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package Tie::CSV_File;

use strict;
use warnings;

require Exporter;

use Data::Dumper;
use Tie::Array;
use Text::CSV_XS;
use Tie::File;
use Params::Validate qw/:all/;
use Carp;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter Tie::Array);

our $VERSION = '0.21';

# There's a common misspelling of sepArated (an E instead of A)
# That's why all csv file definitions are defined even with an E and an A
sub __mispell($) {
    shift =~ /^(.*_SEP)A(RATED)/;
    return "$1E$2";

# Export all predefined file types
our @EXPORT = map {($_, __mispell $_)}
              map {$_ . "_SEPARATED"}

     quote_char   => undef,
     eol          => undef, # default
     escape_char  => undef,
     always_quote => 0     # default

use constant SEPARATOR_CHARS => (
    [TAB       => "\t"],
    [COLON     => ":"],
    [SEMICOLON => ";"],
    [PIPE      => "|"]

# Create typical file format constants,
# only different on their seperator chars
    foreach (SEPARATOR_CHARS) {     
        my ($name, $char) = @$_;
        $name .= "_SEPARATED";
        eval "use constant $name => (sep_char => \$char, 
        (my $name_with_spelling_mistake = $name) =~ s/(?<=SEP)A(?=RATED)/E/;
        eval "*$name_with_spelling_mistake = *$name";
# Note that the BEGIN block is necessary for Perl <= 5.6.1
# otherwise it detects too late the constant creation
# and signalizes the *_SEPARATED as barewords :-((

use constant WHITESPACE_SEPARATED => (
     sep_re       => qr/\s+/,
     sep_char     => ' ',
     quote_char   => undef,
     eol          => undef, # default
     escape_char  => undef,
     always_quote => 0     # default
#              ^                       ^        you see the difference

    my ($class, $fname) = (shift(), shift());
    # Parameter validation
    my %options = validate( @_, {
        quote_char   => {default => q/"/,  type => SCALAR | UNDEF},
        eol          => {default => undef, type => SCALAR | UNDEF},
        sep_char     => {default => q/,/,  type => SCALAR | UNDEF},
        sep_re       => {default => undef, isa  => 'Regexp'},
        escape_char  => {default => q/"/,  type => SCALAR | UNDEF},
        always_quote => {default => 0,     type => SCALAR | UNDEF}
    $options{binary} = 1;   # to handle with 'ä','ö','ü' and so on, not for "\n"
    # Check for some cases to warn
    unless( defined $options{sep_char} ) {
        carp "The sep_char should either be defined or not mentioned, ".
             "but I got something like sep_char => undef\n" .
             "It's interpreted as the default value ',' (a comma)!";
        $options{sep_char} = ',';
    unless ( (my $l = length $options{sep_char}) == 1) {
        carp "The sep_char should have a length of 1, not $l"
    if (defined(my $c = $options{sep_char}) && defined(my $r = $options{sep_re})) {
        carp "The sep_char '$c' is itself not matched by the sep_re '$r'"
            if $c !~ /$r/;
    tie my @lines, 'Tie::File', $fname or die "Can't open $fname: $!";
    my $self = {
        lines       => \@lines,
        csv         =>  Text::CSV_XS->new(\%options),
        quote_char  => $options{quote_char},
        eol         => $options{eol},
        sep_char    => $options{sep_char},
        sep_re      => $options{sep_re},
        escape_char => $options{escape_char},
        always_quote=> $options{always_quote},
    bless $self, $class;

    my ($self) = @_;
    return scalar( @{ $self->{lines} } );

sub FETCH {
    my ($self, $line_nr) = @_;
    my @csv_options = map {$self->{$_}} qw/csv eol sep_char sep_re quote_char/;
    tie my @fields, 'Tie::CSV_File::Line', $self->{lines}, $line_nr, @csv_options;
    return \@fields;

sub EXISTS {
    my ($self, $line_nr) = @_;
    exists $self->{lines}->[$line_nr];

sub STORE {
    my ($self, $line_nr, $columns) = @_;
    my $csv = $self->{csv};
    if (@$columns) {
        $csv->combine(@$columns) or die "Can't store " . Dumper($columns);
        $self->{lines}->[$line_nr] = $csv->string;
    } else {
        $self->{lines}->[$line_nr] = $self->{eol} || '';

