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package Test::Pod::_parser;
use base 'Pod::Simple';
use strict;

sub _handle_element_start {
    my($parser, $element_name, $attr_hash_r) = @_;

    # Curiously, Pod::Simple supports L<text|scheme:...> rather well.

    if( $element_name eq "L" and $attr_hash_r->{type} eq "url") {
        $parser->{_state_of_concern}{'Lurl'} = $attr_hash_r->{to};

    return $parser->SUPER::_handle_element_start(@_);

sub _handle_element_end {
    my($parser, $element_name) = @_;

    delete $parser->{_state_of_concern}{'Lurl'}
        if $element_name eq "L" and exists $parser->{_state_of_concern}{'Lurl'};

    return $parser->SUPER::_handle_element_end(@_);

sub _handle_text {
    my($parser, $text) = @_;
    if( my $href = $parser->{_state_of_concern}{'Lurl'} ) {
        if( $href ne $text ) {
            my $line = $parser->line_count() -2; # XXX: -2, WHY WHY WHY??

            $parser->whine($line, "L<text|scheme:...> is invalid according to perlpod");

    return $parser->SUPER::_handle_text(@_);


package Test::Pod;

use strict;

=head1 NAME

Test::Pod - check for POD errors in files

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.40


our $VERSION = '1.40';


C<Test::Pod> lets you check the validity of a POD file, and report
its results in standard C<Test::Simple> fashion.

    use Test::Pod tests => $num_tests;
    pod_file_ok( $file, "Valid POD file" );

Module authors can include the following in a F<t/pod.t> file and
have C<Test::Pod> automatically find and check all POD files in a
module distribution:

    use Test::More;
    eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
    plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;

You can also specify a list of files to check, using the
C<all_pod_files()> function supplied:

    use strict;
    use Test::More;
    eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
    plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;
    my @poddirs = qw( blib script );
    all_pod_files_ok( all_pod_files( @poddirs ) );

Or even (if you're running under L<Apache::Test>):

    use strict;
    use Test::More;
    eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
    plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;

    my @poddirs = qw( blib script );
    use File::Spec::Functions qw( catdir updir );
        all_pod_files( map { catdir updir, $_ } @poddirs )


Check POD files for errors or warnings in a test file, using
C<Pod::Simple> to do the heavy lifting.


use 5.008;

use Test::Builder;
use File::Spec;

our %ignore_dirs = (
    '.bzr' => 'Bazaar',
    '.git' => 'Git',
    '.hg'  => 'Mercurial',
    '.pc'  => 'quilt',
    '.svn' => 'Subversion',
    CVS    => 'CVS',
    RCS    => 'RCS',
    SCCS   => 'SCCS',
    _darcs => 'darcs',
    _sgbak => 'Vault/Fortress',

my $Test = Test::Builder->new;

sub import {
    my $self = shift;
    my $caller = caller;

    for my $func ( qw( pod_file_ok all_pod_files all_pod_files_ok ) ) {
        no strict 'refs';
        *{$caller."::".$func} = \&$func;


sub _additional_test_pod_specific_checks {
    my ($ok, $errata, $file) = @_;

    return $ok;


=head2 pod_file_ok( FILENAME[, TESTNAME ] )

C<pod_file_ok()> will okay the test if the POD parses correctly.  Certain
conditions are not reported yet, such as a file with no pod in it at all.

