr


sub textParserBadTextLanguageErr { -5226 }

=item textParserBadTextEncodingErr


sub textParserBadTextEncodingErr { -5227 }

=item textParserNoSuchTokenFoundErr


sub textParserNoSuchTokenFoundErr { -5228 }

=item errUnknownAttributeTag


sub errUnknownAttributeTag { -5240 }

=item errMarginWilllNotFit


sub errMarginWilllNotFit { -5241 }

=item errNotInImagingMode


sub errNotInImagingMode { -5242 }

=item errAlreadyInImagingMode


sub errAlreadyInImagingMode { -5243 }

=item errEngineNotFound


sub errEngineNotFound { -5244 }

=item errIteratorReachedEnd


sub errIteratorReachedEnd { -5245 }

=item errInvalidRange


sub errInvalidRange { -5246 }

=item errOffsetNotOnElementBounday


sub errOffsetNotOnElementBounday { -5247 }

=item errNoHiliteText


sub errNoHiliteText { -5248 }

=item errEmptyScrap


sub errEmptyScrap { -5249 }

=item errReadOnlyText


sub errReadOnlyText { -5250 }

=item errUnknownElement


sub errUnknownElement { -5251 }

=item errNonContiuousAttribute


sub errNonContiuousAttribute { -5252 }

=item hrHTMLRenderingLibNotInstalledErr


sub hrHTMLRenderingLibNotInstalledErr { -5360 }

=item hrMiscellaneousExceptionErr


sub hrMiscellaneousExceptionErr { -5361 }

=item hrUnableToResizeHandleErr


sub hrUnableToResizeHandleErr { -5362 }

=item errIANoErr


sub errIANoErr { 0 }

=item errIAUnknownErr


sub errIAUnknownErr { -5380 }

=item errIAAllocationErr


sub errIAAllocationErr { -5381 }

=item errIAParamErr


sub errIAParamErr { -5382 }

=item errIANoMoreItems


sub errIANoMoreItems { -5383 }

=item errIABufferTooSmall


sub errIABufferTooSmall { -5384 }

=item errIACanceled


sub errIACanceled { -5385 }

=item errIAInvalidDocument


sub errIAInvalidDocument { -5386 }

=item errIATextExtractionErr


sub errIATextExtractionErr { -5387 }


=head1 QuickTime Streaming Errors

=over 4

=item qtsBadSelectorErr


sub qtsBadSelectorErr { -5400 }

=item qtsBadStateErr


sub qtsBadStateErr { -5401 }

=item qtsBadDataErr

 something is wrong with the data


sub qtsBadDataErr { -5402 }

=item qtsUnsupportedDataTypeErr


sub qtsUnsupportedDataTypeErr { -5403 }

=item qtsUnsupportedRateErr


sub qtsUnsupportedRateErr { -5404 }

=item qtsUnsupportedFeatureErr


sub qtsUnsupportedFeatureErr { -5405 }

=item qtsTooMuchDataErr


sub qtsTooMuchDataErr { -5406 }

=item qtsUnknownValueErr


sub qtsUnknownValueErr { -5407 }

=item qtsTimeoutErr


sub qtsTimeoutErr { -5408 }

=item qtsConnectionFailedErr


sub qtsConnectionFailedErr { -5420 }


=head1 Gestalt error codes

=over 4

=item gestaltUnknownErr

 value returned if Gestalt doesn't know the answer


sub gestaltUnknownErr { -5550 }

=item gestaltUndefSelectorErr

 undefined selector was passed to Gestalt


sub gestaltUndefSelectorErr { -5551 }

=item gestaltDupSelectorErr

 tried to add an entry that already existed


sub gestaltDupSelectorErr { -5552 }

=item menuPropertyInvalidErr

 invalid property creator


sub menuPropertyInvalidErr { -5603 }

=item menuPropertyInvalid

 "menuPropertyInvalid" is deprecated


sub menuPropertyInvalid { menuPropertyInvalidErr }

=item menuPropertyNotFoundErr

 specified property wasn't found


sub menuPropertyNotFoundErr { -5604 }

=item menuNotFoundErr

 specified menu or menu ID wasn't found


sub menuNotFoundErr { -5620 }

=item menuUsesSystemDefErr

 GetMenuDefinition failed because the menu uses the system MDEF


sub menuUsesSystemDefErr { -5621 }

=item menuItemNotFoundErr

 specified menu item wasn't found


sub menuItemNotFoundErr { -5622 }

=item errInvalidWindowPtr

 tried to pass a bad WindowRef argument


sub errInvalidWindowPtr { -5600 }

=item errInvalidWindowRef

 tried to pass a bad WindowRef argument


sub errInvalidWindowRef { -5600 }

=item errUnsupportedWindowAttributesForClass

 tried to create a window with WindowAttributes not supported by the WindowClass


sub errUnsupportedWindowAttributesForClass { -5601 }

=item errWindowDoesNotHaveProxy

 tried to do something requiring a proxy to a window which doesn't have a proxy


sub errWindowDoesNotHaveProxy { -5602 }

=item errInvalidWindowProperty

 tried to access a property tag with private creator


sub errInvalidWindowProperty { -5603 }

=item errWindowPropertyNotFound

 tried to get a nonexistent property


sub errWindowPropertyNotFound { -5604 }

=item errUnrecognizedWindowClass

 tried to create a window with a bad WindowClass


sub errUnrecognizedWindowClass { -5605 }

=item errCorruptWindowDescription

 tried to load a corrupt window description (size or version fields incorrect)


sub errCorruptWindowDescription { -5606 }

=item errUserWantsToDragWindow

 if returned from TrackWindowProxyDrag, you should call DragWindow on the window


sub errUserWantsToDragWindow { -5607 }

=item errWindowsAlreadyInitialized

 tried to call InitFloatingWindows twice, or called InitWindows and then floating windows


sub errWindowsAlreadyInitialized { -5608 }

=item errFloatingWindowsNotInitialized

 called HideFloatingWindows or ShowFloatingWindows without calling InitFloatingWindows


sub errFloatingWindowsNotInitialized { -5609 }

=item errWindowNotFound

 returned from FindWindowOfClass


sub errWindowNotFound { -5610 }

=item errWindowDoesNotFitOnscreen

 ConstrainWindowToScreen could not make the window fit onscreen


sub errWindowDoesNotFitOnscreen { -5611 }

=item windowAttributeImmutableErr

 tried to change attributes which can't be changed


sub windowAttributeImmutableErr { -5612 }

=item windowAttributesConflictErr

 passed some attributes that are mutually exclusive


sub windowAttributesConflictErr { -5613 }

=item windowManagerInternalErr

 something really weird happened inside the window manager


sub windowManagerInternalErr { -5614 }

=item windowWrongStateErr

 window is not in a state that is valid for the current action


sub windowWrongStateErr { -5615 }

=item windowGroupInvalidErr

 WindowGroup is invalid


sub windowGroupInvalidErr { -5616 }

=item windowAppModalStateAlreadyExistsErr

 we're already running this window modally


sub windowAppModalStateAlreadyExistsErr { -5617 }

=item windowNoAppModalStateErr

 there's no app modal state for the window


sub windowNoAppModalStateErr { -5618 }

=item errWindowDoesntSupportFocus


sub errWindowDoesntSupportFocus { -30583 }

=item kNavWrongDialogStateErr


sub kNavWrongDialogStateErr { -5694 }

=item kNavWrongDialogClassErr


sub kNavWrongDialogClassErr { -5695 }

=item kNavInvalidSystemConfigErr


sub kNavInvalidSystemConfigErr { -5696 }

=item kNavCustomControlMessageFailedErr


sub kNavCustomControlMessageFailedErr { -5697 }

=item kNavInvalidCustomControlMessageErr


sub kNavInvalidCustomControlMessageErr { -5698 }

=item collectionItemLockedErr


sub collectionItemLockedErr { -5750 }

=item collectionItemNotFoundErr


sub collectionItemNotFoundErr { -5751 }

=item collectionIndexRangeErr


sub collectionIndexRangeErr { -5752 }


=head1 Display Manager error codes (-6220...-6269)

=over 4

=item kDMGenErr

 Unexpected Error
Mirroring-Specific Errors


sub kDMGenErr { -6220 }

=item kDMMirroringOnAlready

 Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be off to do their thing.


sub kDMMirroringOnAlready { -6221 }

=item kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays

 Can only handle 2 displays for now.


sub kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays { -6222 }

=item kDMMirroringBlocked

 DMBlockMirroring() has been called.


sub kDMMirroringBlocked { -6223 }

=item kDMCantBlock

 Mirroring is already on, can't Block now (call DMUnMirror() first).


sub kDMCantBlock { -6224 }

=item kDMMirroringNotOn

 Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be on to do their thing.
Other Display Manager Errors


sub kDMMirroringNotOn { -6225 }

=item kSysSWTooOld

 Missing critical pieces of System Software.


sub kSysSWTooOld { -6226 }

=item kDMSWNotInitializedErr

 Required software not initialized (eg windowmanager or display mgr).


sub kDMSWNotInitializedErr { -6227 }

=item kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr

 Video Driver does not support display manager.


sub kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr { -6228 }

=item kDMDisplayNotFoundErr

 Could not find item (will someday remove).


sub kDMDisplayNotFoundErr { -6229 }

=item kDMNotFoundErr

 Could not find item.


sub kDMNotFoundErr { -6229 }

=item kDMDisplayAlreadyInstalledErr

 Attempt to add an already installed display.


sub kDMDisplayAlreadyInstalledErr { -6230 }

=item kDMMainDisplayCannotMoveErr

 Trying to move main display (or a display mirrored to it)


sub kDMMainDisplayCannotMoveErr { -6231 }

=item kDMNoDeviceTableclothErr



sub kDMNoDeviceTableclothErr { -6231 }

=item laTooSmallBufferErr

 output buffer is too small to store any result


sub laTooSmallBufferErr { -6984 }

=item laEnvironmentBusyErr

 specified environment is used


sub laEnvironmentBusyErr { -6985 }

=item laEnvironmentNotFoundErr

 can't fint the specified environment


sub laEnvironmentNotFoundErr { -6986 }

=item laEnvironmentExistErr

 same name environment is already exists


sub laEnvironmentExistErr { -6987 }

=item laInvalidPathErr

 path is not correct


sub laInvalidPathErr { -6988 }

=item laNoMoreMorphemeErr

 nothing to read


sub laNoMoreMorphemeErr { -6989 }

=item laFailAnalysisErr

 analysis failed


sub laFailAnalysisErr { -6990 }

=item laTextOverFlowErr

 text is too long


sub laTextOverFlowErr { -6991 }

=item laDictionaryNotOpenedErr

 the dictionary is not opened


sub laDictionaryNotOpenedErr { -6992 }

=item laDictionaryUnknownErr

 can't use this dictionary with this environment


sub laDictionaryUnknownErr { -6993 }

=item laDictionaryTooManyErr

 too many dictionaries


sub laDictionaryTooManyErr { -6994 }

=item laPropertyValueErr

 Invalid property value


sub laPropertyValueErr { -6995 }

=item laPropertyUnknownErr

 the property is unknown to this environment


sub laPropertyUnknownErr { -6996 }

=item laPropertyIsReadOnlyErr

 the property is read only


sub laPropertyIsReadOnlyErr { -6997 }

=item laPropertyNotFoundErr

 can't find the property


sub laPropertyNotFoundErr { -6998 }

=item laPropertyErr

 Error in properties


sub laPropertyErr { -6999 }

=item kUSBNoErr


sub kUSBNoErr { 0 }

=item kUSBNoTran


sub kUSBNoTran { 0 }

=item kUSBNoDelay


sub kUSBNoDelay { 0 }

=item kUSBNotSent2Err

 Transaction not sent


sub kUSBNotSent2Err { -6901 }

=item kUSBNotSent1Err

 Transaction not sent


sub kUSBNotSent1Err { -6902 }

=item kUSBBufUnderRunErr

 Host hardware failure on data out, PCI busy?