    my ($self, $count) = @_;
    $#{$self->{lines}} = $count-1;

sub DELETE {
    my ($self, $line_nr) = @_;
    delete $self->{lines}->[$line_nr];

package Tie::CSV_File::Line;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Tie::Array;
use Text::CSV_XS;
use Tie::File;
use Data::Dumper;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter Tie::Array);

    my ($class, $data, $line_nr, $csv, $eol, $sep_char, $sep_re, $quote_char) = @_;
    my $self = bless {
        data     => $data,
        line_nr  => $line_nr,
        csv      => $csv,
        eol      => $eol,
        sep_char => $sep_char,
        sep_re   => $sep_re,
        quote_char => $quote_char,
        fields   => undef
    }, $class;

sub columns {
    my $self = shift;
    my @fields = ();     # even if there aren't any fields, it's an empty list
    my $line  = $self->{data}->[$self->{line_nr}];
    defined($line) or return $self->{fields} = \@fields;
    if (defined( my $eol = $self->{eol} )) {
        $line =~ s/\Q$eol\E$//;
    if (defined( my $re = $self->{sep_re} )) {
        push @fields, 
            map {defined($_) ? $_ : ''}  # empty fields shall be '', not undef
            grep !/$re/,                 # ugly, but needed see downside
            split /($re)/, $line;        # needed, as perl has problems with 
                                         # split /x/,"xxxxxxxxxx"; or similar
        push @fields, '' if $line =~ /$re$/; # needed when the last element is empty 
                                             # - it won't be catched with split
    } else {
        my $csv    = $self->{csv};
        $csv->parse($line) and push @fields, $csv->fields();
    return $self->{fields} = \@fields;

sub set_new_fields {
    my ($self, $fields) = @_;
    $self->{fields} = $fields;

    my $csv_string;
    if (@$fields == 0) {                             # No columns
        my $eol = $self->{eol};
        $csv_string = defined($eol) ? $eol : "";
    } elsif (@$fields == 1 and $fields->[0] eq '') { # One column with an empty string
        my $quote_char = $self->{quote_char};
        my $eol        = $self->{eol};
        $_ = defined($_) ? $_ : "" 
            for $eol, $quote_char;

        $csv_string = $quote_char . $quote_char . $eol;
    } else {                                         # Default 
        my $csv = $self->{csv};
        $csv->combine(@$fields) or die "Can't store columns " . Dumper($fields);
        $csv_string = $csv->string;
    $self->{data}->[$self->{line_nr}] = $csv_string;

    my ($self) = @_;
    return scalar( @{$self->{fields} || $self->columns} );

sub FETCH {
    my ($self, $col_nr) = @_;
    ($self->{fields} || $self->columns)->[$col_nr];

sub EXISTS {
    my ($self, $col_nr) = @_;
    exists( ($self->{fields} || $self->columns)->[$col_nr] );

sub STORE {
    my ($self, $col_nr, $value) = @_;
    my $csv    = $self->{csv};
    my $fields = $self->{fields} || $self->columns;
    $fields->[$col_nr] = $value;

    my ($self, $new_size) = @_;
    my $fields = $self->{fields} || $self->columns;
    $#$fields    = $new_size-1;         # Set new size => last element is now at
                                        #                 index  size-1

sub DELETE {
    my ($self, $col_nr) = @_;


=head1 NAME

Tie::CSV_File - ties a csv-file to an array of arrays


  use Tie::CSV_File;

  tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat';
  print "Data in 3rd line, 5th column: ", $data[2][4];
  untie @data;
  # or to read a tabular, or a whitespace or a (semi-)colon separated file
  tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat', TAB_SEPARATED;
  #         or even WHITESPACE_SEPARATED
  # or to read something own defined
  tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat', sep_char     => '|',
                                            sep_re       => qr/\s*\|\s*/,
                                            quote_char   => undef,
                                            eol          => undef, # default
                                            escape_char  => undef,
                                            always_quote => 0;  # default
  $data[1][3] = 4;
  $data[-1][-1] = "last column in last line";
  $data[0] = [qw/Name Address Country Phone/];
  push @data, ["Gates", "Redmond",  "Washington", "0800-EVIL"];
  push @data, ["Linus", "Helsinki", "Finnland",   "0800-LINUX"];

  my @headings = @{ shift @data };     # removes also the first line
  my @last_row = @{ pop   @data };     # removes also the last line

