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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# (should also use taint mode (-T) for production)
#  Show a couple of test transactions to the (development) OCV server, 
# using both blocking (non-polled) and polled modes.
# Note the test OCV server (at least v1.15) does not respond well to polled 
# requests, see usage() below.

use strict;

use POSIX;

# load the module and import all constants
use OCV;

use constant CLIENTID => 'ocvtest';	# up to 8 chars

# to avoid confusion with the live server, the test server should always be 
# run on a different port than a live server
use constant PORT		=> 53995;	# my 'standard' test port

use constant TIMEOUT	=> 15;		# OCV send/recv timeout (seconds)
use constant BUSYWAIT	=> 2;		# OCV SERVER BUSY - (avg) wait time
use constant BUSYATTEMPTS	=> 2;	# OCV SERVER BUSY - number of attempts

use constant LOGDIR		=> './var';	# link to OCV txn log dir
use constant TXNLOG		=> 'test.txnlog';
use constant DEBUGLOG	=> 'test.debuglog';
use constant TRUNCATE	=> 0;	# truncate logs?

my $server = shift;
my $accountnum = shift;
my $polled = shift;


die "usage: $0 <development server<:port>> <account number> <polled mode>\n" 
	unless ($server and $accountnum);

# create an OCV object

$server = $server . ':' . PORT unless $server =~ /:\d+/;

print <<EOM;

OCV Arguments

          Server: $server          (standard test port = ${\PORT})
  Account Number: $accountnum

         Timeout: ${\TIMEOUT} s
       BUSY Wait: ${\BUSYWAIT} s
   BUSY Attempts: ${\BUSYATTEMPTS}

       Client ID: ${\CLIENTID}

   Log Directory: ${\LOGDIR}
 Transaction Log: ${\TXNLOG}
       Debug Log: ${\DEBUGLOG}
    Logs will be: ${TRUNCATE ? \'truncated' : \'appended'}

 Polled/Blocking: ${$polled ? \'POLLED' : \'BLOCKING'}

  - you should adjust the OCV simulated service time to say < 500ms for
    this test (unless you have all day :-)


print <<EOM if $polled;
NOTE: the test OCV server (at least v1.15) does not respond well to polled 
requests. It 'locks' the account after serving some polled requests (i.e. 
subsequent transactions on the account return SERVER BUSY or RECORD NOT FOUND).
In addition, on subsequent connections it erroneously sends a response to the 
polled request which missynchronises the rest of the communications.


# the OCV always appends to its logs, so manually truncate them if required
# - create/truncate the log files now, so as to allow them to be tailed 
#   before starting the test
map { my $f = LOGDIR . $_; open (FH, TRUNCATE ? ">$f" : ">>$f") }
close FH;

$server =~ /:(\d+)/;
if ($1 != PORT)
	print "Are you sure you want to use a non-'standard' test port? [yN] ";
	exit 1 unless (<STDIN> =~ /y/i);
	print "Press enter to continue, Ctrl-C to quit...";

my $ocv = new OCV (Server => $server, ClientID => CLIENTID, 
		AccountNum => $accountnum, timeout => TIMEOUT, 
		BusyWait => BUSYWAIT, BusyAttempts => BUSYATTEMPTS,
		LogDir => LOGDIR, TxnLog => TXNLOG, DebugLog => DEBUGLOG, 
		debug => 1)
	or die "Could not create OCV object: $@\n";

# set the Transaction Reference number generator
# - the OCV allows a 16 character field for the transaction reference
# - basically a client identifier string, a hex-encoded time (32 bits == 8 hex
#   digits), and a sequence number.
my $sn = 0;
sub txnref
	{ $sn %= 255; sprintf("%.6s%08X%02x", uc(CLIENTID), time(), $sn++) }

my %carddata = 
	CardData => "5424000000000015", 
	CardExpiry => POSIX::strftime('%m%y', localtime(time()+3*4*7*24*3600)),

sub block
	my ($amount, $type, $e) = @_;

	my $m;
	if ($type eq 'purchase')
		$m = $ocv->purchase
			Amount => $amount, 
			PolledMode => POLL_BLOCK,
	elsif ($type eq 'refund')
		$m = $ocv->refund
			Amount => $amount, 
			PolledMode => POLL_BLOCK,
		$@ = "unknown transaction type: [$type]\n";
		return undef;

