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package Git::FastExport::Stitch;
$Git::FastExport::Stitch::VERSION = '0.103';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
use List::Util qw( first );
use Git::FastExport;

sub new {
    my ( $class, $options, @args ) = @_;

    # create the object
    my $self = bless {

        # internal structures
        mark     => 1_000_000,    # mark counter in the new repo
        mark_map => {},
        commits  => {},
        repo     => {},
        name     => 'A',
        cache    => {},

        # default options
        select => 'last',

    }, $class;

    # set the options
    for my $key (qw( select )) {
        $self->{$key} = $options->{$key} if exists $options->{$key};
    croak "Invalid value for 'select' option: '$self->{select}'"
        if $self->{select} !~ /^(?:first|last|random)$/;

    # process the remaining args
    $self->stitch( splice @args, 0, 2 ) while @args;

    return $self;

# add a new repo to stich in
sub stitch {
    my ( $self, $repo, $dir ) = @_;

    my $export
        = blessed($repo) && $repo->isa('Git::FastExport')
        ? $repo
        : eval { Git::FastExport->new($repo) };
    $@ =~ s/ at .*\z//s, croak $@ if !$export;

    # initiate the Git::FastExport stream
    $export->fast_export(qw( --progress=1 --all --date-order ))
        if !$export->{export_fh};

    # do not stich a repo with itself
    $repo = $export->{source};
    croak "Already stitching repository $repo" if exists $self->{repo}{$repo};

    # set up the internal structures
    $export->{mapdir}            = $dir;
    $self->{repo}{$repo}{repo}   = $repo;
    $self->{repo}{$repo}{dir}    = $dir;
    $self->{repo}{$repo}{parser} = $export;
    $self->{repo}{$repo}{name}   = $self->{name}++;
    $self->{repo}{$repo}{block}  = $export->next_block();
    $self->_translate_block( $repo );

    return $self;

# return the next block in the stitched stream
sub next_block {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $repo = $self->{repo};

    # keep a list of next blocks (per repo)
    # any undef block means the stream is finished
    delete $repo->{$_} for grep { !defined $repo->{$_}{block} } keys %$repo;

    # no repo left, we're done
    return if ! keys %$repo;

    # return any non-commit block directly
    if ( my $next
        = first { $repo->{$_}{block}{type} ne 'commit' } keys %$repo )
        my $block = $repo->{$next}{block};
        $repo->{$next}{block} = $repo->{$next}{parser}->next_block();
        $self->_translate_block( $next );
        return $block;

    # select the oldest available commit
    my ($next) = keys %$repo;
        = $repo->{$next}{block}{date} < $repo->{$_}{block}{date} ? $next : $_
        for keys %$repo;
    my $commit = $repo->{$next}{block};

    # fetch the next block
    $repo->{$next}{block} = $repo->{$next}{parser}->next_block();
    $self->_translate_block( $next );

    # prepare the attachement algorithm
    $repo = $repo->{$next};
    my $commits  = $self->{commits};

    # first commit in the old repo linked to latest commit in new repo
    if ( $self->{last} && !$commit->{from} ) {
        $commit->{from} = ["from :$self->{last}"];

    # update historical information
    my ($id) = $commit->{mark}[0] =~ /:(\d+)/g;
    $self->{last} = $id;    # last commit applied
    my $branch = ( split / /, $commit->{header} )[1];
    my $node = $commits->{$id} = {
        name     => $id,
        repo     => $repo->{repo},
        branch   => $branch,
        children => [],
        parents  => {},
        merge    => exists $commit->{merge},

    # mark our original source
    $commit->{header} =~ s/$/-$repo->{name}/;

    # this commit's parents
    my @parents = map {/:(\d+)/g} @{ $commit->{from} || [] },
        @{ $commit->{merge} || [] };

    # get the reference parent list used by _last_alien_child()
    my $parents = {};
    for my $parent (@parents) {
        if ( $commits->{$parent}{repo} eq $node->{repo} ) {
            push @{ $parents->{ $node->{repo} } }, $parent;
        else {    # record the parents from the other repositories
            for my $repo ( grep $_ ne $node->{repo},
                keys %{ $commits->{$parent}{parents} } )
                push @{ $parents->{$repo} },
                    @{ $commits->{$parent}{parents}{$repo} || [] };

    # map each parent to its last "alien" commit
    my %parent_map = map {
        $_ => $self->_last_alien_child( $commits->{$_}, $branch, $parents )->{name}
    } @parents;

