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# This file is part of the Eobj project.
# Copyright (C) 2003, Eli Billauer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# A copy of the license can be found in a file named "licence.txt", at the
# root directory of this project.

use Eobj::PLerror;
package Eobj;

use Eobj::PLerror;

use 5.004;
use strict 'vars';
use warnings;

require Exporter;

  @Eobj::warnings = ();
  %Eobj::classes = ();
  $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
    my ($class) = ($_[0] =~ /unquoted string.*?\"(.*?)\".*may clash/i);
    if (defined $class) {
      push @Eobj::warnings, $_[0]; 
    } else {
      warn ($_[0])

  $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {warn $_[0]; }; # Prevent an endless recursion
  foreach (@Eobj::warnings) {
    my ($class) = ($_ =~ /unquoted string.*?\"(.*?)\".*may clash/i);
    warn ($_) 
      unless (defined $Eobj::classes{$class});

  # Now we destroy all objects in an orderly fashion...
  foreach (sort { $b->get('eobj-object-count') <=> $a->get('eobj-object-count') } 
	   values %Eobj::objects) {

# We use explicit package names rather than Perl 5.6.0's "our", so
# perl 5.004 won't yell at us.

@Eobj::ISA = qw[Exporter];
@Eobj::EXPORT = qw[&init &override &underride &inherit &inheritdir &definedclass &globalobj];
$Eobj::VERSION = '0.23';
$Eobj::STARTTIME = localtime();

$Eobj::eobjflag = 0;

unless ($Eobj::eobjflag) {
  $Eobj::eobjflag = 1; # Indicate that this clause has been run once
  $Eobj::callbacksdepth = 0; # This indicates when callbacks are going on.
  undef $Eobj::wrong_flag;

  #For unloaded classes: Value is [classfile, parent class, first-given classname].
  %Eobj::classes = ('PL_hardroot', 1);
  %Eobj::objects = ();
  $Eobj::objectcounter = 0;
    my $home = $INC{''};
    ($home) = ($home =~ /^(.*)Eobj\.pm$/);
    blow("Failed to resolve's directory")
      unless (defined $home);
    $Eobj::home = $home;

  $Eobj::classhome = "${Eobj::home}Eobj/";

sub init {  
  site_init -> init;
sub inherit {
  my $class = shift;
  my $file = shift;
  my $papa = shift;

  puke("Attempt to create the already existing class \'$class\'\n")
    if $Eobj::classes{$class};

  puke("No parent class defined for \'$class\'\n")
    unless (defined $papa);
  $Eobj::classes{$class} = [$file, $papa, $class];
  # The following two lines are a Perl 5.8.0 bug workaround (early
  # versions). Google "stash autoload" for why.
  undef ${"${class}::Eobj_dummy_variable"}; 
  undef ${"${class}::Eobj_dummy_variable"}; # No single use warning...
  return 1;

sub inheritdir {
  my $dir = shift;
  my $papa = shift;

  ($dir) = ($dir =~ /^(.*?)[\/\\]*$/); # Remove trailing slashes

  blow("Nonexistent directory \'$dir\'\n")
    unless (-d $dir);

  do_inheritdir($dir, $papa);
  return 1;

sub do_inheritdir {
  my $dir = shift;
  my $papa = shift;

  ($dir) = ($dir =~ /^(.*?)[\/\\]*$/); # Remove trailing slashes

  return unless (opendir(DIR,$dir));
  my @files=sort readdir(DIR);
  my @dirs = ();
  my %newclasses = ();

  foreach my $file (@files) {
    next if (($file eq '.') || ($file eq '..'));
    my $thefile = $dir.'/'.$file;