sub kUSBBufUnderRunErr { -6903 }

=item kUSBBufOvrRunErr

 Host hardware failure on data in, PCI busy?


sub kUSBBufOvrRunErr { -6904 }

=item kUSBRes2Err


sub kUSBRes2Err { -6905 }

=item kUSBRes1Err


sub kUSBRes1Err { -6906 }

=item kUSBUnderRunErr

 Less data than buffer


sub kUSBUnderRunErr { -6907 }

=item kUSBOverRunErr

 Packet too large or more data than buffer


sub kUSBOverRunErr { -6908 }

=item kUSBWrongPIDErr

 Pipe stall, Bad or wrong PID


sub kUSBWrongPIDErr { -6909 }

=item kUSBPIDCheckErr

 Pipe stall, PID CRC error


sub kUSBPIDCheckErr { -6910 }

=item kUSBNotRespondingErr

 Pipe stall, No device, device hung


sub kUSBNotRespondingErr { -6911 }

=item kUSBEndpointStallErr

 Device didn't understand


sub kUSBEndpointStallErr { -6912 }

=item kUSBDataToggleErr

 Pipe stall, Bad data toggle


sub kUSBDataToggleErr { -6913 }

=item kUSBBitstufErr

 Pipe stall, bitstuffing


sub kUSBBitstufErr { -6914 }

=item kUSBCRCErr

 Pipe stall, bad CRC


sub kUSBCRCErr { -6915 }

=item kUSBQueueFull

 Internal queue maxxed


sub kUSBQueueFull { -6948 }

=item kUSBNotHandled

 Notification was not handled   (same as NotFound)


sub kUSBNotHandled { -6987 }

=item kUSBUnknownNotification

 Notification type not defined


sub kUSBUnknownNotification { -6949 }

=item kUSBInternalReserved10


sub kUSBInternalReserved10 { -6951 }

=item kUSBInternalReserved9


sub kUSBInternalReserved9 { -6952 }

=item kUSBInternalReserved8


sub kUSBInternalReserved8 { -6953 }

=item kUSBInternalReserved7


sub kUSBInternalReserved7 { -6954 }

=item kUSBInternalReserved6


sub kUSBInternalReserved6 { -6955 }

=item kUSBInternalReserved5


sub kUSBInternalReserved5 { -6956 }

=item kUSBInternalReserved4


sub kUSBInternalReserved4 { -6957 }

=item kUSBInternalReserved3


sub kUSBInternalReserved3 { -6958 }

=item kUSBInternalReserved2


sub kUSBInternalReserved2 { -6959 }

=item kUSBPortDisabled

 The port you are attached to is disabled, use USBDeviceReset.


sub kUSBPortDisabled { -6969 }

=item kUSBQueueAborted

 Pipe zero stall cleared.


sub kUSBQueueAborted { -6970 }

=item kUSBTimedOut

 Transaction timed out.


sub kUSBTimedOut { -6971 }

=item kUSBDeviceDisconnected

 Disconnected during suspend or reset


sub kUSBDeviceDisconnected { -6972 }

=item kUSBDeviceNotSuspended

 device is not suspended for resume


sub kUSBDeviceNotSuspended { -6973 }

=item kUSBDeviceSuspended

 Device is suspended


sub kUSBDeviceSuspended { -6974 }

=item kUSBInvalidBuffer

 bad buffer, usually nil


sub kUSBInvalidBuffer { -6975 }

=item kUSBDevicePowerProblem

 Device has a power problem


sub kUSBDevicePowerProblem { -6976 }

=item kUSBDeviceBusy

 Device is already being configured


sub kUSBDeviceBusy { -6977 }

=item kUSBUnknownInterfaceErr

 Interface ref not recognised


sub kUSBUnknownInterfaceErr { -6978 }

=item kUSBPipeStalledError

 Pipe has stalled, error needs to be cleared


sub kUSBPipeStalledError { -6979 }

=item kUSBPipeIdleError

 Pipe is Idle, it will not accept transactions


sub kUSBPipeIdleError { -6980 }

=item kUSBNoBandwidthError

 Not enough bandwidth available


sub kUSBNoBandwidthError { -6981 }

=item kUSBAbortedError

 Pipe aborted


sub kUSBAbortedError { -6982 }

=item kUSBFlagsError

 Unused flags not zeroed


sub kUSBFlagsError { -6983 }

=item kUSBCompletionError

 no completion routine specified


sub kUSBCompletionError { -6984 }

=item kUSBPBLengthError

 pbLength too small


sub kUSBPBLengthError { -6985 }

=item kUSBPBVersionError

 Wrong pbVersion


sub kUSBPBVersionError { -6986 }

=item kUSBNotFound

 Not found


sub kUSBNotFound { -6987 }

=item kUSBOutOfMemoryErr

 Out of memory


sub kUSBOutOfMemoryErr { -6988 }

=item kUSBDeviceErr

 Device error


sub kUSBDeviceErr { -6989 }

=item kUSBNoDeviceErr

 No device


sub kUSBNoDeviceErr { -6990 }

=item kUSBAlreadyOpenErr

 Already open


sub kUSBAlreadyOpenErr { -6991 }

=item kUSBTooManyTransactionsErr

 Too many transactions


sub kUSBTooManyTransactionsErr { -6992 }

=item kUSBUnknownRequestErr

 Unknown request


sub kUSBUnknownRequestErr { -6993 }

=item kUSBRqErr

 Request error


sub kUSBRqErr { -6994 }

=item kUSBIncorrectTypeErr

 Incorrect type


sub kUSBIncorrectTypeErr { -6995 }

=item kUSBTooManyPipesErr

 Too many pipes


sub kUSBTooManyPipesErr { -6996 }

=item kUSBUnknownPipeErr

 Pipe ref not recognised


sub kUSBUnknownPipeErr { -6997 }

=item kUSBUnknownDeviceErr

 device ref not recognised


sub kUSBUnknownDeviceErr { -6998 }

=item dcmParamErr

 bad parameter


sub dcmParamErr { -7100 }

=item dcmNotDictionaryErr

 not dictionary


sub dcmNotDictionaryErr { -7101 }

=item dcmBadDictionaryErr

 invalid dictionary


sub dcmBadDictionaryErr { -7102 }

=item dcmPermissionErr

 invalid permission


sub dcmPermissionErr { -7103 }

=item dcmDictionaryNotOpenErr

 dictionary not opened


sub dcmDictionaryNotOpenErr { -7104 }

=item dcmDictionaryBusyErr

 dictionary is busy


sub dcmDictionaryBusyErr { -7105 }

=item dcmBlockFullErr

 dictionary block full


sub dcmBlockFullErr { -7107 }

=item dcmNoRecordErr

 no such record


sub dcmNoRecordErr { -7108 }

=item dcmDupRecordErr

 same record already exist


sub dcmDupRecordErr { -7109 }

=item dcmNecessaryFieldErr

 lack required/identify field


sub dcmNecessaryFieldErr { -7110 }

=item dcmBadFieldInfoErr

 incomplete information


sub dcmBadFieldInfoErr { -7111 }

=item dcmBadFieldTypeErr

 no such field type supported


sub dcmBadFieldTypeErr { -7112 }

=item dcmNoFieldErr

 no such field exist


sub dcmNoFieldErr { -7113 }

=item dcmBadKeyErr

 bad key information


sub dcmBadKeyErr { -7115 }

=item dcmTooManyKeyErr

 too many key field


sub dcmTooManyKeyErr { -7116 }

=item dcmBadDataSizeErr

 too big data size


sub dcmBadDataSizeErr { -7117 }

=item dcmBadFindMethodErr

 no such find method supported


sub dcmBadFindMethodErr { -7118 }

=item dcmBadPropertyErr

 no such property exist


sub dcmBadPropertyErr { -7119 }

=item dcmProtectedErr

 need keyword to use dictionary


sub dcmProtectedErr { -7121 }

=item dcmNoAccessMethodErr

 no such AccessMethod


sub dcmNoAccessMethodErr { -7122 }

=item dcmBadFeatureErr

 invalid AccessMethod feature


sub dcmBadFeatureErr { -7124 }

=item dcmIterationCompleteErr

 no more item in iterator


sub dcmIterationCompleteErr { -7126 }

=item kRAInvalidParameter


sub kRAInvalidParameter { -7100 }

=item kRAInvalidPort


sub kRAInvalidPort { -7101 }

=item kRAStartupFailed


sub kRAStartupFailed { -7102 }

=item kRAPortSetupFailed


sub kRAPortSetupFailed { -7103 }

=item kRAOutOfMemory


sub kRAOutOfMemory { -7104 }

=item kRANotSupported


sub kRANotSupported { -7105 }

=item kRAMissingResources


sub kRAMissingResources { -7106 }

=item kRAIncompatiblePrefs


sub kRAIncompatiblePrefs { -7107 }

=item kRANotConnected


sub kRANotConnected { -7108 }

=item kRAConnectionCanceled


sub kRAConnectionCanceled { -7109 }

=item kRAUnknownUser


sub kRAUnknownUser { -7110 }

=item kRAInvalidPassword


sub kRAInvalidPassword { -7111 }

=item kRAInternalError


sub kRAInternalError { -7112 }

=item kRAInstallationDamaged


sub kRAInstallationDamaged { -7113 }

=item kRAPortBusy


sub kRAPortBusy { -7114 }

=item kRAUnknownPortState


sub kRAUnknownPortState { -7115 }

=item kRAInvalidPortState


sub kRAInvalidPortState { -7116 }

=item kRAInvalidSerialProtocol


sub kRAInvalidSerialProtocol { -7117 }

=item kRAUserLoginDisabled


sub kRAUserLoginDisabled { -7118 }

=item kRAUserPwdChangeRequired


sub kRAUserPwdChangeRequired { -7119 }

=item kRAUserPwdEntryRequired


sub kRAUserPwdEntryRequired { -7120 }

=item kRAUserInteractionRequired


sub kRAUserInteractionRequired { -7121 }

=item kRAInitOpenTransportFailed


sub kRAInitOpenTransportFailed { -7122 }

=item kRARemoteAccessNotReady


sub kRARemoteAccessNotReady { -7123 }

=item kRATCPIPInactive

 TCP/IP inactive, cannot be loaded


sub kRATCPIPInactive { -7124 }

=item kRATCPIPNotConfigured

 TCP/IP not configured, could be loaded


sub kRATCPIPNotConfigured { -7125 }

=item kRANotPrimaryInterface

 when IPCP is not primary TCP/IP intf.


