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package MojoX::Run;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'Mojo::Base';

use bytes;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);

use Storable qw(thaw freeze);

use Mojo::Log;
use Mojo::IOLoop;

use MojoX::_Open3;
use MojoX::HandleRun;

# timeout in seconds (~10 years)
use constant VERY_LONG_TIMEOUT => 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10;

# private logging object...
my $_log = Mojo::Log->new();

# singleton object instance
my $_obj = undef;

our $VERSION = '0.15';

=head1 NAME

MojoX::Run - asynchronous external command and subroutine execution for Mojo


 # create async executor SINGLETON object
 my $mojox_run = MojoX::Run->singleton();
 # simple usage
 my $pid = $mojox_run->spawn(
 	cmd => "ping -W 2 -c 5",
 	exit_cb => sub {
 		my ($pid, $res) = @_;
 		print "Ping finished with exit status $res->{exit_val}.\n";
 		print "\tSTDOUT:\n$res->{stdout}\n";
 		print "\tSTDERR:\n$res->{stderr}\n";
 # check for injuries
 unless ($pid) {
 	print "Command startup failed: ", $mojox_run->error(), "\n";
 # more complex example...
 my $pid2 = $mojox_run->spawn(
 	cmd => 'ping -W 2 -c 5',
 	stdin_cb => sub {
 		my ($pid, $chunk) = @_;
 		print "STDOUT $pid: '$chunk'\n"
 	# ignore stderr
 	stderr_cb => sub {},
 	exit_cb => sub {
 		my ($pid, $res) = @_;
 		print "Process $res->{cmd} [pid: $pid] finished after $res->{time_duration_exec} second(s).\n";
 		print "Exit status: $res->{exit_status}";
 		print " by signal $res->{exit_signal}" if ($res->{exit_signal});
 		print " with coredump." if ($res->{exit_core});
 		print "\n";
 # even fancier usage: spawn coderef
 my $pid3 = $mojox_run->spawn(
 	cmd => sub {
 		for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
 			if (rand() > 0.5) {
 				print STDERR rand(), "\n"
 			} else {
 				print rand(), "\n";
 			sleep int(rand(10));
 		exit (rand() > 0.5) ? 0 : 1;
 	exit_cb => {
 		print "Sub exited with $res->{exit_status}, STDOUT: $res->{stdout}\n";


Object instance of this class takes over B<SIGCHLD> signal handler. You have been


=head2 new

Alias for L</singleton> method - object constructor always returns the same
object instance.

This restriction is enforced becouse there can be only one active B<SIGCHLD>
signal handler per process. However this shouldn't be a problem becouse
you can run multiple external processes simultaneously with MojoX::Run :)

sub new {
	return __PACKAGE__->singleton();

=head2 singleton

 my $mojox_run = MojoX::Run->singleton();

Returns singleton object instance of MojoX::Run. Singleton object uses Mojo's
L<Mojo::IOLoop> singleton instance. This is probably what you want instead of
creating your own private instance.

sub singleton {
	# return existing instance if available
	return $_obj if (defined $_obj);
	# no singleton object? create one
	$_obj = __PACKAGE__->_constructor();
	return $_obj;

# the real constructor
sub _constructor {
	my $proto = shift;
	my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new();

	bless($self, $class);
	# do we have any arguments?
	# argument can only be ioloop object...
	$self->ioloop(@_) if (@_);
	return $self;

	my ($self) = @_;
	# perform cleanup...
	foreach my $pid (keys %{$self->{_data}}) {
		my $proc = $self->{_data}->{$pid};

		# kill process (HARD!)
		kill(9, $pid);
		$_log->debug("Killing subprocess $pid with SIGKILL") if (defined $_log);

		my $loop = $self->ioloop();
		next unless (defined $loop);

		# drop fds
		if (defined $proc->{id_stdout}) {
		if (defined $proc->{id_stderr}) {
		if (defined $proc->{id_stdin}) {

		# fire exit callbacks (if any)
		$self->_checkIfComplete($pid, 1);

		# remove struct

	# disable sigchld hander

#                PUBLIC METHODS                  #

=head1 METHODS

=head2 error

 my $err = $mojox_run->error();

Returns last error.


sub error {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->{_error};

=head2 spawn

 my $pid = $mojox_run->spawn(%opt);

Spawns new subprocess. The following options are supported:


=item B<cmd> (string/arrayref/coderef, undef, B<required>):

Command to be started. Command can be simple scalar, array reference or perl CODE reference
if you want to custom perl subroutine asynchronously.

=item B<stdout_cb> (coderef, undef):

Code that will be invoked when data were read from processes's stdout. If omitted, stdout output
will be returned as argument to B<exit_cb>. Example:

 stdout_cb => sub {
 	my ($pid, $data) = @_;
 	print "Process $pid stdout: $data";

=item B<stderr_cb> (coderef, undef):

Code that will be invoked when data were read from processes's stderr. If omitted, stderr output
will be returned as argument to B<exit_cb>. Example:

 stderr_cb => sub {
 	my ($pid, $data) = @_;
 	print "Process $pid stderr: $data";

=item B<stdin_cb> (coderef, undef):

Code that will be invoked when data wrote to process's stdin were flushed. Example:

 stdin_cb => sub {
 	my ($pid) = @_;
 	print "Process $pid: stdin was flushed.";

=item B<exit_cb> (coderef, undef, B<required>)

Code to be invoked after process exits and all handles have been flushed. Function is called
with 2 arguments: Process identifier (pid) and result structure. Example:

 exit_cb => sub {
 	my ($pid, $res) = @_;
 	print "Process $pid exited\n";
 	print "Execution error: $res->{error}\n" if (defined $res->{error});
 	print "Exit status: $pid->{exit_status}\n";
 	print "Killed by signal $pid->{exit_signal}\n" if ($res->{exit_signal});
 	print "Process dumped core.\n" if (res->{exit_core});
 	print "Process was started at: $res->{time_started}\n";
 	print "Process exited at $res->{time_stopped}\n";
 	print "Process execution duration: $res->{time_duration_exec}\n";
 	print "Execution duration: $res->{time_duration_total}\n";
 	print "Process stdout: $res->{stdout}\n";
 	print "Process stderr: $res->{stderr}\n";

=item B<exec_timeout> (float, 0):

If set to positive non-zero value, process will be killed after specified timeout of seconds. Timeout accuracy
depends on IOLoop's timeout() value (Default is 0.25 seconds).


Returns non-zero process identifier (pid) on success, otherwise 0 and sets error.


sub spawn {
	my ($self, %opt) = @_;
	unless (defined $self && blessed($self) && $self->isa(__PACKAGE__)) {
		my $obj = __PACKAGE__->new();
		return $obj->spawn(%opt);
	$self->{_error} = '';

	# normalize and validate run parameters...
	my $o = $self->_getRunStruct(\%opt);
	return 0 unless ($self->_validateRunStruct($o));

	# start exec!
	return $self->_spawn($o);

=head2 spawn_sub

 my $code = sub { return { a => 1, b => 2} };
 my $pid = $mojox_run->spawn_sub(
 	exit_cb => sub {
 		my ($pid, $result, $exception) = @_;

Spawns new subprocess in which $code subroutine will be executed. Return value of
subroutine will be delivered to B<exit_cb> callback.

The following options are supported:


=item B<stdin_cb> (coderef, undef):

Code that will be invoked when data wrote to process's stdin were flushed. Example:

 stdin_cb => sub {
 	my ($pid) = @_;
 	print "Process $pid: stdin was flushed.";

=item B<exit_cb> (coderef, undef, B<required>)

Code to be invoked after process exits and all handles have been flushed. Function is called
with 2 arguments: Process identifier (pid) and result structure. Example:

 exit_cb => sub {
 	my ($pid, $result, $exception) = @_;
 	if ($exception) {
 		print "Horrible exception accoured while executing subroutine: $exception";
 	# result is always arrayref, becouse subs can return list values!
 	print "Got async sub result: ", Dumper($result), "\n";

=item B<exec_timeout> (float, 0):

If set to positive non-zero value, process will be killed after specified timeout of seconds. Timeout accuracy
depends on IOLoop's timeout() value.