    if (-d $thefile) {
      next unless ($file =~ /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/);
      push @dirs, $file, $thefile;
    } else {
      my ($class) = ($file =~ /^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\.pl$/i);
      next unless (defined $class);
      $class = lc $class; # Lowercase the class
      blow("inheritdir: Attempt to create the already existing class \'".$class.
	   "\' with \'$thefile\' (possibly symbolic link loop?)\n")
	if ($Eobj::classes{$class});
      inherit($class, $thefile, $papa);
      $newclasses{$class} = 1;
  while ($#dirs > 0) { # At least two entries...
    my $newpapa = lc shift @dirs;
    my $descend = shift @dirs;
    blow("inheritdir: Could not descend to directory \'$descend\' because there was no \'".
	 $newpapa.".pl\' file in directory \'$dir\'\n")
      unless ($newclasses{$newpapa});
    do_inheritdir($descend, $newpapa);

sub override {
  my $class = shift;
  my $file = shift;
  my $papa = shift;

  unless ($Eobj::classes{$class}) {
    return inherit($class, $file, $papa)
      if defined ($papa);
    puke("Tried to override nonexisting class \'$class\', and no alternative parent given\n");

  puke("Attempt to override class \'$class\' after it has been loaded\n")
    unless ref($Eobj::classes{$class});

  # Now create a new name for the previous class pointer

  my $newname=$class.'_PL_';
  my $i=1;
  while (defined $Eobj::classes{$newname.$i}) {$i++;}
  # This is the operation of overriding

  $Eobj::classes{$class}=[$file, $newname, $class];

  # The following two lines are a Perl 5.8.0 bug workaround (early
  # versions). Google "stash autoload" for why.
  undef ${"${newname}::Eobj_dummy_variable"};
  undef ${"${newname}::Eobj_dummy_variable"}; # No single use warning

  return 1;

sub underride {
  my $class = shift;
  my $file = shift;

  unless ($Eobj::classes{$class}) {
    puke("Tried to underride a nonexisting class \'$class\'\n");

  puke("Attempt to underride class \'$class\' after it has been loaded\n")
    unless ref($Eobj::classes{$class});

  # Now create a new name for the previous class pointer

  my $newname=$class.'_PL_';
  my $i=1;
  while (defined $Eobj::classes{$newname.$i}) {$i++;}
  my $victim = $class;

 # Now we look for the grandfather
 SEARCH: while (1) {
    my $parent = ${$Eobj::classes{$victim}}[1];
    if (${$Eobj::classes{$parent}}[2] ne $class) { # Same family?
      last SEARCH;
    } else {
      $victim = $parent; # Climb up the family tree
  # This is the operation of parenting

  $Eobj::classes{$newname}=[$file, ${$Eobj::classes{$victim}}[1], $class];

  # The following two lines are a Perl 5.8.0 bug workaround (early
  # versions). Google "stash autoload" for why.
  undef ${"${newname}::Eobj_dummy_variable"};
  undef ${"${newname}::Eobj_dummy_variable"}; # No single use warning.
  return 1;

#0 - not defined, 1 - defined but not loaded, 2 - defined and loaded

sub definedclass {
  my $class = shift;
  my $p = $Eobj::classes{$class};
  return 0 unless (defined $p);
  return 1 if ref($p);
  return 2;

sub classload {
  my ($class, $schwonz) = @_;
  my $p = $Eobj::classes{$class};
  my $err;

  blow($schwonz."Attempt to use undeclared class \'$class\'\n")
    unless (defined $p);

  # If $p isn't a reference, the class has been loaded.
  # This trick allows recursive calls.
  return 1 unless ref($p);

  $Eobj::classes{$class} = 1;

  my ($file, $papa, $original) = @{$p};

  classload($papa, $schwonz); # Make sure parents are loaded

  # Now we create the package wrapping

  my $d = "package $class; use strict 'vars'; use Eobj::PLerror;\n";

  # Registering MUST be the last line before the text itself,
  # since the line number is recorded. Line count in error
  # messages begin immediately after the line that registers.