sub kRANotPrimaryInterface { -7126 }

=item kRAConfigurationDBInitErr


sub kRAConfigurationDBInitErr { -7127 }

=item kRAPPPProtocolRejected


sub kRAPPPProtocolRejected { -7128 }

=item kRAPPPAuthenticationFailed


sub kRAPPPAuthenticationFailed { -7129 }

=item kRAPPPNegotiationFailed


sub kRAPPPNegotiationFailed { -7130 }

=item kRAPPPUserDisconnected


sub kRAPPPUserDisconnected { -7131 }

=item kRAPPPPeerDisconnected


sub kRAPPPPeerDisconnected { -7132 }

=item kRAPeerNotResponding


sub kRAPeerNotResponding { -7133 }

=item kRAATalkInactive


sub kRAATalkInactive { -7134 }

=item kRAExtAuthenticationFailed


sub kRAExtAuthenticationFailed { -7135 }

=item kRANCPRejectedbyPeer


sub kRANCPRejectedbyPeer { -7136 }

=item kRADuplicateIPAddr


sub kRADuplicateIPAddr { -7137 }

=item kRACallBackFailed


sub kRACallBackFailed { -7138 }

=item kATSUInvalidTextLayoutErr

 An attempt was made to use a ATSUTextLayout
which hadn't been initialized or is otherwise


sub kATSUInvalidTextLayoutErr { -8790 }

=item kATSUInvalidStyleErr

 An attempt was made to use a ATSUStyle which
hadn't been properly allocated or is otherwise


sub kATSUInvalidStyleErr { -8791 }

=item kATSUInvalidTextRangeErr

 An attempt was made to extract information
from or perform an operation on a ATSUTextLayout


sub kATSUInvalidTextRangeErr { -8792 }

=item kATSUFontsMatched

 This is not an error code but is returned by
ATSUMatchFontsToText() when changes need to


sub kATSUFontsMatched { -8793 }

=item kATSUFontsNotMatched

 This value is returned by ATSUMatchFontsToText()
when the text contains Unicode characters which


sub kATSUFontsNotMatched { -8794 }

=item kATSUNoCorrespondingFontErr

 This value is retrned by font ID conversion
routines ATSUFONDtoFontID() and ATSUFontIDtoFOND()


sub kATSUNoCorrespondingFontErr { -8795 }

=item kATSUInvalidFontErr

 Used when an attempt was made to use an invalid font ID.


sub kATSUInvalidFontErr { -8796 }

=item kATSUInvalidAttributeValueErr

 Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with
a bad or undefined value.


sub kATSUInvalidAttributeValueErr { -8797 }

=item kATSUInvalidAttributeSizeErr

 Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with a
bad size.


sub kATSUInvalidAttributeSizeErr { -8798 }

=item kATSUInvalidAttributeTagErr

 Used when an attempt was made to use a tag value that
was not appropriate for the function call it was used.


sub kATSUInvalidAttributeTagErr { -8799 }

=item kATSUInvalidCacheErr

 Used when an attempt was made to read in style data
from an invalid cache.  Either the format of the


sub kATSUInvalidCacheErr { -8800 }

=item kATSUNotSetErr

 Used when the client attempts to retrieve an attribute,
font feature, or font variation from a style when it


sub kATSUNotSetErr { -8801 }

=item kATSUNoStyleRunsAssignedErr

 Used when an attempt was made to measure, highlight or draw
a ATSUTextLayout object that has no styleRuns associated with it.


sub kATSUNoStyleRunsAssignedErr { -8802 }

=item kATSUQuickDrawTextErr

 Used when QuickDraw Text encounters an error rendering or measuring
a line of ATSUI text.


sub kATSUQuickDrawTextErr { -8803 }

=item kATSULowLevelErr

 Used when an error was encountered within the low level ATS
mechanism performing an operation requested by ATSUI.


sub kATSULowLevelErr { -8804 }

=item kATSUNoFontCmapAvailableErr

 Used when no CMAP table can be accessed or synthesized for the
font passed into a SetAttributes Font call.


sub kATSUNoFontCmapAvailableErr { -8805 }

=item kATSUNoFontScalerAvailableErr

 Used when no font scaler is available for the font passed
into a SetAttributes Font call.


sub kATSUNoFontScalerAvailableErr { -8806 }

=item kATSUCoordinateOverflowErr

 Used to indicate the coordinates provided to an ATSUI routine caused
a coordinate overflow (i.e. > 32K).


sub kATSUCoordinateOverflowErr { -8807 }

=item kATSULineBreakInWord

 This is not an error code but is returned by ATSUBreakLine to
indicate that the returned offset is within a word since there was


sub kATSULineBreakInWord { -8808 }

=item kATSUBusyObjectErr

 An ATSUI object is being used by another thread


sub kATSUBusyObjectErr { -8809 }

=item kATSUInvalidFontFallbacksErr

 An attempt was made to use a ATSUFontFallbacks
which hadn't been initialized or is otherwise


sub kATSUInvalidFontFallbacksErr { -8810 }


=head1 general text errors

=over 4

=item kTextUnsupportedEncodingErr

 specified encoding not supported for this operation


sub kTextUnsupportedEncodingErr { -8738 }

=item kTextMalformedInputErr

 in DBCS, for example, high byte followed by invalid low byte


sub kTextMalformedInputErr { -8739 }

=item kTextUndefinedElementErr

 text conversion errors


sub kTextUndefinedElementErr { -8740 }

=item kTECMissingTableErr


sub kTECMissingTableErr { -8745 }

=item kTECTableChecksumErr


sub kTECTableChecksumErr { -8746 }

=item kTECTableFormatErr


sub kTECTableFormatErr { -8747 }

=item kTECCorruptConverterErr

 invalid converter object reference


sub kTECCorruptConverterErr { -8748 }

=item kTECNoConversionPathErr


sub kTECNoConversionPathErr { -8749 }

=item kTECBufferBelowMinimumSizeErr

 output buffer too small to allow processing of first input text element


sub kTECBufferBelowMinimumSizeErr { -8750 }

=item kTECArrayFullErr

 supplied name buffer or TextRun, TextEncoding, or UnicodeMapping array is too small


sub kTECArrayFullErr { -8751 }

=item kTECBadTextRunErr


sub kTECBadTextRunErr { -8752 }

=item kTECPartialCharErr

 input buffer ends in the middle of a multibyte character, conversion stopped


sub kTECPartialCharErr { -8753 }

=item kTECUnmappableElementErr


sub kTECUnmappableElementErr { -8754 }

=item kTECIncompleteElementErr

 text element may be incomplete or is too long for internal buffers


sub kTECIncompleteElementErr { -8755 }

=item kTECDirectionErr

 direction stack overflow, etc.


sub kTECDirectionErr { -8756 }

=item kTECGlobalsUnavailableErr

 globals have already been deallocated (premature TERM)


sub kTECGlobalsUnavailableErr { -8770 }

=item kTECItemUnavailableErr

 item (e.g. name) not available for specified region (& encoding if relevant)
text conversion status codes


sub kTECItemUnavailableErr { -8771 }

=item kTECUsedFallbacksStatus


sub kTECUsedFallbacksStatus { -8783 }

=item kTECNeedFlushStatus


sub kTECNeedFlushStatus { -8784 }

=item kTECOutputBufferFullStatus

 output buffer has no room for conversion of next input text element (partial conversion)
deprecated error & status codes for low-level converter


