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=head postfixderef

this file contains all dereferencing tests from ref.t but using postfix instead of prefix or circumfix syntax.


    chdir 't' if -d 't';
    require './';
    set_up_inc(qw(. ../lib));

use strict qw(refs subs);


    no strict 'refs';
# Test fake references.

    $baz = "valid";
    $bar = 'baz';
    $foo = 'bar';
    # is ($$$foo, 'valid');
    is ($$foo->$*, 'valid');
    is ($foo->$*->$*, 'valid');

# Test real references.

$FOO = \$BAR;
$BAR = \$BAZ;
$BAZ = "hit";
# is ($$$FOO, 'hit');
is ($$FOO ->$*, 'hit');
is ($FOO-> $* ->$*, 'hit');

# Test references to real arrays.

my $test = curr_test();
@ary = ($test,$test+1,$test+2,$test+3);
$ref[0] = \@a;
$ref[1] = \@b;
$ref[2] = \@c;
$ref[3] = \@d;
for $i (3,1,2,0) {
    # push(@{$ref[$i]}, "ok $ary[$i]\n");
    push($ref[$i]-> @*, "ok $ary[$i]\n");
print @a;
#print ${$ref[1]}[0];
#print @{$ref[2]}[0];
print $ref[1]->[0];
print $ref[2]->@[0];
    no strict 'refs';
    print 'd'->@*; # print @{'d'};

# Test references to references.

$refref = \\$x;
$x = "Good";
is ($refref->$*->$*, 'Good'); # is ($$$refref, 'Good');

# Test nested anonymous arrays.

$ref = [[],2,[3,4,5,]];
is (scalar $ref->@*, 3); # is (scalar @$ref, 3);
is ($ref->[1], 2); # is ($$ref[1], 2);
# is (${$$ref[2]}[2], 5);
is (${$ref->[2]}[2], 5);
is ($ref->[2]->[2], 5);
is ($ref->[2][2], 5);
is  (scalar $ref->[0]->@*, 0); # is (scalar @{$$ref[0]}, 0);

is ($ref->[1], 2);
is ($ref->[2]->[0], 3);

# Test references to hashes of references.

$refref = \%whatever;
$refref->{"key"} = $ref;
is ($refref->{"key"}->[2]->[0], 3);
is ($refref->{"key"}->[2][0], 3);
is ($refref->{"key"}[2]->[0], 3);
is ($refref->{"key"}[2][0], 3);

# Test to see if anonymous subarrays spring into existence.

$spring[5]->[0] = 123;
$spring[5]->[1] = 456;
push($spring[5]->@*, 789); # push(@{$spring[5]}, 789);
is (join(':',$spring[5]->@*), "123:456:789"); # is (join(':',@{$spring[5]}), "123:456:789");

# Test to see if anonymous subhashes spring into existence.

$spring2{"foo"}->@* = (1,2,3); # @{$spring2{"foo"}} = (1,2,3);
$spring2{"foo"}->[3] = 4;
is (join(':',$spring2{"foo"}->@*), "1:2:3:4");

# Test references to subroutines.

    my $called;
    sub mysub { $called++; }
    local $subref = \&mysub;
    is ($called, 1);
    ok(eval '$subref->&*',"ampersand-star runs coderef: syntax");
    is ($called, 2);
    local *mysubalias;
    ok(eval q{'mysubalias'->** = 'mysub'->**->*{CODE}}, "glob access syntax");
    is ( eval 'mysubalias()', 2);
    is($called, 3);

is ref eval {\&{""}}, "CODE", 'reference to &{""} [perl #94476]';

# Test references to return values of operators (TARGs/PADTMPs)
    my @refs;
    for("a", "b") {
        push @refs, \"$_"
    # is join(" ", map $$_, @refs), "a b", 'refgen+PADTMP';
    is join(" ", map $_->$*, @refs), "a b", 'refgen+PADTMP';

$subrefref = \\&mysub2;
is ($subrefref->$*->("GOOD"), "good"); # is ($$subrefref->("GOOD"), "good");
sub mysub2 { lc shift }

# Test anonymous hash syntax.

$anonhash = {};
is (ref $anonhash, 'HASH');
$anonhash2 = {FOO => 'BAR', ABC => 'XYZ',};
is (join('', sort values $anonhash2->%*), 'BARXYZ'); # is (join('', sort values %$anonhash2), 'BARXYZ');
$anonhash2->{23} = 'tt';@$anonhash2{skiddoo=> 99} = qw/rr nn/;
is(join(':',$anonhash2->@{23 => skiddoo => 99}), 'tt:rr:nn', 'pf hash slice');