  $d.="&Eobj::PLerror::register(\'$file\');\n# line 1 \"$file\"\n";

  open (CLASSFILE, $file) || 
    blow($schwonz."Failed to open resource file \'$file\' for class \'$class\'\n");
  close CLASSFILE;
  blow ($schwonz."Failed to load class \'$original\':\n $@")
    if ($@);

sub globalobj {
  return $Eobj::globalobject if (ref $Eobj::globalobject);
  puke("Global object was requested before init() was executed\n");

# This routine attempts to keep lines below 80 chrs/lines
sub linebreak {
  my $data = shift;
  my $extraindent = shift;

  $extraindent = '' unless (defined $extraindent);

  my @chunks = split("\n", $data);

  foreach (@chunks) {
    my $realout = '';
    while (1) { # Not forever. We'll break this in proper time
      if (/^.{0,79}$/) { # The rest fits well...
	$realout .= $_;
      # We try to break the line after a comma.
      my ($x, $y) = (/^(.{50,78},)\s*(.*)$/);
      # Didn't work? A whitespace is enough, then.
      ($x, $y) = (/^(.{50,79})\s+(.*)$/)
	unless (defined $x);
      # Still didn't work? Break at first white space.
      ($x, $y) = (/^(.{50,}?)\s+(.*)$/)
	unless (defined $x);
      # THAT didn't work? Give up. Just dump it all out.
      unless (defined $x) {
	$realout .= $_;
      } else { # OK, we have a line split!
	$realout .= $x."\n";
	$_ = $extraindent.$y; # The rest, only indented.
    $_ = $realout;
  my $final = join("\n", @chunks);
  $final .= "\n" if ($data =~ /\n$/);
  return $final;

# Just empty packages (used by PLroot).
package PL_hardroot;
package PL_settable;
package PL_const;
package PL_destroyed;
use Eobj::PLerror;
# Here we yell on all attempts to run a method on a destroyed
# object. Only calling destroy is OK...

sub destroy {
  return undef;

  my $class = shift;
  my $method = $PL_destroyed::AUTOLOAD;
  my ($package) = $method =~ /^(.*?)::/;
  $method =~ s/.*:://;

  return undef if ($method eq 'DESTROY');

  blow("Attempt to call method \'$method\' on a destroyed object\n");

# And now the magic of autoloading.
package UNIVERSAL;
use Eobj::PLerror;

  my $class = shift;
  my $method = $UNIVERSAL::AUTOLOAD;
  my ($junk,$file,$line)=caller;
  my $schwonz = "at $file line $line";
  return undef if $method =~ /::SUPER::/;

  my ($package) = $method =~ /^(.*?)::/;
  $method =~ s/.*:://;

  my $name = ref($class);

  return undef if ($method eq 'DESTROY');
  print "$class, $package\n"  unless ($class eq $package);
  puke("Undefined function/method \'$method\' $schwonz\n")
    unless ($class eq $package);

  if ($name) {
    # Forgive. This is not our class anyway...
    return undef;

  # Now we protect ourselves against infinite recursion, should
  # the classload call fail silently. This will happen if the
  # first attempt to call a method in a class is to a
  # method that isn't defined.
  puke("Undefined method \'$method\' in class \'$class\' $schwonz\n")
    if $UNIVERSAL::blacklist{$class};

		       "While trying to load class \'$class\' due to call ".
		       "of method \'$method\' $schwonz:\n");
  #Just loaded the new class? Let's use it!
  return $class->$method(@_);

# Now have the "defineclass" subroutine defined, so we can use it to
# generate bareword warnings for anything but a class name.

1; # Return true

=head1 NAME

Eobj - Easy Object Oriented programming environment


  use Eobj;

  # define the 'myclass' class

  init; # Always init before creating objects

  # Now create an object, and put the handle in $object
  $object = myclass->new(name => 'MyObject');
  $object->mymethod('hello'); # Call the 'mymethod' method

  # Access some properties...
  $object->set('myscalar', 'The value');
  $scalar = $object->get('myscalar');

  $object->set('mylist', 'One', 'Two', 'Three');
  @list = $object->get('mylist');

  %hash = ('Foo' => 'Bar',
           'Daa' => 'Doo');
  $object->set('myhash', %hash);
  %the_hash = $object->get('myhash');

  # Dump some debug information


Eobj is OO in Perl for the masses. It makes it possible to write complete OO
scripts with plain Perl syntax (unlike classic OO-Perl). And like plain Perl,
the syntax usually means what you think it means, as long as things are kept

Eobj doesn't reinvent Perl's natural OO environment, but is a wrapper for it.
The real engine is still Perl.

