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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

download-sources - search Google for Mac Programming result codes


	% download-errors sources.dat

This script reads a list of URLs from the file named as the first
command line argument. The URLs point to Apple's programmer web site.

For each URL, the script fetches the file, parses it, and extracts
the result codes.

It prints the results to standard output.


Copyright 2005, Salvatore Domenick Desiano C<< <> >

You may use this software under the same terms as Perl itself


use LWP::Simple qw(get);

my $source_list = $ARGV[0];

open my $source_fh, "<", $source_list 
	or die "Unable to read $source_list: $!" ;

while( <$source_fh> )

    print STDERR "Fetching $_\n";
    my $result = get( $_ );
	do { print STDERR "\tskipping...\n"; next } unless $result;

    my( $section_title ) = get_section_title( \$result );
    my( $section_desc )  = get_section_description( \$result );

	clean_result( \$result );

	next unless $result;
    print "\tTitle: $section_title\n";
    print "\tSource: $_\n";
    print "\tDescription: $section_desc\n";
    foreach my $bit ( split /<tr>/i, $result )
        next if $bit =~ /^\s+$/;

		my( $symbol, $code, $description ) = extract_bits( \$bit );
		print "$symbol $code $description\n";

sub extract_bits
	my $bit = shift;
	my( $symbol, $code, $description ) = $$bit =~ m|
	$symbol = clean_text( \$symbol, 'symbol' );
	$code   = clean_text( \$code, 'code' );
	$code   =~ s/^-//;

	my @descs = map clean_text( \$_, 'description' ),
			grep { $_ ne '' } split /<p>/, ( $description || '' );
	$description = join( '', @descs ) || '';
	( $symbol, $code, $description )
sub clean_result
	my $result = shift;
    $$result =~ s/^.*<\/h1>.*?<table .*?>.*?<\/tr>//msi;
    $$result =~ s/<!-- START FOOTER.*$//ms;
    $$result =~ s/<\/table>.*$//msi;
sub get_section_title
	my $result = shift;
    my( $section_title ) = $$result =~ /^.*?<h1>(.*?)<\/h1>/msi;
    $section_title = clean_text( \$section_title, 'section title' );
sub get_section_description
	my $result = shift;
    my( $section_desc ) = $$result =~ /<\/h1>.*?<p>(.*?)<\/p>/msi;
    $section_desc = clean_text( \$section_desc, 'section description' );
sub clean_text
    my( $text, $type ) = @_;
    return unless $$text;
    $$text =~ s/[\012\015]/ /g;

	my $strip_patterns = <<"PATTERNS";
<a href=\"[^\"]+\"(?: target="_top")?>
<a name="\/\/[^\"]+">
<span class="[^\"]+">

	my %entities = do { no warnings;
			&#8211;		-
			&#8212;		--
			&#8217;		'
			&#8220;		"
			&#8221;		"
			&quot;		"
			&gt;		>
			&lt;        <
			&amp;       &
	my @strip_patterns = map { s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $_ } 
		split /$/m, $strip_patterns;
	foreach my $pattern ( @strip_patterns ) { $$text =~ s/$pattern//gi }

    $$text =~ s/&nbsp;/ /g;
	$$text =~ s/ +/ /g;
    $$text =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;

 	foreach my $key ( keys %entities )
 		$$text =~ s/\Q$key/$entities{$key}/gi;
    die("unprocessed $type tag: $text") if ($text =~ /</);
    $text =~ s/&lt;/</g;
    die("unknown $type escape: $text") if ($text =~ /&/);
    $text =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
    return $$text;