sub kTECOutputBufferFullStatus { -8785 }

=item unicodeChecksumErr


sub unicodeChecksumErr { -8769 }

=item unicodeNoTableErr


sub unicodeNoTableErr { -8768 }

=item unicodeVariantErr


sub unicodeVariantErr { -8767 }

=item unicodeFallbacksErr


sub unicodeFallbacksErr { -8766 }

=item unicodePartConvertErr


sub unicodePartConvertErr { -8765 }

=item unicodeBufErr


sub unicodeBufErr { -8764 }

=item unicodeCharErr


sub unicodeCharErr { -8763 }

=item unicodeElementErr


sub unicodeElementErr { -8762 }

=item unicodeNotFoundErr


sub unicodeNotFoundErr { -8761 }

=item unicodeTableFormatErr


sub unicodeTableFormatErr { -8760 }

=item unicodeDirectionErr


sub unicodeDirectionErr { -8759 }

=item unicodeContextualErr


sub unicodeContextualErr { -8758 }

=item kUTCUnderflowErr


sub kUTCUnderflowErr { -8850 }

=item kUTCOverflowErr


sub kUTCOverflowErr { -8851 }

=item codecErr


sub codecErr { -8960 }

=item noCodecErr


sub noCodecErr { -8961 }

=item codecUnimpErr


sub codecUnimpErr { -8962 }

=item codecSizeErr


sub codecSizeErr { -8963 }

=item codecScreenBufErr


sub codecScreenBufErr { -8964 }

=item codecImageBufErr


sub codecImageBufErr { -8965 }

=item codecSpoolErr


sub codecSpoolErr { -8966 }

=item codecAbortErr


sub codecAbortErr { -8967 }

=item codecWouldOffscreenErr


sub codecWouldOffscreenErr { -8968 }

=item codecBadDataErr


sub codecBadDataErr { -8969 }

=item codecDataVersErr


sub codecDataVersErr { -8970 }

=item codecExtensionNotFoundErr


sub codecExtensionNotFoundErr { -8971 }

=item scTypeNotFoundErr


sub scTypeNotFoundErr { codecExtensionNotFoundErr }

=item codecConditionErr


sub codecConditionErr { -8972 }

=item codecOpenErr


sub codecOpenErr { -8973 }

=item codecCantWhenErr


sub codecCantWhenErr { -8974 }

=item codecCantQueueErr


sub codecCantQueueErr { -8975 }

=item codecNothingToBlitErr


sub codecNothingToBlitErr { -8976 }

=item codecNoMemoryPleaseWaitErr


sub codecNoMemoryPleaseWaitErr { -8977 }

=item codecDisabledErr

 codec disabled itself -- pass codecFlagReenable to reset


sub codecDisabledErr { -8978 }

=item codecNeedToFlushChainErr


sub codecNeedToFlushChainErr { -8979 }

=item lockPortBitsBadSurfaceErr


sub lockPortBitsBadSurfaceErr { -8980 }

=item lockPortBitsWindowMovedErr


sub lockPortBitsWindowMovedErr { -8981 }

=item lockPortBitsWindowResizedErr


sub lockPortBitsWindowResizedErr { -8982 }

=item lockPortBitsWindowClippedErr


sub lockPortBitsWindowClippedErr { -8983 }

=item lockPortBitsBadPortErr


sub lockPortBitsBadPortErr { -8984 }

=item lockPortBitsSurfaceLostErr


sub lockPortBitsSurfaceLostErr { -8985 }

=item codecParameterDialogConfirm


sub codecParameterDialogConfirm { -8986 }

=item codecNeedAccessKeyErr

 codec needs password in order to decompress


sub codecNeedAccessKeyErr { -8987 }

=item codecOffscreenFailedErr


sub codecOffscreenFailedErr { -8988 }

=item codecDroppedFrameErr

 returned from ImageCodecDrawBand


sub codecDroppedFrameErr { -8989 }

=item directXObjectAlreadyExists


sub directXObjectAlreadyExists { -8990 }

=item lockPortBitsWrongGDeviceErr


sub lockPortBitsWrongGDeviceErr { -8991 }

=item kBadAdapterErr

 invalid adapter number


sub kBadAdapterErr { -9050 }

=item kBadAttributeErr

 specified attributes field value is invalid


sub kBadAttributeErr { -9051 }

=item kBadBaseErr

 specified base system memory address is invalid


sub kBadBaseErr { -9052 }

=item kBadEDCErr

 specified EDC generator specified is invalid


sub kBadEDCErr { -9053 }

=item kBadIRQErr

 specified IRQ level is invalid


sub kBadIRQErr { -9054 }

=item kBadOffsetErr

 specified PC card memory array offset is invalid


sub kBadOffsetErr { -9055 }

=item kBadPageErr

 specified page is invalid


sub kBadPageErr { -9056 }

=item kBadSizeErr

 specified size is invalid


sub kBadSizeErr { -9057 }

=item kBadSocketErr

 specified logical or physical socket number is invalid


sub kBadSocketErr { -9058 }

=item kBadTypeErr

 specified window or interface type is invalid


sub kBadTypeErr { -9059 }

=item kBadVccErr

 specified Vcc power level index is invalid


sub kBadVccErr { -9060 }

=item kBadVppErr

 specified Vpp1 or Vpp2 power level index is invalid


sub kBadVppErr { -9061 }

=item kBadWindowErr

 specified window is invalid


sub kBadWindowErr { -9062 }

=item kBadArgLengthErr

 ArgLength argument is invalid


sub kBadArgLengthErr { -9063 }

=item kBadArgsErr

 values in argument packet are invalid


sub kBadArgsErr { -9064 }

=item kBadHandleErr

 clientHandle is invalid


sub kBadHandleErr { -9065 }

=item kBadCISErr

 CIS on card is invalid


sub kBadCISErr { -9066 }

=item kBadSpeedErr

 specified speed is unavailable


sub kBadSpeedErr { -9067 }

=item kReadFailureErr

 unable to complete read request


sub kReadFailureErr { -9068 }

=item kWriteFailureErr

 unable to complete write request


sub kWriteFailureErr { -9069 }

=item kGeneralFailureErr

 an undefined error has occurred


sub kGeneralFailureErr { -9070 }

=item kNoCardErr

 no PC card in the socket


sub kNoCardErr { -9071 }

=item kUnsupportedFunctionErr

 function is not supported by this implementation


sub kUnsupportedFunctionErr { -9072 }

=item kUnsupportedModeErr

 mode is not supported


sub kUnsupportedModeErr { -9073 }

=item kBusyErr

 unable to process request at this time - try later


sub kBusyErr { -9074 }

=item kWriteProtectedErr

 media is write-protected


sub kWriteProtectedErr { -9075 }

=item kConfigurationLockedErr

 a configuration has already been locked


sub kConfigurationLockedErr { -9076 }

=item kInUseErr

 requested resource is being used by a client


sub kInUseErr { -9077 }

=item kNoMoreItemsErr

 there are no more of the requested item


sub kNoMoreItemsErr { -9078 }

=item kOutOfResourceErr

 Card Services has exhausted the resource


sub kOutOfResourceErr { -9079 }

=item kNoCardSevicesSocketsErr


sub kNoCardSevicesSocketsErr { -9080 }

=item kInvalidRegEntryErr


sub kInvalidRegEntryErr { -9081 }

=item kBadLinkErr


sub kBadLinkErr { -9082 }

=item kBadDeviceErr


sub kBadDeviceErr { -9083 }

=item k16BitCardErr


sub k16BitCardErr { -9084 }

=item kCardBusCardErr


sub kCardBusCardErr { -9085 }

=item kPassCallToChainErr


sub kPassCallToChainErr { -9086 }

=item kCantConfigureCardErr


sub kCantConfigureCardErr { -9087 }

=item kPostCardEventErr

 _PCCSLPostCardEvent failed and dropped an event


sub kPostCardEventErr { -9088 }

=item kInvalidDeviceNumber


sub kInvalidDeviceNumber { -9089 }

=item kUnsupportedVsErr

 Unsupported Voltage Sense


sub kUnsupportedVsErr { -9090 }

=item kInvalidCSClientErr

 Card Services ClientID is not registered


sub kInvalidCSClientErr { -9091 }

=item kBadTupleDataErr

 Data in tuple is invalid


sub kBadTupleDataErr { -9092 }

=item kBadCustomIFIDErr

 Custom interface ID is invalid


sub kBadCustomIFIDErr { -9093 }

=item kNoIOWindowRequestedErr

 Request I/O window before calling configuration


sub kNoIOWindowRequestedErr { -9094 }

=item kNoMoreTimerClientsErr

 All timer callbacks are in use


sub kNoMoreTimerClientsErr { -9095 }

=item kNoMoreInterruptSlotsErr

 All internal Interrupt slots are in use


sub kNoMoreInterruptSlotsErr { -9096 }

=item kNoClientTableErr

 The client table has not be initialized yet


sub kNoClientTableErr { -9097 }

=item kUnsupportedCardErr

 Card not supported by generic enabler


sub kUnsupportedCardErr { -9098 }

=item kNoCardEnablersFoundErr

 No Enablers were found


sub kNoCardEnablersFoundErr { -9099 }

=item kNoEnablerForCardErr

 No Enablers were found that can support the card


sub kNoEnablerForCardErr { -9100 }

=item kNoCompatibleNameErr

 There is no compatible driver name for this device


sub kNoCompatibleNameErr { -9101 }

=item kClientRequestDenied

 CS Clients should return this code inorder to
deny a request-type CS Event


sub kClientRequestDenied { -9102 }

=item kNotReadyErr

 PC Card failed to go ready


sub kNotReadyErr { -9103 }

=item kTooManyIOWindowsErr

 device requested more than one I/O window


sub kTooManyIOWindowsErr { -9104 }

=item kAlreadySavedStateErr

 The state has been saved on previous call


sub kAlreadySavedStateErr { -9105 }

=item kAttemptDupCardEntryErr

 The Enabler was asked to create a duplicate card entry


sub kAttemptDupCardEntryErr { -9106 }

=item kCardPowerOffErr

 Power to the card has been turned off


sub kCardPowerOffErr { -9107 }

=item kNotZVCapableErr

 This socket does not support Zoomed Video


sub kNotZVCapableErr { -9108 }

=item noDeviceForChannel


sub noDeviceForChannel { -9400 }

=item grabTimeComplete


sub grabTimeComplete { -9401 }

=item cantDoThatInCurrentMode


sub cantDoThatInCurrentMode { -9402 }

=item notEnoughMemoryToGrab


sub notEnoughMemoryToGrab { -9403 }

=item notEnoughDiskSpaceToGrab


sub notEnoughDiskSpaceToGrab { -9404 }

=item couldntGetRequiredComponent


sub couldntGetRequiredComponent { -9405 }

=item badSGChannel


sub badSGChannel { -9406 }

=item seqGrabInfoNotAvailable


sub seqGrabInfoNotAvailable { -9407 }

=item deviceCantMeetRequest


sub deviceCantMeetRequest { -9408 }

=item badControllerHeight


sub badControllerHeight { -9994 }

=item editingNotAllowed


sub editingNotAllowed { -9995 }

=item controllerBoundsNotExact


sub controllerBoundsNotExact { -9996 }

=item cannotSetWidthOfAttachedController


sub cannotSetWidthOfAttachedController { -9997 }

