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package HTML::BBCode;

=head1 NAME

HTML::BBCode - Perl extension for converting BBcode to HTML.


  use HTML::BBCode;

  my $bbc  = HTML::BBCode->new( \%options );
  my $html = $bbc->parse($bbcode);

  # Input
  print $bbc->{bbcode};

  # Output
  print $bbc->{html};


C<HTML::BBCode> converts BBCode -as used on the phpBB bulletin
boards- to its HTML equivalent.

Please note that, although this was the first BBCode module, it's by
far not the best nor fastest. It's also not heavilly maintained, so
you might want to look at L<BBCode::Parser> and L<Parse::BBCode>.

=head2 METHODS

The following methods can be used

=head3 new

   my $bbc = HTML::BBCode->new({
      allowed_tags => [ @bbcode_tags ],
      stripscripts => 1,
      linebreaks   => 1,

C<new> creates a new C<HTML::BBCode> object using the configuration
passed to it. The object's default configuration allows all BBCode to
be converted to the default HTML.

=head4 options

=over 5

=item allowed_tags

Defaults to all currently know C<BBCode tags>, being:
b, u, i, color, size, quote, code, list, url, email, img. With this
option, you can specify what BBCode tags you would like to convert.

=item stripscripts

Enabled by default, this option will remove all the XSS trickery (and
thus is probably best not to turn it off).

=item no_html

This option has been removed since version 2.0

=item no_jslink

This option has been removed since version 2.0

=item linebreaks

Disabled by default.

When true, will substitute linebreaks into HTML ('<br />')


=head3 parse

   my $html = $bbc->parse($bbcode);

Parses text supplied as a single scalar string and returns the HTML as
a single scalar string.


Please do note that the C<html_tags>, C<no_html>, C<no_jslink> options in 
the new method have been removed since version 2.0 due to the XSS protection 
(provided by L<HTML::StripScripts::Parser>). This will most likely 
break your current scripts (if you used the C<html_tags> option).

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item * L<>

=item * L<>

=item * L<HTML::StripScripts::Parser>, L<HTML::BBReverse>, L<BBCode::Parser>


=head1 BUGS

C<Bugs? Impossible!>. Please report bugs to L<>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Menno Blom, E<lt>blom@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Menno Blom

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

use strict;
use warnings;
use HTML::BBCode::StripScripts;

our $VERSION = '2.07';
our @bbcode_tags = qw(code quote b u i color size list url email img);

sub new {
   my ($class, $args) = @_;
   $args ||= {};
   $class->_croak("Options must be a hash reference")
      if ref($args) ne 'HASH';
   my $self = {};
   bless $self, $class;
   $self->_init($args) or return undef;

   return $self;

sub _init {
   my ($self, $args) = @_;

   my %html_tags   = (
     code       => '<div class="bbcode_code_header">Code:</div>'.
                   '<div class="bbcode_code_body">%s</div>',
     quote      => '<div class="bbcode_quote_header">%s</div>'.
                   '<div class="bbcode_quote_body">%s</div>',
     b          => '<span style="font-weight:bold">%s</span>',
     u          => '<span style="text-decoration:underline;">%s</span>',
     i          => '<span style="font-style:italic">%s</span>',
     color      => '<span style="color:%s">%s</span>',
     size       => '<span style="font-size:%spx">%s</span>',
     url        => '<a href="%s">%s</a>',
     email      => '<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>',
     img        => '<img src="%s" alt="" />',
     ul         => '<ul>%s</ul>',
     ol_number  => '<ol>%s</ol>',
     ol_alpha   => '<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha;">%s</ol>',

   my %options = (
          allowed_tags=> \@bbcode_tags,
          html_tags    => \%html_tags,
          stripscripts => 1,
          linebreaks   => 0,
           %{ $args },
   $self->{options} = \%options;

