# where to find the distributions
# this doesn't have to be an actual backpan.
backpan_dir /Volumes/Perl/BackPAN

# where to store the distribution reports
report_dir  /Volumes/Perl/BackPANstats

# where to unpack the dists or create any temporary files
temp_dir    /Volumes/Scratch

# the maximum amont of time allowed to index a distribution, in seconds
alarm       2

# If set to a true value, copy bad distributions to the named directory
copy_bad_dists /dev/null

# Try to index a distribution even if it was previously tried and
# had an error
retry_errors 1

# give yourself a name
indexer_id brian d foy <brian.d.foy@gmail.com>

# give the indexing system a name, just to identify the machine
system_id macbookpro

# the Perl class to use as the Indexing class. It has to at least
# provide a run method
indexer_class MyCPAN::Indexer::BackPANstats

queue_class MyCPAN::Indexer::Queue

# the Perl class to use to hand out indexing jobs.
dispatcher_class MyCPAN::Indexer::Dispatcher::Parallel

interface_class MyCPAN::Indexer::Interface::Text

worker_class MyCPAN::Indexer::Worker

reporter_class  MyCPAN::Indexer::BackPANstats

# The number of parallel jobs to run
parallel_jobs 4