  @data = [ [1..3], [4..6], [7..9] ];
  # With default paramaters, 
  # the following csv file is created:
  # 1,2,3
  # 4,5,6
  # 7,8,9

C<Tie::CSV_File> represents a regular csv file as a Perl array of arrays.  
The first dimension of the represents the line-nr in the original file,
the second dimension represents the col-nr.
Both indices are starting with 0.
You can also access with the normal array value,
e.g. C<$data[-1][-1]> stands for the last field in the last line,
or C<@{$data[1]}> stands for the columns of the second line.

An empty field has the value C<''>, 
while a not existing field has the value C<undef>.
E.g. about the file

  "first field",,
  "last field"
  "the above line is empty"
we can say

  $data[0][0] eq "first field"
  $data[0][1] eq ""
  !defined $data[0][2] 
  $data[1][0] eq "last field"
  @{$data[2]}  # is an empty list ()
  !defined $data[2][0]

  $data[3][0] eq "the above line is empty"

  !defined $data[$x][$y] # for every $x > 3, $y any 

Similar every row from C<0 .. $#data> exists. (Even if some of them have never
been set explicitly). The same principle works also for the columns (every
between the first and the last defined one exists for each row). So, belonging
to this module, the C<defined> method and the C<exists> operator are equivalent.

Note, that it is possible also, to change the data.

  $data[0][0]   = "first line, first column";
  $data[3][7]   = "anywhere in the world";
  $data[-1][-1] = "last line, last column";
  $data[0] = ["Last name", "First name", "Address"];
  push @data, ["Schleicher", "Janek", "Germany"];
  my @header   = @{ shift @data };
  my @last_row = @{ pop   @data };

You can also assign the content of whole another array to the csv-tied array.
It has the effect that the content of the other array is copied and it
B<overwrites> the previous content. However, it's perhaps the easiest way to
create a csv file :-)
Please pay attention that deleting an array element has a slightly
different meaning to the normal behaviour.
Deleting an element set the element empty ("" or []),
but not undef.

  delete $data[5];    # similar to $data[5] = [];
  delete $data[5][5]; # similar to $data[5][5] = "";

In fact, in a file there is no value undefined.
A cell of the CSV-File can only be empty ("").
Undefined values signalizes that the line or the column doesn't exist.
Especially the lines C<,,,> and C<"","","",""> are the same for
C<Tie::CSV_File> and the second version could be changed
without a warning to the first one (and vice versa if the autoquote option is
set) when you write to the tied array.
There's only a small part of the whole file in memory,
so this module will work also for large files.
Please look the L<Tie::File> module for any details,
as I use it to read the lines of the file.

But it won't work with large fields,
as all fields of one line are parsed,
even if you only want to get one field.

=head2 CSV options for tieing

Similar to C<Text::CSV_XS>,
you can add the following options:


=item  quote_char   {default: "}
=item  eol          {default: undef},
=item  sep_char     {default: ,}
=item  escape_char  {default: "}
=item  always_quote {default: 0}


Please read the documentation of L<Text::CSV_XS> for details.

Note, that the binary option isn't available.

In addition to have an easier working with files,
that aren't separated with different characters,
e.g. sometimes one whitespace, sometimes more,
I added the C<sep_re> option (defaults to C<undef>). 

If it is specified,
C<sep_char> is ignored when reading,
instead something similar to split at the separater is done
to find out the fields.

you can say

  tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat', sep_re       => qr/\s+/,
                                            quote_char   => undef,
                                            eol          => undef, # default
                                            escape_char  => undef,
                                            always_quote => 0;     # default
to read something like

    PID TTY          TIME CMD
 1200 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
 1221 pts/0    00:00:01 nedit
 1224 pts/0    00:00:01 nedit
 1228 pts/0    00:00:06 nedit
 1318 pts/0    00:00:01 nedit
 1605 pts/0    00:00:00 ps

Note, that the value of sep_re must be a regexp object,
e.g. generated with C<qr/.../>.
A simple string produces an error.