This man page is enough to get you going, but not more than that. If deeper
understanding is needed, the documentation, which can be found in the
Eobj Programmers guide, F<eobj.pdf> (PDF format), is the place to look. The PDF file
should come along with the module files.


If you are acquantied with object-oriented programming, just jump to the next section.
If you're not, this little paragraph should explain some basics, but by all means
additional reading is recommended.

An object is a creature, which you generate by telling some I<class> to create an
object for you. For example, 

  $object = myclass->new(name => 'MyObject');

This statement creates a new object of the class C<myclass>. In this context, C<myclass>
would be the answer to "what kind of object did we just make?"

The object's reference (sometimes called "handle") is returned and kept in $object. If we
want to access the object, we do that by using the value stored in $object. This value
is not a number nor a string, but it is otherwise handled like any other value in Perl
(it can be returned from subroutines, copied, stored in lists, and so on).

You can do two things with an object: You can call one of its
methods, and you can manipulate its properties.

=head2 Properties

Each object has its own set of
"local variables", which are its I<properties>. The only really special thing about
properties is that they are related to a certain object, so changing the properties
of one object does not affect another object.

For example,

  $object->set('myscalar', 'The value');

sets the value of the property named C<myscalar> to the string 'The value'. If the
property didn't exist, this statement created it. We may then read the string back with

  $scalar = $object->get('myscalar');

There is more about how to handle properties in this man page.

=head2 Methods

A method is exactly like a subroutine, only method calls are always related with an
object. For example,


means to tell the object, whose reference is stored in $object, to call a subroutine,
which it recognizes as C<mymethod>.

=head2 Classes

A class is an "object factory". Objects are sometimes called "class instances". Beyond
these metaphores, a class is simply a list of methods, which the object should recognize
and execute when it's asked to.

When we create an object, we choose a class. By this choice, we're actually choosing what
methods our object will support, and what these methods will do, and also what initial
properties our object will carry. It's not that we're necessarily aware of each method
and property, but nevertheless we choose them by choosing the class.

Note that even though a class consists of a list of subroutines, they work differently
from plain subroutines: Methods are always called from an object, and the actual action
taken by a method often depends on the object's properties. 

=head2 Inheritance

No class is written from scratch. We don't want to define each method that the object
should support explicitly, every time we want to write a new class.

Rather, we I<inherit> methods from already existing classes: We create a new class by defining
only the methods that are special for this specific class. Then, when declaring the new
class, we explicitly point at some other class, and say something like "if you can't find
a method in our class declaration, look in this class for it". The result is a new class,
which supports all methods that the previous class supported, plus a few more.

It's possible to re-declare certain methods. It's also possible to extend methods, so
a call to the method will carry out whatever it did before plus something extra, that
we wanted. See "DECLARING CLASSES" below.


Before beginning, it's important to distinguish between the main script and the class
source files.

The main script is what you would usually call "the script": When we run Perl, we give
some file as the script to run. That file, possibly with some other Perl modules that
it runs, is the main script.

The main script is divided in two phases:

=over 4

=item *

Declaration of classes. The main script tells what classes it wants to have, and what
source file declares each class' methods.

=item *

Creating and using objects. This is usually where the main script does something
useful: Objects are created, their methods are called, and so on.


We shift from phase 1 to phase 2 with a call to init(). All class declarations
I<must> come before init(), and all objects creations I<must> come afterwards.

init() does not accept
any arguments, so it's done exactly like in the Synopsis above.


Classes are defined by scripts ("class source files") that contain nothing
else than subroutine definitions. For example, the F<> file mentioned
in the Synopsis could very well consist of exactly the following:

  sub mymethod {
    my $self = shift;
    my $what = shift;
    print "I was told to say $what\n";

This subroutine definition (in effect, method definition) could be followed
by other similar subroutine definitions.

When a method is called, the first argument is a reference ("handle") to the
object through which it was called. It's common to store this reference in a
scalar named $self (as in the above example).

