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=head1 NAME

Sys::Statistics::Linux::PgSwStats - Collect linux paging and swapping statistics.


    use Sys::Statistics::Linux::PgSwStats;

    my $lxs = Sys::Statistics::Linux::PgSwStats->new;
    sleep 1;
    my $stat = $lxs->get;


    my $lxs = Sys::Statistics::Linux::PgSwStats->new(initfile => $file);
    my $stat = $lxs->get;


Sys::Statistics::Linux::PgSwStats gathers paging and swapping statistics from the virtual F</proc> filesystem (procfs).

For more information read the documentation of the front-end module L<Sys::Statistics::Linux>.


Generated by F</proc/stat> or F</proc/vmstat>.

    pgpgin      -  Number of pages the system has paged in from disk per second.
    pgpgout     -  Number of pages the system has paged out to disk per second.
    pswpin      -  Number of pages the system has swapped in from disk per second.
    pswpout     -  Number of pages the system has swapped out to disk per second.

    The following statistics are only available by kernels from 2.6.

    pgfault     -  Number of page faults the system has made per second (minor + major).
    pgmajfault  -  Number of major faults per second the system required loading a memory page from disk.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new()

Call C<new()> to create a new object.

    my $lxs = Sys::Statistics::Linux::PgSwStats->new;

Maybe you want to store/load the initial statistics to/from a file:

    my $lxs = Sys::Statistics::Linux::PgSwStats->new(initfile => '/tmp/pgswstats.yml');

If you set C<initfile> it's not necessary to call sleep before C<get()>.

It's also possible to set the path to the proc filesystem.

        files => {
            # This is the default
            path   => '/proc',
            stat   => 'stat',
            vmstat => 'vmstat',

=head2 init()

Call C<init()> to initialize the statistics.


=head2 get()

Call C<get()> to get the statistics. C<get()> returns the statistics as a hash reference.

    my $stat = $lxs->get;

=head2 raw()

Get raw values.

=head1 EXPORTS

No exports.

=head1 SEE ALSO



Please report all bugs to <jschulz.cpan(at)>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jonny Schulz <jschulz.cpan(at)>.


Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 by Jonny Schulz. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


package Sys::Statistics::Linux::PgSwStats;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw(croak);
use Time::HiRes;

our $VERSION = '0.18';

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $opts  = ref($_[0]) ? shift : {@_};

    my %self = (
        files => {
            path   => '/proc',
            stat   => 'stat',
            vmstat => 'vmstat',

    if (defined $opts->{initfile}) {
        require YAML::Syck;
        $self{initfile} = $opts->{initfile};

    foreach my $file (keys %{ $opts->{files} }) {
        $self{files}{$file} = $opts->{files}->{$file};

    return bless \%self, $class;

sub init {
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->{initfile} && -r $self->{initfile}) {
        $self->{init} = YAML::Syck::LoadFile($self->{initfile});
        $self->{time} = delete $self->{init}->{time};
    } else {
        $self->{time} = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();
        $self->{init} = $self->_load;

sub get {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $class = ref $self;

    if (!exists $self->{init}) {
        croak "$class: there are no initial statistics defined";

    $self->{stats} = $self->_load;

    if ($self->{initfile}) {
        $self->{init}->{time} = $self->{time};
        YAML::Syck::DumpFile($self->{initfile}, $self->{init});

    return $self->{stats};

sub raw {
    my $self = shift;
    my $stat = $self->_load;

    return $stat;

# private stuff

sub _load {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $class = ref $self;
    my $file  = $self->{files};
    my %stats = ();

    my $filename = $file->{path} ? "$file->{path}/$file->{stat}" : $file->{stat};
    open my $fh, '<', $filename or croak "$class: unable to open $filename ($!)";

    while (my $line = <$fh>) {
        if ($line =~ /^page\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/) {
            @stats{qw(pgpgin pgpgout)} = ($1, $2);
        } elsif ($line =~ /^swap\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/) {
            @stats{qw(pswpin pswpout)} = ($1, $2);


    # if paging and swapping are not found in /proc/stat
    # then let's try a look into /proc/vmstat (since 2.6)

    if (!defined $stats{pswpout}) {
        my $filename = $file->{path} ? "$file->{path}/$file->{vmstat}" : $file->{vmstat};
        open my $fh, '<', $filename or croak "$class: unable to open $filename ($!)";
        while (my $line = <$fh>) {
            next unless $line =~ /^(pgpgin|pgpgout|pswpin|pswpout|pgfault|pgmajfault)\s+(\d+)/;
            $stats{$1} = $2;

    return \%stats;

sub _deltas {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $class = ref $self;
    my $istat = $self->{init};
    my $lstat = $self->{stats};
    my $time  = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();
    my $delta = sprintf('%.2f', $time - $self->{time});
    $self->{time} = $time;

    while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$lstat}) {
        if (!defined $istat->{$k} || !defined $lstat->{$k}) {
            croak "$class: not defined key found '$k'";

        if ($v !~ /^\d+\z/ || $istat->{$k} !~ /^\d+\z/) {
            croak "$class: invalid value for key '$k'";

        if ($lstat->{$k} == $istat->{$k} || $istat->{$k} > $lstat->{$k}) {
            $lstat->{$k} = sprintf('%.2f', 0);
        } elsif ($delta > 0) {
            $lstat->{$k} = sprintf('%.2f', ($lstat->{$k} - $istat->{$k}) / $delta);
        } else {
            $lstat->{$k} = sprintf('%.2f', $lstat->{$k} - $istat->{$k});

        $istat->{$k}  = $v;
