#!./perl -w

    # We really want to know if chdir is working, as the build process will
    # all go wrong if it is not.  So avoid clearing @INC under miniperl.
    @INC = () if defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader;

    # We're not going to chdir() into 't' because we don't know if
    # chdir() works!  Instead, we'll hedge our bets and put both
    # possibilities into @INC.
    require "./test.pl";
    set_up_inc(qw(t . lib ../lib));

plan(tests => 44);

use Config;

my $IsVMS   = $^O eq 'VMS';

# For an op regression test, I don't want to rely on "use constant" working.
my $has_fchdir = ($Config{d_fchdir} || "") eq "define";

# Might be a little early in the testing process to start using these,
# but I can't think of a way to write this test without them.
use File::Spec::Functions qw(:DEFAULT splitdir rel2abs splitpath);

# Can't use Cwd::abs_path() because it has different ideas about
# path separators than File::Spec.
sub abs_path {
    my $d = rel2abs(curdir);
    $d = lc($d) if $^O =~ /^uwin/;

my $Cwd = abs_path;

# Let's get to a known position
    my ($vol,$dir) = splitpath(abs_path,1);
    my $test_dir = 't';
    my $compare_dir = (splitdir($dir))[-1];

    # VMS is case insensitive but will preserve case in EFS mode.
    # So we must normalize the case for the compare.
    $compare_dir = lc($compare_dir) if $IsVMS;
    skip("Already in t/", 2) if $compare_dir eq $test_dir;

    ok( chdir($test_dir),     'chdir($test_dir)');
    is( abs_path, catdir($Cwd, $test_dir),    '  abs_path() agrees' );

$Cwd = abs_path;

    skip("no fchdir", 19) unless $has_fchdir;
    my $has_dirfd = ($Config{d_dirfd} || $Config{d_dir_dd_fd} || "") eq "define";
    ok(opendir(my $dh, "."), "opendir .");
    ok(open(my $fh, "<", "op"), "open op");
    ok(chdir($fh), "fchdir op");
    ok(-f "chdir.t", "verify that we are in op");
    if ($has_dirfd) {
       ok(chdir($dh), "fchdir back");
    else {
       eval { chdir($dh); };
       like($@, qr/^The dirfd function is unimplemented at/, "dirfd is unimplemented");
       chdir ".." or die $!;

    # same with bareword file handles
    no warnings 'once';
    *DH = $dh;
    *FH = $fh;
    ok(chdir FH, "fchdir op bareword");
    ok(-f "chdir.t", "verify that we are in op");
    if ($has_dirfd) {
       ok(chdir DH, "fchdir back bareword");
    else {
       eval { chdir(DH); };
       like($@, qr/^The dirfd function is unimplemented at/, "dirfd is unimplemented");
       chdir ".." or die $!;
    ok(-d "op", "verify that we are back");

    ok(open(H, "<", "base"), "open base") or diag $!;
    ok(chdir(H), "fchdir to base");
    ok(-f "cond.t", "verify that we are in 'base'");
    ok(close(H), "close");
    $! = 0;
        my $warn;
        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = shift };
        ok(!chdir(H), "check we can't chdir to closed handle");
        is(0+$!, EBADF, 'check $! set appropriately');
        like($warn, qr/on closed filehandle H/, 'like closed');
        $! = 0;
        my $warn;
        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = shift };
        ok(!chdir(NEVEROPENED), "check we can't chdir to never opened handle");
        is(0+$!, EBADF, 'check $! set appropriately');
        like($warn, qr/on unopened filehandle NEVEROPENED/, 'like never opened');
        chdir ".." or die $!;

    skip("has fchdir", 1) if $has_fchdir;
    opendir(my $dh, "op");
    eval { chdir($dh); };
    like($@, qr/^The fchdir function is unimplemented at/, "fchdir is unimplemented");

# The environment variables chdir() pays attention to.
my @magic_envs = qw(HOME LOGDIR SYS$LOGIN);

sub check_env {
    my($key) = @_;

    # Make sure $ENV{'SYS$LOGIN'} is only honored on VMS.
    if( $key eq 'SYS$LOGIN' && !$IsVMS ) {
        ok( !chdir(),         "chdir() on $^O ignores only \$ENV{$key} set" );
        is( abs_path, $Cwd,   '  abs_path() did not change' );
        pass( "  no need to test SYS\$LOGIN on $^O" ) for 1..4;
    else {
        ok( chdir(),              "chdir() w/ only \$ENV{$key} set" );
        is( abs_path, $ENV{$key}, '  abs_path() agrees' );
        is( abs_path, $Cwd,       '  and back again' );

        my $warning = '';
        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning .= join '', @_ };
        $! = 0;
        ok(!chdir(''), "chdir('') no longer implied chdir()");
        is($!+0, ENOENT, 'check $! set appropriately');
        is($warning, '', 'should no longer warn about deprecation');

fresh_perl_is(<<'EOP', '', { stderr => 1 }, "check stack handling");
for $x (map $_+1, 1 .. 100) {
  map chdir, 1 .. $x;

my %Saved_Env = ();
sub clean_env {
    foreach my $env (@magic_envs) {
        $Saved_Env{$env} = $ENV{$env};

        # Can't actually delete SYS$ stuff on VMS.
        next if $IsVMS && $env eq 'SYS$LOGIN';

	# On VMS, %ENV is many layered.
	delete $ENV{$env} while exists $ENV{$env};

    # The following means we won't really be testing for non-existence,
    # but in Perl we can only delete from the process table, not the job 
    # table.
    $ENV{'SYS$LOGIN'} = '' if $IsVMS;

    no warnings 'uninitialized';

    # Restore the environment for VMS (and doesn't hurt for anyone else)
    @ENV{@magic_envs} = @Saved_Env{@magic_envs};

    # On VMS this must be deleted or process table is wrong on exit
    # when this script is run interactively.
    delete $ENV{'SYS$LOGIN'} if $IsVMS;

foreach my $key (@magic_envs) {
    # We're going to be using undefs a lot here.
    no warnings 'uninitialized';

    $ENV{$key} = catdir $Cwd, 'op';


          and skip "Can't delete SYS\$LOGIN, so chdir() test meaningless", 2;
        $! = 0;
        ok( !chdir(),                   'chdir() w/o any ENV set' );
        is( $!+0, EINVAL,               'check $! set to EINVAL');
    is( abs_path, $Cwd,             '  abs_path() agrees' );