	unless ($m)	# erk... didn't get a response
		print "Error: $@\n";
		my $ref = $ocv->gettxnref;
		unless ($ref)
			$@ = 'no TxnRef returned by gettxnref()';
			print "Error: $@\n";
			return undef;
		print "Trying status for [$ref]...\n";
		my $n = 60;	# don't keep trying forever
			sleep 1;
			$m = $ocv->status();
			print "Error: $@\n" if $@;
		} while ($m and $m->Result == TRANS_INPROGRESS and $n--);

	if ($m and defined($m->Result))
		$m->Result == TRANS_APPROVED and print "Result: APPROVED\n";
		$m->Result == TRANS_DECLINED and print "Result: DECLINED: " . 
			$m->ResponseText . ($m->Retry ? " RETRY":"") . "\n";
		$m->Result == TRANS_INPROGRESS and print "Result: (still) INPROGRESS\n";

		if (defined $e and $m->Result != $e)
			$@ = "Unexpected result: wanted [$e], got [" . $m->Result . "]";
			print "Error: $@\n";

	return $m;

sub poll
	my ($amount, $type, $e) = @_;

	my $w;	# propagate warnings from OCV ($@) through the eval

	my $m = eval    # try
		my $m;

		if ($type eq 'purchase')
			$m = $ocv->purchase
				Amount => $amount, 
				PolledMode => POLL_NONBLOCK,
			) or die "$@\n";
		elsif ($type eq 'refund')
			$m = $ocv->refund
				Amount => $amount, 
				PolledMode => POLL_NONBLOCK,
			) or die "$@\n";
			die "unknown transaction type: [$type]\n";

		# need to know the txnref to query
		my $ref = $ocv->gettxnref;
		die "no TxnRef returned by gettxnref()\n" unless $ref;

		my $n = 60;	# don't keep trying forever
			sleep 1;
			# get the status of the last transaction
			# - status "blocks" and always returns a response
			$m = $ocv->status() or die "$@\n";

		} while ($m and $m->Result == TRANS_INPROGRESS and $n--);

		if ($m and defined($m->Result))
			$m->Result == TRANS_APPROVED and print "Result: APPROVED\n";
			$m->Result == TRANS_DECLINED and print "Result: DECLINED: " . 
				$m->ResponseText . ($m->Retry ? " RETRY":"") . "\n";
			$m->Result == TRANS_INPROGRESS and 
				print "Result: (still) INPROGRESS\n";

		$w = $@;

	or do     # catch
		print "Error: $@\n";

	$@ ||= $w;

	return $m;

# the test OCV server responds with a result depending on the 
# cent value of the amount: response code = amount % 100
# - the server also provides 'special' responses for codes 80-85, simulating
#   various networking failures
# - all requests should be responded to, except code 80 which purposely
#   does not reply. A subsequent query should elicit a response.
# - the 00 and 80 amounts should be APPROVED, the others are undefined
#   (most are DECLINED, at least one is APPROVED (08))

my $failures = 0;
my $warnings = 0;

my %e =	# transactions with known expected result

unless ($polled)
	print "\nNonPolled (Blocking) Mode\n", '-'x80, "\n";
	#foreach my $a (0,10,80,99)
	foreach my $a ((0..99))
		printf "\nTrying purchase [\$1.%02d]\n", $a;
		$failures++ unless block(100 + $a, 'purchase', $e{$a});
		# the .80 amount *should* cause a warning as it fails to respond
		$warnings++ if ($@ and !($a == 80 and $@ =~ /timeout/i));
	foreach my $a (0, 1, 80, 99)
		printf "\nTrying refund [\$1.%02d]\n", $a;
		$failures++ unless block(100 + $a, 'refund');
		$warnings++ if ($@ and !($a == 80 and $@ =~ /timeout/i));
	print "\nPolled Mode\n", '-'x80, "\n";
	foreach my $a ((0..99))
		printf "\nTrying purchase [\$1.%02d]\n", $a;
		$failures++ unless poll(100 + $a, 'purchase');
		$warnings++ if $@;
	foreach my $a (0, 1, 80, 99)
		printf "\nTrying refund [\$1.%02d]\n", $a;
		$failures++ unless poll(100 + $a, 'refund');
		$warnings++ if $@;

print '-'x80, "\n";
if ($failures or $warnings)
	print "$failures tests failed\n";
	print "$warnings tests produced unexpected warnings\n";
	print "All tests passed ok\n";