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#!/usr/bin/env perl

=head1 NAME

dado - Data::Downloader command-line interface.


    dado [DEBUG OPTIONS] <config|disk|file|repository|linktree|feed> ACTION [ACTION OPTIONS]
    dado [DEBUG OPTIONS] <disks|files|repositories|linktrees|feeds> [CRITERIA] ACTION [ACTION OPTIONS]

    # Examples :
    dado config init --file flickr.yml
    dado feeds refresh --tags apples
    dado files download

    dado disk usage --summary --human
    dado feeds refresh
    dado files dump
    dado files download
    dado linktrees rebuild
    dado repositories dump_stats

    dado feeds refresh --esdt OMTO3 --startdate 2008-01-01 --archiveset 10003 --count 3
    dado linktrees --root '/linktree/root' rebuild
    dado files --md5 a46cee6a6d8df570b0ca977b9e8c3097 download --fake 1
    dado disks --root '/tmp/foo' usage --human
    dado feeds --name georss refresh --esdt OMTO3 --download 1

    dado --debug root feeds refresh
    dado --trace root feeds refresh
    dado --progress_bars linktrees rebuild


To use dado to download some scientific data files, here are a few sample repositories
and sequences of commands to try out :

Example 1 :

    cat > gsics.conf
    name: gsics
    storage_root: /tmp/datastore
    cache_max_size: 2048000
    cache_strategy: LRU
      name: all
        filename_xpath: title
        url_xpath: enclosure/@url
        - name: starttime
          xpath: datacasting:customElement[@name="validity_start_time"]/@value
        - name: endtime
          xpath: datacasting:customElement[@name="validity_end_time"]/@value
      - condition: ~
        path_template: '<starttime:%Y/%m/%d>'
        root: /tmp/datalinks

    $ dado config init --filename ./gsics.conf
    $ dado feeds refresh
    $ dado files download
    $ find /tmp/data* -not -type d

Example 2 :

    cat > podaac.conf
    name: podaac
    storage_root: /tmp/datastore
    cache_max_size: 2048000
    cache_strategy: LRU
      name: asop2
        filename_xpath: title
        url_xpath: enclosure/@url
        - name: starttime
          xpath: datacasting:acquisitionStartDate
        - name: endtime
          xpath: datacasting:acquisitionEndDate
      - condition: ~
        path_template: '<starttime:%Y/%m/%d>'
        root: /tmp/datalinks

    $ dado config init --filename ./podaac.conf
    $ dado feeds refresh
    $ dado files download
    $ find /tmp/data* -not -type d


This is the command line interface for L<Data::Downloader>.
It is used to manage a repository of files, file metadata, and symbolic links.

An invocation of dado is of one of the forms described in the SYNOPSIS above.
described below.

The options available when using dado commands correspond to the methods
available within the corresponding L<Data::Downloader> classes.  Those
classes are linked to in the headings below.


These are options to control the verbosity of the output.  See
L<Log::Log4perl::CommandLine> for a complete description.  Examples :

    dado --debug root ...  # show debug messages
    dado --trace root ...  # show trace messages

Note that a logging category (e.g. "root"), must be given,
to disambiugate the logging category from the ITEM or ITEMS.

Additionally, to turn on progress bars, use the --progress_bars
option (which takes no arguments).  e.g.

    dado --progress_bars linktrees rebuild
    dado --progress_bars feeds refresh

=head1 ACTION

The valid ACTIONs depend on what item is selected.


=item L<config|Data::Downloader::Config>

Actions : init, update.

Action options : --file

The configuration is stored in an sqlite database located
in $HOME/.data_downloader.db by default (see L<Data::Downloader::DB>).


    dado config init --file my_config_file.txt
    dado config update --file my_new_config_file.txt

The former creates a new configuration, the latter updates
an existing one.  Updating a configuration will _not_ make
any changes to files that have already been downloaded (or
their symlinks).

The configuration file format is described in detail in L<Data::Downloader::Config>.

=item L<disk|Data::Downloader::Disk>

Actions : --usage

Action options : --summary, --human

=item L<file|Data::Downloader::File>

Actions : download

Action options : --filename, --repository

If the file was in an RSS feed, then the url for this file is
stored in the database and no other action options are necessary.  However, if
this is a new file, then additional options may be necessary in order to
construct the url.  In this case, for instance, if the config file contains :

   name: example_repository
   file_url_template: '<url_parameter>/<filename>'

Then this command:

   dado file download \
         --repository example_repository \
         --url_parameter 12345 \
         --filename something.txt

will retrieve and store
it under the "storage_root" (also given in the config file).

Symbolic links will be created to this file, as specified, e.g.

    - root: /tmp/put_all_files_here
      condition: ~
      path_template: '<filename>'

would result in a symlink from /tmp/put_all_files_here/something.txt
to the location of the actual file.

=item L<file|Data::Downloader::File>s

Valid actions: dump, download, makelinks, remove, check

See L<Data::Downloader::File> for the behavior of each
of these actions.

