#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# checkcfguse.pl
# (1) finds all the Configure/config symbols
# (2) greps for their use in the core files and shows which ones.

use strict;
use warnings;

my %SYM;

my @PAT =
      # The format is:
      # (1) aref of filename glob patterns
      # (2) aref of qr patterns, the submatch $1 is the symbol name

  print STDERR "$0: Looking for symbols...\n";
  for my $pat (@PAT) {
    for my $fn (map { glob($_) } @{ $pat->[0] }) {
      if (open(my $fh, $fn)) {
        while (<$fh>) {
          for my $p (@$pat) {
            for my $sym (/$p/g) {

printf(STDERR "$0: Found %d symbols\n", scalar keys %SYM);

print STDERR "$0: Looking for their uses...\n";

# Much too noisy grepping.
delete $SYM{'_'};
delete $SYM{'const'};

my $SYM = join("|", sort { length($b) <=> length($a) || $a cmp $b } keys %SYM);

open(my $mani, "MANIFEST") or die "$0: Failed to open MANIFEST\n";

my %found;
while (<$mani>) {
  if (/^(\S+)\s+/) {
    my $fn = $1;
    # Skip matches from the config files themselves,
    # from metaconfig generated files that refer to
    # the config symbols, and from pods.
    next if $fn =~ m{^(?:config_h.SH|Configure|configure\.com|Porting/(?:config|Glossary)|(?:NetWare|plan9|win32)/(?:config|(?:GNU)?[Mm]akefile)|uconfig)|\.pod$};
    open my $fh, $fn or die qq[$0: Failed to open $fn: $!];
    while (<$fh>) {
      while (/\b($SYM)\b/go) {

for my $sym (sort keys %SYM) {
  if (exists $found{$sym}) {
    my @found = keys %{$found{$sym}};
    print "$sym\t", join(" ", sort @found), "\n";
  } else {
    print "$sym\n";