   $self->{'hss'} = HTML::BBCode::StripScripts->new({
      Context        => 'Flow',
      AllowSrc       => 1,
      AllowMailto    => 1,
      AllowHref      => 1,
      AllowRelURL    => 1,
      EscapeFiltered => 1,
      BanAllBut      => [qr/a div img li ol span ul/],
      Rules          => {
         br  => 1,
         img => {
            required  => ['src'],
            'src'     => 1,
            'alt'     => 1,
            '*'       => 0,
         a   => {
            required  => ['href'],
            'href'    => 1,
            '*'       => 0,
         img => { 
            'src'     => 1,
            'alt'     => 1,
            '*'       => 0,
         div => {
            class => qr{^bbcode_},
            '*'   => 0,
         span => {
            style => \&_filter_style,
            '*'   => 0,
         ol => {
            style => qr/^list-style-type:lower-alpha$/,
            '*'   => 0,
         ul => 1,
         li => 1,

   return $self;

# Parse the input!
sub parse {
   my ($self, $bbcode) = @_;
   return if(!defined $bbcode);

   $self->{_stack} = [];
   $self->{_in_code_block} = 0;
   $self->{_skip_nest} = '';
   $self->{_nest_count} = 0;
   $self->{_nest_count_stack} = 0;
   $self->{_dont_nest} = ['code', 'url', 'email', 'img'];
   $self->{bbcode} = '';
   $self->{html} = '';

   $self->{bbcode} = $bbcode;
   my $input = $bbcode;

   while(1) {
      # End tag
      if($input =~ /^(\[\/[^\]]+\])/s) {
         my $end = lc $1;
     if(($self->{_skip_nest} ne '' && $end ne "[/$self->{_skip_nest}]") ||
        ($self->{_in_code_block} && $end ne "[/code]")) {
            _content($self, $end);
     } else {
            _end_tag($self, $end);
         $input = $';

      # Opening tag
      elsif($input =~ /^(\[[^\]]+\])/s ) {
         if($self->{_in_code_block}) {
           _content($self, $1);
         } else {
           _open_tag($self, $1);
         $input = $';

      # None BBCode content till next tag
      elsif($input =~ /^([^\[]+)/s) {
         _content($self, $1);
         $input = $';

      # BUG #14138 unmatched bracket, content till end of input
      elsif($input =~ /^(.+)$/s) {
         _content($self, $1);
         $input = $';

      # Now what?
      else {
         last main if(!$input);    # We're at the end now, stop parsing!
   $self->{html} = join('', @{$self->{_stack}});
   return $self->{options}->{stripscripts} ? $self->_stripscripts() : $self->{html};

sub _open_tag {
   my ($self, $open) = @_;
   my ($tag, $rest) = $open =~ m/\[([^=\]]+)(.*)?\]/s;    # Don't do this! ARGH!
   $tag = lc $tag;
   if(_dont_nest($self, $tag) && $tag eq 'img') {
      $self->{_skip_nest} = $tag;
   if($self->{_skip_nest} eq $tag) {
   $self->{_in_code_block}++ if($tag eq 'code');
   push @{$self->{_stack}}, '['.$tag.$rest.']';

sub _content {
   my ($self, $content) = @_;
   $content =~ s|\r*||gs;
   $content =~ s|\n|<br />\n|gs if($self->{options}->{linebreaks} &&
                          $self->{_in_code_block} == 0);
   push @{$self->{_stack}}, $content;

sub _end_tag {
   my ($self, $end) = @_;
   my ($tag, $arg);
   my @buf = ( $end );

   if("[/$self->{_skip_nest}]" eq $end && $self->{_nest_count} > 1) {
      push @{$self->{_stack}}, $end;

   $self->{_in_code_block} = 0 if($end eq '[/code]');
   # Loop through the stack
   while(1) {
         my $item = pop(@{$self->{_stack}});
         push @buf, $item;

         if(!defined $item) {
        map { push @{$self->{_stack}}, $_ if($_) } reverse @buf;

         if("[$self->{_skip_nest}]" eq "$item") {
           next if($self->{_nest_count_stack} > 0);

            if("[/$self->{_skip_nest}]" eq $end && $self->{_nest_count} > 0) ;

     if($item =~ /\[([^=\]]+).*\]/s) {
            $tag = $1;
        if ($tag && $end eq "[/$tag]") {
               push @{$self->{_stack}}, (_is_allowed($self, $tag))
                           ? _do_BB($self, @buf)
                    : reverse @buf;
              # Clear the _skip_nest?
               $self->{_skip_nest} = '' if(defined $self->{_skip_nest} &&
                                           $tag eq $self->{_skip_nest});
   $self->{_nest_count_stack} = 0;

sub _do_BB {
   my ($self, @buf) = @_;
   my ($tag, $attr);
   my $html;