    # map parent marks
    for ( @{ $commit->{from} || [] }, @{ $commit->{merge} || [] } ) {

    # update the parents information
    for my $parent ( map { $commits->{ $parent_map{$_} } } @parents ) {
        push @{ $parent->{children} }, $node->{name};
        push @{ $node->{parents}{ $parent->{repo} } }, $parent->{name};

    # dump the commit
    return $commit;

sub _translate_block {
    my ( $self, $repo ) = @_;
    my $mark_map = $self->{mark_map};
    my $block    = $self->{repo}{$repo}{block};

    # nothing to do
    return if !defined $block;

    # mark our original source
    $block->{header} =~ s/$/-$self->{repo}{$repo}{name}/
        if $block->{type} eq 'reset';

    # map to the new mark
    for ( @{ $block->{mark} || [] } ) {
        $mark_map->{$repo}{$1} = $self->{mark}++;

    # update marks in from & merge
    for ( @{ $block->{from} || [] }, @{ $block->{merge} || [] } ) {

    # update marks & dir in files
    for ( @{ $block->{files} } ) {
        s/^M (\d+) :(\d+)/M $1 :$mark_map->{$repo}{$2}/;
        if ( my $dir = $self->{repo}{$repo}{dir} ) {
            s!^(M \d+ :\d+) (\"?)(.*)!$1 $2$dir/$3!;    # filemodify
            s!^D (\"?)(.*)!D $1$dir/$2!;                # filedelete

            # /!\ quotes may happen - die and fix if needed
            die "Choked on quoted paths in $repo! Culprit:\n$_\n"
                if /^[CR] \S+ \S+ /;

            # filecopy | filerename
            s!^([CR]) (\"?)(\S+) (\"?)(\S+)!$1 $2$dir/$3 $4$dir/$5!;

# find the last child of this node
# that has either no child
# or a child in our repo
# or an alien child that has the same parent list
sub _last_alien_child {
    my ( $self, $node, $branch, $parents ) = @_;
    my $commits = $self->{commits};

    my $from = $node->{name};
    my $repo = $node->{repo};
    my $old  = '';

    while ( $node ne $old ) {
        $old = $node;

        # no children nodes
        return $node if ( !@{ $node->{children} } );

        # some children nodes are local
        return $node
            if grep { $commits->{$_}{repo} eq $repo } @{ $node->{children} };

        # all children are alien to us
        my @valid;
        for my $id ( @{ $node->{children} } ) {

            my $peer = $commits->{$id};

            # parents of $peer in $peer's repo contains
            # all parents from $parent in $peer's repo
            my %pparents;
            @{pparents}{ @{ $peer->{parents}{ $peer->{repo} } || [] } } = ();
                if grep !exists $pparents{$_},
                @{ $parents->{ $peer->{repo} } };

            # this child node has a valid parent list
            push @valid, $id;

        # compute the commit to attach to, using the requested algorithm
        if (@valid) {
            my $node_id = $self->{cache}{"$from $node->{name}"} ||=
                  $self->{select} eq 'last'  ? $valid[-1]
                : $self->{select} eq 'first' ? $valid[0]
                :                              $valid[ rand @valid ];
            $node = $commits->{$node_id};

    # return last valid child
    return $node;

'progress 1 objects';


=head1 NAME

Git::FastExport::Stitch - Stitch together multiple git fast-export streams

=head1 VERSION

version 0.103


    # create a new stitch object
    my $export = Git::FastExport::Stitch->new();

    # stitch in several git fast-export streams
    # a git directory
    $export->stitch( A => 'A' );
    # a Git repository object
    $export->stitch( Git->repository( Directory => 'B' ) => 'B' );
    # a Git::FastExport object
    $export->stitch( Git::FastExport->new('C') => 'C' );

    # output the stitched stream
    while ( my $block = $export->next_block() ) {
        print $block->as_string();


L<Git::FastExport::Stich> is a module that "stitches" together several
git fast-export streams. This module is the core of the B<git-stitch-repo>

L<Git::FastExport::Stitch> objects can be used as L<Git::FastExport>,
since they support the same inteface for the C<next_block()> method.

=head1 METHODS

L<Git::FastExport::Stitch> supports the following methods:

=over 4

=item new( \%options, [ ... ] )

Create a new L<Git::FastExport::Stitch> object.

The options hash defines options that will be used during the creation of the stitched repository.

The B<select> option defines the selection algorithm to be used when the I<last alien child>
algorithm reaches a branch point. Valid values are: C<first>, C<last> and C<random>. The
default value is C<last>.

See L<STITCHING ALGORITHM> for details about what these options really mean.

