#!./perl -w

# Verify that all files generated by perl scripts are up to date.

    @INC = '..' if -f '../TestInit.pm';
use TestInit qw(T A); # T is chdir to the top level, A makes paths absolute
use strict;

require 'regen/regen_lib.pl';
require 't/test.pl';
$::NO_ENDING = $::NO_ENDING = 1;

if ( $^O eq "VMS" ) {
  skip_all( "- regen.pl needs porting." );
if ($^O eq 'dec_osf') {
    skip_all("$^O cannot handle this test");
use Config;
if ( $Config{usecrosscompile} ) {
  skip_all( "Not all files are available during cross-compilation" );

my $tests = 26; # I can't see a clean way to calculate this automatically.

my %skip = ("regen_perly.pl"    => [qw(perly.act perly.h perly.tab)],
            "regen/keywords.pl" => [qw(keywords.c keywords.h)],
            "regen/uconfig_h.h" => [qw(uconfig.h)],

my @files = map {@$_} sort values %skip;

open my $fh, '<', 'regen.pl'
    or die "Can't open regen.pl: $!";

while (<$fh>) {
    last if /^__END__/;
die "Can't find __END__ in regen.pl"
    if eof $fh;

foreach (qw(embed_lib.pl regen_lib.pl uconfig_h.pl
         map {chomp $_; $_} <$fh>) {

close $fh
    or die "Can't close regen.pl: $!";

my @progs = grep {!$skip{$_}} <regen/*.pl>;
push @progs, 'regen.pl', map {"Porting/makemeta $_"} qw(-j -y);

plan (tests => $tests + @files + @progs);

OUTER: foreach my $file (@files) {
    open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";
    1 while defined($_ = <$fh>) and !/Generated from:/;
    if (eof $fh) {
	fail("Can't find 'Generated from' line in $file");
    my @bad;
    while (<$fh>) {
	last if /ex: set ro:/;
	unless (/^(?: \* | #)([0-9a-f]+) (\S+)$/) {
	    chomp $_;
	    fail("Bad line in $file: '$_'");
	    next OUTER;
	my $digest = digest($2);
	note("$digest $2");
	push @bad, $2 unless $digest eq $1;
    is("@bad", '', "generated $file is up to date");

foreach (@progs) {
    my $command = "$^X $_ --tap";
    system $command
        and die "Failed to run $command: $?";