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package Catalyst::Plugin::Session::PerUser;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;

our $VERSION = "0.05";

use MRO::Compat;
use Hash::Merge         ();
use Object::Signature   ();

has [qw/_user_session _user_session_data_sig/] => ( is => 'rw' );

sub setup {
    my $self = shift;

    my $cfg = $self->config->{user_session} ||= {};

    %$cfg = (
        migrate => 1,
        merge_type => "RIGHT_PRECEDENT",


sub set_authenticated {
    my $c = shift;

    if ( $c->config->{user_session}{migrate} ) {

sub logout {
    my $c = shift;



sub user_session {
    my $c = shift;

    if ( $c->user_exists ) {
        $c->log->debug("user logged in, using user session") if $c->debug;
        return $c->_user_session || $c->_user_session($c->_load_user_session);
    else {
        $c->log->debug("no user logged in, using guest session") if $c->debug;
        return $c->session;

sub _load_user_session {
    my $c = shift;
    if ( my $user = $c->user ) {
        my $session_data;
        if ( $user->supports("session_data") ) {
            $session_data = $user->get_session_data;
        else {
            $session_data = $c->get_session_data( $c->user_session_sid );

        $session_data ||= {};
        $c->_user_session_data_sig( Object::Signature::signature($session_data) );
        return $session_data;

sub _save_user_session {
    my $c = shift;
    if (my $data = $c->_user_session) {
        no warnings 'uninitialized';
        if ( Object::Signature::signature($data) ne $c->_user_session_data_sig
             and ( my $user = $c->user ) )
            if ( $user->supports("session_data") ) {
                $user->store_session_data( $data );
            else {
                $c->store_session_data( $c->user_session_sid, $data );

sub finalize {
    my $c = shift;



sub user_session_sid {
    my $c = shift;
    "user:" . $c->user->id;

sub merge_session_to_user {
    my $c = shift;

    $c->log->debug("merging guest session into per user session") if $c->debug;

    my $merge_behavior = Hash::Merge::get_behavior;
    my $clone_behavior = Hash::Merge::get_clone_behavior;

    Hash::Merge::set_behavior( $c->config->{user_session}{merge_type} );

    my $s    = $c->session;
    my @keys =
      grep { !/^__/ } keys %$s;    # __user, __expires, etc don't apply here

    my %right;
    @right{@keys} = delete @{$s}{@keys};

    %{ $c->user_session } =
      %{ Hash::Merge::merge( $c->user_session || {}, \%right ) };





=head1 NAME

Catalyst::Plugin::Session::PerUser - Per user sessions (instead of per browser sessions).


	use Catalyst qw/

	sub action : Local {
		my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
		$c->user_session->{foo} = "bar";


This plugin allows you to write e.g. shopping cart code which should behave
well for guests as well as permanent users.

The basic idea is both logged in and not logged in users can get the same
benefits from sessions where it doesn't matter, but that logged in users can
keep their sessions accross logins, and will even get the data they
added/changed assimilated to their permanent account if they made the changes
as guests and then logged in.

This is probably most useful for e-commerce sites, where the shopping cart is
typically used before login, and should be equally accessible to both guests
and logged in users.


This module can store session data in two ways:

=head2 Within the User

If C<< $c->user->supports("session_data") >> then C<< $c->user->get_session_data >>
and C<< $c->user->store_session_data($data) >> are used to access and store the
per-user session hash reference.

This is useful for L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store> implementations
that rely on a database or another fast, extensible format.

=head2 Within the Session Store

If the user does not support the C<session_data> feature, the
L<Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store> plugin in use will be used to save the
session data instead.

The session ID used to save this data is set by C<user_session_sid>.

Note that this method could potentially have security issues if you override
the default C<user_session_sid> or
L<Catalyst::Plugin::Session/validate_session_id>. See L</CAVEATS> for details.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item user_session

If no user is logged in, returns C<< $c->session >>.

If a user is logged in, and C<< $user->supports("session_data") >> it will return
C<< $c->user->get_session_data >>. Otherwise it will return data from the normal
session store, using C<user_session_sid> as a session ID.



=over 4

=item merge_session_to_user

Uses L<Hash::Merge> to merge the browser session into the user session,
omitting the special keys from the browser session.

Should be overloaded to e.g. merge shopping cart items more intelligently.

=item user_session_sid

By default returns

	"user:" . $c->user->id



=over 4

=item set_authenticated

Calls C<merge_session_to_user>.

=item setup

=item finalize

=item logout



	$c->config->{user_session} = {

=over 4

=item migrate

Whether C<< $c->session >> should be merged over C<< $c->user_session >> on
login. On by default.

=item merge_type

Passed to L<Hash::Merge/set_behavior>. Defaults to C<RIGHT_PRECEDENT>.



=head1 CAVEATS

If you override L<Catalyst::Plugin::Session/validate_session_id> make sure its
format B<DOES NOT ALLOW> the format returned by C<user_session_sid>, or
malicious users could potentially set their cookies to have sessions formatted
like a string returned by C<user_session_sid>, and steal or destroy another
user's session without authenticating.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication>, L<Catalyst::Plugin::Session>

=head1 AUTHORS

David Kamholz, C<>

Yuval Kogman, C<>

Tomas Doran, C<>


        Copyright (c) 2005 the aforementioned authors. Some rights
        reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute
        it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