Returns non-zero process identifier (pid) on success, otherwise 0 and sets error.

sub spawn_sub {
	my ($self, $sub, %opt) = @_;
	unless (defined $sub && ref($sub) eq 'CODE') {
		$self->{_error} = "First argument must be coderef.";
		return 0;
	my $exit_cb = delete($opt{exit_cb});
	unless (defined $exit_cb && ref($exit_cb)) {
		$self->{_error} = "No exit_cb defined!";
		return 0;
	# remove stupid stuff from %opt
	# wrap sub to our custom routine
	my $code = sub {
		# run sub...
		local $@;
		my @rv = eval { $sub->() };
		# exception?
		if ($@) {
			print STDERR "Exception: $@";
		# we have a result!
		print freeze(\ @rv);
	# wrap exit_cb to our routine
	my $exit_code = sub {
		my ($pid, $res) = @_;
		my $ref = undef;
		my $ex = undef;
		# everything ok?
		if ($res->{exit_status} == 0) {
			local $@;
			# try to de-serialize data...
			$ref = eval { thaw($res->{stdout}) };
			# check for injuries...
			if ($@) {
				$ex = "Error de-serializing subprocess data: $@";
		} else {
			$ex = $res->{stderr};
		# run exit cb...
		$exit_cb->($pid, $ref, $ex);
	# spawn the goddamn sub
	my $p = $self->spawn(
		cmd => $code,
		exit_cb => $exit_code,
	return 0 unless ($p);

	# lock down stdout/err streams...
	return $p;

=head2 stdin_write

 $mojox_run->stdin_write($pid, $data [, $cb]);

Writes $data to stdin of process $pid if process still has opened stdin. If $cb is defined
code reference it will invoke it when data has been written. If $cb is omitted B<stdin_cb>
will be invoked if is set for process $pid.

Returns 1 on success, otherwise 0 and sets error.


sub stdin_write {
	my ($self, $pid, $data, $cb) = @_;
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	unless (defined $pid && defined $proc) {
		$self->{_error} =
		  "Unable to write to process pid '$pid' stdin: Unamanaged process pid or process stdin is already closed.";
		return 0;

	# is stdin still opened?
	unless (defined $proc->{id_stdin}) {
		$self->{_error} = "STDIN handle is already closed.";
		return 0;

	# do we have custom callback?
	if (defined $cb) {
		unless (ref($cb) eq 'CODE') {
			$self->{_error} =
			  "Optional second argument must be code reference.";
			return 0;
	else {

		# do we have stdin callback?
		if (defined $proc->{stdin_cb} && ref($proc->{stdin_cb}) eq 'CODE') {
			$cb = $proc->{stdin_cb};

	# write data
	$self->ioloop()->write($proc->{id_stdin}, $data, $cb);
	return 1;

=head2 stdout_cb

 # set
 $mojox_run->stdout_cb($pid, $cb);
 # get
 my $cb = $mojox_run->stdout_cb($pid);

If called without $cb argument returns stdout callback for process $pid, otherwise
sets stdout callback. If $cb is undefined, removes callback.

Returns undef on error and sets error message.


sub stdout_cb {
	my ($self, $pid, $cb) = @_;
	return $self->__handle_cb($pid, 'stdout', $cb);

=head2 stderr_cb

 # set
 $mojox_run->stderr_cb($pid, $cb);
 # get
 $cb = $mojox_run->stderr_cb($pid);

If called without $cb argument returns stderr callback for process $pid, otherwise
sets stderr callback. If $cb is undefined, removes callback.

Returns undef on error and sets error message.


sub stderr_cb {
	my ($self, $pid, $cb) = @_;
	return $self->__handle_cb($pid, 'stderr', $cb);

=head2 stdin_cb

 # set
 $mojox_run->stdin_cb($pid, $cb);
 # get

If called without $cb argument returns stdin callback for process $pid, otherwise
sets stdin callback. If $cb is undefined, removes callback.

Returns undef on error and sets error message.


sub stdin_cb {
	my ($self, $pid, $cb) = @_;
	return $self->__handle_cb($pid, 'stdin', $cb);

=head2 stdin_close


Closes stdin handle to specified process. You need to explicitly close stdin
if spawned program doesn't exit until it's stdin is not closed.


sub stdin_close {
	my ($self, $pid) = @_;
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	return 0 unless (defined $proc);

	# is stdin opened?
	my $id_stdin = $proc->{id_stdin};
	unless (defined $id_stdin) {
		$self->{_error} = "STDIN is already closed.";
		return 0;

	my $loop = $self->ioloop();
	unless (defined $loop) {
		$self->{_error} = "Undefined IOLoop.";
		return 0;

	# drop handle...
	$proc->{id_stdin} = undef;

	return 1;

=head2 stdout_buf

 # just get it
 $buf = $mojox_run->stdout_buf($pid);
 # get and drain
 $buf = $mojox_run->stdout_buf($pid, 1);

Returns contents of stdout buffer for process $pid on success, otherwise undef.

