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package Dancer::Plugin::NYTProf;

use strict;
use Dancer::Plugin;
use base 'Dancer::Plugin';
use Dancer qw(:syntax);
use Dancer::FileUtils;
use File::stat;
use File::Temp;
use File::Which;

our $VERSION = '0.31';

=head1 NAME

Dancer::Plugin::NYTProf - easy Devel::NYTProf profiling for Dancer apps


A plugin to provide easy profiling for Dancer applications, using the venerable

By simply loading this plugin, you'll have the detailed, helpful profiling
provided by Devel::NYTProf.

Each individual request to your app is profiled.  Going to the URL
C</nytprof> in your app will present a list of profiles; selecting one will
invoke C<nytprofhtml> to generate the HTML reports (unless they already exist),
then serve them up.

B<WARNING> This is an early version of this code which is still in development.
In general this isn't a plugin I'd advise to use in a production environment
anyway, but in particular, it uses C<system> to execute C<nytprofhtml>, and I
need to very carefully re-examine the code to make sure that user input cannot
be used to nefarious effect.  You are recommended to only use this in your
development environment.


The plugin will work by default without any configuration required - it will
default to writing profiling data into a dir named C<profdir> within your Dancer
application's C<appdir>, present profiling output at C</nytprof> (not yet
configurable), and profile all requests.

Below is an example of the options you can configure:

            profdir: '/tmp/profiledata'
            nytprofhtmlpath: '/usr/local/bin/nytprofhtml'

More configuration (such as the URL at which output is produced, and options to
control which requests get profiled) will be added in a future version.  (If
there's something you'd like to see soon, do contact me and let me know - it'll
likely get done a lot quicker then!)


my $setting = plugin_setting;

# Work out where nytprof_html is, or die with a sensible error
my $nytprofhtml_path = $setting->{nytprofhtml_path} 
    || File::Which::which('nytprofhtml')
    or die "Could not find nytprofhtml script.  Ensure it's in your path, "
       . "or set the nytprofhtml_path option in your config.";

# Need to load Devel::NYTProf at runtime after setting env var, as it will
# insist on creating an nytprof.out file immediately - even if we tell it not to
# start profiling.
# Dirty workaround: get a temp file, then let Devel::NYTProf use that, with
# addpid enabled so that it will append the PID too (so the filename won't
# exist), load Devel::NYTProf, then unlink the file.
# This is dirty, hacky shit that needs to die, but should make things work for
# now.
my $tempfh = File::Temp->new;
my $file = $tempfh->filename;
$tempfh = undef; # let the file get deleted
$ENV{NYTPROF} = "start=no:file=$file";
require Devel::NYTProf;
unlink $file;

hook 'before' => sub {
    my $path = request->path;

    # Make sure that the directories we need to put profiling data in exist,
    # first:
    $setting->{profdir} ||= Dancer::FileUtils::path(
        setting('appdir'), 'nytprof'
    if (! -d $setting->{profdir}) {
        mkdir $setting->{profdir}
            or die "$setting->{profdir} does not exist and cannot create - $!";
    if (!-d Dancer::FileUtils::path($setting->{profdir}, 'html')) {
        mkdir Dancer::FileUtils::path($setting->{profdir}, 'html')
            or die "Could not create html dir.";

    # Go no further if this request was to view profiling output:
    return if $path =~ m{^/nytprof};
    return if $path =~ m{^/nytprof};

    # Now, fix up the path into something we can use for a filename:
    $path =~ s{^/}{};
    $path =~ s{/}{_s_}g;
    $path =~ s{[^a-z0-9]}{_}gi;

    # Start profiling, and let the request continue
        Dancer::FileUtils::path($setting->{profdir}, "nytprof.out.$path.$$")

hook 'after' => sub {

get '/nytprof' => sub {
    require Devel::NYTProf::Data;
    opendir my $dirh, $setting->{profdir}
        or die "Unable to open profiles dir $setting->{profdir} - $!";
    my @files = grep { /^nytprof\.out/ } readdir $dirh;
    closedir $dirh;