=item controllerHasFixedHeight


sub controllerHasFixedHeight { -9998 }

=item errAEBadKeyForm


sub errAEBadKeyForm { -10002 }

=item errAECantHandleClass


sub errAECantHandleClass { -10010 }

=item errAECantSupplyType


sub errAECantSupplyType { -10009 }

=item errAECantUndo


sub errAECantUndo { -10015 }

=item errAEEventFailed


sub errAEEventFailed { -10000 }

=item errAEIndexTooLarge


sub errAEIndexTooLarge { -10007 }

=item errAEInTransaction


sub errAEInTransaction { -10011 }

=item errAELocalOnly


sub errAELocalOnly { -10016 }

=item errAENoSuchTransaction


sub errAENoSuchTransaction { -10012 }

=item errAENotAnElement


sub errAENotAnElement { -10008 }

=item errAENotASingleObject


sub errAENotASingleObject { -10014 }

=item errAENotModifiable


sub errAENotModifiable { -10003 }

=item errAENoUserSelection


sub errAENoUserSelection { -10013 }

=item errAEPrivilegeError


sub errAEPrivilegeError { -10004 }

=item errAEReadDenied


sub errAEReadDenied { -10005 }

=item errAETypeError


sub errAETypeError { -10001 }

=item errAEWriteDenied


sub errAEWriteDenied { -10006 }

=item errAENotAnEnumMember

 enumerated value in SetData is not allowed for this property


sub errAENotAnEnumMember { -10023 }

=item errAECantPutThatThere

 in make new, duplicate, etc. class can't be an element of container


sub errAECantPutThatThere { -10024 }

=item telGenericError


sub telGenericError { -1 }

=item telNoErr


sub telNoErr { 0 }

=item telNoTools

 no telephone tools found in extension folder


sub telNoTools { 8 }

=item telBadTermErr

 invalid TELHandle or handle not found


sub telBadTermErr { -10001 }

=item telBadDNErr

 TELDNHandle not found or invalid


sub telBadDNErr { -10002 }

=item telBadCAErr

 TELCAHandle not found or invalid


sub telBadCAErr { -10003 }

=item telBadHandErr

 bad handle specified


sub telBadHandErr { -10004 }

=item telBadProcErr

 bad msgProc specified


sub telBadProcErr { -10005 }

=item telCAUnavail

 a CA is not available


sub telCAUnavail { -10006 }

=item telNoMemErr

 no memory to allocate handle


sub telNoMemErr { -10007 }

=item telNoOpenErr

 unable to open terminal


sub telNoOpenErr { -10008 }

=item telBadHTypeErr

 bad hook type specified


sub telBadHTypeErr { -10010 }

=item telHTypeNotSupp

 hook type not supported by this tool


sub telHTypeNotSupp { -10011 }

=item telBadLevelErr

 bad volume level setting


sub telBadLevelErr { -10012 }

=item telBadVTypeErr

 bad volume type error


sub telBadVTypeErr { -10013 }

=item telVTypeNotSupp

 volume type not supported by this tool


sub telVTypeNotSupp { -10014 }

=item telBadAPattErr

 bad alerting pattern specified


sub telBadAPattErr { -10015 }

=item telAPattNotSupp

 alerting pattern not supported by tool


sub telAPattNotSupp { -10016 }

=item telBadIndex

 bad index specified


sub telBadIndex { -10017 }

=item telIndexNotSupp

 index not supported by this tool


sub telIndexNotSupp { -10018 }

=item telBadStateErr

 bad device state specified


sub telBadStateErr { -10019 }

=item telStateNotSupp

 device state not supported by tool


sub telStateNotSupp { -10020 }

=item telBadIntExt

 bad internal external error


sub telBadIntExt { -10021 }

=item telIntExtNotSupp

 internal external type not supported by this tool


sub telIntExtNotSupp { -10022 }

=item telBadDNDType

 bad DND type specified


sub telBadDNDType { -10023 }

=item telDNDTypeNotSupp

 DND type is not supported by this tool


sub telDNDTypeNotSupp { -10024 }

=item telFeatNotSub

 feature not subscribed


sub telFeatNotSub { -10030 }

=item telFeatNotAvail

 feature subscribed but not available


sub telFeatNotAvail { -10031 }

=item telFeatActive

 feature already active


sub telFeatActive { -10032 }

=item telFeatNotSupp

 feature program call not supported by this tool


sub telFeatNotSupp { -10033 }

=item telConfLimitErr

 limit specified is too high for this configuration


sub telConfLimitErr { -10040 }

=item telConfNoLimit

 no limit was specified but required


sub telConfNoLimit { -10041 }

=item telConfErr

 conference was not prepared


sub telConfErr { -10042 }

=item telConfRej

 conference request was rejected


sub telConfRej { -10043 }

=item telTransferErr

 transfer not prepared


sub telTransferErr { -10044 }

=item telTransferRej

 transfer request rejected


sub telTransferRej { -10045 }

=item telCBErr

 call back feature not set previously


sub telCBErr { -10046 }

=item telConfLimitExceeded

 attempt to exceed switch conference limits


sub telConfLimitExceeded { -10047 }

=item telBadDNType

 DN type invalid


sub telBadDNType { -10050 }

=item telBadPageID

 bad page ID specified


sub telBadPageID { -10051 }

=item telBadIntercomID

 bad intercom ID specified


sub telBadIntercomID { -10052 }

=item telBadFeatureID

 bad feature ID specified


sub telBadFeatureID { -10053 }

=item telBadFwdType

 bad fwdType specified


sub telBadFwdType { -10054 }

=item telBadPickupGroupID

 bad pickup group ID specified


sub telBadPickupGroupID { -10055 }

=item telBadParkID

 bad park id specified


sub telBadParkID { -10056 }

=item telBadSelect

 unable to select or deselect DN


sub telBadSelect { -10057 }

=item telBadBearerType

 bad bearerType specified


sub telBadBearerType { -10058 }

=item telBadRate

 bad rate specified


sub telBadRate { -10059 }

=item telDNTypeNotSupp

 DN type not supported by tool


sub telDNTypeNotSupp { -10060 }

=item telFwdTypeNotSupp

 forward type not supported by tool


sub telFwdTypeNotSupp { -10061 }

=item telBadDisplayMode

 bad display mode specified


sub telBadDisplayMode { -10062 }

=item telDisplayModeNotSupp

 display mode not supported by tool


sub telDisplayModeNotSupp { -10063 }

=item telNoCallbackRef

 no call back reference was specified, but is required


sub telNoCallbackRef { -10064 }

=item telAlreadyOpen

 terminal already open


sub telAlreadyOpen { -10070 }

=item telStillNeeded

 terminal driver still needed by someone else


sub telStillNeeded { -10071 }

=item telTermNotOpen

 terminal not opened via TELOpenTerm


sub telTermNotOpen { -10072 }

=item telCANotAcceptable

 CA not "acceptable"


sub telCANotAcceptable { -10080 }

=item telCANotRejectable

 CA not "rejectable"


sub telCANotRejectable { -10081 }

=item telCANotDeflectable

 CA not "deflectable"


sub telCANotDeflectable { -10082 }

=item telPBErr

 parameter block error, bad format


sub telPBErr { -10090 }

=item telBadFunction

 bad msgCode specified
telNoTools        = -10101,        unable to find any telephone tools


sub telBadFunction { -10091 }

=item telNoSuchTool

 unable to find tool with name specified


sub telNoSuchTool { -10102 }

=item telUnknownErr

 unable to set config


sub telUnknownErr { -10103 }

=item telNoCommFolder

 Communications/Extensions Ä not found


sub telNoCommFolder { -10106 }

=item telInitFailed

 initialization failed


sub telInitFailed { -10107 }

=item telBadCodeResource

 code resource not found


sub telBadCodeResource { -10108 }

=item telDeviceNotFound

 device not found


sub telDeviceNotFound { -10109 }

=item telBadProcID

 invalid procID


sub telBadProcID { -10110 }

=item telValidateFailed

 telValidate failed


sub telValidateFailed { -10111 }

=item telAutoAnsNotOn

 autoAnswer in not turned on


sub telAutoAnsNotOn { -10112 }

=item telDetAlreadyOn

 detection is already turned on


sub telDetAlreadyOn { -10113 }

=item telBadSWErr

 Software not installed properly


sub telBadSWErr { -10114 }

=item telBadSampleRate

 incompatible sample rate


sub telBadSampleRate { -10115 }


=head1 Power Manager Errors

=over 4

=item pmBusyErr

 Power Mgr never ready to start handshake


sub pmBusyErr { -13000 }

=item pmReplyTOErr

 Timed out waiting for reply


sub pmReplyTOErr { -13001 }

=item pmSendStartErr

 during send, pmgr did not start hs


sub pmSendStartErr { -13002 }

=item pmSendEndErr

 during send, pmgr did not finish hs


sub pmSendEndErr { -13003 }

=item pmRecvStartErr

 during receive, pmgr did not start hs


sub pmRecvStartErr { -13004 }

=item kPowerHandlerExistsForDeviceErr


sub kPowerHandlerExistsForDeviceErr { -13006 }

=item kPowerHandlerNotFoundForDeviceErr


sub kPowerHandlerNotFoundForDeviceErr { -13007 }

=item kPowerHandlerNotFoundForProcErr


sub kPowerHandlerNotFoundForProcErr { -13008 }

=item kPowerMgtMessageNotHandled


sub kPowerMgtMessageNotHandled { -13009 }

=item kPowerMgtRequestDenied


sub kPowerMgtRequestDenied { -13010 }

=item kCantReportProcessorTemperatureErr


sub kCantReportProcessorTemperatureErr { -13013 }

=item kProcessorTempRoutineRequiresMPLib2


sub kProcessorTempRoutineRequiresMPLib2 { -13014 }

=item kNoSuchPowerSource


sub kNoSuchPowerSource { -13020 }

=item debuggingExecutionContextErr

 routine cannot be called at this time


sub debuggingExecutionContextErr { -13880 }

=item debuggingDuplicateSignatureErr

 componentSignature already registered


sub debuggingDuplicateSignatureErr { -13881 }

=item debuggingDuplicateOptionErr

 optionSelectorNum already registered


sub debuggingDuplicateOptionErr { -13882 }

=item debuggingInvalidSignatureErr

 componentSignature not registered


sub debuggingInvalidSignatureErr { -13883 }

=item debuggingInvalidOptionErr

 optionSelectorNum is not registered


sub debuggingInvalidOptionErr { -13884 }

=item debuggingInvalidNameErr

 componentName or optionName is invalid (NULL)


