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# Perl class for dealing with Palm DateBook databases. 
#	Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Andrew Arensburger.
#	You may distribute this file under the terms of the Artistic
#	License, as specified in the README file.
# $Id:,v 1.19 2002/11/07 14:11:51 arensb Exp $

use strict;
package EBook::MOBI::MobiPerl::Palm::Datebook;
use EBook::MOBI::MobiPerl::Palm::Raw();
use EBook::MOBI::MobiPerl::Palm::StdAppInfo();

use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA );

# One liner, to allow MakeMaker to work.
$VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.19 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };

@ISA = qw( EBook::MOBI::MobiPerl::Palm::StdAppInfo EBook::MOBI::MobiPerl::Palm::Raw );

=head1 NAME

Palm::Datebook - Handler for Palm DateBook databases.


    use Palm::Datebook;


The Datebook PDB handler is a helper class for the Palm::PDB package.
It parses DateBook databases.

=head2 AppInfo block

The AppInfo block begins with standard category support. See
L<Palm::StdAppInfo> for details.

=head2 Sort block


This is a scalar, the raw data of the sort block.

=head2 Records

    $record = $pdb->{records}[N]


The day, month and year of the event. The day and month start at 1
(I<i.e.>, for January, C<$record-E<gt>{month}> is set to 1). The year
is a four-digit number (for dates in 2001, C<$record-E<gt>{year}> is

For repeating events, these fields specify the first date at which the
event occurs.


The start and end times of the event. For untimed events, all of these
are 0xff.


This is defined and true iff the "when info" for the record has
changed. I don't know what this means.


If the record has an alarm associated with it, the
%{$record->{alarm}} hash exists. The "unit" subfield is an integer:
0 for minutes, 1 for hours, 2 for days. The "advance" subfield
specifies how many units before the event the alarm should ring.
I<e.g.>, if "unit" is 1 and "advance" is 5, then the alarm will sound
5 hours before the event.

If "advance" is -1, then there is no alarm associated with this event.


This has exists iff this is a repeating event.


An integer which specifies the type of repeat:

=over 4

=item 0

no repeat.

=item 1

a daily event, one that occurs every day.

=item 2

a weekly event, one that occurs every week on the same dayZ<>(s). An
event may occur on several days every week, I<e.g.>, every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.

For weekly events, the following fields are defined:


This is an array of 7 elements; each element is true iff the event
occurs on the corresponding day. Element 0 is Sunday, element 1 is
Monday, and so forth.


I'm not sure what this is, but the Datebook app appears to perform
some hairy calculations involving this.

=item 3

a "monthly by day" event, I<e.g.>, one that occurs on the second
Friday of every month.

For "monthly by day" events, the following fields are defined:


The number of the week on which the event occurs. 0 means the first
week of the month, 1 means the second week of the month, and so forth.
A value of 5 means that the event occurs on the last week of the


An integer, the day of the week on which the event occurs. 0 means
Sunday, 1 means Monday, and so forth.

=item 4

a "monthly by date" event, I<e.g.>, one that occurs on the 12th of
every month.

=item 5

a yearly event, I<e.g.>, one that occurs every year on December 25th.


Specifies the frequency of the repeat. For instance, if the event is a
daily one, and $record->{repeat}{frequency} is 3, then the event
occurs every 3 days.



I don't know what this is.


The last day, month and year on which the event occurs.

    $day   = $record->{exceptions}[N][0]
    $month = $record->{exceptions}[N][1]
    $year  = $record->{exceptions}[N][2]

If there are any exceptions to a repeating event, I<e.g.> a weekly
meeting that was cancelled one time, then the
@{$record->{exceptions}} array is defined.

Each element in this array is a reference to an anonymous array with
three elements: the day, month, and year of the exception.


A text string, the description of the event.


A text string, the note (if any) attached to the event.

=head1 METHODS


sub import
		[ "date", "DATA" ],

=head2 new

  $pdb = new Palm::Datebook;

Create a new PDB, initialized with the various Palm::Datebook fields
and an empty record list.


# new
# Create a new Palm::Datebook database, and return it
sub new
	my $classname	= shift;
	my $self	= $classname->SUPER::new(@_);
			# Create a generic PDB. No need to rebless it,
			# though.

	$self->{name} = "DatebookDB";	# Default
	$self->{creator} = "date";
	$self->{type} = "DATA";
	$self->{attributes}{resource} = 0;
				# The PDB is not a resource database by
				# default, but it's worth emphasizing,
				# since DatebookDB is explicitly not a PRC.
	$self->{appinfo} = {
		start_of_week	=> 0,	# XXX - This is bogus

	$self->{sort} = undef;	# Empty sort block

	$self->{records} = [];	# Empty list of records

	return $self;

=head2 new_Record

  $record = $pdb->new_Record;

Creates a new Datebook record, with blank values for all of the fields.

C<new_Record> does B<not> add the new record to C<$pdb>. For that,
you want C<$pdb-E<gt>append_Record>.


sub new_Record
	my $classname = shift;
	my $retval = $classname->SUPER::new_Record(@_);

	# By default, the new record is an untimed event that occurs
	# today.
	my @now = localtime(time);

	$retval->{day}		= $now[3];
	$retval->{month}	= $now[4] + 1;
	$retval->{year}		= $now[5] + 1900;

	$retval->{start_hour} =
	$retval->{start_minute} =
	$retval->{end_hour} =
	$retval->{end_minute} = 0xff;

	# Set the alarm. Defaults to 10 minutes before the event.
	$retval->{alarm}{advance} = 10;
	$retval->{alarm}{unit} = 0;		# Minutes

	$retval->{repeat} = {};			# No repeat
	$retval->{exceptions} = [];		# No exceptions

	$retval->{description} = "";
	$retval->{note} = undef;

	return $retval;

# ParseAppInfoBlock
# Parse the AppInfo block for Datebook databases.
# There appears to be one byte of padding at the end.
sub ParseAppInfoBlock
	my $self = shift;
	my $data = shift;
	my $startOfWeek;
	my $i;
	my $appinfo = {};
	my $std_len;

	# Get the standard parts of the AppInfo block
	$std_len = &Palm::StdAppInfo::parse_StdAppInfo($appinfo, $data);

	$data = $appinfo->{other};		# Look at non-category part

	# Get the rest of the AppInfo block
	my $unpackstr =		# Argument to unpack(), since it's hairy
		"x2" .			# Padding
		"C";			# Start of week

	# XXX - This is actually "sortOrder". Dunno what that is,
	# though.
	($startOfWeek) = unpack $unpackstr, $data;

	$appinfo->{start_of_week} = $startOfWeek;

	return $appinfo;

sub PackAppInfoBlock
	my $self = shift;
	my $retval;

	# Pack the non-category part of the AppInfo block
	$self->{appinfo}{other} =
		pack("x2 C x", $self->{appinfo}{start_of_week});

	# Pack the standard part of the AppInfo block
	$retval = &Palm::StdAppInfo::pack_StdAppInfo($self->{appinfo});

	return $retval;

sub ParseRecord
	my $self = shift;
	my %record = @_;
	my $data;

	delete $record{offset};	# This is useless

	# Untimed events have 0xff for $startHour, $startMinute,
	# $endHour and $endMinute.
	my $startHour;		# In 24-hour format
	my $startMinute;
	my $endHour;		# In 24-hour format
	my $endMinute;
	my $rawDate;
	my $flags;
	my $unpackstr =		# Argument to unpack().
		"C C" .		# Start hour, minute
		"C C" .		# End hour, minute
		"n" .		# