The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use lib 't';
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;

use Test::More ;
use CompTestUtils;

our ($BadPerl, $UncompressClass);
    plan(skip_all => "Tied Filehandle needs Perl 5.005 or better" )
        if $] < 5.005 ;

    # use Test::NoWarnings, if available
    my $extra = 0 ;
    $extra = 1
        if eval { require Test::NoWarnings ;  import Test::NoWarnings; 1 };

    my $tests ;
    $BadPerl = ($] >= 5.006 and $] <= 5.008) ;

    if ($BadPerl) {
        $tests = 241 ;
    else {
        $tests = 249 ;

    plan tests => $tests + $extra ;


sub myGZreadFile
    my $filename = shift ;
    my $init = shift ;

    my $fil = new $UncompressClass $filename,
                                    -Strict   => 1,
                                    -Append   => 1

    my $data ;
    $data = $init if defined $init ;
    1 while $fil->read($data) > 0;

    $fil->close ;
    return $data ;

sub run

    my $CompressClass   = identify();
    $UncompressClass = getInverse($CompressClass);
    my $Error           = getErrorRef($CompressClass);
    my $UnError         = getErrorRef($UncompressClass);

        next if $BadPerl ;

        title "Testing $CompressClass";

        my $x ;
        my $gz = new $CompressClass(\$x); 

        my $buff ;

        eval { getc($gz) } ;
        like $@, mkErr("^getc Not Available: File opened only for output");

        eval { read($gz, $buff, 1) } ;
        like $@, mkErr("^read Not Available: File opened only for output");

        eval { <$gz>  } ;
        like $@, mkErr("^readline Not Available: File opened only for output");


        next if $BadPerl;
        $UncompressClass = getInverse($CompressClass);

        title "Testing $UncompressClass";

        my $gc ;
        my $guz = new $CompressClass(\$gc); 
        $guz->write("abc") ;

        my $x ;
        my $gz = new $UncompressClass(\$gc); 

        my $buff ;

        eval { print $gz "abc" } ;
        like $@, mkErr("^print Not Available: File opened only for intput");

        eval { printf $gz "fmt", "abc" } ;
        like $@, mkErr("^printf Not Available: File opened only for intput");

        #eval { write($gz, $buff, 1) } ;
        #like $@, mkErr("^write Not Available: File opened only for intput");


        $UncompressClass = getInverse($CompressClass);

        title "Testing $CompressClass and $UncompressClass";

            # Write
            # these tests come almost 100% from IO::String

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my $io = $CompressClass->new($name);

            is $io->tell(), 0 ;

            my $heisan = "Heisan\n";
            print $io $heisan ;

            ok ! $io->eof;

            is $io->tell(), length($heisan) ;

            print($io "a", "b", "c");

                local($\) = "\n";
                print $io "d", "e";
                local($,) = ",";
                print $io "f", "g", "h";

            my $foo = "1234567890";
            ok syswrite($io, $foo, length($foo)) == length($foo) ;
            if ( $] < 5.6 )
              { is $io->syswrite($foo, length $foo), length $foo }
              { is $io->syswrite($foo), length $foo }
            ok $io->syswrite($foo, length($foo)) == length $foo;
            ok $io->write($foo, length($foo), 5) == 5;
            ok $io->write("xxx\n", 100, -1) == 1;

            for (1..3) {
                printf $io "i(%d)", $_;
                $io->printf("[%d]\n", $_);
            select $io;
            print "\n";
            select STDOUT;

            close $io ;

            ok $io->eof;

            is myGZreadFile($name), "Heisan\nabcde\nf,g,h\n" .
                                    ("1234567890" x 3) . "67890\n" .


            # Read
            my $str = <<EOT;
This is an example
of a paragraph

and a single line.


            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my $iow = new $CompressClass $name ;
            print $iow $str ;
            close $iow;

            my @tmp;
            my $buf;
                my $io = new $UncompressClass $name ;
                ok ! $io->eof, "  Not EOF";
                is $io->tell(), 0, "  Tell is 0" ;
                my @lines = <$io>;
                is @lines, 6, "  Line is 6"
                    or print "# Got " . scalar(@lines) . " lines, expected 6\n" ;
                is $lines[1], "of a paragraph\n" ;
                is join('', @lines), $str ;
                is $., 6; 
                is $io->tell(), length($str) ;
                ok $io->eof;