sub debuggingInvalidNameErr { -13885 }

=item debuggingNoCallbackErr

 debugging component has no callback


sub debuggingNoCallbackErr { -13886 }

=item kHIDVersionIncompatibleErr


sub kHIDVersionIncompatibleErr { -13909 }

=item kHIDSuccess


sub kHIDSuccess { 0 }

=item kHIDInvalidRangePageErr


sub kHIDInvalidRangePageErr { -13923 }

=item kHIDReportIDZeroErr


sub kHIDReportIDZeroErr { -13924 }

=item kHIDReportCountZeroErr


sub kHIDReportCountZeroErr { -13925 }

=item kHIDReportSizeZeroErr


sub kHIDReportSizeZeroErr { -13926 }

=item kHIDUnmatchedDesignatorRangeErr


sub kHIDUnmatchedDesignatorRangeErr { -13927 }

=item kHIDUnmatchedStringRangeErr


sub kHIDUnmatchedStringRangeErr { -13928 }

=item kHIDInvertedUsageRangeErr


sub kHIDInvertedUsageRangeErr { -13929 }

=item kHIDUnmatchedUsageRangeErr


sub kHIDUnmatchedUsageRangeErr { -13930 }

=item kHIDInvertedPhysicalRangeErr


sub kHIDInvertedPhysicalRangeErr { -13931 }

=item kHIDInvertedLogicalRangeErr


sub kHIDInvertedLogicalRangeErr { -13932 }

=item kHIDBadLogicalMaximumErr


sub kHIDBadLogicalMaximumErr { -13933 }

=item kHIDBadLogicalMinimumErr


sub kHIDBadLogicalMinimumErr { -13934 }

=item kHIDUsagePageZeroErr


sub kHIDUsagePageZeroErr { -13935 }

=item kHIDEndOfDescriptorErr


sub kHIDEndOfDescriptorErr { -13936 }

=item kHIDNotEnoughMemoryErr


sub kHIDNotEnoughMemoryErr { -13937 }

=item kHIDBadParameterErr


sub kHIDBadParameterErr { -13938 }

=item kHIDNullPointerErr


sub kHIDNullPointerErr { -13939 }

=item kHIDInvalidReportLengthErr


sub kHIDInvalidReportLengthErr { -13940 }

=item kHIDInvalidReportTypeErr


sub kHIDInvalidReportTypeErr { -13941 }

=item kHIDBadLogPhysValuesErr


sub kHIDBadLogPhysValuesErr { -13942 }

=item kHIDIncompatibleReportErr


sub kHIDIncompatibleReportErr { -13943 }

=item kHIDInvalidPreparsedDataErr


sub kHIDInvalidPreparsedDataErr { -13944 }

=item kHIDNotValueArrayErr


sub kHIDNotValueArrayErr { -13945 }

=item kHIDUsageNotFoundErr


sub kHIDUsageNotFoundErr { -13946 }

=item kHIDValueOutOfRangeErr


sub kHIDValueOutOfRangeErr { -13947 }

=item kHIDBufferTooSmallErr


sub kHIDBufferTooSmallErr { -13948 }

=item kHIDNullStateErr


sub kHIDNullStateErr { -13949 }

=item kModemOutOfMemory


sub kModemOutOfMemory { -14000 }

=item kModemPreferencesMissing


sub kModemPreferencesMissing { -14001 }

=item kTXNEndIterationErr


sub kTXNEndIterationErr { -22000 }

=item kTXNCannotAddFrameErr


sub kTXNCannotAddFrameErr { -22001 }

=item kTXNInvalidFrameIDErr


sub kTXNInvalidFrameIDErr { -22002 }

=item kTXNIllegalToCrossDataBoundariesErr


sub kTXNIllegalToCrossDataBoundariesErr { -22003 }

=item kTXNUserCanceledOperationErr


sub kTXNUserCanceledOperationErr { -22004 }

=item kTXNBadDefaultFileTypeWarning


sub kTXNBadDefaultFileTypeWarning { -22005 }

=item kTXNCannotSetAutoIndentErr


sub kTXNCannotSetAutoIndentErr { -22006 }

=item kTXNRunIndexOutofBoundsErr


sub kTXNRunIndexOutofBoundsErr { -22007 }

=item kTXNNoMatchErr


sub kTXNNoMatchErr { -22008 }

=item kTXNAttributeTagInvalidForRunErr

 dataValue is set to this per invalid tag


sub kTXNAttributeTagInvalidForRunErr { -22009 }

=item kTXNSomeOrAllTagsInvalidForRunErr


sub kTXNSomeOrAllTagsInvalidForRunErr { -22010 }

=item kTXNInvalidRunIndex


sub kTXNInvalidRunIndex { -22011 }

=item kTXNAlreadyInitializedErr


sub kTXNAlreadyInitializedErr { -22012 }

=item kTXNCannotTurnTSMOffWhenUsingUnicodeErr


sub kTXNCannotTurnTSMOffWhenUsingUnicodeErr { -22013 }

=item kTXNCopyNotAllowedInEchoModeErr


sub kTXNCopyNotAllowedInEchoModeErr { -22014 }

=item kTXNDataTypeNotAllowedErr


sub kTXNDataTypeNotAllowedErr { -22015 }

=item kTXNATSUIIsNotInstalledErr


sub kTXNATSUIIsNotInstalledErr { -22016 }

=item kTXNOutsideOfLineErr


sub kTXNOutsideOfLineErr { -22017 }

=item errKCNotAvailable


sub errKCNotAvailable { -25291 }

=item errKCReadOnly


sub errKCReadOnly { -25292 }

=item errKCAuthFailed


sub errKCAuthFailed { -25293 }

=item errKCNoSuchKeychain


sub errKCNoSuchKeychain { -25294 }

=item errKCInvalidKeychain


sub errKCInvalidKeychain { -25295 }

=item errKCDuplicateKeychain


sub errKCDuplicateKeychain { -25296 }

=item errKCDuplicateCallback


sub errKCDuplicateCallback { -25297 }

=item errKCInvalidCallback


sub errKCInvalidCallback { -25298 }

=item errKCDuplicateItem


sub errKCDuplicateItem { -25299 }

=item errKCItemNotFound


sub errKCItemNotFound { -25300 }

=item errKCBufferTooSmall


sub errKCBufferTooSmall { -25301 }

=item errKCDataTooLarge


sub errKCDataTooLarge { -25302 }

=item errKCNoSuchAttr


sub errKCNoSuchAttr { -25303 }

=item errKCInvalidItemRef


sub errKCInvalidItemRef { -25304 }

=item errKCInvalidSearchRef


sub errKCInvalidSearchRef { -25305 }

=item errKCNoSuchClass


sub errKCNoSuchClass { -25306 }

=item errKCNoDefaultKeychain


sub errKCNoDefaultKeychain { -25307 }

=item errKCInteractionNotAllowed


sub errKCInteractionNotAllowed { -25308 }

=item errKCReadOnlyAttr


sub errKCReadOnlyAttr { -25309 }

=item errKCWrongKCVersion


sub errKCWrongKCVersion { -25310 }

=item errKCKeySizeNotAllowed


sub errKCKeySizeNotAllowed { -25311 }

=item errKCNoStorageModule


sub errKCNoStorageModule { -25312 }

=item errKCNoCertificateModule


sub errKCNoCertificateModule { -25313 }

=item errKCNoPolicyModule


sub errKCNoPolicyModule { -25314 }

=item errKCInteractionRequired


sub errKCInteractionRequired { -25315 }

=item errKCDataNotAvailable


sub errKCDataNotAvailable { -25316 }

=item errKCDataNotModifiable


sub errKCDataNotModifiable { -25317 }

=item kUCOutputBufferTooSmall

 Output buffer too small for Unicode string result


sub kUCOutputBufferTooSmall { -25340 }

=item kUCTSNoKeysAddedToObjectErr


sub kUCTSNoKeysAddedToObjectErr { -25342 }

=item kMPIterationEndErr


sub kMPIterationEndErr { -29275 }

=item kMPPrivilegedErr


sub kMPPrivilegedErr { -29276 }

=item kMPProcessCreatedErr


sub kMPProcessCreatedErr { -29288 }

=item kMPProcessTerminatedErr


sub kMPProcessTerminatedErr { -29289 }

=item kMPTaskCreatedErr


sub kMPTaskCreatedErr { -29290 }

=item kMPTaskBlockedErr


sub kMPTaskBlockedErr { -29291 }

=item kMPTaskStoppedErr

 A convention used with MPThrowException.


sub kMPTaskStoppedErr { -29292 }

=item kMPBlueBlockingErr


sub kMPBlueBlockingErr { -29293 }

=item kMPDeletedErr


sub kMPDeletedErr { -29295 }

=item kMPTimeoutErr


sub kMPTimeoutErr { -29296 }

=item kMPTaskAbortedErr


sub kMPTaskAbortedErr { -29297 }

=item kMPInsufficientResourcesErr


sub kMPInsufficientResourcesErr { -29298 }

=item kCollateAttributesNotFoundErr


sub kCollateAttributesNotFoundErr { -29500 }

=item kCollateInvalidOptions


sub kCollateInvalidOptions { -29501 }

=item kCollateMissingUnicodeTableErr


sub kCollateMissingUnicodeTableErr { -29502 }

=item kCollateUnicodeConvertFailedErr


sub kCollateUnicodeConvertFailedErr { -29503 }

=item kCollatePatternNotFoundErr


sub kCollatePatternNotFoundErr { -29504 }

=item kCollateInvalidChar


sub kCollateInvalidChar { -29505 }

=item kCollateBufferTooSmall


sub kCollateBufferTooSmall { -29506 }

=item kFNSInvalidReferenceErr

 ref. was NULL or otherwise bad


sub kFNSInvalidReferenceErr { -29580 }

=item kFNSBadReferenceVersionErr

 ref. version is out of known range


sub kFNSBadReferenceVersionErr { -29581 }

=item kFNSInvalidProfileErr

 profile is NULL or otherwise bad


sub kFNSInvalidProfileErr { -29582 }

=item kFNSBadProfileVersionErr

 profile version is out of known range


sub kFNSBadProfileVersionErr { -29583 }

=item kFNSDuplicateReferenceErr

 the ref. being added is already in the profile


sub kFNSDuplicateReferenceErr { -29584 }

=item kFNSMismatchErr

 reference didn't match or wasn't found in profile


sub kFNSMismatchErr { -29585 }

=item kFNSInsufficientDataErr

 insufficient data for the operation


sub kFNSInsufficientDataErr { -29586 }

=item kFNSBadFlattenedSizeErr

 flattened size didn't match input or was too small


sub kFNSBadFlattenedSizeErr { -29587 }

=item kLocalesBufferTooSmallErr


sub kLocalesBufferTooSmallErr { -30001 }

=item kLocalesTableFormatErr


sub kLocalesTableFormatErr { -30002 }

=item kALMInternalErr


sub kALMInternalErr { -30049 }

=item kALMGroupNotFoundErr


sub kALMGroupNotFoundErr { -30048 }

=item kALMNoSuchModuleErr


sub kALMNoSuchModuleErr { -30047 }

=item kALMModuleCommunicationErr


sub kALMModuleCommunicationErr { -30046 }

=item kALMDuplicateModuleErr


sub kALMDuplicateModuleErr { -30045 }

=item kALMInstallationErr


sub kALMInstallationErr { -30044 }

=item kALMDeferSwitchErr


sub kALMDeferSwitchErr { -30043 }

=item kSSpInternalErr


sub kSSpInternalErr { -30340 }

=item kSSpVersionErr


sub kSSpVersionErr { -30341 }

=item kSSpCantInstallErr


sub kSSpCantInstallErr { -30342 }

=item kSSpParallelUpVectorErr


sub kSSpParallelUpVectorErr { -30343 }

=item kNSpInitializationFailedErr


sub kNSpInitializationFailedErr { -30360 }

=item kNSpAlreadyInitializedErr


sub kNSpAlreadyInitializedErr { -30361 }

=item kNSpTopologyNotSupportedErr


sub kNSpTopologyNotSupportedErr { -30362 }

=item kNSpPipeFullErr


sub kNSpPipeFullErr { -30364 }

=item kNSpHostFailedErr


sub kNSpHostFailedErr { -30365 }

=item kNSpProtocolNotAvailableErr


sub kNSpProtocolNotAvailableErr { -30366 }

=item kNSpInvalidGameRefErr


sub kNSpInvalidGameRefErr { -30367 }

=item kNSpInvalidParameterErr


sub kNSpInvalidParameterErr { -30369 }

=item kNSpOTNotPresentErr


sub kNSpOTNotPresentErr { -30370 }

=item kNSpOTVersionTooOldErr


sub kNSpOTVersionTooOldErr { -30371 }

=item kNSpMemAllocationErr


sub kNSpMemAllocationErr { -30373 }

=item kNSpAlreadyAdvertisingErr


sub kNSpAlreadyAdvertisingErr { -30374 }

=item kNSpNotAdvertisingErr


sub kNSpNotAdvertisingErr { -30376 }

=item kNSpInvalidAddressErr


sub kNSpInvalidAddressErr { -30377 }

=item kNSpFreeQExhaustedErr


sub kNSpFreeQExhaustedErr { -30378 }

=item kNSpRemovePlayerFailedErr


sub kNSpRemovePlayerFailedErr { -30379 }

=item kNSpAddressInUseErr


sub kNSpAddressInUseErr { -30380 }

=item kNSpFeatureNotImplementedErr


sub kNSpFeatureNotImplementedErr { -30381 }

=item kNSpNameRequiredErr


sub kNSpNameRequiredErr { -30382 }

=item kNSpInvalidPlayerIDErr


sub kNSpInvalidPlayerIDErr { -30383 }

=item kNSpInvalidGroupIDErr


sub kNSpInvalidGroupIDErr { -30384 }

=item kNSpNoPlayersErr


sub kNSpNoPlayersErr { -30385 }

=item kNSpNoGroupsErr


sub kNSpNoGroupsErr { -30386 }

=item kNSpNoHostVolunteersErr


sub kNSpNoHostVolunteersErr { -30387 }

=item kNSpCreateGroupFailedErr


sub kNSpCreateGroupFailedErr { -30388 }

=item kNSpAddPlayerFailedErr


sub kNSpAddPlayerFailedErr { -30389 }

=item kNSpInvalidDefinitionErr


sub kNSpInvalidDefinitionErr { -30390 }

=item kNSpInvalidProtocolRefErr


sub kNSpInvalidProtocolRefErr { -30391 }

=item kNSpInvalidProtocolListErr


sub kNSpInvalidProtocolListErr { -30392 }

=item kNSpTimeoutErr


sub kNSpTimeoutErr { -30393 }

=item kNSpGameTerminatedErr


sub kNSpGameTerminatedErr { -30394 }

=item kNSpConnectFailedErr


sub kNSpConnectFailedErr { -30395 }

=item kNSpSendFailedErr


sub kNSpSendFailedErr { -30396 }

=item kNSpMessageTooBigErr


sub kNSpMessageTooBigErr { -30397 }

=item kNSpCantBlockErr


sub kNSpCantBlockErr { -30398 }

=item kISpInternalErr


sub kISpInternalErr { -30420 }

=item kISpSystemListErr


sub kISpSystemListErr { -30421 }

=item kISpBufferToSmallErr


sub kISpBufferToSmallErr { -30422 }

=item kISpElementInListErr


sub kISpElementInListErr { -30423 }

=item kISpElementNotInListErr


sub kISpElementNotInListErr { -30424 }

=item kISpSystemInactiveErr


sub kISpSystemInactiveErr { -30425 }

=item kISpDeviceInactiveErr


sub kISpDeviceInactiveErr { -30426 }

=item kISpSystemActiveErr


sub kISpSystemActiveErr { -30427 }

=item kISpDeviceActiveErr


sub kISpDeviceActiveErr { -30428 }

=item kDSpNotInitializedErr


sub kDSpNotInitializedErr { -30440 }

=item kDSpSystemSWTooOldErr


sub kDSpSystemSWTooOldErr { -30441 }

=item kDSpInvalidContextErr


sub kDSpInvalidContextErr { -30442 }

=item kDSpInvalidAttributesErr


sub kDSpInvalidAttributesErr { -30443 }

=item kDSpContextAlreadyReservedErr


sub kDSpContextAlreadyReservedErr { -30444 }

=item kDSpContextNotReservedErr


sub kDSpContextNotReservedErr { -30445 }

=item kDSpContextNotFoundErr


sub kDSpContextNotFoundErr { -30446 }

=item kDSpFrameRateNotReadyErr


sub kDSpFrameRateNotReadyErr { -30447 }

=item kDSpConfirmSwitchWarning


sub kDSpConfirmSwitchWarning { -30448 }

=item kDSpInternalErr


sub kDSpInternalErr { -30449 }

=item kFBCvTwinExceptionErr

 no telling what it was


sub kFBCvTwinExceptionErr { -30500 }

=item kFBCnoIndexesFound


sub kFBCnoIndexesFound { -30501 }

=item kFBCallocFailed

 probably low memory


sub kFBCallocFailed { -30502 }

=item kFBCbadParam


sub kFBCbadParam { -30503 }

=item kFBCfileNotIndexed


sub kFBCfileNotIndexed { -30504 }

=item kFBCbadIndexFile

 bad FSSpec, or bad data in file


sub kFBCbadIndexFile { -30505 }

=item kFBCcompactionFailed

 V-Twin exception caught


sub kFBCcompactionFailed { -30506 }

=item kFBCvalidationFailed

 V-Twin exception caught


sub kFBCvalidationFailed { -30507 }

=item kFBCindexingFailed

 V-Twin exception caught


sub kFBCindexingFailed { -30508 }

=item kFBCcommitFailed

 V-Twin exception caught


sub kFBCcommitFailed { -30509 }

=item kFBCdeletionFailed

 V-Twin exception caught


sub kFBCdeletionFailed { -30510 }

=item kFBCmoveFailed

 V-Twin exception caught


sub kFBCmoveFailed { -30511 }

=item kFBCtokenizationFailed

 couldn't read from document or query


sub kFBCtokenizationFailed { -30512 }

=item kFBCmergingFailed

 couldn't merge index files


sub kFBCmergingFailed { -30513 }

=item kFBCindexCreationFailed

 couldn't create index


sub kFBCindexCreationFailed { -30514 }

=item kFBCaccessorStoreFailed


sub kFBCaccessorStoreFailed { -30515 }

=item kFBCaddDocFailed


sub kFBCaddDocFailed { -30516 }

=item kFBCflushFailed


sub kFBCflushFailed { -30517 }

=item kFBCindexNotFound


sub kFBCindexNotFound { -30518 }

=item kFBCnoSearchSession


sub kFBCnoSearchSession { -30519 }

=item kFBCindexingCanceled


sub kFBCindexingCanceled { -30520 }

=item kFBCaccessCanceled


sub kFBCaccessCanceled { -30521 }

=item kFBCindexFileDestroyed


sub kFBCindexFileDestroyed { -30522 }

=item kFBCindexNotAvailable


sub kFBCindexNotAvailable { -30523 }

=item kFBCsearchFailed


sub kFBCsearchFailed { -30524 }

=item kFBCsomeFilesNotIndexed


sub kFBCsomeFilesNotIndexed { -30525 }

=item kFBCillegalSessionChange

 tried to add/remove vols to a session
that has hits


sub kFBCillegalSessionChange { -30526 }

=item kFBCanalysisNotAvailable


sub kFBCanalysisNotAvailable { -30527 }

=item kFBCbadIndexFileVersion


sub kFBCbadIndexFileVersion { -30528 }

=item kFBCsummarizationCanceled


sub kFBCsummarizationCanceled { -30529 }

=item kFBCindexDiskIOFailed


sub kFBCindexDiskIOFailed { -30530 }

=item kFBCbadSearchSession


sub kFBCbadSearchSession { -30531 }

=item notAQTVRMovieErr


sub notAQTVRMovieErr { -30540 }

=item constraintReachedErr


sub constraintReachedErr { -30541 }

=item callNotSupportedByNodeErr


sub callNotSupportedByNodeErr { -30542 }

=item selectorNotSupportedByNodeErr


sub selectorNotSupportedByNodeErr { -30543 }

=item invalidNodeIDErr


sub invalidNodeIDErr { -30544 }

=item invalidViewStateErr


sub invalidViewStateErr { -30545 }

=item timeNotInViewErr


sub timeNotInViewErr { -30546 }

=item propertyNotSupportedByNodeErr


sub propertyNotSupportedByNodeErr { -30547 }

=item settingNotSupportedByNodeErr


sub settingNotSupportedByNodeErr { -30548 }

=item limitReachedErr


sub limitReachedErr { -30549 }

=item invalidNodeFormatErr


sub invalidNodeFormatErr { -30550 }

=item invalidHotSpotIDErr


sub invalidHotSpotIDErr { -30551 }

=item noMemoryNodeFailedInitialize


sub noMemoryNodeFailedInitialize { -30552 }

=item streamingNodeNotReadyErr


sub streamingNodeNotReadyErr { -30553 }

=item qtvrLibraryLoadErr


sub qtvrLibraryLoadErr { -30554 }

=item themeInvalidBrushErr

 pattern index invalid


sub themeInvalidBrushErr { -30560 }

=item themeProcessRegisteredErr


sub themeProcessRegisteredErr { -30561 }

=item themeProcessNotRegisteredErr


sub themeProcessNotRegisteredErr { -30562 }

=item themeBadTextColorErr


sub themeBadTextColorErr { -30563 }

=item themeHasNoAccentsErr


sub themeHasNoAccentsErr { -30564 }

=item themeBadCursorIndexErr


sub themeBadCursorIndexErr { -30565 }

=item themeScriptFontNotFoundErr

 theme font requested for uninstalled script system


sub themeScriptFontNotFoundErr { -30566 }


=head1 Control Manager Error Codes

=over 4

=item errMessageNotSupported


sub errMessageNotSupported { -30580 }

=item errDataNotSupported


sub errDataNotSupported { -30581 }

=item errControlDoesntSupportFocus


