The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More 0.88;
use IPC::Cmd qw[can_run];

unless ( can_run('git') ) {
  ok('No git, no dice');
  exit 0;

  my ($gitver) = `git version`;
  my ($ver) = $gitver =~ m!git version ([0-9.]+)!;
  chomp $gitver;
  require version;
  if ( version->parse( $ver ) < version->parse('1.5.0') ) {
    diag("$gitver is too low, 1.5.0 or above is required");
    ok("$gitver is too low, 1.5.0 or above is required");
    exit 0;
  diag("Using $gitver\n");

use lib 't/lib';

use Test::Deep qw(all ignore superhashof);
use Test::DZil;

test_plugin("simplest case, ssh url" => {
  plugin => { },
  git    => { origin => '' },

test_plugin("https url" => {
  plugin => { },
  git    => { origin => '' },

test_plugin("SSH url, from a github-keygen user" => {
  plugin => { },
  git    => { origin => '' },

test_plugin("use a non-default remote" => {
  plugin => { remote => 'github' },
  git    => {
    github => '',
    origin => '',

test_plugin("override the user" => {
  plugin => { user => 'example' },
  git    => { origin => '' },

test_plugin("override the repo" => {
  plugin => { repo => 'Example-Repo' },
  git    => { origin => '' },

test_plugin("turn on issues" => {
  plugin => { issues => 1 },
  git    => { origin => '' },
  resources => {
    bugtracker => { web => '' },



my %FMT;

  repositoryformatversion = 0
  filemode = true
  bare = false
  logallrefupdates = true

[remote "%s"]
  url = %s

sub git_config_for {
  my ($config) = @_;

  my $remote_config =
    join qq{\n}, map {; sprintf $FMT{REMOTE}, $_, $config->{$_} } keys %$config;

  return sprintf $FMT{CONFIG}, $remote_config;

sub test_plugin {
  my ($desc, $test) = @_;
  my $gitconfig = git_config_for($test);

  my $tzil = Builder->from_config(
    { dist_root => 'corpus/GHM-Sample' },
      add_files => {
        'source/dist.ini'    => simple_ini(
          [ GithubMeta => $test->{plugin} ],
        'source/.git/config' => git_config_for($test->{git}),
      also_copy => {
        'corpus/git' => 'source/.git',


      $test->{meta} || ignore(),
        resources => {
          homepage   => '',
          repository => {
            type => 'git',
            url => '',
            web => '',
          $test->{resources} ? %{ $test->{resources} } : (),