Internal buffer is cleared if invoked with non-zero second argument.


sub stdout_buf {
	my ($self, $pid, $clear) = @_;
	$clear = 0 unless (defined $clear);
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	return undef unless (defined $proc);
	return undef if ($proc->{out_locked});

	# clear buffer?
	$proc->{buf_stdout} = '' if ($clear);
	return $proc->{buf_stdout};

=head2 stdout_buf_clear

 $buf = $mojox_run->stdout_buf_clear($pid);

Clears stdout buffer for process $pid. Returns string containing buffer contents on success, otherwise undef.


sub stdout_buf_clear {
	return shift->stdout_buf($_[0], 1);

=head2 stderr_buf

 # just get it
 $buf = $mojox_run->stderr_buf($pid);
 # get and drain
 $buf = $mojox_run->stderr_buf($pid, 1);

Returns contents of stderr buffer for process $pid on success, otherwise undef.

Internal buffer is cleared if invoked with non-zero second argument.


sub stderr_buf {
	my ($self, $pid, $clear) = @_;
	$clear = 0 unless (defined $clear);
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	return undef unless (defined $proc);
	return undef if ($proc->{out_locked});

	# clear buffer?
	$proc->{buf_stderr} = '' if ($clear);
	return $proc->{buf_stderr};

=head2 stderr_buf_clear

 $buf = $mojox_run->stderr_buf_clear($pid);

Clears stderr buffer for process $pid. Returns empty string on success, otherwise undef.


sub stderr_buf_clear {
	return shift->stderr_buf($_[0], 1);

=head2 kill

 $mojox_run->kill($pid [, $signal = 15]);

Kills process $pid with specified signal. Returns 1 on success, otherwise 0.


sub kill {
	my ($self, $pid, $signal) = @_;
	$signal = 15 unless (defined $signal);
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	return 0 unless (defined $proc);

	# kill the process...
	unless (kill($signal, $pid)) {
		$self->{_error} = "Unable to send signal $signal to process $pid: $!";
		return 0;
	return 1;

=head2 log_level ([$level])

Gets or sets loglevel for private logger instance. See L<Mojo::Log> for additional instructions.


sub log_level {
	my ($self, $level) = @_;
	if (defined $level) {
		my $prev_level = $_log->level();
	return $_log->level();

=head2 num_running

Returns number of currently managed sub-processes.

sub num_running {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return scalar(keys %{$self->{_data}});

=head2 max_running


Returns currently set concurrently running subprocesses limit if called without arguments.
If called with integer argument sets new limit of concurrently spawned external processes
and returns old limit.

Value of 0 means that there is no limit. 

sub max_running {
	my $self = shift;
	# used provided argument?
	if (@_) {
		my $limit = shift;
		# invalid limit?
		return $self->{_max_running} unless (defined $limit);
		{ no warnings; $limit += 0; }
		my $old_limit = $self->{_max_running};
		# issue warning about overflow...
		if ($limit > 0 && $limit <= $self->num_running()) {
				"New limit of $limit concurrently managed subprocesses is lower " .
				"than current number of managed subprocesses (" .
				$self->num_running() .
				"); new process creation will be refused until one or more " .
				" currently managed subprocesses won't exit."
		# set new limit
		$self->{_max_running} = ($limit > 0) ? $limit : 0;

		# return old limit
		return $old_limit;
	} else {
		return $self->{_max_running};

=head2 ioloop

 # get
 $loop = $mojox_run->ioloop();
 # set

Returns currently used ioloop if called without arguments. Currently
used IO loop if changed invoked with initialized L<Mojo::IOLoop> argument -
you better be sure what you're doing! 


sub ioloop {
	my ($self, $loop) = @_;
	# no valid $loop argument?
	unless (defined $loop && blessed($loop) && $loop->isa('Mojo::IOLoop')) {
		# custom loop?
		return $self->{_loop} if (defined $self->{_loop});
		# return singleton loop
		return Mojo::IOLoop->singleton();
	# assign custom ioloop
	$self->{_loop} = $loop;
	return $self->{_loop};

#                PRIVATE METHODS                 #

sub __handle_cb {
	my $self = shift;
	my $pid = shift;
	my $name = shift;

	$self->{_error} = '';

	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	return undef unless (defined $proc);

	my $key = $name . '_cb';
	unless (exists($proc->{$key})) {
		$self->{_error} = "Invalid callback name: $name";
		return undef;

	# save old callback
	my $old_cb = $proc->{$key};
	$self->{_error} = "Handle $name: no callback defined." unless (defined $old_cb);

	# should we set another callback?
	if (@_) {
		my $new_cb = shift;
		unless (ref($new_cb) eq 'CODE') {
			$self->{_error} = "Second argument must be code reference.";
			return undef;
		if ($proc->{out_locked} && ($name eq 'stdout' || $name eq 'stderr')) {
			$self->{_error} = "Process was started by spawn_sub. Ouput streams are locked.";
			return undef;

		# apply callback
		$proc->{$key} = $new_cb;

	# return it...
	return $old_cb;

sub _spawn {
	my ($self, $o) = @_;
	unless (defined $o && ref($o) eq 'HASH') {
		$self->{_error} =
		  "Invalid spawning options. THIS IS A " . __PACKAGE__ . ' BUG!!!';
		return 0;
	# can we spawn another subprocess?
	if ($self->max_running() > 0) {
		if ($self->num_running() >= $self->max_running()) {
			$self->{_error} = "Unable to spawn another subprocess: " .
			"Limit of " . $self->num_running() . " concurrently spawned process(es) is reached.";
			return 0;

	# time to do the job
	$_log->debug("Spawning command "
		  . "[timeout: "
		  . ($o->{exec_timeout} > 0) ? sprintf("%-.3f seconds]", $o->{exec_timeout}) : "none"
		  . ": $o->{cmd}");

	# prepare stdio handles
	my $stdin  = MojoX::HandleRun->new();
	my $stdout = MojoX::HandleRun->new();
	my $stderr = MojoX::HandleRun->new();

	# prepare spawn structure
	my $proc = {
		out_locked   => 0,
		time_started => time(),
		pid          => 0,
		cmd          => $o->{cmd},
		running      => 1,
		error        => undef,
		stdin_cb  => ($o->{stdin_cb})  ? $o->{stdin_cb}  : undef,
		stdout_cb => ($o->{stdout_cb}) ? $o->{stdout_cb} : undef,
		stderr_cb => ($o->{stderr_cb}) ? $o->{stderr_cb} : undef,
		exit_cb   => ($o->{exit_cb})   ? $o->{exit_cb}   : undef,
		timeout   => $o->{exec_timeout},
		buf_stdout => '',
		buf_stderr => '',
		id_stdin   => undef,
		id_stdout  => undef,
		id_stderr  => undef,
		id_timeout => undef,

	# spawn command
	my $pid = undef;
	eval { $pid = MojoX::_Open3::open3($stdin, $stdout, $stderr, $o->{cmd}) };
	if ($@) {
		$self->{_error} = "Exception while starting command '$o->{cmd}': $@";
		return 0;
	unless (defined $pid && $pid > 0) {
		$self->{_error} = "Error starting external command: $!";
		return 0;
	$_log->debug("Subprocess spawned as pid $pid.");
	$proc->{pid} = $pid;

	# make handles non-blocking...

	my $loop = $self->ioloop();

	# exec timeout
	if (defined $o->{exec_timeout} && $o->{exec_timeout} > 0) {
			"[process $pid]: Setting execution timeout to " .
			sprintf("%-.3f seconds.", $o->{exec_timeout})
		my $timer = $loop->timer(
			sub { _timeout_cb($self, $pid) }