The remaining parameters (if any) are taken to be parameters (passed by
pairs) to the C<stitch()> method.

=item stitch( $repo, $dir )

Add the given C<$repo> to the list of repositories to stitch in.

C<$repo> can be either a directory, or a L<Git> object (both will
be used to instantiate a L<Git::FastExport> object) or directly a
L<Git::FastExport> object.

The optional C<$dir> parameter will be used as the relative directory
under which the trees of the source repository will be stored in the
stitched repository.

=item next_block()

Return the next block of the stitched repository, as a
L<Git::FastExport::Block> object.

Return nothing at the end of stream.



=head2 Commit attachment

L<Git::FastExport::Stitch> processes the input commits in B<--date-order>
fashion, and builds the new graph by attaching the new commit to another
commit of the graph being constructed. It starts from the "original"
parents of the node, and tries do follow the graph as far as possible.

When a commit has several suitable child commits, it needs to make a
selection. There are currently three selection algorithms:

=over 4

=item last

Pick the last child commit, i.e. the most recent one.
This is the default.

=item first

Pick the first child commit, i.e. the oldest one.

=item random

Pick a random child.


=head2 Example

Imagine we have two repositories A and B that we want to stitch into
a repository C so that all the files from A are in subdirectory F<A>
and all the files from B are in subdirectory F<B>.

Note: in the following ASCII art graphs, horizontal order is chronological.

Repository A:

             ,topic      ,master
         /         /

Branch I<master> points to A6 and branch I<topic> points to A3.

Repository B:

                     ,topic      ,master
         /                 /

Branch I<master> points to B8 and branch I<topic> points to B5.

The RESULT repository should preserve chronology, commit relationships and
branches as much as possible, while giving the impression that the
directories F<A/> & F<B/> did live side-by-side all the time.

Assuming additional timestamps not shown on the above graphs
(the commit order is A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, A4, B3, B4, A5, B5, B6, B7, B8, A6),
L<Git::FastExport::Stitch> will produce a B<git-fast-import> stream that will
create the following history, depending on the value of B<--select>:

=over 4

=item I<last> (default)

                         /                     \      ,master-B
                 \                 /                      `master-A

=item I<first>

                     /                          \     ,master-B
                 \   `topic-A      /     `topic-B         `master-A

=item I<random>

In this example, there are only two places where the selection process
is triggered, and there are only two items to choose from each time.
Therefore the I<random> selection algorithm will produce 4 possible
different results.

In addition to the results shown above (C<last+last> and C<first+first>),
we can also obtain the two following graphs:


                     ,topic-A                         ,master-B
                 \                 /           /          `master-A
                  `-----A4------B4'     B5----'
                         \             / `topic-B


                 \       \                     /          `master-A
                  \       `-B3------A5--B5----'
                   \               /     `topic-B


=head2 Constraints of the stitching algorithm

Any mathematician will tell you there are many many ways to stitch two
DAG together. This programs tries very hard not to create inconsistent
history with regard to each input repository.

The algorithm used by L<Git::FastExport::Stitch> enforces the following
rules when building the resulting repository:

=over 4

=item *

a commit is attached as far as possible in the DAG, starting from the
original parent

=item *

a commit is only attached to another commit in the resulting repository
that has B<exactly> the same ancestors list as the original parent

=item *

when there are several valid branches to follow when trying to find
a commit to attach to, use the selection process (I<last> or I<first>
commit (at the time of attachement), or I<random> commit)

=item *

branches starting from the same commit in a source repository will start
from the same commit in the resulting repository (this particular rule
can be lifted: adding an option for this in on the TODO list)



The current implementation can probably be improved, and more options
added. I'm very interested in test repositories that do not give the
expected results.


To run the stitching algorithm, L<Git::FastExport::Stitch> makes
use of several internal methods. These are B<not> part of the public
interface of the module, and are detailed below for those interested in
the algorithm itself.

=over 4

=item _translate_block( $repo )

Given a I<repo> key in the internal structure listing all the repositories
to stitch together, this method "translates" the current block using
the references (marks) of the resulting repository.

To ease debugging, the translated mark count starts at C<1_000_000>.

=item _last_alien_child( $node, $branch, $parents )

Given a node, its "branch" name (actually, the reference given on the
C<commit> line of the fast-export) and a structure describing it's
lineage over the various source repositories, find a suitable commit to
which attach it.

This method is the heart of the stitching algorithm.


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website or by email to

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 AUTHOR

Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <>


Copyright 2008-2013 Philippe Bruhat (BooK), All Rights Reserved.

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.



# ABSTRACT: Stitch together multiple git fast-export streams