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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# this is a 'command-line' interface to the OCV server
# NOTE: this interface optionally writes its own transaction and debug
# logs, which should be merged into the relevant logs for the target 
# account, if required. i.e. if you do a transaction using the ocv on a 
# given account, make sure the transaction ends up in the account's 
# transaction log. If you don't do this, then the totals reconciliation 
# will be out as these manual transactions will be unaccounted for.

use strict;

use Term::ReadLine;

#BEGIN {$OCV::debug = 1;}	# turn on/off module debugging at 'use' time

use OCV;

my $reminder = sub { };
END { $reminder->(); }

use constant CLIENTID => 'ocv'; # up to 8 chars

use constant TIMEOUT	=> 60;		# OCV send/recv timeout (seconds)

use constant LOGDIR		=> './var';	# link to OCV txn log dir
use constant TXNLOG		=> 'ocv.txnlog';
use constant DEBUGLOG	=> 'ocv.debug';

use constant HISTFILE	=> LOGDIR . '/.ocv.hist';

my $server = shift;
my $accountnum = shift;

die "usage: $0 <server<:port>> <account number>\n" unless 
	($server and $accountnum);

# print a 'merge' reminder at exit
$reminder = sub
	$_ =<<"	."; s/^\t//mg;
	If you've completed any transactions, make sure to merge
	into the main transaction logs for this account!
	warn $_;

# set the Transaction Reference number generator
# - the OCV allows a 16 character field for the transaction reference
# - basically a client identifier string, a hex-encoded, offset time, and 
#   a sequence number. The time offset is simply to reduce the number of 
#   characters in the resulting string.
#   938700000 = 99/10/01 00:00:00 in TZ=Australia/NSW
my $sn = 0;
sub txnref { $sn %= 100; sprintf("%s%X%02d", "$$-", time()-938700000, $sn++) }

# required parameters are: server address, client ID, account number
my $ocv = new OCV (
		Server		=> $server, 
		ClientId	=> CLIENTID, 
		AccountNum	=> $accountnum, 
		TxnRef		=> \&txnref, 
		Timeout		=> TIMEOUT, 
		LogDir		=> LOGDIR,
		TxnLog		=> TXNLOG,
		DebugLog	=> DEBUGLOG,
		Debug		=> 1, 
	or die "Could not create OCV object: $@\n";

my $statistics = $ocv->statistics(SubCode => STATS_CURRENT) 
	or warn "Statistics: $@\n";

print "Server up since $statistics->[14]\n";

my $term;

	local $^W = 0;	# (try to) suppress ReadLine warnings

	$term = new Term::ReadLine ("OCV Console");

	if (open(HISTORY, '<' . HISTFILE))
		while (<HISTORY>)
			{ chomp($_); next unless ($_ and /\S/); $term->addhistory($_); }

open(HISTORY, '>>'.HISTFILE) or 
	warn ("couldn't append to history file [$0.hist]: $!\n"), 
	open(HISTORY, ">/dev/null");


my $indent = 0;
sub printmsg
	my $s = shift;	# ref to message object
	my @o = @_;		# orientation: () = list, list = table (values are widths)

	my %m = $s->hash;
	if (@o)	# table format:just print rows of data
		my $i = 0;
		for my $f ($s->fields)
			my $v = $m{$f};
			if (!defined($v))		{ printf '%*s ', $o[$i++], '-'; }
			elsif ($v =~ /^\d+$/)	{ printf '%*d ', $o[$i++], $v;  }
			else 					{ printf '%*s ', $o[$i++], $v;  }
		print "\n";
		for my $f ($s->fields)	# fields => hash keys, sorted
			print "\t" x $indent;
			if (ref($m{$f}))	# sub-message or list of sub-messages
				printf "%16s =>\n", $f;
				if (UNIVERSAL::isa($m{$f}, 'OCV::Message'))
				elsif (ref($m{$f}) eq 'ARRAY')	# list of messages
					# assume messages are all the same type, print as table

					my $s = $m{$f}[0];
					# print header (fieldnames)
					my @w = $s->fieldwidths;
					my $i = 0;
					for my $f ($s->fields)
						printf '%*s ', $w[$i++], $f;
					print "\n";

					for my $d (@{$m{$f}})
						printmsg($d, @w);
					print "\t" x $indent+1, "[unknown sub-type]\n";
			else	# plain message
				printf "%16s => %s\n", $f, defined($m{$f}) ? $m{$f} : "-";

while (defined(my $c = $term->readline("> ")))
	next unless ($c and $c =~ /\S/);	# no command

	help(), next if ($c =~ /^help/i);


	my $s;
	my $w;
	eval	# try
		unless ($ocv->ping)
			warn "not connected, attempting to reconnect...\n";
			die "$@\n" unless $ocv->reset;

		if ($c =~ /^([^\(]+)/ and $ocv->can($1))	# calling a method?
			# eval command string as OCV method
			# - need "double die" to propagate $@ error string
			# - save $@ warnings through eval
			eval 'die "$@\n" unless $s=$ocv->' . $c . '; $w = $@';
			die "$@\n" unless $s;
		elsif ($c =~ /{.*}/)		# setting a hash key?
			eval '$s=$ocv->' . $c;
			$s = '<undef>' unless defined $s;
			die "don't know how to handle [$c]\n";

		print "Warning: $w\n" if $w;

		print HISTORY "$c\n";	# successful command, save it

		if (ref($s) eq 'OCV::Message')
			#print "s is a " . ref($s) . "\n";
			#print "$_:\n", map{"\t$_\n"} @{$s};

			# my $v;
			# $v = $s->ClientID;
			# print defined($v)?$v:"<undef>", "\n";
			# $v = $s->StartTime;
			# print defined($v)?$v:"<undef>", "\n";

			#print "[" . join(", ", map {defined($_)?$_:"-"} $s->array) . "]\n";
			print $s, "\n";

		1;	# eval ok
	or do	# catch
		$@ =~ s/\n*$//;
		$@ ||= 'unknown error';
		print "Error: $@\n";
print "\n";


$ocv->close() or warn "Close: $@\n";

sub help
	print <<EOM;

	help	print this message

General form of commands is as an OCV method call with named arguments, e.g.:
	status(TxnRef => "txnid")
Arguments in brackets [] are optional.

Object data may also be set/modified as for a hash key:
    {timeout}             get
    {timeout}=20          set

	purchase    CardData, CardExpiry, Amount
	refund      CardData, CardExpiry, Amount
	preauth     CardData, CardExpiry, Amount
	completion  CardData, CardExpiry, Amount, AuthNum

  Arguments Common To All Transactions
	[TxnRef]    	(default = automatically generated serial number)
	[PolledMode]	(0 = blocking, 1 = polled, (default = 0))
	[ClientType]	(0 = internet, 1 = telephone, 2 = mail order, (default = 0))

	purchase(carddata=>"5424000000000015", cardexpiry=>"1205", amount=>1000)

	vppconfig	VPPNum, NetworkType, NetworkID, MerchantID, TerminalID, 
	         	AccountNum, Enable, [PinPadID]
	vppstatus	VPPNum, [PinPadID]
	statistics	[Reset], [SubCode]
	totals		[Day (latest == 0)]
