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#use Cat;

use Storable qw(dclone);

my $buster      = Cat->new( 
	name => 'Buster', 
	colors => [ qw(black white) ] 
my $original = [ $buster, qw( Ginger Mimi Ella ) ];

my $copy     = dclone $original;

$copy->[0]->set_name( 'Roscoe' );

printf "In \$original, the first cat's name is %s\n", $original->[0]->get_name;
printf "In \$copy, the first cat's name is %s\n", $copy->[0]->get_name;

package Cat;

sub new {
	my( $class, %hash ) = @_;
	bless \%hash, $class;
sub set_name { $_[0]->{name} = $_[1] }
sub get_name { $_[0]->{name} }