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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# unicode wc: XXX redo this to do progressive matching
#             so that it doesn't slurp in the whole file!!

# use 5.10.0;

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => "all";
use sigtrap qw[ die untrapped normal-signals ];

use Carp;

$SIG{__WARN__}  = sub {
    confess("FATALIZED WARNING: @_")  unless $^S;

$SIG{__DIE__}  = sub {
    confess("UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION: @_")  unless $^S;

$| = 1;

my $Errors = 0;
my $Headers = 0;

sub yuck($) {
    my $errmsg = $_[0];
    $errmsg =~ s/(?<=[^\n])\z/\n/;
    print STDERR "$0: $errmsg";


sub countem { 
    my ($_, $file) = @_;

    my (
	@paras, @lines, @words,
	$paracount, $linecount, $wordcount, 
	$grafcount, $charcount, $bytecount,

    if ($charcount = length($_)) {
	#$wordcount = 0;
	$wordcount++ while /\P{Space}+/g;

	#$wordcount = eval { @words = split m{ \p{Space}+  }x }; 
	#yuck "error splitting words: $@" if $@;

	#$linecount = 0;
	$linecount++ while /\R/g;

	#$linecount = eval { @lines = split m{ \R     }x }; 
	#yuck "error splitting lines: $@" if $@;

	#$grafcount = 0;
	$grafcount++ while /\X/g;

	#$grafcount = eval { @lines = split m{ \R     }x }; 
	#yuck "error splitting lines: $@" if $@;

	$paracount = 0;
	$paracount++ while /\R{2,}/g;

	yuck "error splitting paras: $@" if $@;

	if ($linecount && !/\R\z/) {
	    yuck("missing linebreak at end of corrupted textfile $file");
	    $linecount .= "*";
	    $paracount .= "*";


    $bytecount = tell;
    if (-e $file) {
	$bytecount = -s $file;
	if ($bytecount != -s $file) {
	    yuck "filesize of $file differs from bytecount\n";
    my $mask = "%8s " x 6 . "%s\n";
    printf  $mask => qw{ Paras Lines Words Graphs Chars Bytes File } unless $Headers++;

    printf $mask => map( { show_undef($_) } 
				$paracount, $linecount, 
				$wordcount, $grafcount, 
				$charcount, $bytecount,
		       ), $file;

sub show_undef {
    my $value = shift;
    return defined($value)
	     ? $value
	     : "undef";

END { 
    close(STDOUT) || die "$0: can't close STDOUT: $!";
    exit($Errors != 0);

sub process_input {

    my $function = shift();

    my $enc;

    if (@ARGV == 0 && -t) {
	warn "$0: reading from stdin, type ^D to end or ^C to kill.\n";

    unshift(@ARGV, "-") if @ARGV == 0;


    for my $file (@ARGV) {
        # don't let magic open make an output handle

	next if -e $file && ! -f _;

        my $quasi_filename = fix_extension($file);

        $file = "standard input" if $file eq q(-);
        $quasi_filename =~ s/^(?=\s*[>|])/< /;

        no strict "refs";
        my $fh = $file;   # is *so* a lexical filehandle! ☺
        unless (open($fh, $quasi_filename)) {
            yuck("couldn't open $quasi_filename: $!");
            next FILE;
        set_encoding($fh, $file) || next FILE;

	my $whole_file = eval {
	    use warnings "FATAL" => "all";
	    local $/;
	    scalar <$fh>;

	if ($@) {
	    $@ =~ s/ at \K.*? line \d+.*/$file line $./;
	    next FILE;

	$function->($whole_file, $file);

        unless (close $fh) {
            yuck("couldn't close $quasi_filename at line $.: $!");
            next FILE;

    } # foreach file


sub set_encoding(*$) {
    my ($handle, $path) = @_;

    my $enc_name = "utf8";

    if ($path && $path =~ m{ \. ([^\s.]+) \z }x) {
        my $ext = $1;
	die unless defined $ext;

	if ($ext eq "pod") {
	    my $int_enc = qx{
		perl -C0 -lan -00 -e 'next unless /^=encoding/; print \$F[1]; exit' $path
	    if ($int_enc) {
		chomp $int_enc;
		$ext = $int_enc;
		# print STDERR "$0: reset encoding to $ext on $path\n";

        require Encode;
        if (my $enc_obj = Encode::find_encoding($ext)) {
            my $name = $enc_obj->name || $ext;
            $enc_name = "encoding($name)";

    return 1 if eval {
        use warnings FATAL => "all";
        no strict "refs";
        binmode($handle, ":$enc_name");

    for ($@) {
        s/ at .* line \d+\.//;
        s/$/ for $path/;

    yuck("set_encoding: $@");

    return undef;

sub fix_extension {
    my $path = shift();
    my %Compress = (
        Z 	=>  "zcat",
        z 	=> "gzcat",            # for uncompressing
        gz	=> "gzcat",
        bz	=> "bzcat",
        bz2	=> "bzcat",
        bzip	=> "bzcat",
        bzip2	=> "bzcat",
	lzma	=> "lzcat",

    if ($path =~ m{ \. ( [^.\s] +) \z }x) {
	if (my $prog = $Compress{$1}) {
	    return "$prog $path |";

    return $path;