After the C<shift> operation, which removed the first argument from C<@_>,
the argument list looks just like a normal subroutine call. Therefore, the
second C<shift> operation is related to the parameter that was passed to the
method when calling it, and it's put in $what.

=head2 Rules for writing classes

=over 4

=item *

The class source file should not contain anything else than C<sub { }>

=item *

All variables must be localized with C<my>. The method should not access
varibles beyond its own, temporary scope. It may, of course, access other
objects' properties.

=item *

If "global variables" are needed, they should be kept as properties in
the global object (see below).

=item *

Use puke() and blow() instead of die(). Use fishy() and wiz() instead of warn().
In error messages, identify your own object with C<$self-E<gt>who()>, and
other objects with C<$self-E<gt>safewho($otherobject)>

=item *

Call methods, including your own class' methods, in complete C<$obj-E<gt>method()>-like
format. This will assure consistency if your method is overridden.

=item *

Properties should be accessed only as described in the Eobj documentation (and not
as in classic Perl objects).


=head2 Methods vs. Subroutines

Subroutines are routines that are not related to any specific object or other
kind of context (this is what plain Perl programmers do all the time).
Methods, on the other hand,  are routines that are called in conjunction with an
object. In other words, calling a method is I<telling an object> to do something.
This call's action often depends on the specific object's properties, and it may
also affect them.

Therefore, when a method is called in Perl, the first argument is always a handle
(reference) to the object whose method was called. In this way, the routine knows
what object it is related to.

The rest of the arguments appear exactly like a regular subroutine call. A subroutine
can be transferred into a method by putting a C<shift> command in the beginning.
In particular, the method's return values mechanism is exactly like the one of
plain subroutines.


A class is declared by pointing at a source file (which consists of method declarations),
and bind its methods with a class name. This is typically done with either
C<inherit()> or C<inheritdir()>. For example,


reads the file F<>, and creates a class named C<myclass>. This class is
derived from the C<root> class, and hence any method which is not defined in
C<myclass> will be searched for in C<root>.

As a result of this declaration, it will be possible to create a new object with

Note that there is no necessary connection between the class' name and the name
of the source file when C<inherit()> is used.
Also, it should be noted that the source file is not read
by the the Perl parser until it's specifically needed (usually because an object
is created).

C<inheritdir()> is used to to declare several classes with a single call. The given
file directory path is scanned for source files. A class inheritance tree can be
set up by setting up the file directory tree in a straightforward way. This is
explained further in the programmer's guide.

Also, it's possible to add and extend methods of an existing class, without changing
its name. For example, it's possible to change the methods of the C<root> class, which
will affect all objects that are created. See the section about C<override()> in
the programmer's guide.

A call to init() is mandatory after all class declarations (inherit() and inheritdir()
statements) and before creating the first object is generated. 

=head2 Overriding methods

Suppose that we defined class C<parent> with a method named C<foo()>.
Later we define class C<child>, that inherits from class C<parent>,
and also contains a method named C<foo()>. If a user instantiates an
object of class C<child>, and invokes method C<foo()>, then the method 
C<foo()> of the C<child> class is invoked, rather than the ome of C<parent>.
This is called I<method overriding> (and is common in many OO-languages).

In the above case, method C<foo()> of class C<child> completely hides
method C<foo()> of class C<parent>. If we want method C<foo()> of C<child>
class to extend, rather than replace C<foo()> of C<parent>, we could 
use something like the following, in the code of C<foo()> of C<child>:

  sub foo {
    my $self = shift;
    # Here we do some other things...

Note that we call the inherited foo() after shifting off the $self argument, buf before
doing anything else. This makes sure that the inherited method gets an unaltered list of
arguments. When things are organized like this, both methods may C<shift> their argument lists
without interfering with each other.

But this also means, that the extra functionality we added will be carried out I<after> the
inherited method's. Besides, we ignore any return value that the method returned.

