#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# $Id: perlbench-run,v 1.28 2005/12/19 15:19:09 gisle Exp $

require 5.002;
use strict;
$| = 1;

use Getopt::Std;
use vars qw($opt_c $opt_t $opt_d $opt_s $opt_v);
getopts("c:t:d:sv") or usage();

use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);

my @perls;
for (@ARGV) {
    eval {
	push(@perls, Perl->new($_));
    if ($@) {
	$@ =~ s/ at (.*) line (\d+).*\n//;
	warn "$@, skipping...\n";

usage() unless @perls;
my $HOSTNAME_HTML = htmlesc(hostname());

# result directory
my $dir = $opt_d;
unless ($dir) {
    my $cnt = 1;
    while (1) {
	$dir = sprintf "benchres-%03d", $cnt;
	last unless -e $dir;
mkdir($dir, 0755) || die "Can't mkdir(\"$dir\"): $!";

open(INDEX, ">$dir/index.html") || die "Can't create $dir/index.html: $!";
print INDEX "<html>\n";
print INDEX "<head>\n";
print INDEX " <title>PerlBench $HOSTNAME_HTML " . time2iso() . "</title>\n";
print INDEX qq( <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">\n);
my $use_overlib;
if (link_or_copy("overlib.js")) {
    print INDEX qq( <script type="text/javascript" src="overlib.js"></script>\n);

print INDEX "</head>\n";
print INDEX "<body>\n";
print INDEX qq(<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>\n);
print INDEX qq(<h1>PerlBench results from $HOSTNAME_HTML at ) . time2iso() . qq(</h1>\n);

# Show perl configurations
my %config_summary;
    my %cnf;
    my $keymax = length("version");
    for my $p (@perls) {
	while (my($k,$v) = each %{$p->{config} || {}}) {
	    $keymax = length($k) if length($k) > $keymax;

    for my $p (@perls) {
	my $label = $p->{label};
	print "$label) $p->{name}\n";
	printf "\t%-*s = %s\n", $keymax, "version", $p->{version};
	printf "\t%-*s = %s\n", $keymax, "git-version", $p->{git_version} if $p->{git_version};
	printf "\t%-*s = %s\n", $keymax, "path", $p->{path};
	for my $k (sort keys %{$p->{config} || {}}) {
	    next if $cnf{$k}{$p->{config}{$k}} == @perls;
	    printf "\t%-*s = %s\n", $keymax, $k, $p->{config}{$k};
	    $config_summary{$k}{$label} = $p->{config}{$k};
	print "\n";

	open(RES, ">$dir/CONFIG-$p->{label}.txt") || die;
	$p->run_cmd(*V, "-V") || die "Can't run $p->{path}: $?";
	while (<V>) {
	    print RES $_;
	close(RES) || die "Can't write: $!";

my $factor = $opt_c;
unless ($factor) {
    $factor = `$^X cpu_factor`;
    die "Can't calculate cpu speed factor" unless $factor;

file("$dir/CPU_FACTOR", "$factor\n");

# Try to run tests
die "No test directory found" unless -d 't';

my @tests;

use File::Find;
find(sub { /\.t$/ && push(@tests, $File::Find::name) }, "benchmarks");
if ($opt_t) {
    @tests = grep /$opt_t/o, @tests;
@tests = sort @tests;

# Try to run the empty test in order to time the loop
my %empty_cycles;
for my $p (@perls) {
    $p->{empty_cycles} = ($empty_cycles{$p->{path}} ||= do {
        my $empty_cycles;
        $p->run_cmd(*P, "empty.t", $factor);
	while (<P>) {
            next unless /^Cycles-Per-Sec:\s*(\S+)/;
            $empty_cycles = int($1);
        die "Could not determine empty test speed for $p->{path}"
            unless  $empty_cycles;
    $p->{point_sum} = 0;

# heading
print INDEX "<table border=1>\n";
print INDEX " <tr>\n  <th>&nbsp;</th>\n";

print "\n";
print " " x 20;
for my $p (@perls) {
    printf "%8s", $p->{label};
    my $h = htmlesc($p->{label});
    my $overlib_attr = "";
    if ($use_overlib && $p->{name}) {
	$overlib_attr = qq( onmouseover="return overlib('$p->{name}');" onmouseout="return nd();");
    print INDEX qq(  <th><a href="CONFIG-$h.txt"$overlib_attr>$h</a></th>\n);
print "\n";
print INDEX " </tr>\n";

print " " x 20;
for my $p (@perls) {
    printf "%8s", ("-" x max(3, length($p->{label})));
print "\n";

my $test;
for $test (@tests) {
    unless (open(T, $test)) {
	warn "Can't open $test: $!";

