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package POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server;
# ABSTRACT: A Metabase relay server component
$POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server::VERSION = '0.36';
use strict;
use warnings;
use CPAN::Testers::Report;
use POE qw[Filter::Stream];
use POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server::Queue;
use Test::POE::Server::TCP;
use Carp                      ();
use Storable                  ();
use Socket                    ();
use JSON                      ();
use Metabase::User::Profile   ();
use Metabase::User::Secret    ();

my @fields = qw(

use MooseX::POE;
use MooseX::Types::Path::Class qw[File];
use MooseX::Types::URI qw[Uri];

  use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
  my $tc = subtype as 'ArrayRef[Str]';
  coerce $tc, from 'Str', via { [$_] };

  has 'address' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => $tc,
    default => 0,
    coerce => 1,

  my $ps = subtype as 'Str', where { $poe_kernel->alias_resolve( $_ ) };
  coerce $ps, from 'Str', via { $poe_kernel->alias_resolve( $_ )->ID };

  has 'session' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => $ps,
    coerce => 1,
    writer => '_set_session',

  no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

has 'port' => (
  is => 'ro',
  default => sub { 0 },
  writer => '_set_port',

has 'id_file' => (
  is       => 'ro',
  required => 1,
  isa      => File,
  coerce   => 1,

has 'dsn' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Str',
  required => 1,

has 'uri' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => Uri,
  coerce => 1,
  required => 1,

has 'username' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Str',
  default => '',

has 'password' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Str',
  default => '',

has 'db_opts' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'HashRef',
  default => sub {{}},

has 'debug' => (
  is => 'rw',
  isa => 'Bool',
  default => 0,

has 'multiple' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Bool',
  default => 0,

has 'recv_event' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Str',

has 'no_relay' => (
  is => 'rw',
  isa => 'Bool',
  default => 0,
  trigger => sub {
    my( $self, $new, $old ) = @_;
    return if ! $self->_has_queue;
    $self->queue->no_relay( $new );

has 'no_curl' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Bool',
  default => 0,

has 'submissions' => (
  is => 'rw',
  isa => 'Int',
  default => 10,
  trigger => sub {
    my( $self, $new, $old ) = @_;
    return if ! $self->_has_queue;
    $self->queue->submissions( $new );

has '_profile' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Metabase::User::Profile',
  init_arg => undef,
  writer => '_set_profile',

has '_secret' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Metabase::User::Secret',
  init_arg => undef,
  writer => '_set_secret',

has '_relayd' => (
  accessor => 'relayd',
  isa => 'ArrayRef[Test::POE::Server::TCP]',
  lazy_build => 1,
  auto_deref => 1,
  init_arg => undef,

has '_queue' => (
  accessor => 'queue',
  isa => 'POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server::Queue',
  lazy_build => 1,
  init_arg => undef,

has '_requests' => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'HashRef',
  default => sub {{}},
  init_arg => undef,

sub _build__relayd {
  my $self = shift;
  return [map {
        address => $_,
        port => $self->port,
        prefix => 'relayd',
        filter => POE::Filter::Stream->new(),
  } @{ $self->address }]

sub _build__queue {
  my $self = shift;
    dsn      => $self->dsn,
    username => $self->username,
    password => $self->password,
    db_opts  => $self->db_opts,
    uri      => $self->uri->as_string,
    profile  => $self->_profile,
    secret   => $self->_secret,
    debug    => $self->debug,
    multiple => $self->multiple,
    no_relay => $self->no_relay,
    no_curl  => $self->no_curl,
    submissions => $self->submissions,

sub spawn {

sub START {
  my ($kernel,$self,$sender) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,SENDER];
  if ( $kernel == $sender and $self->recv_event and !$self->session ) {
    Carp::croak "Not called from another POE session and 'session' wasn't set\n";
  if ( $self->recv_event ) {
    $self->_set_session( $sender->ID ) unless $self->session;

event 'shutdown' => sub {
  my ($kernel,$self) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT];
  $_->shutdown for $self->relayd;

event 'relayd_registered' => sub {
  my ($kernel,$self,$relayd) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0];
  my ($port, $addr) = Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in($relayd->getsockname);

  if ($self->debug) {
      my $hostname = scalar(gethostbyaddr($addr, Socket::AF_INET));

      if (defined($hostname)) {
          warn "Listening on '", join(q{:} => $hostname, $port), "'\n";
      } else {
          my $dotted_num = Socket::inet_ntoa($addr);
          warn "Listening on '", join(q{:} => $dotted_num, $port), "'\n";


  $self->_set_port( $relayd->port );

event 'relayd_connected' => sub {
  my ($kernel,$self,$id,$ip) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0,ARG1];

event 'relayd_disconnected' => sub {
  my ($kernel,$self,$id,$ip) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0,ARG1];
  my $data = delete $self->_requests->{$id};
  my $report = eval { Storable::thaw($data); };
  if ( defined $report and ref $report and ref $report eq 'HASH' ) {
    $kernel->yield( 'process_report', $report, $ip );
  else {
    return unless $self->debug;
    warn "Client '$id' failed to send parsable data!\n";
    warn "The error from Storable::thaw was '$@'\n";

event 'relayd_client_input' => sub {
  my ($kernel,$self,$id,$data) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0,ARG1];
  $self->_requests->{$id} .= $data;

event 'process_report' => sub {
  my ($kernel,$self,$data,$ip) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0,ARG1];
  my @present = grep { defined $data->{$_} } @fields;
  return unless scalar @present == scalar @fields;
  # Build CPAN::Testers::Report with its various component facts.
  my $metabase_report = eval { CPAN::Testers::Report->open(
    resource => 'cpan:///distfile/' . $data->{distfile}
  ); };

  return unless $metabase_report;

  $kernel->post( $self->session, $self->recv_event, $data, $ip )
    if $self->recv_event;

  $metabase_report->add( 'CPAN::Testers::Fact::LegacyReport' => {
    map { ( $_ => $data->{$_} ) } qw(grade osname osversion archname perl_version textreport)

  # TestSummary happens to be the same as content metadata
  # of LegacyReport for now
  $metabase_report->add( 'CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestSummary' =>


  $kernel->yield( 'submit_report', $metabase_report );

event 'submit_report' => sub {
  my ($kernel,$self,$report) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0];

sub _load_id_file {
  my $self = shift;

  open my $fh, '<', $self->id_file
    or Carp::confess __PACKAGE__. ": could not read ID file '" . $self->id_file
    . "'\n$!";

  my $data = JSON->new->decode( do { local $/; <$fh> } );

  my $profile = eval { Metabase::User::Profile->from_struct($data->[0]) }
    or Carp::confess __PACKAGE__ . ": could not load Metabase profile\n"
    . "from '" . $self->id_file . "':\n$@";

  my $secret = eval { Metabase::User::Secret->from_struct($data->[1]) }
    or Carp::confess __PACKAGE__ . ": could not load Metabase secret\n"
    . "from '" . $self->id_file . "':\n $@";

  $self->_set_profile( $profile );
  $self->_set_secret( $secret );
  return 1;

no MooseX::POE;





=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server - A Metabase relay server component

=head1 VERSION

version 0.36


  use strict;
  use warnings;

  use POE qw[Component::Metabase::Relay::Server];

  my $test_httpd = POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server->spawn(
    port    => 8080,
    id_file => shift,
    dsn     => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=dbfile',
    uri     => '',
    debug   => 1,

  exit 0;


POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server is a relay server for L<Metabase>. It provides a listener
that accepts connections from L<Test::Reporter::Transport::Socket> based CPAN Testers and
relays the L<Storable> serialised data to L<Metabase> using L<POE::Component::Metabase::Client::Submit>.

L<POE::Component::Client::HTTP> is used to submit reports usually, but if version C<0.06> of
L<POE::Component::Curl::Multi> is found to be installed, this will be used in preference. You can
disable this usage using the C<no_curl> option to C<spawn>.

=head1 NAME

POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server - A Metabase relay server component

=head1 VERSION

version 0.34

=for Pod::Coverage START



=item C<spawn>

Spawns a new component session and creates a SQLite database if it doesn't already exist.

Takes a number of mandatory parameters:

  'id_file', the file path of a Metabase ID file;
  'dsn', a DBI DSN to use to store the submission queue;
  'uri', the uri of metabase server to submit to;

and a number of optional parameters:

  'address', the address to bind the listener to, defaults to INADDR_ANY;
  'port', the port to listen on, defaults to 0, which picks a random port;
  'username', a DSN username if required;
  'password', a DSN password if required;
  'db_opts', a hashref of DBD options that is passed to POE::Component::EasyDBI;
  'debug', enable debugging information;
  'multiple', set to true to enable the Queue to use multiple PoCo-Client-HTTPs, default 0;
  'no_relay', set to true to disable report submissions to the Metabase, default 0;
  'no_curl',  set to true to disable automatic usage of POE::Component::Curl::Multi, default 0;
  'submissions', an int to control the number of parallel http clients ( used only if multiple == 1 ), default 10;
  'session', a POE::Session alias or session ID to send events to;
  'recv_event', an event to be triggered when reports are received by the relay;

C<address> may be either an simple scalar value or an arrayref of addresses to bind to.

If C<recv_event> is specified an event will be sent for every report received by the relay server.
Unless C<session> is specified this event will be sent to the parent session of the component.



If C<recv_event> is specified to C<spawn>, an event will be sent with the following:

C<ARG0> will be a C<HASHREF> with the following keys:


C<ARG1> will be the IP address of the client that sent the report.

If C<queue_event> is specified to C<spawn>, an event will be sent for particular changes in queue status

=head1 AUTHOR

Chris Williams <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Chris Williams.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Chris Williams <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Chris Williams.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