CRITERIA may refer to file columns
(see the L<schema|Data::Downloader/SCHEMA>) or metadata e.g.

  dado files --filename abcdefg.hij dump
  dado files --on_disk 0 download
  dado files --esdt XYZPDQ remove
  dado files check

When giving CRITERIA, the option value may be
more complex, e.g.

  dado files --on_disk 0 --md5 'like: a%' dump

would select all files whose md5sum begins with "a".
The value is converted from YAML into a perl data structure
which is then passed to L<Rose::DB::Object::QueryBuilder>
to create a query, so things like this are possible :

  # esdt OML1BCAL, orbits 1000-2000 inclusive
  dado files --esdt OML1BCAL --orbit '[ge: 1000, le: 2000]' dump

  # esdt not equal to OML1BCAL
  dado files --'!esdt' OML1BCAL dump

Also the skip_re option may be passed to dump in order to
skip a regex of keys, e.g.

  dado files --esdt OML1BCAL dump --skip_re 'log_entries|atime'

=item L<feed|Data::Downloader::Feed>s

Actions : refresh

Action options : The options will correspond to the variables
in the template for any RSS feeds.  e.g. this configuration :

  feed_template: '<param1>/<param2>/feed.xml'

would correspond to this command line :

  dado feeds refresh --param1 12345 --param2 6789

Two more options are:

  --download 1   # download the files
  --fake 1       # make dummy files (for testing)

Values may be omitted from the command line if they have default
values set like so :

    - name: param1
      default_value: 12345

If one of the parameters is named "count", this will limit
the number of files to download.

=item L<linktree|Data::Downloader::Linktree>s

Actions : rebuild

This will rebuild all the trees of symlinks (i.e. remove them all and
re-create them).

When passing CRITERIA, the options may refer to any of the fields
for linktrees, e.g.

    dado linktrees --root '/linktree/root' rebuild
    dado linktrees --root 'like: %abc%' rebuild

=item L<repositories|Data::Downloader::Repository>

Repositories are directory trees which contains all of the
files that been downloaded.  The only valid action is "dump_stats".


=head1 SEE ALSO



    our $useProgressBars = grep /--progress_bars/, @ARGV;
    @ARGV = grep { $_ !~ /--progress_bars/ } @ARGV if $useProgressBars;

use Pod::Usage::CommandLine;
use Pod::Usage qw/pod2usage/;
use Data::Dumper;
use Data::Downloader ( ("-use_progress_bars") x $useProgressBars );
use YAML::XS qw/Dump Load/;
use Log::Log4perl::CommandLine (':all', ':loginit' => <<"EOT");
           log4perl.rootLogger = INFO, Screen
           log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::ScreenColoredLevels
           log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
           log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern = @{[ $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE} ? '#' : '' ]} [%-5p] %d %F{1} (%L) %m %n

use warnings;
use strict;

    my $str = "$0 @ARGV";
    $str =~ s/password (\S+)/password=XXXXX/;
    $0 = $str;

    our $VERSION = $Data::Downloader::VERSION;


sub main {
    my @command = @ARGV;
    my ($items,$action);
    my %args;
    my %criteria;
    my %valid = ( config       => { init       => 1,
				    update     => 1 },
                  feeds        => { refresh    => 1 },
                  file         => { download   => 1 },
                  files        => { dump       => 1,
				    remove     => 1,
				    purge      => 1,
				    download   => 1,
				    check      => 1,
				    makelinks  => 1,
				    list       => 1 },
		  linktrees    => { rebuild    => 1 },
                  repositories => { dump_stats => 1 },
                  disk         => { usage      => 1 },
    my $which = \%criteria;
    while ($_ = shift @command) {
        s/^--// and do {
            $which->{$_} = (
                defined($command[0]) && $command[0] !~ /^--/ ? # lookahead
                shift @command : # not a boolean
                1                # boolean
        !defined($items)  and do { $items  = $_;  next; };
        !defined($action) and do { $action = $_; $which = \%args; next; };

    die "Type 'perldoc dado', or 'dado --help' for documentation.\n"
         unless $items && $action && $valid{$items}{$action};

    my %manager = (
        feeds        => "Data::Downloader::Feed::Manager",
        files        => "Data::Downloader::File::Manager",
        linktrees    => "Data::Downloader::Linktree::Manager",
        repositories => "Data::Downloader::Repository::Manager",
    my $manageable = join '|', keys %manager;
    my %manager_args = ( files => { with_objects => "file_metadata" } );

    for ($items) {

        /^(config|file|disk)$/ and do {
            die "Cannot pass CRITERIA to $_.\nType $0 --help for help.\n" if keys %criteria;
            my $class = "Data::Downloader::".(ucfirst $_);

        /^$manageable$/ and do {
            my @query;
            for my $field (keys %criteria) {
                my $val = eval { Load $criteria{$field} };
                if ($@) {
                    die "Error '$criteria{$field}' is not valid yaml.\n";
                if (!ref($val)) {
                    push @query, ( $field, $val );
                } elsif (ref($val) eq 'HASH') {
                    push @query, ( $field, $val );
                } elsif (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY') {
                    push @query, ( $field, $_ ) for @$val;
                } else {
                    die "don't know how to handle ".ref($val)." ($criteria{$field}) : ".Dumper($val);
            my $method = "get_${items}";
            my $objs = $manager{$_}->$method(
                query => \@query,
                %{ $manager_args{$items} }
            my $db;
            my $i = 1;
            for my $obj (@$objs) {
