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use strict;
use warnings;
package Device::Onkyo;
$Device::Onkyo::VERSION = '1.142220';
use Carp qw/croak carp/;
use Device::SerialPort qw/:PARAM :STAT 0.07/;
use Fcntl;
use IO::Select;
use Socket;
use Symbol qw(gensym);
use Time::HiRes;


# ABSTRACT: Perl module to control Onkyo/Integra AV equipment

sub new {
  my ($pkg, %p) = @_;
  my $self = bless {
                    _buf => '',
                    _q => [],
                    type => 'eISCP',
                    port => 60128,
                    baud => 9600,
                    device => 'discover',
                    broadcast_source_ip => '',
                    broadcast_dest_ip => '',
                   }, $pkg;
  if (exists $p{filehandle}) {
    delete $self->{device};
  } else {

sub device { shift->{device} }

sub type { shift->{type} }

sub baud { shift->{baud} }

sub port { shift->{port} }

sub filehandle { shift->{filehandle} }

sub _open {
  my $self = shift;
  if ($self->{device} =~ m![/\\]!) {
  } else {
    if ($self->{device} eq 'discover') {
      my $devices = $self->discover;
      my ($ip, $port) = @{$devices->[0]};
      $self->{port} = $port;
      $self->{device} = $ip.':'.$port

sub _open_tcp_port {
  my $self = shift;
  my $dev = $self->{device};
  print STDERR "Opening $dev as tcp socket\n" if DEBUG;
  require IO::Socket::INET; import IO::Socket::INET;
  if ($dev =~ s/:(\d+)$//) {
    $self->{port} = $1;
  my $fh = IO::Socket::INET->new($dev.':'.$self->port) or
    croak "TCP connect to '$dev' failed: $!";
  return $self->{filehandle} = $fh;

sub _open_serial_port {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{type} = 'ISCP';
  my $dev = $self->{device};
  print STDERR "Opening $dev as serial port\n" if DEBUG;
  my $fh = gensym();
  my $sport = tie (*$fh, 'Device::SerialPort', $dev) or
    croak "Could not tie serial port, $dev, to file handle: $!";

  sysopen $fh, $dev, O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY|O_NDELAY or
    croak "sysopen of '$dev' failed: $!";
  return $self->{filehandle} = $fh;

sub read {
  my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
  my $res = $self->read_one(\$self->{_buf});
  $self->_write_now() if (defined $res);
  return $res if (defined $res);
  my $fh = $self->filehandle;
  my $sel = IO::Select->new($fh);
  do {
    my $start = $self->_time_now;
    $sel->can_read($timeout) or return;
    my $bytes = sysread $fh, $self->{_buf}, 2048, length $self->{_buf};
    $self->{_last_read} = $self->_time_now;
    $timeout -= $self->{_last_read} - $start if (defined $timeout);
    croak defined $bytes ? 'closed' : 'error: '.$! unless ($bytes);
    $res = $self->read_one(\$self->{_buf});
    $self->_write_now() if (defined $res);
    return $res if (defined $res);
  } while (1);

sub read_one {
  my ($self, $rbuf) = @_;
  return unless ($$rbuf);

  print STDERR "rbuf=", _hexdump($$rbuf), "\n" if DEBUG;

  if ($self->{type} eq 'eISCP') {
    my $length = length $$rbuf;
    return unless ($length >= 16);
    my ($magic, $header_size,
        $data_size, $version, $res1, $res2, $res3) = unpack 'a4 N N C4', $$rbuf;
    croak "Unexpected magic: expected 'ISCP', got '$magic'\n"
      unless ($magic eq 'ISCP');
    return unless ($length >= $header_size+$data_size);
    substr $$rbuf, 0, $header_size, '';
    carp(sprintf "Unexpected version: expected '0x01', got '0x%02x'\n",
                 $version) unless ($version == 0x01);
    carp(sprintf "Unexpected header size: expected '0x10', got '0x%02x'\n",
                 $header_size) unless ($header_size == 0x10);
    my $body = substr $$rbuf, 0, $data_size, '';
    my $sd = substr $body, 0, 2, '';
    $body =~ s/[\032\r\n]+$//;
    carp "Unexpected start/destination: expected '!1', got '$sd'\n"
      unless ($sd eq '!1');
    return $body;
  } else {
    return unless ($$rbuf =~ s/^(..)(....*?)[\032\r\n]+//);
    my ($sd, $body) = ($1, $2);
    carp "Unexpected start/destination: expected '!1', got '$sd'\n"
      unless ($sd eq '!1');
    return $body;

sub _time_now {

# 4953 4350 0000 0010 0000 000b 0100 0000  ISCP............
# 2178 4543 4e51 5354 4e0d 0a              !xECNQSTN\r\n

sub discover {
  my $self = shift;
  my $s;
  socket $s, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp');
  setsockopt $s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1;
  binmode $s;
  bind $s, sockaddr_in(0, inet_aton($self->{broadcast_source_ip}));
       pack("a* N N N a*",
            'ISCP', 0x10, 0xb, 0x01000000, "!xECNQSTN\r\n"),
       sockaddr_in($self->port, inet_aton($self->{broadcast_dest_ip})));
  my $sel = IO::Select->new($s);
  $sel->can_read(10) or die;
  my $sender = recv $s, my $buf, 2048, 0;
  croak 'error: '.$! unless (defined $sender);