		# save timer
		$proc->{id_timeout} = $timer;

	# add them to ioloop
	my $id_stdout = $loop->connect(
		socket   => $stdout,
		handle   => $stdout,
		on_error => sub { _error_cb($self, $pid, @_) },
		on_hup   => sub { _hup_cb($self, $pid, @_) },
		on_read  => sub { _read_cb($self, $pid, @_) },
	my $id_stderr = $loop->connect(
		socket   => $stderr,
		handle   => $stderr,
		on_error => sub { _error_cb($self, $pid, @_) },
		on_hup   => sub { _hup_cb($self, $pid, @_) },
		on_read  => sub { _read_cb($self, $pid, @_) },
	my $id_stdin = $loop->connect(
		socket   => $stdin,
		handle   => $stdin,
		on_error => sub { _error_cb($self, $pid, @_) },
		on_hup   => sub { _hup_cb($self, $pid, @_) },
		on_read  => sub { _read_cb($self, $pid, @_) },
		no warnings;
		$_log->debug("[process $pid]: handles: stdin=$id_stdin, stdout=$id_stdout, stderr=$id_stderr");
	unless (defined $id_stdout && defined $id_stderr && defined $id_stdin) {
		$self->{_error} = "Didn't get all handles from IOLoop. This is extremely weird, spawned process was killed.";
		CORE::kill(9, $pid);
		return 0;

	# STDIO FD timeouts
	my $io_timeout = $o->{exec_timeout};
	# no timeout at all? set insanely large value...
	unless (defined $io_timeout && $io_timeout > 0) {
		# i guess that there are no perl processes
		# that live for 10 years...
		$io_timeout = VERY_LONG_TIMEOUT;
	# I/O timeout should be for at least one io loop's
	# tick longer than execution timeout so that command
	# closes streams itself, otherwise streams can be
	# closed by ioloop which would result in incomplete
	# output capture.
	# apply stdio timeouts
	$loop->connection_timeout($id_stdout, $io_timeout);
	$loop->connection_timeout($id_stderr, $io_timeout);
	$loop->connection_timeout($id_stdin, $io_timeout);
	$_log->debug("[process $pid]: stdio stream timeout set to $io_timeout seconds.");

	# save loop fd ids
	$proc->{id_stdin}  = $id_stdin;
	$proc->{id_stdout} = $id_stdout;
	$proc->{id_stderr} = $id_stderr;

	# save structure...
	$self->{_data}->{$pid} = $proc;

	return $pid;

sub _lock_output {
	my ($self, $pid) = @_;

	# get process struct...
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	return 0 unless (defined $proc);

	$proc->{out_locked} = 1;
	return 1;

sub _read_cb {
	my ($self, $pid, $loop, $id, $chunk) = @_;
	my $len = 0;
	$len = length($chunk) if (defined $chunk);

	# no data?
	return 0 unless ($len > 0);

	# get process struct...
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	return 0 unless (defined $proc);

	# id can be stdout or stderr (stdin is write-only)
	if (defined $proc->{id_stdout} && $proc->{id_stdout} eq $id) {

		# do we have callback?
		if (defined $proc->{stdout_cb}) {
			$_log->debug("[process $pid]: (handle: $id) Invoking STDOUT callback.");
			eval { $proc->{stdout_cb}->($pid, $chunk) };
			if ($@) {
				$_log->error("[process $pid]: (handle: $id) Exception in stdout_cb: $@");
		else {

			# append to buffer
				"[process $pid]: (handle: $id) Appending $len bytes to STDOUT buffer.");
			$proc->{buf_stdout} .= $chunk;
	elsif (defined $proc->{id_stderr} && $proc->{id_stderr} eq $id) {

		# do we have callback?
		if (defined $proc->{stderr_cb}) {
			$_log->debug("[process $pid]: (handle: $id) Invoking STDERR callback.");
			eval { $proc->{stderr_cb}->($pid, $chunk) };
			if ($@) {
				$_log->error("[process $pid]: (handle: $id) Exception in stderr_cb: $@");
		else {

			# append to buffer
				"[process $pid]: (handle: $id) Appending $len bytes to STDERR buffer.");
			$proc->{buf_stderr} .= $chunk;
	else {
		$_log->debug("Got data from unmanaged handle $id; ignoring.");
		return 0;

sub _hup_cb {
	my ($self, $pid, $loop, $id) = @_;
	# just drop the goddamn handle...
	return $self->_dropHandle($pid, $loop, $id);

sub _dropHandle {
	my ($self, $pid, $loop, $id) = @_;

