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#$Id: iphoto,v 1.3 2004/02/22 06:22:27 comdog Exp $
use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

iphoto - a command line shell for iPhoto


	# start the shell
	% iphoto
	# run a single command
	% iphoto merge album1 album2



This script provides a shell for iPhoto. Make a backup of your photo
library, or use a test library, to play with this script.


These commands interact with iPhoto, and some of them will change your
iPhoto library, including deleting photos forever.

The "show" command makes iPhoto display something, while the "print"
command makes the shell display something.  For instance, "show boat"
will tell iPhoto to display the album "boat" just as if you had selected
it from iPhoto's albums pane.  The command "print albums" will print on
the terminal (not the printer!) the list of albums.

Although some photos may disappear from albums or the photo library, they
are simply in the Trash library, and you do not delete them until you use
the "empty" command.  However, since I am still developing this script,
I have disabled that command.  You can still use the command, but it
will not empty the trash.  To enable the "empty" command, find the
"empty_trash" subroutine and modify the source according to the comment
in the subroutine. 

=over 4

=item debug

turn on extra output

=item empty

empty the trash (you cannot recover these photos).

=item help

display available commands

=item make ALBUM_NAME

make an album named ALBUM_NAME

=item merge ALBUM1 ALBUM2

move everything from ALBUM2 to ALBUM1, and remove ALBUM2

=item move ALBUM

move the selected photos to ALBUM

=item quit

stop the shell

=item print [ album | albums | photo | photos | selection ]

Rrint information about the specified object.  What these actually
print changes everytime I look at the source, so you have to try
them to see.

=item remove ALBUM

Remove the album. The photos stay in the photo library.

=item show ALBUM

Tell iPhoto to display ALBUM

=item trash

Put the selected photos in the trash

=item version

Print the shell version

=item view [ import | organize | edit | book ]

Change the view.  The default is "organize", and using any unknown
view changes it to "organize".



This source is part of a SourceForge project which always has the
latest sources in CVS, as well as all of the previous releases.

If, for some reason, I disappear from the world, one of the other
members of the project can shepherd this module appropriately.

=head1 AUTHOR

brian d foy, E<lt>bdfoy@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright 2004, brian d foy, All rights reserved.

You may use this program under the same terms as Perl itself.


use File::Spec;
use FindBin;
use Mac::Glue qw(:all);
use Text::ParseWords;

my $command = shift @ARGV;

my $iPhoto = Mac::Glue->new( "iPhoto" );
my $Debug  = 1;

my %Commands = (
	debug   => sub { &debug           },
	empty   => sub { &empty_trash     },
	'exists' => sub { &album_exists    },
	help    => sub { &help            },
	make    => sub { &make_albums     },
	merge   => sub { &merge_albums    },
	move    => sub { &move_selection  },
#	prompt  => sub { &set_prompt      },
	quit    => sub { exit             },
	'print' => sub { &print_obj       },
	reload  => sub { &restart_script  }, # broken
	remove  => sub { &remove_album    },
#	remove  => sub { &remove_photo    },
	show    => sub { &show_album      },
	trash   => sub { &trash_selection },
	version => sub { &version         },
	view    => sub { &view            }, # broken
my %Print = (
	album     => sub { &print_album     },
	albums    => sub { &print_albums    },
	photo     => sub { &print_photo     },
	photos    => sub { &print_photos    },
	selection => sub { &print_selection },
	view      => sub { &print_view      },
if( @ARGV ) { _command( @ARGV ) }
else        { _shell()          }
sub _shell
	my $prompt = "iPhoto> ";
	while( 1 )
		print "$prompt";
		my $answer = <STDIN>;
		chomp( $answer );
		my @bits = &quotewords('\s+', 0, $answer );
		_command( @bits );

sub _command
	my( $command, @args ) = @_;
	if( exists $Commands{ $command } )
		eval { $Commands{ $command }->( @args ) };
		if( $@ )
			_print_warn( "error in $command: $@" );
			_print_normal( "continuing" );
		_print_warn( "Command [$command] unknown" );

sub album_exists
	my $name = shift;
	my $album = $iPhoto->obj( 
		album => whose( name => equals => $name ) 

	my $exists = $iPhoto->exists( $album );
	print "Album [$name] " , $exists ? '' : 'does not ', "exist",
		$exists ? 's' : '', "\n";
sub view
	my $next = shift;
	my $view = $iPhoto->prop( "view" );
	my $current = $view->get;
	_print_normal( "Current view is $current" );
	$view->set( to => enum( $next ) );
	my $now = $view->get;
	_print_normal( "View is now $now" );
sub version #
	my $script = File::Spec->catfile( $FindBin::Bin, $FindBin::Script );