Whenever the return value is of interest, or we want to run our code before the inherited
method's, the following schema should be used:

  sub foo {
    my $self = shift;
    # Here we do some other things...
    # Be careful not to change @_ !

    return $self->SUPER::foo(@_);

Note that this is the easiest way to assure that the return value will be passed on correctly.
The inherited method may be context sensitve (behave differently if a scalar or list are exptected
as return value), and the last implementation above assures that context is passed correctly.

The problem with this way of doing it, is that if we accidentally change the argument list
@_, the overridden method will misbehave, which will make it look like a bug in the overridden
method (when the bug is really ours).

This could be solved by storing the arguments in some temporary variable, like:

  sub foo {
    my $self = shift;
    my @save_args = @_;
    # Here we do some other things...
    # We can change @_ now!
    return $self->SUPER::foo(@save_args);

All this was true for methods that work on an already existing object. The C<new()>
method is an exception, because it is there to create the object.

Extending the C<new()> method is often a good idea, usually to initialize the newly
born object with some properties. It's nevertheless important to stick to the following
format, or strange things may happen:

  sub new {
    my $this = shift;
    my $self = $this->SUPER::new(@_);

    # Do your stuff here. $self is the
    # reference to the new object

    return $self; # Don't forget this!


Objects are created by calling the new() method of the class. Something in the style of:

  $object = myclass->new(name => 'MyObject');

(You didn't forget to call init() before creating an object, did you?)

This statement creates a new object of class C<myclass>, and puts its reference (handle,
if you want) in $object. The object is also given a name, C<Myobject>.

Every object must be created with a unique name. This name is used in error messages,
and it's also possible to get an object's reference by its name with the C<root>
class' objbyname() method. The object's name can not be changed.

If a name isn't given explicitly, like in

  $object = myclass->new();

Eobj will choose a name for the object, which can't be changed later on. It's highly
recommended to overcome this laziness, and choose a short but descriptive name for
each object.

Since a fatal error occurs when trying to create an object with an already existing name,
the C<root> class' method suggestname() will always return a legal name to create a new
object with. This method accepts our suggested name as an argument, and returns a name
which is OK to use, possibly the same name with some enumeration.

So when the object's names are not completely known in advance, this is the safe way to do

  my $name = globalobj->suggestname('MyObject');
  my $object = myclass->new(name => $name);

or, if we don't care about the object's name:

  my $object = myclass->new(name => globalobj->suggestname('MyObject'));

After the object has been created, we may access its properties (see below) and/or call
its methods.

For example,



Objects are created with the C<new()> method. In general, there is no need to explicitly
define one of your own, and if you do, it must be based on Eobj's native C<new()> method
(see Overriding methods above). In particular, this is useful for creating classes which
set up properties upon creation.

An object is destroyed by calling its C<destroy()> method. There is no need to call this
method explicitly unless you need a certain object destroyed at a certain time.

It's also possible to extend this method, in order to clean up things just before going down.

If how and when objects are destroyed is of your concern, or if you want to do something
just before that, there's a section dealing with that issue in the Programmer's guide.


Each object carries its own local variables. These are called the object's I<properties>.

The properties are accessed with mainly two methods, get() and set(). const() is used
to create constant properties, which is described in the programmer's guide.

  $obj->set($prop, X);

Will set $obj's property $prop to X, where X is either a scalar, a list or a hash.

One can the obtain the value by calling

  X = $obj->get($prop);

Where X is again, either a scalar, a list or a hash.

$prop is the property's name, typically a string. Unlike plain Perl variables, the
property's name is just any string (any characters except newlines), and it does
not depend on the type of the property (scalar, list or hash). It's the programmer's
responsibility to handle the types correctly.

Use set() and get() to write and read properties in the spirit of this man page's
Synopsis (beginning of document). It's simple and clean, but if you want to do something
else, there is much more to read about that in the programmer's guide.


The global object is created as part of the init() call, and is therefore the first
object in the system. It is created from the C<global> class, which is derived from
the C<root> class.

The global object has two purposes:

=over 4

=item *

Its properties is the right place to keep "global variables".