sub errControlDoesntSupportFocus { -30582 }

=item errUnknownControl


sub errUnknownControl { -30584 }

=item errCouldntSetFocus


sub errCouldntSetFocus { -30585 }

=item errNoRootControl


sub errNoRootControl { -30586 }

=item errRootAlreadyExists


sub errRootAlreadyExists { -30587 }

=item errInvalidPartCode


sub errInvalidPartCode { -30588 }

=item errControlsAlreadyExist


sub errControlsAlreadyExist { -30589 }

=item errControlIsNotEmbedder


sub errControlIsNotEmbedder { -30590 }

=item errDataSizeMismatch


sub errDataSizeMismatch { -30591 }

=item errControlHiddenOrDisabled


sub errControlHiddenOrDisabled { -30592 }

=item errCantEmbedIntoSelf


sub errCantEmbedIntoSelf { -30594 }

=item errCantEmbedRoot


sub errCantEmbedRoot { -30595 }

=item errItemNotControl


sub errItemNotControl { -30596 }

=item controlInvalidDataVersionErr


sub controlInvalidDataVersionErr { -30597 }

=item controlPropertyInvalid


sub controlPropertyInvalid { -5603 }

=item controlPropertyNotFoundErr


sub controlPropertyNotFoundErr { -5604 }

=item kURLInvalidURLReferenceError


sub kURLInvalidURLReferenceError { -30770 }

=item kURLProgressAlreadyDisplayedError


sub kURLProgressAlreadyDisplayedError { -30771 }

=item kURLDestinationExistsError


sub kURLDestinationExistsError { -30772 }

=item kURLInvalidURLError


sub kURLInvalidURLError { -30773 }

=item kURLUnsupportedSchemeError


sub kURLUnsupportedSchemeError { -30774 }

=item kURLServerBusyError


sub kURLServerBusyError { -30775 }

=item kURLAuthenticationError


sub kURLAuthenticationError { -30776 }

=item kURLPropertyNotYetKnownError


sub kURLPropertyNotYetKnownError { -30777 }

=item kURLUnknownPropertyError


sub kURLUnknownPropertyError { -30778 }

=item kURLPropertyBufferTooSmallError


sub kURLPropertyBufferTooSmallError { -30779 }

=item kURLUnsettablePropertyError


sub kURLUnsettablePropertyError { -30780 }

=item kURLInvalidCallError


sub kURLInvalidCallError { -30781 }

=item kURLFileEmptyError


sub kURLFileEmptyError { -30783 }

=item kURLExtensionFailureError


sub kURLExtensionFailureError { -30785 }

=item kURLInvalidConfigurationError


sub kURLInvalidConfigurationError { -30786 }

=item kURLAccessNotAvailableError


sub kURLAccessNotAvailableError { -30787 }

=item badComponentInstance

 when cast to an OSErr this is -32767


sub badComponentInstance { 0x80008001 }

=item dsBusError

 bus error


sub dsBusError { 1 }

=item dsAddressErr

 address error


sub dsAddressErr { 2 }

=item dsIllInstErr

 illegal instruction error


sub dsIllInstErr { 3 }

=item dsZeroDivErr

 zero divide error


sub dsZeroDivErr { 4 }

=item dsChkErr

 check trap error


sub dsChkErr { 5 }

=item dsOvflowErr

 overflow trap error


sub dsOvflowErr { 6 }

=item dsPrivErr

 privilege violation error


sub dsPrivErr { 7 }

=item dsTraceErr

 trace mode error


sub dsTraceErr { 8 }

=item dsLineAErr

 line 1010 trap error


sub dsLineAErr { 9 }

=item dsLineFErr

 line 1111 trap error


sub dsLineFErr { 10 }

=item dsMiscErr

 miscellaneous hardware exception error


sub dsMiscErr { 11 }

=item dsCoreErr

 unimplemented core routine error


sub dsCoreErr { 12 }

=item dsIrqErr

 uninstalled interrupt error


sub dsIrqErr { 13 }

=item dsIOCoreErr

 IO Core Error


sub dsIOCoreErr { 14 }

=item dsLoadErr

 Segment Loader Error


sub dsLoadErr { 15 }

=item dsFPErr

 Floating point error


sub dsFPErr { 16 }

=item dsNoPackErr

 package 0 not present


sub dsNoPackErr { 17 }

=item dsNoPk1

 package 1 not present


sub dsNoPk1 { 18 }

=item dsNoPk3

 package 3 not present


sub dsNoPk3 { 20 }

=item dsNoPk4

 package 4 not present


sub dsNoPk4 { 21 }

=item dsNoPk5

 package 5 not present


sub dsNoPk5 { 22 }

=item dsNoPk6

 package 6 not present


sub dsNoPk6 { 23 }

=item dsNoPk7

 package 7 not present


sub dsNoPk7 { 24 }

=item dsMemFullErr

 out of memory!


sub dsMemFullErr { 25 }

=item dsBadLaunch

 can't launch file


sub dsBadLaunch { 26 }

=item dsFSErr

 file system map has been trashed


sub dsFSErr { 27 }

=item dsStknHeap

 stack has moved into application heap


sub dsStknHeap { 28 }

=item negZcbFreeErr

 ZcbFree has gone negative


sub negZcbFreeErr { 33 }

=item dsFinderErr

 can't load the Finder error


sub dsFinderErr { 41 }

=item dsBadSlotInt

 unserviceable slot interrupt


sub dsBadSlotInt { 51 }

=item dsBadSANEOpcode

 bad opcode given to SANE Pack4


sub dsBadSANEOpcode { 81 }

=item dsBadPatchHeader

 SetTrapAddress saw the 'come-from' header


sub dsBadPatchHeader { 83 }

=item menuPrgErr

 happens when a menu is purged


sub menuPrgErr { 84 }

=item dsMBarNFnd

 Menu Manager Errors


sub dsMBarNFnd { 85 }

=item dsHMenuFindErr

 Menu Manager Errors


sub dsHMenuFindErr { 86 }

=item dsWDEFNotFound

 could not load WDEF


sub dsWDEFNotFound { 87 }

=item dsCDEFNotFound

 could not load CDEF


sub dsCDEFNotFound { 88 }

=item dsNoFPU

 an FPU instruction was executed and the machine doesn't have one


sub dsNoFPU { 90 }

=item dsNoPatch

 Can't patch for particular Model Mac


sub dsNoPatch { 98 }

=item dsBadPatch

 Can't load patch resource


sub dsBadPatch { 99 }

=item dsParityErr

 memory parity error


sub dsParityErr { 101 }

=item dsOldSystem

 System is too old for this ROM


sub dsOldSystem { 102 }

=item ds32BitMode

 booting in 32-bit on a 24-bit sys


sub ds32BitMode { 103 }

=item dsNeedToWriteBootBlocks

 need to write new boot blocks


sub dsNeedToWriteBootBlocks { 104 }

=item dsNotEnoughRAMToBoot

 must have at least 1.5MB of RAM to boot 7.0


sub dsNotEnoughRAMToBoot { 105 }

=item dsBufPtrTooLow

 bufPtr moved too far during boot


sub dsBufPtrTooLow { 106 }

=item dsVMDeferredFuncTableFull

 VM's DeferUserFn table is full


sub dsVMDeferredFuncTableFull { 112 }

=item dsVMBadBackingStore

 Error occurred while reading or writing the VM backing-store file


sub dsVMBadBackingStore { 113 }

=item dsCantHoldSystemHeap

 Unable to hold the system heap during boot


sub dsCantHoldSystemHeap { 114 }

=item dsSystemRequiresPowerPC

 Startup disk requires PowerPC


sub dsSystemRequiresPowerPC { 116 }

=item dsGibblyMovedToDisabledFolder

 For debug builds only, signals that active gibbly was disabled during boot.


sub dsGibblyMovedToDisabledFolder { 117 }

=item dsUnBootableSystem

 Active system file will not boot on this system because it was designed only to boot from a CD.


sub dsUnBootableSystem { 118 }

=item dsMustUseFCBAccessors

 FCBSPtr and FSFCBLen are invalid - must use FSM FCB accessor functions


sub dsMustUseFCBAccessors { 119 }

=item dsMacOSROMVersionTooOld

 The version of the "Mac OS ROM" file is too old to be used with the installed version of system software


sub dsMacOSROMVersionTooOld { 120 }

=item dsLostConnectionToNetworkDisk

 Lost communication with Netboot server


sub dsLostConnectionToNetworkDisk { 121 }

=item dsRAMDiskTooBig

 The RAM disk is too big to boot safely; will be turned off


sub dsRAMDiskTooBig { 122 }

=item dsWriteToSupervisorStackGuardPage

 the supervisor stack overflowed into its guard page


sub dsWriteToSupervisorStackGuardPage { 128 }

=item dsReinsert

 request user to reinsert off-line volume


sub dsReinsert { 30 }

=item shutDownAlert

 handled like a shutdown error


sub shutDownAlert { 42 }

=item dsShutDownOrRestart

 user choice between ShutDown and Restart


sub dsShutDownOrRestart { 20000 }

=item dsSwitchOffOrRestart

 user choice between switching off and Restart


sub dsSwitchOffOrRestart { 20001 }

=item dsForcedQuit

 allow the user to ExitToShell, return if Cancel


sub dsForcedQuit { 20002 }

=item dsRemoveDisk

 request user to remove disk from manual eject drive


sub dsRemoveDisk { 20003 }

=item dsDirtyDisk

 request user to return a manually-ejected dirty disk


sub dsDirtyDisk { 20004 }

=item dsShutDownOrResume

 allow user to return to Finder or ShutDown


sub dsShutDownOrResume { 20109 }

=item dsSCSIWarn

 Portable SCSI adapter warning.


sub dsSCSIWarn { 20010 }

=item dsMBSysError

 Media Bay replace warning.


sub dsMBSysError { 29200 }

=item dsMBFlpySysError

 Media Bay, floppy replace warning.


sub dsMBFlpySysError { 29201 }

=item dsMBATASysError

 Media Bay, ATA replace warning.


sub dsMBATASysError { 29202 }

=item dsMBATAPISysError

 Media Bay, ATAPI replace warning...


sub dsMBATAPISysError { 29203 }

=item dsMBExternFlpySysError

 Media Bay, external floppy drive reconnect warning


sub dsMBExternFlpySysError { 29204 }

=item dsNoExtsMacsBug

 not a SysErr, just a placeholder


sub dsNoExtsMacsBug { -1 }

=item dsNoExtsDisassembler

 not a SysErr, just a placeholder


sub dsNoExtsDisassembler { -2 }

=item dsMacsBugInstalled

 say 'MacsBug Installed'


sub dsMacsBugInstalled { -10 }

=item dsDisassemblerInstalled

 say 'Disassembler Installed'


sub dsDisassemblerInstalled { -11 }

=item dsExtensionsDisabled

 say 'Extensions Disabled'


sub dsExtensionsDisabled { -13 }

=item dsGreeting

 welcome to Macintosh greeting


sub dsGreeting { 40 }

=item dsSysErr

 general system error
old names here for compatibility's sake


sub dsSysErr { 32767 }

=item CDEFNFnd


sub CDEFNFnd { dsCDEFNotFound }

=item dsNotThe1

 not the disk I wanted


sub dsNotThe1 { 31 }

=item dsBadStartupDisk

 unable to mount boot volume (sad Mac only)


sub dsBadStartupDisk { 42 }

=item dsSystemFileErr

 can't find System file to open (sad Mac only)


sub dsSystemFileErr { 43 }

=item dsHD20Installed

 say 'HD20 Startup'


sub dsHD20Installed { -12 }

=item mBarNFnd

 system error code for MBDF not found


sub mBarNFnd { -126 }

=item fsDSIntErr

 non-hardware Internal file system error


sub fsDSIntErr { -127 }

=item hMenuFindErr

 could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey (wrong error code - obsolete)


sub hMenuFindErr { -127 }

=item userBreak

 user debugger break


sub userBreak { -490 }

=item strUserBreak

 user debugger break; display string on stack


sub strUserBreak { -491 }


=head1 DS Errors which are specific to the new runtime model introduced with PowerPC

=over 4

=item dsBadLibrary

 Bad shared library


sub dsBadLibrary { 1010 }


=head1 TO DO

* make some sensible export tags


This source is part of a SourceForge project which always has the
latest sources in CVS, as well as all of the previous releases.
If, for some reason, I disappear from the world, one of the other
members of the project can shepherd this module appropriately.

=head1 AUTHOR

brian d foy, C<< <> >>


Copyright (c) 2002-2007 brian d foy.  All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


"See why 1984 won't be like 1984";