	_print_normal( "0.10" );
sub restart_script
	require FindBin;
	my $script = File::Spec->catfile( $FindBin::Bin, $FindBin::Script );
	_print_debug( "Script is $script" ) if $Debug;
	{ exec "perl", qq|$script| };
	_print_warn( "Could not reload: $!" );
sub help #
	_print_help( sort keys %Commands );
sub debug #
	my $value = lc shift;
	_print_help( "debug [on|off]" ) unless( $value =~ m/on|off/i );

	if( $value eq 'on' )     { $Debug = 1 }
	elsif( $value eq 'off' ) { $Debug = 0 }
	_print_normal( "debug is " . ( $Debug ? "on" : "off" ) );
sub remove_album #
	my @albums = @_;
	foreach my $name ( @albums )
		my $album = $iPhoto->obj( 
			album => whose( name => equals => $name ) 
		_print_normal( qq|Removing album "$name"| );

sub make_albums #
	my @albums = @_;
	foreach my $album ( @albums )
		my $exists = album_exists( $album );

		if( $exists )
			_print_normal( "Skipping [$album], album exists" );
		_print_normal( qq|Creating album "$album"| );
		$iPhoto->new_album( name => $album );
sub merge_albums #
	my @albums = @_;
	my $name = shift @albums;
	my $exists = album_exists( $name );
	unless( $exists )
		_print_normal( "Merge command cancelled. " .
			"Create album [$name] first" );
	my $target = $iPhoto->obj( 
		album => whose( name => equals => $name ) 
	_print_debug( "Target album is $name" ) if $Debug;
	foreach my $name ( @albums )
		my $album = $iPhoto->obj( 
			album => whose( name => equals => $name ) 

		my $count = $album->prop( "photos" )->count;
		_print_normal( qq|Found $count photos in "$name"| );
		for( my $index = $count; $index > 0; $index-- )
			my $photo  = $album->obj( photo => $index );
			$iPhoto->add( $photo => to => $target );
		_print_normal( qq|Removing album "$name"| );
sub print_obj #
	my @args = @_;
	my $sub = shift @args;

	if( exists $Print{ $sub } )
		eval { $Print{ $sub }->( @args ) };
		if( $@ )
			_print_warn( "error in $sub: $@" );
			_print_normal( "continuing" );
		_print_warn( "Command [$sub] unknown" );
sub print_album #
	my $albums = $iPhoto->prop( "albums" );
	my $current = $iPhoto->prop( "current album" );
	my $name    = $iPhoto->prop( "name" )->get;
	my $count   = $current->prop( "photos" )->count;
	_print_normal( "Album $name has $count photos" );	

sub print_albums #
	my $albums = $iPhoto->prop( "albums" );
	my $current = $iPhoto->prop( "current album" )->prop( "name" )->get;

	my $count = $albums->count;
	_print_normal( "Found $count albums" );	
	for( my $index = 1; $index <= $count; $index++ )
		my $album = $albums->obj( item => $index );
		my $name  = $album->prop( "name" )->get;
		my $arrow = $name eq $current ? "  <---" : '';
		_print_normal( $name . $arrow );
sub print_photo #
	my $selection = $iPhoto->prop( "selection" );