	# get process structure
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	return 0 unless (defined $proc);

	if (defined $proc->{id_stdout} && $proc->{id_stdout} eq $id) {
		$proc->{id_stdout} = undef;
		$_log->debug("[process $pid]: STDOUT closed.");
	elsif (defined $proc->{id_stderr} && $proc->{id_stderr} eq $id) {
		$proc->{id_stderr} = undef;
		$_log->debug("[process $pid]: STDERR closed.");
	elsif (defined $proc->{id_stdin} && $proc->{id_stdin} eq $id) {
		$proc->{id_stdin} = undef;
		$_log->debug("[process $pid]: STDIN closed.");
	else {
		$_log->debug("[process $pid]: Got HUP for unmanaged handle $id; ignoring.");
		return 0;

	# drop handle...

	# check if we're ready to deliver response

sub _checkIfComplete {
	my ($self, $pid, $force) = @_;
	$force = 0 unless (defined $force);

	# get process structure
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	return 0 unless (defined $proc);

	# is process execution really complete?
	# a) it can be forced
	# b) all streams should be closed && sigchld must for pid
	if ($force
		|| (
			&& !defined $proc->{id_stdin}
			&& !defined $proc->{id_stdout}
			&& !defined $proc->{id_stderr}
			"[process $pid]: All streams closed, process execution complete.")
		  unless ($force);
		$proc->{time_duration_total} = time() - $proc->{time_started};

		# fire exit callback!
		if (defined $proc->{exit_cb} && ref($proc->{exit_cb}) eq 'CODE') {

			# prepare callback structure
			my $cb_d = {
				cmd => (ref($proc->{cmd}) eq 'CODE') ?
					'CODE' :
						(ref($proc->{cmd}) eq 'ARRAY') ?
							join(' ', @{$proc->{cmd}}) :
				exit_status         => $proc->{exit_val},
				exit_signal         => $proc->{exit_signal},
				exit_core           => $proc->{exit_core},
				error               => ($force) ? "Forced process termination." : $proc->{error},
				stdout              => $proc->{buf_stdout},
				stderr              => $proc->{buf_stderr},
				time_started        => $proc->{time_started},
				time_stopped        => $proc->{time_stopped},
				time_duration_exec  => $proc->{time_duration_exec},
				time_duration_total => $proc->{time_duration_total},

			# safely invoke callback
			$_log->debug("[process $pid]: invoking exit_cb callback.") if (defined $_log);
			eval { $proc->{exit_cb}->($pid, $cb_d); };
			if ($@) {
				$_log->error("[process $pid]: Error running exit_cb: $@") if (defined $_log);
		else {
			$_log->error("[process $pid]: No exit_cb callback!");

		# destroy process structure

sub _destroyProcStruct {
	my ($self, $pid) = @_;

sub _error_cb {
	my ($self, $pid, $loop, $id, $err) = @_;
	$_log->debug("[process $pid]: Error on handle $id: $err");
	return $self->_dropHandle($pid, $loop, $id);

sub _timeout_cb {
	my ($self, $pid) = @_;
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	return 0 unless (defined $proc);

	# drop timer (can't hurt...)
	if (defined $proc->{id_timeout}) {
		$proc->{id_timeout} = undef;

	# is process still alive?
	return 0 unless (CORE::kill(0, $pid));

	$_log->debug("[process $pid]: Execution timeout ("
		  . sprintf("%-.3f seconds).", $proc->{timeout})
		  . " Killing process.");

	# kill the motherfucker!
	unless (CORE::kill(9, $pid)) {
		$_log->warn("[process $pid]: Unable to kill process: $!");

	$proc->{error} = "Execution timeout.";

	# sigchld handler will do the rest for us...
	return 1;

sub _init {
	my $self = shift;

	# last error message
	$self->{_error} = '';

	# stored exec structs
	$self->{_data} = {};
	# ioloop object...
	$self->{_ioloop} = undef;
	# maximum running limit
	$self->{_max_running} = 0;

	# install SIGCHLD handler
	$SIG{'CHLD'} = sub { _sig_chld($self, @_) };

sub _getProcStruct {
	my ($self, $pid) = @_;
	no warnings;
	my $err = "[process $pid]: Unable to get process data structure: ";
	unless (defined $pid) {
		$self->{_error} = $err . "Undefined pid.";
		return undef;
	unless (exists($self->{_data}->{$pid})
		&& defined $self->{_data}->{$pid})
		$self->{_error} = $err . "Non-managed process pid: $pid";
		return undef;

	return $self->{_data}->{$pid};

sub _getRunStruct {
	my ($self, $opt) = @_;
	my $s = {
		cmd          => undef,
		stdout_cb    => undef,
		stderr_cb    => undef,
		error_cb     => undef,
		exit_cb      => undef,
		exec_timeout => 0,

