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package MyCPAN::App::DPAN::Indexer;
use strict;
use warnings;

use subs qw(get_caller_info);
use vars qw($VERSION $logger);

# don't change the inheritance order
# this should be done with roles, but we don't quite have that yet
# it's a problem with who's cleanup() get called
use parent qw(MyCPAN::App::BackPAN::Indexer MyCPAN::Indexer);

$VERSION = '1.281';

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

MyCPAN::App::DPAN::Indexer - Create a D(ark)PAN out of the indexed distributions


	use MyCPAN::Indexer;


This module implements the indexer_class and reporter_class components
to allow C<> to create a CPAN-like directory structure
with its associated index files. This application of L<MyCPAN::Indexer> is
specifically aimed at creating a 02packages.details file, so it
strives to collect a minimum of information.

It runs through the indexing and prints a report at the end of the run.


use Cwd  qw(cwd);

use Log::Log4perl;

	$logger  = Log::Log4perl->get_logger( 'Indexer' );

# Override the exit from the parent class so we can embed a run
# inside a bigger application. Applications should override this
# on their own to do any final processing they want.
sub _exit { 1 }

__PACKAGE__->activate( @ARGV ) unless caller;

=head2 Indexer class

=over 4

=item examine_dist_steps

Returns the list of techniques that C<examine_dist> should use
to index distributions. See the documentation in

For DPAN, unpack the dist, ensure you are in the dist directory,
the find the modules.


sub examine_dist_steps {
	#    method                error message                  fatal
	[ 'unpack_dist',        "Could not unpack distribution!",    1 ],
	[ 'find_dist_dir',      "Did not find distro directory!",    1 ],
	[ 'find_modules',       "Could not find modules!",           1 ],
	[ 'examine_modules',    "Could not process modules!",        0 ],

=item find_module_techniques

Returns the list of techniques that C<find_modules> should use
to look for Perl module files. See the documentation in


sub find_module_techniques {
	my( $self ) = @_;


Save this feature for another time

	my $config = $self->get_coordinator->get_config;

	if( my @techniques = $config->get( 'find_module_techniques' ) ) {
		$logger->debug( "Using techniques [@techniques] to find modules" );

		@techniques = map {
			my $can =  $self->can( $_ );
			$logger->warn( "The technique [$_] is unknown" )
				unless $can;
			$can ? [ $_, 'Technique $_ specified by config' ] : ();
			} @techniques;

		return \@techniques;


	[ 'look_in_cwd_and_lib',       "Guessed from looking in lib/"      ],
	[ 'look_in_lib',               "Guessed from looking in lib/"      ],
	[ 'look_in_cwd',               "Guessed from looking in cwd"       ],
	[ 'look_in_meta_yml_provides', "Guessed from looking in META.yml"  ],
	[ 'look_for_pm',               "Guessed from looking in cwd"       ],

=item get_module_info_tasks

Returns the list of techniques that C<get_module_info> should use
to extract data from Perl module files. See the documentation in


sub get_module_info_tasks{
	[ 'extract_module_namespaces',   'Extract the namespaces a file declares' ],
	[ 'extract_module_version',      'Extract the version of the module'      ],

=item setup_run_info

Like C<setup_run_info> in C<MyCPAN::Indexer>, but it remembers fewer
things. The DarkPAN census really just cares about finding packages,
so the details about the run aren't as interesting.


sub setup_run_info {
#	TRACE( sub { get_caller_info } );

	$_[0]->set_run_info( 'root_working_dir', cwd()   );
	$_[0]->set_run_info( 'run_start_time',   time    );
	$_[0]->set_run_info( 'completed',        0       );
	$_[0]->set_run_info( 'pid',              $$      );
	$_[0]->set_run_info( 'ppid',             $_[0]->getppid );

	$_[0]->set_run_info( 'indexer',          ref $_[0] );
	$_[0]->set_run_info( 'indexer_versions', $_[0]->VERSION );

	return 1;

=item setup_dist_info

Like C<setup_dist_info> in C<MyCPAN::Indexer>, but it remembers fewer
things. The test census really just cares about statements in the test
files, so the details about the distribution aren't as interesting.


sub setup_dist_info {
#	TRACE( sub { get_caller_info } );

	my( $self, $dist ) = @_;

	$logger->debug( "Setting dist [$dist]\n" );
	$self->set_dist_info( 'dist_file', $dist );

	return 1;



This code is in Github:


=head1 AUTHOR

brian d foy, C<< <> >>


Copyright © 2010-2018, brian d foy <>. All rights reserved.

You may redistribute this under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