  my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in($sender);
  my $ip = inet_ntoa($addr);
  my $b = $buf;
  my $msg = $self->read_one(\$b); # don't uncork writes
  ($port) = ($msg =~ m!/(\d+)/../[0-9a-f]{12}!i);
  print STDERR "discovered: $ip:$port ($msg)\n" if DEBUG;
  return [[$ip, $port]];

sub write {
  my ($self, $cmd, $cb) = @_;
  print STDERR "queuing: $cmd\n" if DEBUG;
  my $str = $self->pack($cmd);
  push @{$self->{_q}}, [$str, $cmd, $cb];
  $self->_write_now unless ($self->{_waiting});

sub _write_now {
  my $self = shift;
  my $rec = shift @{$self->{_q}};
  my $wait_rec = delete $self->{_waiting};
  if ($wait_rec && $wait_rec->[1]) {
    my ($str, $cmd, $cb) = @{$wait_rec->[1]};
    $cb->() if ($cb);
  return unless (defined $rec);
  $self->{_waiting} = [ $self->_time_now, $rec ];

sub _real_write {
  my ($self, $str, $desc, $cb) = @_;
  print STDERR "sending: $desc\n  ", _hexdump($str), "\n" if DEBUG;
  syswrite $self->filehandle, $str, length $str;

sub pack {
  my $self = shift;
  my $d = '!1'.$_[0];
  if ($self->{type} eq 'eISCP') {
    # 4953 4350 0000 0010 0000 000a 0100 0000 ISCP............
    # 2131 4d56 4c32 381a 0d0a                !1MVL28...
    $d .= "\r";
    pack("a* N N N a*",
         'ISCP', 0x10, (length $d), 0x01000000, $d);
  } else {
    $d .= "\r\n";

sub _canon_command {
  my $str = shift;
  $str = lc $str;
  $str =~ s/(?:question|query|qstn)/?/g;
  $str =~ s/^master\ //g;
  $str =~ s/volume/vol/g;
  $str =~ s/centre/center/g;
  $str =~ s/up/+/g;
  $str =~ s/down/-/g;
  $str =~ s/\s+//g;

our %command_map =
   'power on' => 'PWR01',
   'power off' => 'PWR00',
   'power standby' => 'PWR00',
   'power?' => 'PWRQSTN',
   'mute' => 'AMT00',
   'unmute' => 'AMT01',
   'toggle mute' => 'AMTTG',
   'mute?' => 'AMTQSTN',
   'speaker a on' => 'SPA01',
   'speaker a off' => 'SPA00',
   'toggle speaker a' => 'SPAUP',
   'speaker a?' => 'SPAQSTN',
   'speaker b on' => 'SPB01',
   'speaker b off' => 'SPB00',
   'toggle speaker b' => 'SPBUP',
   'speaker b?' => 'SPBQSTN',
   'volume+' => 'MVLUP',
   'volume-' => 'MVLDOWN',
   'volume?' => 'MVLQSTN',

   'front bass+' => 'TFRBUP',
   'front bass-' => 'TFRBDOWN',
   'front treble+' => 'TFRTUP',
   'front treble-' => 'TFRTDOWN',
   'front tone?' => 'TFRQSTN',

   'front wide bass+' => 'TFWBUP',
   'front wide bass-' => 'TFWBDOWN',
   'front wide treble+' => 'TFWTUP',
   'front wide treble-' => 'TFWTDOWN',
   'front wide tone?' => 'TFWQSTN',

   'front high bass+' => 'TFHBUP',
   'front high bass-' => 'TFHBDOWN',
   'front high treble+' => 'TFHTUP',
   'front high treble-' => 'TFHTDOWN',
   'front high tone?' => 'TFHQSTN',

   'center bass+' => 'TCTBUP',
   'center bass-' => 'TCTBDOWN',
   'center treble+' => 'TCTTUP',
   'center treble-' => 'TCTTDOWN',
   'center tone?' => 'TCTQSTN',

   'surround bass+' => 'TSRBUP',
   'surround bass-' => 'TSRBDOWN',
   'surround treble+' => 'TSRTUP',
   'surround treble-' => 'TSRTDOWN',
   'surround tone?' => 'TSRQSTN',

   'surround back bass+' => 'TSBBUP',
   'surround back bass-' => 'TSBBDOWN',
   'surround back treble+' => 'TSBTUP',
   'surround back treble-' => 'TSBTDOWN',
   'surround back tone?' => 'TSBQSTN',

   'subwoofer bass+' => 'TSWBUP',
   'subwoofer bass-' => 'TSWBDOWN',
   'subwoofer treble+' => 'TSWTUP',
   'subwoofer treble-' => 'TSWTDOWN',
   'subwoofer tone?' => 'TSWQSTN',

   'sleep off' => 'SLPOFF',
   'sleep?' => 'SLPQSTN',

   'display0' => 'DIF00',
   'display1' => 'DIF01',
   'display2' => 'DIF02',
   'display3' => 'DIF03',
   'display toggle' => 'DIFTG',
   'display?' => 'DIFQSTN',