# test immediate destruction of lexical objects (op/ref.t tests LIFO order)
{ my $test = curr_test();
my ($ScopeMark, $Stoogetime) = (1,$test);
sub InScope() { $ScopeMark ? "ok " : "not ok " }
sub shoulda::DESTROY  { print InScope,$test++," - Larry\n"; }
sub coulda::DESTROY   { print InScope,$test++," - Curly\n"; }
sub woulda::DESTROY   { print InScope,$test++," - Moe\n"; }
sub frieda::DESTROY   { print InScope,$test++," - Shemp\n"; }
sub spr::DESTROY   { print InScope,$test++," - postfix scalar reference\n"; }
sub apr::DESTROY   { print InScope,$test++," - postfix array reference\n"; }
sub hpr::DESTROY   { print InScope,$test++," - postfix hash reference\n"; }

    no strict 'refs';
    # and real references taken from symbolic postfix dereferences
    local ($joe, @curly, %larry, $momo);
    my ($s,@a,%h);
    my $woulda = bless \'joe'->$*, 'woulda';
    my $frieda = bless \'momo'->$*, 'frieda';
    my $coulda  = eval q{bless \'curly'->@*, 'coulda' } or print "# $@","not ok ",$test++,"\n";
    my $shoulda = eval q{bless \'larry'->%*, 'shoulda'} or print "# $@","not ok ",$test++,"\n";
#    print "# postfix whack-star instead of prefix whack\n";
#    my $spr = eval q/ bless $s->\* , "spr"/; $@ and print "# $@","not ok ",$test++,"\n";
#    my $apr = eval q/ bless @a->\* , 'apr'/; $@ and print "# $@","not ok ",$test++,"\n";
#    my $hpr = eval q/ bless %h->\* , 'hpr'/; $@ and print "# $@","not ok ",$test++,"\n";
    print "# leaving block: we want (larry, curly, moe, shemp)\n";

print "# left block\n";
$ScopeMark = 0;
is ($test, $Stoogetime + 4, "no stooges outlast their scope");

    no strict 'refs';
    $name8 = chr 163;
    $name_utf8 = $name8 . chr 256;
    chop $name_utf8;

#    is ($$name8, undef, 'Nothing before we start');
#    is ($$name_utf8, undef, 'Nothing before we start');
#    $$name8 = "Pound";
#    is ($$name8, "Pound", 'Accessing via 8 bit symref works');
#    is ($$name_utf8, "Pound", 'Accessing via UTF8 symref works');

    is ($name8->$*, undef, 'Nothing before we start');
    is ($name_utf8->$*, undef, 'Nothing before we start');
    $name8->$* = "Pound";
    is ($name8->$*, "Pound", 'Accessing via 8 bit symref works');
    is ($name_utf8->$*, "Pound", 'Accessing via UTF8 symref works');

    no strict 'refs';
    $name_utf8 = $name = chr 9787;
    utf8::encode $name_utf8;

    is (length $name, 1, "Name is 1 char");
    is (length $name_utf8, 3, "UTF8 representation is 3 chars");

    is ($name->$*, undef, 'Nothing before we start');
    is ($name_utf8->$*, undef, 'Nothing before we start');
    $name->$* = "Face";
    is ($name->$*, "Face", 'Accessing via Unicode symref works');
    is ($name_utf8->$*, undef,
	'Accessing via the UTF8 byte sequence still gives nothing');

    no strict 'refs';
    $name1 = "\0Chalk";
    $name2 = "\0Cheese";

    is ($ $name1, undef, 'Nothing before we start (scalars)');
    is ($name2 -> $* , undef, 'Nothing before we start');
    $name1 ->$*  = "Yummy";
    is ($name1-> $*, "Yummy", 'Accessing via the correct name works');
    is ($$name2, undef,
	'Accessing via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing');
    # defined uses a different code path
    ok (defined $name1->$*, 'defined via the correct name works');
    ok (!defined $name2->$*,
	'defined via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing');

    my (undef, $one) = $name1 ->@[2,3];
    my (undef, $two) = $name2-> @[2,3];
    is ($one, undef, 'Nothing before we start (array slices)');
    is ($two, undef, 'Nothing before we start');
    $name1->@[2,3] = ("Very", "Yummy");
    (undef, $one) = $name1 -> @[2,3];
    (undef, $two) = $name2 -> @[2,3];
    is ($one, "Yummy", 'Accessing via the correct name works');
    is ($two, undef,
	'Accessing via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing');
    ok (defined $one, 'defined via the correct name works');
    ok (!defined $two,
	'defined via a different NUL-containing name gives nothing');


# test dereferencing errors
    format STDERR =
    my $ref;
    foreach $ref (*STDOUT{IO}, *STDERR{FORMAT}) {
	eval q/ $ref->$* /;
	like($@, qr/Not a SCALAR reference/, "Scalar dereference");
	eval q/ $ref->@* /;
	like($@, qr/Not an ARRAY reference/, "Array dereference");
	eval q/ $ref->%* /;
	like($@, qr/Not a HASH reference/, "Hash dereference");
	eval q/ $ref->() /;
	like($@, qr/Not a CODE reference/, "Code dereference");

    $ref = *STDERR{FORMAT};
    eval q/ $ref->** /; # postfix GLOB dereference ?
    like($@, qr/Not a GLOB reference/, "Glob dereference");

    $ref = *STDOUT{IO};
    eval q/ $ref->** /;
    is($@, '', "Glob dereference of PVIO is acceptable");

    is($ref, (eval '$ref->*{IO}'), "IO slot of the temporary glob is set correctly");