    my $name = $test;
    $name =~ s,^benchmarks/,,;
    $name =~ s,\.t$,,;

    my $save_file = "$dir/$name/test.txt";
    mkpath(dirname($save_file), 0, 0755);
    open(SAVE, ">$save_file") || die "Can't create $save_file: $!";
    (my $save_file_link = $save_file) =~ s,^\Q$dir\E/,,;
    $save_file_link = htmlesc($save_file_link);

    my %prop;
    while (<T>) {
	print SAVE $_;
	next unless /^\#\s*(\w+)\s*:\s*(.*)/;
	my($k,$v) = (lc($1), $2);

	if (defined $prop{$k}) {
	    $prop{$k} .= "\n$v";
	} else {
	    $prop{$k} = $v;
    close(SAVE) || die "Can't write $save_file: $!";

    printf "%-20s", $name;
    my $overlib_attr = "";
    if ($use_overlib && $prop{name}) {
	$overlib_attr = qq( onmouseover="return overlib('$prop{name}');" onmouseout="return nd();");
    print INDEX qq( <tr>\n  <th align=left><a href="$save_file_link"$overlib_attr>) . htmlesc($name) . "</a></th>\n";

    my $scale;
    my $p;
    for my $p (@perls) {
	if ($p->{version} < $prop{'require'}) {
	    # Can't run test
	    printf "%8s", "N/A";
	    print INDEX "  <td>N/A</td>\n";

	my $res_file = "$dir/$name/" . $p->{label} . ".txt";
	mkpath(dirname($res_file), 0, 0755);
	open(RES, ">$res_file") || die "Can't create $res_file: $!";
	(my $res_file_link = $res_file) =~ s,^\Q$dir\E/,,;
	$res_file_link = htmlesc($res_file_link);

	my $points;
	my $popup_text = "";
	$p->run_cmd(*P, $test, $factor, $p->{empty_cycles});
	while (<P>) {
	    print RES $_;
	    if (/^Bench-Points:\s+(\S+)/) {
		$points = $1;
	    if (/^(?:\w+-Time|CPU|Cycles-Per-Sec|Loop-Overhead):/) {
		$popup_text .= "<br>" if length($popup_text);
		$popup_text .= $_;

	my $overlib_attr = "";
	if ($use_overlib) {
	    $overlib_attr = qq( onmouseover="return overlib('$popup_text');" onmouseout="return nd();");

	# present results
	unless (defined $points) {
	    printf "%8s", "-";
	    print INDEX qq(  <td><a href="$res_file_link"$overlib_attr>??</a></td>\n);
	unless ($opt_s) {
	    unless (defined $scale) {
		$scale = 100 / $points;
	    $points *= $scale;
	printf "%8.0f", $points;
	printf INDEX qq(  <td align=right><a href="%s"%s>%.0f</a></td>\n), $res_file_link, $overlib_attr, $points;
	$p->{point_sum} += $points;
    print INDEX " </tr>\n";
    print "\n";

print "\n";
printf "%-20s", "AVERAGE";
for my $p (@perls) {
    printf "%8.0f", $p->{point_sum} / $p->{no_tests};
print INDEX "</table>\n";
print INDEX "<p><small>Higer numbers are better. 200 is twice as fast as 100.</small></p>\n";

print INDEX "<h2>Configuration summary</h2>\n";
print INDEX "<p>Test ran on a $^O machine";
if ($^O ne "MSWin32") {
    my $uname = `uname -a`;
    if ($uname) {
	print INDEX qq( that reports its uname as ") . htmlesc($uname) . qq(");
print INDEX ".\n";
print INDEX " Test run completed at " . substr(time2iso(), 11) . ".\n";
print INDEX "</p>\n";

print INDEX "<table border=1>\n";
print INDEX " <tr>\n  <th>&nbsp</th>\n";
for my $p (@perls) {
    my $h = htmlesc($p->{label});
    print INDEX qq(  <th><a href="CONFIG-$h.txt">$h</a></th>\n);
for my $k ("name", "version", "path") {
    print INDEX " <tr>\n  <th>$k</th>\n";
    for my $p (@perls) {
	print INDEX "  <td>" . htmlesc($p->{$k}) . "</td>\n";
    print INDEX " </tr>\n";
print INDEX " </tr>\n";
for my $k (sort keys %config_summary) {
    print INDEX " <tr>\n  <th>" . htmlesc($k) . "</th>\n";
    for my $lab (map $_->{label}, @perls) {
	my $v = $config_summary{$k}{$lab};
	$v = "" unless defined($v);
	my $len = length($v);
	$v = $len ? htmlesc($v) : "&nbsp;";
	$v = "<small>$v</small>" if $len > 40;
	print INDEX " <td align=left>$v</td>\n";

    print INDEX " </tr>\n";
print INDEX "</table>\n";

print INDEX "</body>\n</html>\n";
close(INDEX) || die "Can't write $dir/index.html\n";

my $index_url = abs_path($dir);
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
    $index_url =~ s,\\,/,g;
    $index_url =~ s,^([A-Za-z]):,/$1|,;
$index_url = "file://$index_url/index.html";

print "\n\nResults saved in $index_url\n";

sub usage
    $0 =~ s,.*/,,;
    die "Usage: $0 [options] [lab1=]<perl1> [lab2=]<perl2>...

