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package MyCPAN::Indexer::Dispatcher::Parallel;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base qw(MyCPAN::Indexer::Component);
use vars qw($VERSION $logger);
$VERSION = '1.28_01';

use Log::Log4perl;

	# override since Tk overrides exit and this needs the real exit
	no warnings 'redefine';
	use Parallel::ForkManager;

	sub Parallel::ForkManager::finish { my ($s, $x) = @_;
	  if ( $s->{in_child} ) {
		CORE::exit ($x || 0);
	  if ($s->{max_proc} == 0) { # max_proc == 0
		$s->on_finish($$, $x ,$s->{processes}->{$$}, 0, 0);
		delete $s->{processes}->{$$};
	  return 0;

	$logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger( 'Dispatcher' );

=head1 NAME

MyCPAN::Indexer::Dispatcher::Parallel - Pass out work to sub-processes


Use this in C<> by specifying it as the queue class:

	# in backpan_indexer.config
	dispatch_class  MyCPAN::Indexer::Dispatcher::Parallel


This class takes the list of distributions to process and passes them
out to the code that will do the work.

=head2 Methods

=over 4

=item get_dispatcher

Takes the C<$Notes> hash and adds the C<dispatcher> key with a code
reference. This module uses C<Parallel::ForkManager> to run
jobs in parallel, and looks at the

It also sets up keys for PID, whose value is an anonymous array
of process IDs. That array matches up with the one in the key
C<recent> which keeps track of the distributions it's processing.
It adds:

	dispatcher => sub { ... },
	PID        => [],
	recent     => [],


sub component_type { $_[0]->dispatcher_type }

sub get_dispatcher
	my( $self ) = @_;

	$self->set_note( 'Threads',            $self->get_config->parallel_jobs );
	$self->set_note( 'dispatcher',         $self->_make_forker );
	$self->set_note( 'interface_callback', $self->_make_interface_callback );

sub _make_forker
	my( $self ) = @_;

		$self->get_config->parallel_jobs || 1 

sub _make_interface_callback
	my( $self ) = @_;

	foreach my $key ( qw(PID recent errors ) )
		$self->set_note( $key, [] );
	$self->set_note( 'Total',    scalar @{ $self->get_note( 'queue' ) } );
	$self->set_note( 'Left',     $self->get_note('Total') );
	$self->set_note( 'Errors',   0 );
	$self->set_note( 'Done',     0 );
	$self->set_note( 'Started',  scalar localtime );
	$self->set_note( 'Finished', 0 );

	$self->set_note( 'queue_cursor', 0 );

	my $interface_callback = sub {

		$logger->debug( sprintf
			"Finished: %s Left: %s", 
			map { $self->get_note( $_ ) } qw(Finished Left)

		unless( $self->get_note( 'Left' ) )
			$logger->debug( "Waiting on all children [" . time . "]" );
			$self->get_note( 'dispatcher' )->wait_all_children;
			$self->set_note( 'Finished', 1 );

		$self->set_note_unless_defined( '_started', time );

			time - $self->get_note( '_started' )
			_elapsed( $self->get_note( '_elapsed' ) )

		my $item = $self->get_note_list_element( 
			$self->increment_note( 'queue_cursor' ) 

		my $info;
		if( my $pid = $self->get_note( 'dispatcher' )->start )
			{ #parent
			$self->unshift_onto_note( 'PID',    $pid );
			$self->unshift_onto_note( 'recent', $item );
			$self->increment_note( 'Done' );

				$self->get_note( 'Total' ) - $self->get_note( 'Done' )

				sprintf "Total: %s Done: %s Left: %s Finished: %s",
				map { $self->get_note( $_ ) } qw( Total Done Left Finished )
			no warnings;
				eval { $self->get_note( 'Done' ) / $self->get_note( '_elapsed' ) }

			{ # child
			$info = $self->get_note( 'child_task' )->( $item );
			$self->get_note( 'dispatcher' )->finish;
			$logger->error( "The child is still running!" );
	$self->set_note( 'interface_callback', $interface_callback );

sub _remove_old_processes
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $pid = $self->get_note( 'PID' );
	my @delete_indices = grep
		{ ! kill 0, $pid->[$_] }
		0 .. $#$pid;

	my $recent = $self->get_note( 'recent' );
	foreach my $index ( reverse @delete_indices )
		splice @$recent, $index, 1;
		splice @$pid, $index, 1;

my %hash = ( days => 864000, hours => 3600, minutes => 60 );

sub _elapsed
	my $seconds = shift;

	my @v;
	foreach my $key ( qw(days hours minutes) )
		push @v, int( $seconds / $hash{$key} );
		$seconds -= $v[-1] * $hash{$key}

	push @v, $seconds;

	sprintf "%dd %02dh %02dm %02ds", @v;



=head1 SEE ALSO

MyCPAN::Indexer, MyCPAN::Indexer::Tutorial


This code is in Github:


=head1 AUTHOR

brian d foy, C<< <> >>


Copyright (c) 2008-2009, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved.

You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself.