    # HTML + CSS here is a bit ugly, but I want this to be usable as a
    # single-file plugin that Just Works, without needing to copy over templates
    # / CSS etc.
    my $html = <<LISTSTART;
<html><head><title>NYTProf profile run list</title>
* { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
<h1>Profile run list</h1>
<p>Select a profile run output from the list to view the HTML reports as
produced by <tt>Devel::NYTProf</tt>.</p>


    for my $file (
        sort {
            (stat Dancer::FileUtils::path($setting->{profdir},$b))->ctime
            (stat Dancer::FileUtils::path($setting->{profdir},$a))->ctime
        } @files
    ) {
        my $fullfilepath = Dancer::FileUtils::path($setting->{profdir}, $file);
        my $label = $file;
        $label =~ s{nytprof\.out\.}{};
        $label =~ s{_s_}{/}g;
        $label =~ s{\.(\d+)$}{};
        my $pid = $1;  # refactor this crap
        my $created = scalar localtime( (stat $fullfilepath)->ctime );

        # read the profile to find out the duration of the profiled request.
        # Done in an eval to catch errors (e.g. if a profile run died mid-way,
        # the data will be incomplete
        my ($profile,$duration);
        eval {
            $profile = Devel::NYTProf::Data->new({ filename => $fullfilepath});
        if ($profile) {
            $duration = sprintf '%.4f secs', 
        } else {
            $duration = '??? seconds - corrupt profile data?';
        my $url = request->uri_for("/nytprof/$file")->as_string;
        $html .= qq{<li><a href="$url"">$label</a>}
               . qq{ (PID $pid, $created, $duration)</li>};

    $html .= <<LISTEND;

<p>Generated by <a href="">
Dancer::Plugin::NYTProf</a> v$VERSION</p>

    return $html;

# Serve up HTML reports
get '/nytprof/html/**' => sub {
    my ($path) = splat;
    send_file Dancer::FileUtils::path(
        $setting->{profdir}, 'html', map { _safe_filename($_) } @$path
    ), system_path => 1;

get '/nytprof/:filename' => sub {

    my $profiledata = Dancer::FileUtils::path(
        $setting->{profdir}, _safe_filename(param('filename'))

    if (!-f $profiledata) {
        send_error 'not_found';
        return "No such profile run found.";
    # See if we already have the HTML for this run stored; if not, invoke
    # nytprofhtml to generate it

    # Right, do we already have generated HTML for this one?  If so, use it
    my $htmldir = Dancer::FileUtils::path(
        $setting->{profdir}, 'html', _safe_filename(param('filename'))
    if (! -f Dancer::FileUtils::path($htmldir, 'index.html')) {
        # TODO: scrutinise this very carefully to make sure it's not
        # exploitable
        system($nytprofhtml_path, "--file=$profiledata", "--out=$htmldir");

        if ($? == -1) {
            die "'$nytprofhtml_path' failed to execute: $!";
        } elsif ($? & 127) {
            die sprintf "'%s' died with signal %d, %s coredump",
                ($? & 127), 
                ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
        } elsif ($? != 0) {
            die sprintf "'%s' exited with value %d", 
                $nytprofhtml_path, $? >> 8;

    # Redirect off to view it:
    return redirect '/nytprof/html/' 
        . param('filename') . '/index.html';


# Rudimentary security - remove any directory traversal or poison null
# attempts.  We're dealing with user input here, and if they're a sneaky
# bastard, they could convince us to send a file we shouldn't, or have
# nytprofhtml write its output to somewhere it shouldn't.  We don't want that.
sub _safe_filename {
    my $filename = shift;
    $filename =~ s/\\//g;
    $filename =~ s/\0//g;
    $filename =~ s/\.\.//g;
    $filename =~ s/[\/]//g;
    return $filename;

=head1 AUTHOR

David Precious, C<< <davidp at> >>


Stefan Hornburg (racke)

Neil Hooey (nhooey)

J. Bobby Lopez (jbobbylopez)


=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests at


This module is developed on GitHub:


Bug reports, suggestions and pull requests all welcomed!

=head1 SEE ALSO





Copyright 2011-12 David Precious.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1; # Sam Kington didn't like that this said "End of Dancer::Plugin::NYTProf",
   # as it's fairly obvious.  So, just for Sam's pleasure,
   # "It's the end of the world as we know it!" ... or something.