  if an arg is a directory, 'perl' is appended to it
Recognized options:
  -s               don't scale numbers (so that first perl is always 100)
  -t <filter>      only tests that match <filter> regex are timed
  -c <cpu-factor>  use this factor to scale tests instead of running the
                   'cpu_factor' program to determine it.
  -d <dirname>     where to save results
  -v               verbose - a bit of debug

sub max
    my $max = shift;
    while (@_) {
	my $n = shift;
	$max = $n if $n > $max;
    return $max;

sub file {
    my $name = shift;
    if (@_) {
        my $content = shift;
        open(my $f, ">", $name) || die "Can't create '$name': $!";
        print $f $content;
        close($f) || die "Can't write to '$name': $!";
        if (@_) {
            my $mode = shift;
            change_mode($mode, $name);
    else {
        open(my $f, "<", $name) || return undef;
        local $/;
        return scalar <$f>;

sub link_or_copy {
    my $f = shift;
    link($f, "$dir/$f") || do {
	require File::Copy;
	File::Copy::copy($f, $f);
sub htmlesc {
    my $str = shift;
    $str =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
    $str =~ s/</&lt;/g;

sub time2iso
    my $time = shift;
    $time = time unless defined $time;
    my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime($time);
    return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
            $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);

package Perl;

my $NEXT_LABEL = "A";

sub new
    my($class, $path) = @_;
    my $label;
    if ($path =~ s/^(\S+)=//) {
	$label = $1;
    else {
	$label = $NEXT_LABEL++;
    unless (-x $path) {
	die "$path is not executable";
    if (-d $path and -x "$path/perl") {
	$path = "$path/perl";
	print "updating given dir path to $path\n" if $::opt_v;

    my $self = bless { path => $path, label => $label }, $class;
    $self->run_cmd(*V, '-e', 'print qq(This is perl ), $]+0, qq(\n)');
    my $version = <V>;
    close V or die "closing pipe from perl: exit code $?";
    chomp $version;
    unless ($version =~ /^This is perl (\d+.\d+)/) {
	die "$path does not appear to be a working perl";
    $self->{version} = $1;
    $self->run_cmd(*V, '-v');
    while (<V>) {
	if (/^This is perl, v(\S+)/) {	# old format
	    $self->{name} = "perl-$1";
	if (/^This is perl (\d), version (\d+), subversion (\d+) \((\S+) (?:\((\S+)\){2})?/) {
	    print "new format: $4 $5\n" if $::opt_v;
	    $self->{name} = "perl-$1";
	    $self->{git_version} = $5
	if (/^Binary build (\d+.*) provided by ActiveState/) {
	    $self->{name} .= " build $1";
	    $self->{name} =~ s/^perl/ActivePerl/;

    if ($self->{version} >= 5) {
	# The perl should have Configure support.  Try to extract
	# some key settings
	my $prog = 'use Config; Config::config_vars(qw(cc ccversion gccversion optimize ccflags usethreads use64bitint use64bitall usemymalloc))';
	$self->run_cmd(*CONFIG, '-e', $prog);
	while (<CONFIG>) {
	   next unless /^(\w+)='([^']+)'/;  #' #
           $self->{config}{$1} = $2;
    return $self;

my $ld_path = Cwd::extLibpath()	 if $^O eq 'os2';
$ld_path .= ';'			 if $ld_path and $^O eq 'os2';

sub cmd
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = $self->{path};
    (my $pdir = $path) =~ s,[/\\][^/\\]+$,/,;
    if (-d "$pdir/lib") {
        # uninstalled perl
        Cwd::extLibpath_set("$ld_path$pdir") if $^O eq 'os2'; # Find DLL
	($path, '-I', "$pdir/lib");
    } else {

sub run_cmd
    my $self = shift;
    my @cmd = $self->cmd;
    my $fh = shift;
    my @args = map {/\s/ ? "'$_'" : $_} @_;
    open($fh, "@cmd @args |") or die "Cannot pipe from '@cmd @args': $!";