                ok ! ( defined($io->getline)  ||
                          (@tmp = $io->getlines) ||
                          defined(<$io>)         ||
                          defined($io->getc)     ||
                          read($io, $buf, 100)   != 0) ;
                local $/;  # slurp mode
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok !$io->eof;
                my @lines = $io->getlines;
                ok $io->eof;
                ok @lines == 1 && $lines[0] eq $str;
                $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my $line = <$io>;
                ok $line eq $str;
                ok $io->eof;
                local $/ = "";  # paragraph mode
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my @lines = <$io>;
                ok $io->eof;
                ok @lines == 2 
                    or print "# Got " . scalar(@lines) . " lines, expected 2\n" ;
                ok $lines[0] eq "This is an example\nof a paragraph\n\n\n"
                    or print "# $lines[0]\n";
                ok $lines[1] eq "and a single line.\n\n";
                local $/ = "is";
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                my @lines = ();
                my $no = 0;
                my $err = 0;
                ok ! $io->eof;
                while (<$io>) {
                    push(@lines, $_);
                    $err++ if $. != ++$no;
                ok $err == 0 ;
                ok $io->eof;
                ok @lines == 3 
                    or print "# Got " . scalar(@lines) . " lines, expected 3\n" ;
                ok join("-", @lines) eq
                                 "This- is- an example\n" .
                                "of a paragraph\n\n\n" .
                                "and a single line.\n\n";
            # Test read
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);

                if (! $BadPerl) {
                    eval { read($io, $buf, -1) } ;
                    like $@, mkErr("length parameter is negative");

                is read($io, $buf, 0), 0, "Requested 0 bytes" ;

                ok read($io, $buf, 3) == 3 ;
                ok $buf eq "Thi";
                ok sysread($io, $buf, 3, 2) == 3 ;
                ok $buf eq "Ths i"
                    or print "# [$buf]\n" ;;
                ok ! $io->eof;
        #        $io->seek(-4, 2);
        #        ok ! $io->eof;
        #        ok read($io, $buf, 20) == 4 ;
        #        ok $buf eq "e.\n\n";
        #        ok read($io, $buf, 20) == 0 ;
        #        ok $buf eq "";
        #        ok ! $io->eof;


            # Read from non-compressed file

            my $str = <<EOT;
This is an example
of a paragraph

and a single line.


            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            writeFile($name, $str);
            my @tmp;
            my $buf;
                my $io = new $UncompressClass $name, -Transparent => 1 ;
                ok defined $io;
                ok ! $io->eof;
                ok $io->tell() == 0 ;
                my @lines = <$io>;
                ok @lines == 6; 
                ok $lines[1] eq "of a paragraph\n" ;
                ok join('', @lines) eq $str ;
                ok $. == 6; 
                ok $io->tell() == length($str) ;
                ok $io->eof;

                ok ! ( defined($io->getline)  ||
                          (@tmp = $io->getlines) ||
                          defined(<$io>)         ||
                          defined($io->getc)     ||
                          read($io, $buf, 100)   != 0) ;
                local $/;  # slurp mode
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my @lines = $io->getlines;
                ok $io->eof;
                ok @lines == 1 && $lines[0] eq $str;
                $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my $line = <$io>;
                ok $line eq $str;
                ok $io->eof;
                local $/ = "";  # paragraph mode
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my @lines = <$io>;
                ok $io->eof;
                ok @lines == 2 
                    or print "# expected 2 lines, got " . scalar(@lines) . "\n";
                ok $lines[0] eq "This is an example\nof a paragraph\n\n\n"
                    or print "# [$lines[0]]\n" ;
                ok $lines[1] eq "and a single line.\n\n";
                local $/ = "is";
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                my @lines = ();
                my $no = 0;
                my $err = 0;
                ok ! $io->eof;
                while (<$io>) {
                    push(@lines, $_);
                    $err++ if $. != ++$no;
                ok $err == 0 ;
                ok $io->eof;
                ok @lines == 3 ;
                ok join("-", @lines) eq
                                 "This- is- an example\n" .
                                "of a paragraph\n\n\n" .
                                "and a single line.\n\n";
            # Test read
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok read($io, $buf, 3) == 3 ;
                ok $buf eq "Thi";
                ok sysread($io, $buf, 3, 2) == 3 ;
                ok $buf eq "Ths i";
                ok ! $io->eof;
        #        $io->seek(-4, 2);
        #        ok ! $io->eof;
        #        ok read($io, $buf, 20) == 4 ;
        #        ok $buf eq "e.\n\n";
        #        ok read($io, $buf, 20) == 0 ;
        #        ok $buf eq "";
        #        ok ! $io->eof;


            # Vary the length parameter in a read

            my $str = <<EOT;
This is an example
of a paragraph

and a single line.

            $str = $str x 100 ;

            foreach my $bufsize (1, 3, 512, 4096, length($str)-1, length($str), length($str)+1)
                foreach my $trans (0, 1)
                    foreach my $append (0, 1)
                        title "Read Tests - buf length $bufsize, Transparent $trans, Append $append" ;

                        my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

                        if ($trans) {
                            writeFile($name, $str) ;
                        else {
                            my $iow = new $CompressClass $name ;
                            print $iow $str ;
                            close $iow;

                        my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name, 
                                                       -Append => $append,
                                                       -Transparent  => $trans);
                        my $buf;
                        is $io->tell(), 0;

                        if ($append) {
                            1 while $io->read($buf, $bufsize) > 0;
                        else {
                            my $tmp ;
                            $buf .= $tmp while $io->read($tmp, $bufsize) > 0 ;
                        is length $buf, length $str;
                        ok $buf eq $str ;
                        ok ! $io->error() ;
                        ok $io->eof;

