# ABSTRACT: Turn your Plack app into a static site
# PODNAME: Wallflower::Tutorial


=head1 NAME

Wallflower::Tutorial - Turn your Plack app into a static site

=head1 VERSION

version 1.004


    # do cool stuff using Plack-aware frameworks,
    # to generate static web sites


Static websites have a lot of advantages, when serving data
that changes rarely:

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deployment by copy


Dynamic websites have more to do with JavaScript than with C<POST> or
query strings. JavaScript code run on the client can take advantage of
JSON files containing useful data. Updates to the data do not necessarily
have to be performed on the public side of the site.


The point of saving URLs from a PSGI application to files is not simply
to make a static version of a fully dynamic site.

Unlike many static website generators, L<wallflower> does
I<not> enforce any conventions on its users.

B<L<wallflower> makes it very easy to write a static website using
the web framework of your choice.>

To make the most of a static website, there are a few simple
rules to follow, listed below:

=head2 All URLs should have an extension

A PSGI/Plack application can specify the C<Content-Type> returned
for any URL content.

On the other hand, static servers use the file extension to decide what
C<Content-Type> to send for a given file. When unable to decide what
the file content is, servers usually send C<application/octet-stream>
as the C<Content-Type>.

Since the goal of a L<Wallflower> application is to generate a static
website, I<all URL pathnames should have an extension>.

=head2 All responses should have a C<Content-Type> header

Similarly, L<wallflower> decides to check the body of a response for
links it may contain based on its C<Content-Type> header, as links
only make sense for HTML and CSS files.

If the response has no C<Content-Type> header, L<wallflower> will miss
some of the links, and thus not properly crawl the whole site.

=head2 Hide the non-static elements in a specific Plack environment

Because the website can be written with any modern web framework, it's
also very easy to have URLs that reply to C<POST> requests. Obviously,
these pages cannot be saved on the static destination.

It's very easy to use the Plack environment to decide which pages
to enable. By default, L<plackup> sets the Plack environment to
C<development>, while L<wallflower> sets it to C<deployment>.

It's therefore possible to hide the dynamic parts of the application
in the C<development> environment, while only the static elements are
reachable from the C<deployment> environment.

=head2 Make all URLs eventually reachable from the root

By default, L<wallflower> starts by loading C</>, and automatically
and repeatedly follows all URLs found in HTML and CSS documents, until
all reachable URLs have been processed.

The simplest way to generate the full static site is to make
sure that all URLs can be reached by repeatedly following links from the root.


A Plack application deals with URLs. Nothing prevents the application
from treating F</thunk> and F</thunk/> differently and returning
different content bodies for them.

From the perspective of a filesystem, however, if F<thunk> is a directory,
then it is semantically equivalent to F<thunk/>. And it is impossible
to have both a file and a directory with the same name inside the same
parent directory.

When dealing with a static site, the server maps the URLs to the
filesystem. If F<thunk> is a directory, the server usually redirects the
client to F<thunk/> (using a C<301 Moved Permanently> response). Then the
default file is picked for the content, traditionally F<thunk/index.html>.

Because L<Wallflower> does not know the conventions used by the Plack
application it calls, it cannot decide if F</thunk> should be understood
as a "file" or as a "directory" when generating the file name that will
receive the content for that URL.

So, if your application treats F</thunk> and F</thunk/> as identical,
you should:

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B<Always> request F</thunk/> when providing a list of URLs to L<wallflower>.
Otherwise you might end up with the F<thunk> file already existing when
it tries to create files under the F<thunk/> directory, or vice-versa.

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Make sure that links provided by your application are I<always> to F</thunk/>,
so that when L<wallflower> follows links automatically, we're back to the
previous case.

=item *

Try to make the application reply with status C<301 Moved Permanently>
to requests for F<thunk>. This is what a well-behaved web server serving
static pages will do when a user-agent requests a "directory" without
a final C</>.


At this point, you know that an application that treats F</thunk> ("file")
and F</thunk/> ("directory") differently will B<not work> with L<wallflower>.

See also the section L</"All URLs should have an extension">, for why you
should avoid extensionless URLs.


A few articles about L<wallflower> have been published,
and are listed below:

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The wallflower announcement on L<http://blogs.perl.org/>.

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Wallflower in the L<Perl Advent Calendar 2012|http://perladvent.pm.org/2012/>.


=head1 AUTHOR

Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <book@cpan.org>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Philippe Bruhat (BooK).

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