=item *

It can be used to call methods which don't depend on the object they are called on.
For example, the suggestname() method, mentioned above, is a such a method. We may
want to call it before we have any object at hand, since this method is used to
prevent name collisions.

The global object's handle is returned by the globalobj() function in the main script
or with the C<root> class' globalobj() method. So when writing a class, getting the
global object is done with something like

  my $global = $self->globalobj;


=head1 HOW TO DIE

Eobj comes with an error-reporting mechanism, which is based upon the Carp module.
It's was extended in order to give messages that fit Eobj better.

There are two main functions to use instead of die(): blow() and puke(). They are
both used like die() in the sense that a newline in the end of the error message
inhibits prinitng the file name and line number of where the error happened.

=over 4

=item *

blow() should be used when the error doesn't imply a bug. A failure to open a file,
wrong command line parameters are examples of when blow() is better used. Note that
if you use blow() inside a class, it's usually better to give a descriptive error
message, and terminate it with a newline. Otherwise, the class source file will be
given as where the error occured, which will make it look as if there's a bug in
the class itself.

=item *

puke() is useful to report errors that should never happen. In other words, they
report bugs, either in your class or whoever used it. puke() displays the entire call
trace, so that the problematic call can be found easier.


For warnings, fishy() is like blow() and wiz() works like puke(). Only these are warnings.

Unlike Carp, there is no attepmt to distinguish between the "original caller", or the
"real script" and "modules" or "classes". Since classes are readily written per
application, there is no way to draw the line between "module" and "application".

It is possible to declare a class as "hidden" or "system", which will make it disappear
from stack traces. This is explained in the programmer's guide.


The following issues are covered in the Eobj programmer's guide (F<eobj.pdf>), and not in this
man page. Just so you know what you're missing out... ;)

=over 4

=item *

The override() and underride() functions

=item *

Constant properties

=item *

Magic callbacks: How to make properties depend on each other.

=item *

Setting up properties during object creation with new()

=item *

List operations on properties: pshift(), punshift(), ppush() and ppop()

=item *

The property path: A way organize properties in a directory-like tree.

=item *

Several useful methods of the C<root> class: who(), safewho(), isobject(),
objbyname(), prettyval() and linebreak()


=head1 EXPORT

The following functions are exported to the main script:

init(), override(), underride(), inherit(), inheritdir(), definedclass(), globalobj()

These functions are exported everywhere (can be used by classes as well):

blow(), puke(), wiz(), wizreport(), fishy(), wrong(), say(), hint(), wink()

These methods are part of the C<root> class, and should not be overridden
unless an intentional change in their functionality is desired:

new(), destroy(), survivor(), who(), safewho(), isobject(), objbyname(),
suggestname(), get(), const(), set(),  seteq(), addmagic(), pshift(), ppop(),
punshift(), ppush(), globalobj(), linebreak(), objdump(), prettyval()

store_hash(), domutate(), getraw()

Note that the last three methods are for the class' internal use only.

=head1 HISTORY

Eobj is derived from a larger project, Perlilog, which was written in 2002 by the same
A special OO environment was written in order to handle objects conveniently. This
environment was later on extracted from Perlilog, and became Eobj.

=head1 BUGS

Please send bug reports directly to the author, to the e-mail given below. Since Eobj
relies on some uncommonly used (but yet standard) features, the bug is sometimes in
Perl and not Eobj. In order to verify this, please send your version description
as given by running Perl with C<perl -V> (a capital V!).

These are the bugs that are known as of yet:

=over 4

=item *

Doesn't work with C<use strict> due to some games with references. Does work with
C<use strict 'vars'>, though.

=item *

The environment doesn't tolerate a change in home directory (with C<chdir>) if any of
the files used in C<inherit()>, C<inheritdir()> or the likes were given as a path relative
to the current directory. Since the files are loaded only when the respective classes are
used, changing the directory is prohibited at any stage of the execution.



This project would not exist without the warm support of Flextronics Semiconductors in Israel,
and Dan Gunders in particular.

=head1 AUTHOR

Eli Billauer, E<lt><gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO

The Perlilog project: L<>

The author's home page: L<>