   'dimmer bright' => 'DIM00',
   'dimmer dim' => 'DIM01',
   'dimmer dark' => 'DIM02',
   'dimmer off' => 'DIM03',
   'dimmer ledoff' => 'DIM08',
   'dimmer toggle' => 'DIMTG',
   'dimmer?' => 'DIMQSTN',

   'menu key' => 'OSDMENU',
   'up key' => 'OSDUP',
   'down key' => 'OSDDOWN',
   'right key' => 'OSDRIGHT',
   'left key' => 'OSDLEFT',
   'enter key' => 'OSDENTER',
   'exit key' => 'OSDEXIT',
   'audio key' => 'OSDAUDIO',
   'video key' => 'OSDVIDEO',
   'home key' => 'OSDHOME',

#   'memory store' => 'MEMSTR',
#   'memory recall' => 'MEMRCL',
#   'memory lock' => 'MEMLOCK',
#   'memory unlock' => 'MEMUNLK',

foreach my $k (keys %command_map) {
  $command_map{_canon_command($k)} = delete $command_map{$k};

sub command {
  my ($self, $cmd, $cb) = @_;
  my $canon = _canon_command($cmd);
  my $str = $command_map{$canon};
  if (defined $str) {
    $cmd = $str;
  } elsif ($canon =~ /^vol(100|[0-9][0-9]?)%?$/) {
    $cmd = sprintf 'MVL%02x', $1;
  } elsif ($canon =~ /^sleep(90|[0-8][0-9]|[1-9])m\w+?$/) {
    $cmd = sprintf 'SLP%02x', $1;
  } elsif ($cmd !~ /^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]/) {
    croak ref($self)."->command: '$cmd' does not match /^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]/";
  $self->write($cmd, $cb);

sub _hexdump {
  my $s = shift;
  my $r = unpack 'H*', $s;
  $s =~ s/[^ -~]/./g;
  $r.' '.$s;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Device::Onkyo - Perl module to control Onkyo/Integra AV equipment

=head1 VERSION

version 1.142220


  my $onkyo = Device::Onkyo->new(device => 'discover');
  $onkyo->power('on'); # switch on

  $onkyo = Device::Onkyo->new(device => '/dev/ttyS0');
  $onkyo->write('PWR01'); # switch on
  while (1) {
    my $message = $onkyo->read();
    print $message, "\n";

  $onkyo = Device::Onkyo->new(device => 'hostname:port');
  $onkyo->write('PWR01'); # switch on


Module for controlling Onkyo/Intregra AV equipment.

B<IMPORTANT:> This is an early release and the API is still subject to
change. The serial port usage is entirely untested.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<new(%parameters)>

This constructor returns a new Device::Onkyo object.  The supported
parameters are:


=item device

The name of the device to connect to.  The value can be a tty device
name or C<hostname:port> for TCP.  It may also be the string
'discover' in which case automatic discovery will be attempted.  This
value defaults to 'discover'.

=item filehandle

The name of an existing filehandle to be used instead of the 'device'

=item type

Whether the protocol should be 'ISCP' or 'eISCP'.  The default is
'ISCP' if a tty device was given as the 'device' parameter or 'eISCP'

=item baud

The baud rate for the tty device.  The default is C<9600>.

=item port

The port for a TCP device.  The default is C<60128>.

=item broadcast_source_ip

The source IP address that the discovery process uses for its
broadcast.  The default, '', should work in most cases but
multi-homed hosts might need to specify the correct local interface

=item broadcast_dest_ip

The IP address that the discovery process uses for its broadcast.  The
default, '', should work in most cases.


=head2 C<device()>

Returns the device used to connect to the equipment.  If a filehandle
was provided this method will return undef.

=head2 C<type()>

Returns the type of the device - either 'ISCP' or 'eISCP'.

=head2 C<baud()>

Returns the baud rate only makes sense for 'ISCP'-type devices.

=head2 C<port()>

Returns the TCP port for the device only makes sense for 'eISCP'-type

=head2 C<filehandle()>

This method returns the file handle for the device.

=head2 C<read([$timeout])>

This method blocks until a new message has been received by the
device.  When a message is received the message string is returned.
An optional timeout (in seconds) may be provided.

=head2 C<read_one(\$buffer)>

This method attempts to remove a single message from the buffer
passed in via the scalar reference.  When a message is removed a data
structure is returned that represents the data received.  If insufficient
data is available then undef is returned.

=head2 C<discover()>

This method attempts to discover available equipment.  It returns
a list reference of list references of ip and port pairs.

Currently only the first responding device is returned.

=head2 C<write($command, $callback)>

This method queues a command for sending to the connected device.
The first write will be written immediately, subsequent writes are
queued until a response to the previous message is received.

=head2 C<pack($command)>

This method takes a command and formats it for sending to the device.
The format depends on the device type.

=head2 C<command($command, [$callback])>

This method takes a command and queues it for sending to the device.

=head1 AUTHOR

Mark Hindess <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Mark Hindess.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