Note also, that C<sep_char> is used to write data.
As the name suggests C<sep_char> should only consists of one char.
It gives you a warning if you try something else.

If you specify a C<sep_char> and a C<sep_re>,
you'll get also a warning if sep_char isn't match with sep_re itself.

=head2 Predefined file types

Without any options you define a standard csv file.
However, tabular separated, colon separated and whitespace separated files
are also commonly used, so they are predefined.
That's why it's possible to say:

  tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat', TAB_SEPARATED;
  tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat', COLON_SEPARATED;
  tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat', SEMICOLON_SEPARATED;
  tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat', PIPE_SEPARATED;
  tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat', WHITESPACE_SEPARATED;

There's a common mistake writing C<SEPARATED>. Often there's written 
C<SEPERATED> (with an E at the 4th letter instead of an A).
In fact, up till version 0.11, this module had also this spelling mistake
implemented. As this module tries to be friendly (and backward compatible), 
it also accepts the (in this way) mispelled versions of predefined file types.
Thanks a lot to Harald Fuchs who found this typo.



It's defined with:

     sep_char     => "\t",
     quote_char   => undef,
     eol          => undef, # default
     escape_char  => undef,
     always_quote => 0     # default
Note, that the data isn't allowed to contain any tab.


It's defined with:

     sep_char     => ":",
     quote_char   => undef,
     eol          => undef, # default
     escape_char  => undef,
     always_quote => 0     # default

Note, that the data isn't allowed to contain any colon.


It's defined with:

     sep_char     => ";",
     quote_char   => undef,
     eol          => undef, # default
     escape_char  => undef,
     always_quote => 0     # default

Note, that the data isn't allowed to contain any semicolon.

Allthough that looks very similar to CSV files,
SEMICOLON_SEPARATED doesn't quote data and can't work
properly with quoted data. If you want just a normal
CSV file with semicolons instead of commas,
just write

  tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat', sep_char => ";";


It's defined with:

     sep_char     => "|",
     quote_char   => undef,
     eol          => undef, # default
     escape_char  => undef,
     always_quote => 0     # default

Note, that the data isn't allowed to contain any pipe delimeter.


It's defined with:

     sep_re       => qr/\s+/,
     sep_char     => ' ',
     quote_char   => undef,
     eol          => undef, # default
     escape_char  => undef,
     always_quote => 0     # default

Note that it reads with splitting at all whitespace sequences.
Especially it's not possible to define an empty field.
Note also, that when setting an element,
all whitespace sequences are transformed to a simple blank.


Of course, you can overwrite some options.
E.g., let's assume that you have a whitespace separated file,
but you want to write a tab instead of a blank when changing the data.
That can be done with:

   tie my @data, 'Tie::CSV_File', 'xyz.dat', WHITESPACE_SEPARATED, sep_char => "\t";

Please suggest me other useful file types,
I could predeclare.

=head2 EXPORT

By default these constants are exported:


(There are also some mispelled versions of these filetypes
exported, please look at the documentation for predefined file types
for details).

=head1 BUGS

This module is slow,
even slower than necessary with object oriented features.
I'll change it when implementing some more features.

The slowest part is perhaps if you C<shift>, C<pop>, C<splice>, ...
or assign another
array to the tied array. I'll fix it in some of the very next versions.

This module expects that the tied file doesn't change
from anywhere else as this module when it is tied.
But the file isn't locked, so it's your job to take care about.

Please inform me about every bug or missing feature of this module.

=head1 TODO

Implement efficient routines for C<shift>, C<pop>, C<splice>, C<unshift>, ... .

Avoid using L<Text::CSV_XS> if none is installed.

Enabling deferred writing, similar to L<Tie::File>.

Possibility to give (memory) options at tieing,
like mode, memory, dw_size
similar to Tie::File.

Discuss differences to L<AnyData> module.

Discuss differenced to L<DBD::CSV> module.

I'm open to many more ideas,
please inform me about any missing features or 
occurring problems.

=head1 THANKS

Thanks a lot to Harald Fuchs,
who found the typos in

      (there had been an E instead of an A)

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Janek Schleicher, E<lt>bigj@kamelfreund.deE<gt>


Copyright 2002 by Janek Schleicher

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
