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[% INCLUDE page_title = "Set username/preferences" %]
<div id="content">
<div id="maincontent">
[% IF show_form %]

  <form action="preferences.cgi" method="post">
    <p><label for="username">How you wish to be identified in Recent Changes:</label></p>
    <input type="text" size="20" id="username" name="username" value="[% prefs.username %]" />


    [% IF prefs.preview_above_edit_box %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="preview_above" name="preview_above_edit_box" value="1" checked="1" />
    [% ELSE %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="preview_above" name="preview_above_edit_box" value="1" />
    [% END %]
    <label for="preview_above">Put the preview above the edit area when previewing a page edit.</label>

    [% IF prefs.include_geocache_link %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="geocache" name="include_geocache_link" value="1" checked="1" />
    [% ELSE %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="geocache" name="include_geocache_link" value="1" />
    [% END %]
    <label for="geocache">Include &#8220;Look for nearby geocaches&#8221; link in navbar.</label>

    [% IF prefs.latlong_traditional %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="latlong" name="latlong_traditional" value="1" checked="1" />
    [% ELSE %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="latlong" name="latlong_traditional" value="1" />
    [% END %]
    <label for="latlong">Display latitude and longitude as degrees and minutes instead of decimal.</label>

    [% IF prefs.omit_help_links %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="omit_help" name="omit_help_links" value="1" checked="1" />
    [% ELSE %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="omit_help" name="omit_help_links" value="1" />
    [% END %]
    <label for="omit_help">Omit help links from navbar.</label>

    [% IF prefs.show_minor_edits_in_rc %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="show_minor" name="show_minor_edits_in_rc" value="1" checked="1" />
    [% ELSE %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="show_minor" name="show_minor_edits_in_rc" value="1" />
    [% END %]
    <label for="show_minor">Include &#8220;minor edits&#8221; in Recent Changes.</label>

    [% IF prefs.is_admin %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="is_admin" name="is_admin" value="1" checked="1" />
    [% ELSE %]
      <input type="checkbox" id="is_admin" name="is_admin" value="1" />
    [% END %]
    <label for="show_minor">Show admin related links</label>

      [% IF prefs.track_recent_changes_views %]
        <input type="checkbox" id="track_recent_changes_views" name="track_recent_changes_views" value="1" checked="1" />
      [% ELSE %]
        <input type="checkbox" id="track_recent_changes_views" name="track_recent_changes_views" value="1" />
      [% END %]
      <label for="track_recent_changes_views">Track my visits to Recent Changes and offer me a link for &#8220;changes since I last viewed Recent Changes&#8221;.</label>

    [% IF ( config.use_leaflet OR gmaps_api_key )
       AND config.show_gmap_in_node_display %]
        [% IF prefs.display_google_maps %]
          <input type="checkbox" id="display_google_maps" name="display_google_maps" value="1" checked="1" />
        [% ELSE %]
          <input type="checkbox" id="display_google_maps" name="display_google_maps" value="1" />
        [% END %]
        <label for="display_google_maps">Display a map on every page with geodata.</label>
    [% END %]

      <label for="default_edit_type">Default edit type:</label>
      <select name="default_edit_type" id="default_edit_type">
        [% IF prefs.default_edit_type == 'normal' %]
          <option value="normal" selected="1">Normal edit</option>
          <option value="tidying">Minor tidying</option>
        [% ELSE %]
          <option value="normal">Normal edit</option>
          <option value="tidying" selected="1">Minor tidying</option>
        [% END %]

      <label for="cookie_expires">Preferences expire:</label>
      <select name="cookie_expires" id="cookie_expires">
        [% IF prefs.cookie_expires == 'month' %]
          <option value="month" selected="1">in one month</option>
          <option value="year">in one year</option>
          <option value="never">never</option>
        [% ELSIF prefs.cookie_expires == "year" %]
          <option value="month">in one month</option>
          <option value="year" selected="1">in one year</option>
          <option value="never">never</option>
        [% ELSE %]
          <option value="month">in one month</option>
          <option value="year">in one year</option>
          <option value="never" selected="1">never</option>
        [% END %]

    <input type="submit" value="Set it" class="form_button" />
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="set_preferences" />
    [% IF return_to_url %]
      <input type="hidden" name="return_to_url"
             value="[% return_to_url | html %]" />
    [% END %]

[% ELSE %]

  <h1>Username/preferences saved</h1>

  <p>Username set to &#8220;[% prefs.username %]&#8221;.</p>

  <p>Preview area shown
    [% IF prefs.preview_above_edit_box %]
    [% ELSE %]
    [% END %]
  edit box.</p>

  <p>&#8220;Look for nearby geocaches&#8221; link
    [% UNLESS prefs.include_geocache_link %] not [% END %]
  included in navbar.</p>

  <p>Latitude and longitude displayed as
    [% IF prefs.latlong_traditional %]
      degrees and minutes.
    [% ELSE %]
    [% END %]

  <p>Help links will
    [% IF prefs.omit_help_links %] not [% END %]
    be included in navbar.

  <p>Admin links will
    [% UNLESS prefs.is_admin %] not [% END %]
    be included in navbar.
  <p>Minor edits
    [% UNLESS show_minor_edits_in_rc %] not [% END %]
  included in Recent Changes.</p>

  <p>Your visits to Recent Changes will
    [% UNLESS prefs.track_recent_changes_views %] not [% END %]
  be tracked.</p>

  [% IF ( config.use_leaflet OR gmaps_api_key )
     AND config.show_gmap_in_node_display %]
    <p>Maps will
      [% UNLESS prefs.display_google_maps %] not [% END %]
    be displayed on pages with geodata.</p>
  [% END %]

  <p>Default edit type set to
    [% IF prefs.default_edit_type == 'normal' %]
      &#8220;Normal edit&#8221;.
    [% ELSE %]
      &#8220;Minor tidying&#8221;.
    [% END %]

  <p>Your preferences will
    [% IF prefs.cookie_expires == 'never' %]
      never expire.
    [% ELSIF prefs.cookie_expires == 'year' %]
      expire in one year.
    [% ELSE %]
      expire in one month.
    [% END %]

  <li><a href="[% IF return_to_url %][% return_to_url | html %][% ELSE %][% full_cgi_url %][% END %]">Return to [% site_name %]</a></li>
  <li><a href="preferences.cgi">Change preferences</a></li>

[% END %]