	my $count = $selection->count( each => 'item' );
	if( $count == 0 )
		_print_normal( "No photo selected" );
	foreach my $photo ( $selection->get )
		my $new_photo = _new_photo( $photo );
		my $title     = $new_photo->prop( "title" )->get;
		my $comment   = $new_photo->prop( "comment" )->get;
		my $date      = $new_photo->prop( "date" )->get;
		my $height    = $new_photo->prop( "height" )->get;
		my $width     = $new_photo->prop( "width" )->get;
		my $filename  = $new_photo->prop( "image_filename" )->get;
		my $path      = $new_photo->prop( "image_path" )->get;
		my $size      = -s $path;
		$size =~ s/(^[-+]?\d+?(?=(?>(?:\d{3})+)(?!\d))|\G\d{3}(?=\d))/$1,/g;
		$comment ||= "(no comment)";
		_print_normal( <<"HERE" );
	$width x $height
	$size bytes
sub print_photos #
	my $album = $iPhoto->prop( "current_album" );
	my $name  = $album->prop( "name" )->get;
	my $photos = $album->prop( "photos" );
	my $count  = $photos->count;
	_print_normal( qq|Found $count photos in "$name"| );

	for( my $index = 1; $index <= $count; $index++ )
		my $photo = $album->obj( photo => $index );
		my $title = $photo->prop( "title" )->get;
		_print_normal( $title );

sub print_selection #
	my $selection = $iPhoto->prop( "selection" );

	my $count = $selection->count( each => 'item' );
	_print_normal( "Selection has $count photos" );

	foreach my $photo ( $selection->get )
		my $new_photo = _new_photo( $photo );
		my $title = $new_photo->prop( "title" )->get;
		_print_normal( $title );

sub print_view #
	my $view = $iPhoto->prop( "view" )->get;

	_print_normal( "View is $view" );
sub show_album #
	my $name = shift;

	my $exists = album_exists( $name );
	return unless $exists;
	my $album = $iPhoto->obj( 
		album => whose( name => equals => $name ) 
	$iPhoto->select( $album );
sub move_selection #
	my $name = shift;

	my $target = $iPhoto->obj( 
		album => whose( name => equals => $name ) 
	my $selection = $iPhoto->prop( "selection" );
	my $current   = $iPhoto->prop( "current album" );
	my $count = $selection->count( each => 'item' );
	_print_normal( "Selection has $count photos" );
	foreach my $photo ( $selection->get )
		my $new_photo = _new_photo( $photo );
		$iPhoto->add( $new_photo => to => $target );
		$iPhoto->remove( $new_photo => from => $current );

sub remove_selection
	my $selection = $iPhoto->prop( "selection" );
	my $count = $selection->count( each => 'item' );
	_print_normal( "Selection has $count photos" );
	my $trash = $iPhoto->prop( "trash album" );
	foreach my $photo ( $selection->get )
		my $new_photo = _new_photo( $photo );
		$iPhoto->remove( $new_photo );

sub empty_trash #
	my $trash = $iPhoto->prop( "trash album" );
	my $count = $trash->prop( "photos" )->count;
	_print_normal( "Trash has $count photos" );
	_print_normal( "Emptying trash" . 
		( $Debug ? ' (not really, debugging)' : '' ) );
	print "I won't empty the trash because you did not modify the source\n";
	#uncomment the next line line to activate this feature.
	#$iPhoto->empty_trash unless $Debug;
sub trash_selection
	my $selection = $iPhoto->prop( "selection" );
	unless( defined $selection )
		_print_warn( "No photos selected." );
	my $count = $selection->count( each => 'item' );
	_print_normal( "Selection has $count photos" );
	my $trash = $iPhoto->prop( "trash album" );
	foreach my $photo ( map { _get_photo_from_selection( $_ ) } $selection->get )
		$iPhoto->move( $photo => from => $trash );

sub _print { chomp( my @s = @_ ); my $s = shift @s; for (@s){print "$s $_\n"} }

sub _print_help   { _print( '...', @_ ) }
sub _print_warn   { _print( '!!!', @_ ) }
sub _print_debug  { _print( '---', @_ ) }
sub _print_normal { _print( '+++', @_ ) }

# this is a work around		
sub _new_photo
	my $photo = shift;
	my $comp = AEGetKeyDesc($photo->{DESC}, keyAEKeyData);
	my $doub = AECoerceDesc($comp, typeFloat);
	my $id = $doub->get;
	AEDisposeDesc $doub;
	my $new_photo = $iPhoto->obj( photo => whose(ID => equals => $id) );
	return $new_photo;