   # Get the opening tag
   my $open = pop(@buf); 
   # We prefer to read in non-reverse way
   @buf = reverse @buf;
   # Closing tag is kinda useless, pop it
   # Rest should be content;
   my $content = join(' ', @buf);

   # What are we dealing with anyway? Any attributes maybe?
   if($open =~ /\[([^=\]]+)=?([^\]]+)?]/) {
      $tag  = $1;
      $attr = $2;

   # Kludgy way to handle specific BBCodes ... 
   if($tag eq 'quote') {
      $html = sprintf($self->{options}->{html_tags}->{quote},
                        ($attr) ? "$attr wrote:"
                              : "Quote:",
   } elsif($tag eq 'code') {
     $html = sprintf($self->{options}->{html_tags}->{code}, _code($content));
   } elsif($tag eq 'list') {
     $html = _list($self, $attr, $content);
   } elsif(($tag eq 'email' || $tag eq 'url') && !$attr) {
      $html = sprintf($self->{options}->{html_tags}->{$tag}, $content,$content);
   } elsif ($attr) {
      $html = sprintf($self->{options}->{html_tags}->{$tag}, $attr, $content);
   } else {
      $html = sprintf($self->{options}->{html_tags}->{$tag}, $content);
   # Return ...
   return $html;

sub _is_allowed {
   my ($self, $check) = @_;
   map {
         return 1 if ($_ eq $check);
       } @{$self->{options}->{allowed_tags}};
   return 0;

sub _dont_nest {
   my ($self, $check) = @_;
   map {
        return 1 if($_ eq $check);
       } @{$self->{_dont_nest}};
   return 0;

sub _code {
   my $code = shift;
   $code =~ s|^\s+?[\n\r]+?||;
   $code =~ s|<|\&lt;|g;
   $code =~ s|>|\&gt;|g;
   $code =~ s|\[|\&#091;|g;
   $code =~ s|\]|\&#093;|g;
   $code =~ s| |\&nbsp;|g;
   $code =~ s|\n|<br />|g;
   return $code;

sub _list {
   my ($self, $attr, $content) = @_;
   $content =~ s|^<br />[\s\r\n]*|\n|s;
   $content =~ s|\[\*\]([^\[]+)|_list_removelastbr($1)|egs;
   $content =~ s|<br />$|\n|s;
   if($attr) {
      return sprintf($self->{options}->{html_tags}->{ol_number}, $content)
         if($attr =~ /^\d/);
      return sprintf($self->{options}->{html_tags}->{ol_alpha}, $content)
         if($attr =~ /^\D/);
   } else {
      return sprintf($self->{options}->{html_tags}->{ul}, $content);

sub _list_removelastbr {
   my $content = shift;
   $content =~ s|<br />[\s\r\n]*$||;
   $content =~ s|^\s*||;
   $content =~ s|\s*$||;
   return "<li>$content</li>\n";

sub _stripscripts {
   my $self = shift;
   $self->{'html'} = $self->{'hss'}->filter_html($self->{'html'});
   return $self->{'html'};

sub _filter_style {
   my ($filter, $tag, $attr_name, $attr_val) = @_;
   if ($attr_val eq 'font-weight:bold'
       or $attr_val eq 'text-decoration:underline'
       or $attr_val eq 'font-style:italic'
       or $attr_val eq 'list-style-type') {
        return $attr_val;
   if ( my ($color) = $attr_val =~ /^color:(.*)/ ) {
        my @html_color = qw/
          black gray maroon red green lime olive yellow
          navy blue purple fuchsia teal aqua silver white
      return $attr_val if $color =~ /^#[a-fA-F\d]{6}$/;
      return $attr_val if $color =~ /^#[a-fA-F\d]{3}$/;
      return $attr_val if grep { $color eq $_ } @html_color;
      return undef;
   if ( $attr_val =~ /font-size:\d+px/ ) {
      return $attr_val;
   return undef;

sub _croak {
    my ($class, @error) = @_;
    require Carp;