	# apply user defined vars...
	map {
		if (exists($s->{$_}))
			$s->{$_} = $opt->{$_};
	} keys %{$opt};

	return $s;

sub _validateRunStruct {
	my ($self, $s) = @_;

	# command?
	unless (defined $s->{cmd}) { #} && length($s->{cmd}) > 0) {
		$self->{_error} = "Undefined command.";
		return 0;
	# check command...
	my $cmd_ref = ref($s->{cmd});
	if ($cmd_ref eq '') {
		unless (length($s->{cmd}) > 0) {
			$self->{_error} = "Zero-length command.";
			return 0;
	} else {
		unless ($cmd_ref eq 'CODE' || $cmd_ref eq 'ARRAY') {
			$self->{_error} = "Command can be pure scalar, arrayref or coderef.";
			return 0;

	# callbacks...
	if (defined $s->{stdout_cb} && ref($s->{stdout_cb}) ne 'CODE') {
		$self->{_error} = "STDOUT callback defined, but is not code reference.";
		return 0;
	if (defined $s->{stderr_cb} && ref($s->{stderr_cb}) ne 'CODE') {
		$self->{_error} = "STDERR callback defined, but is not code reference.";
		return 0;
	if (defined $s->{exit_cb} && ref($s->{exit_cb}) ne 'CODE') {
		$self->{_error} =
		  "Process exit_cb callback defined, but is not code reference.";
		return 0;

	# exec timeout
	{ no warnings; $s->{exec_timeout} += 0; }

	return 1;

sub _procCleanup {
	my ($self, $pid, $exit_val, $signum, $core) = @_;
	my $proc = $self->_getProcStruct($pid);
	unless (defined $proc) {
		no warnings;
			"Untracked process pid $pid exited with exit status $exit_val by signal $signum, core: $core."
		return 0;

		"[process $pid]: Got SIGCHLD, " .
		"exited with exit status: $exit_val by signal $signum"
		  . (($core) ? "with core dump" : "")
		  . '.');

	$proc->{exit_val}    = $exit_val;
	$proc->{exit_signal} = $signum;
	$proc->{exit_core}   = $core;

	# command timings...
	my $te = time();
	$proc->{time_stopped}       = $te;
	$proc->{time_duration_exec} = $te - $proc->{time_started};

	# this process is no longer running
	$proc->{running} = 0;

	# destroy timer if it was defined
	if (defined $proc->{id_timeout}) {
			"[process $pid]: Removing timeout handler $proc->{id_timeout}.");
		$proc->{id_timeout} = undef;

	# check if we're ready to deliver response

sub _sig_chld {
	my ($self) = @_;

	# $_log->debug('SIGCHLD hander startup: ' . join(", ", @_));
	my $i = 0;
	while ((my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0) {
		my $exit_val = $? >> 8;
		my $signum   = $? & 127;
		my $core     = $? & 128;

		# do process cleanup
		$self->_procCleanup($pid, $exit_val, $signum, $core);
	$_log->debug("SIGCHLD handler cleaned up after $i process(es).")
	  if ($i > 0);


There seem to be problems on some B<OpenBSD, DragonFly and Solaris> systems
in conjunction with L<Mojo::IOLoop> implementation. Error manifests itself with the
following warning message:

 Filehandle GEN3 opened only for input at /usr/libdata/perl5/i386-openbsd/5.10.1/IO/ line 465.

L<IO::Handle>'s syswrite method is called by L<Mojo::IOLoop>'s _write, but there is no good reason
to write to process stdout or stderr... I'm investigating, feel free to contact me regarding this

=head1 AUTHOR

"Brane F. Gracnar", C<< <"bfg at"> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-mojox-run at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc MojoX::Run

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN


=item * Source repository




This module was inspired by L<POE::Wheel::Run> by Rocco Caputo; module includes
patched version of L<IPC::Open3> from Perl distribution which allows perl coderef


Copyright 2010-2011, Brane F. Gracnar.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1;    # End of MojoX::Run