When it fails, C<pod_file_ok()> will show any pod checking errors as

The optional second argument TESTNAME is the name of the test.  If it
is omitted, C<pod_file_ok()> chooses a default test name "POD test


sub pod_file_ok {
    my $file = shift;
    my $name = @_ ? shift : "POD test for $file";

    if ( !-f $file ) {
        $Test->ok( 0, $name );
        $Test->diag( "$file does not exist" );

    my $checker = Test::Pod::_parser->new;

    $checker->output_string( \my $trash ); # Ignore any output
    $checker->parse_file( $file );

    my $ok = !$checker->any_errata_seen;
       $ok = _additional_test_pod_specific_checks( $ok, ($checker->{errata}||={}), $file );

    $Test->ok( $ok, $name );
    if ( !$ok ) {
        my $lines = $checker->{errata};
        for my $line ( sort { $a<=>$b } keys %$lines ) {
            my $errors = $lines->{$line};
            $Test->diag( "$file ($line): $_" ) for @$errors;

    return $ok;
} # pod_file_ok

=head2 all_pod_files_ok( [@files/@directories] )

Checks all the files in C<@files> for valid POD.  It runs
L<all_pod_files()> on each file/directory, and calls the C<plan()>
function for you (one test for each function), so you can't have
already called C<plan>.

If C<@files> is empty or not passed, the function finds all POD
files in the F<blib> directory if it exists, or the F<lib> directory
if not.  A POD file is one that ends with F<.pod>, F<.pl> and F<.pm>,
or any file where the first line looks like a shebang line.

If you're testing a module, just make a F<t/pod.t>:

    use Test::More;
    eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
    plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;

Returns true if all pod files are ok, or false if any fail.


sub all_pod_files_ok {
    my @files = @_ ? @_ : all_pod_files();

    $Test->plan( tests => scalar @files );

    my $ok = 1;
    foreach my $file ( @files ) {
        pod_file_ok( $file, $file ) or undef $ok;
    return $ok;

=head2 all_pod_files( [@dirs] )

Returns a list of all the Perl files in I<$dir> and in directories
below.  If no directories are passed, it defaults to F<blib> if
F<blib> exists, or else F<lib> if not.  Skips any files in CVS,
.svn, .git and similar directories.  See C<%Test::Pod::ignore_dirs>
for a list of them.

A Perl file is:

=over 4

=item * Any file that ends in F<.PL>, F<.pl>, F<.pm>, F<.pod> or F<.t>.

=item * Any file that has a first line with a shebang and "perl" on it.


The order of the files returned is machine-dependent.  If you want them
sorted, you'll have to sort them yourself.


sub all_pod_files {
    my @queue = @_ ? @_ : _starting_points();
    my @pod = ();

    while ( @queue ) {
        my $file = shift @queue;
        if ( -d $file ) {
            local *DH;
            opendir DH, $file or next;
            my @newfiles = readdir DH;
            closedir DH;

            @newfiles = File::Spec->no_upwards( @newfiles );
            @newfiles = grep { not exists $ignore_dirs{ $_ } } @newfiles;

            foreach my $newfile (@newfiles) {
                my $filename = File::Spec->catfile( $file, $newfile );
                if ( -f $filename ) {
                    push @queue, $filename;
                else {
                    push @queue, File::Spec->catdir( $file, $newfile );
        if ( -f $file ) {
            push @pod, $file if _is_perl( $file );
    } # while
    return @pod;

sub _starting_points {
    return 'blib' if -e 'blib';
    return 'lib';

sub _is_perl {
    my $file = shift;

    return 1 if $file =~ /\.PL$/;
    return 1 if $file =~ /\.p(?:l|m|od)$/;
    return 1 if $file =~ /\.t$/;

    open my $fh, '<', $file or return;
    my $first = <$fh>;
    close $fh;

    return 1 if defined $first && ($first =~ /^#!.*perl/);


=head1 TODO


Note the changes that are being made.

Note that you no longer can test for "no pod".

=head1 AUTHOR

Currently maintained by Andy Lester, C<< <andy at> >>.

Originally by brian d foy.


Thanks to
David Wheeler,
Paul Miller
Peter Edwards
for contributions and to C<brian d foy> for the original code.


Copyright 2006-2009, Andy Lester, All Rights Reserved.

You may use, modify, and distribute this package under the terms
as the Artistic License v2.0 or GNU Public License v2.0.