# these will segfault if they fail
sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
my $pvbm_r;
ok(eval q/ $pvbm_r = \'PVBM'->&* /, "postfix symref to sub name");
is("$pvbm_r", "".\&PVBM, "postfix and prefix mechanisms provide same result");
my $pvbm = PVBM;
my $rpvbm = \$pvbm;
my $SynCtr;
ok (!eval q{ $SynCtr++; $rpvbm->** }, 'PVBM ref is not a GLOB ref');
ok (!eval q{ $SynCtr++; $pvbm->** }, 'PVBM is not a GLOB ref');
is ($SynCtr, 2, "starstar GLOB postderef parses");
ok (!eval { $pvbm->$* }, 'PVBM is not a SCALAR ref');
ok (!eval { $pvbm->@* }, 'PVBM is not an ARRAY ref');
ok (!eval { $pvbm->%* }, 'PVBM is not a HASH ref');

# Test undefined hash references as arguments to %{} in boolean context
# [perl #81750]
 no strict 'refs';
 eval { my $foo; $foo->%*;             }; ok !$@, '%$undef';
 eval { my $foo; scalar $foo->%*;      }; ok !$@, 'scalar %$undef';
 eval { my $foo; !$foo->%*;            }; ok !$@, '!%$undef';
 eval { my $foo; if ( $foo->%*) {}     }; ok !$@, 'if ( %$undef) {}';
 eval { my $foo; if (!$foo->%*) {}     }; ok !$@, 'if (!%$undef) {}';
 eval { my $foo; unless ( $foo->%*) {} }; ok !$@, 'unless ( %$undef) {}';
 eval { my $foo; unless (!$foo->%*) {} }; ok !$@, 'unless (!%$undef) {}';
 eval { my $foo; 1 if $foo->%*;        }; ok !$@, '1 if %$undef';
 eval { my $foo; 1 if !$foo->%*;       }; ok !$@, '1 if !%$undef';
 eval { my $foo; 1 unless $foo->%*;    }; ok !$@, '1 unless %$undef;';
 eval { my $foo; 1 unless ! $foo->%*;  }; ok !$@, '1 unless ! %$undef';
 eval { my $foo;  $foo->%* ? 1 : 0;    }; ok !$@, ' %$undef ? 1 : 0';
 eval { my $foo; !$foo->%* ? 1 : 0;    }; ok !$@, '!%$undef ? 1 : 0';

# Postfix key/value slices
is join(" ", {1..10}->%{1, 7, 3}), "1 2 7 8 3 4", '->%{';
is join(" ", ['a'..'z']->%[1, 7, 3]), "1 b 7 h 3 d", '->%[';

# Array length
is [1..10]->$#*, 9, 'rvalue ->$#*';
@foo = 1..10;
is "@foo", "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9", 'lvalue ->$#*';

# Interpolation
$_ = "foo";
@foo = 7..9;
%foo = qw( foo oof );
    no warnings 'deprecated';
    $* = 42;
    is "$_->$*", 'foo->42', '->$* interpolation without feature';
    $# = 43;
    is "$_->$#*", 'foo->43*', '->$#* interpolation without feature';
is "$_->@*", 'foo->@*', '->@* does not interpolate without feature';
is "$_->@[0]", 'foo->@[0]', '->@[ does not interpolate without feature';
is "$_->@{foo}", "foo->7 8 9", '->@{ does not interpolate without feature';
    use feature 'postderef_qq';
    no strict 'refs';
    $foo = 43;
    is "$_->$*", "43", '->$* interpolated';
    is "$_->$#*", "2", '->$#* interpolated';
    is "$_->@*", "7 8 9", '->@* interpolated';
    is "$_->@[0,1]", "7 8", '->@[ interpolated';
    is "$_->@{foo}", "oof", '->@{ interpolated';
    is "foo$_->$*bar", "foo43bar", '->$* interpolated w/other stuff';
    is "foo$_->@*bar", "foo7 8 9bar", '->@* interpolated w/other stuff';
    is "foo$_->@[0,1]bar", "foo7 8bar", '->@[ interpolated w/other stuff';
    is "foo$_->@{foo}bar", "foooofbar", '->@{ interpolated w/other stuff';
    is "@{[foo->@*]}", "7 8 9", '->@* inside "@{...}"';
    is "@{[foo->@[0,1]]}", "7 8", '->@[ inside "@{...}"';
    is "@{[foo->@{foo}]}", "oof", '->@{ inside "@{...}"';

    # "foo $_->$*" should be equivalent to "foo $$_", which uses concat
    # overloading
    package o {
	use overload fallback=>1,
	    '""' => sub { $_[0][0] },
	    '.'  => sub { bless [ "$_[$_[2]]"." plus "."$_[!$_[2]]" ] };
    my $o = bless ["overload"], o::;
    my $ref = \$o;
    is "foo$ref->$*bar", "foo plus overload plus bar",
       '"foo $s->$* bar" does concat overloading';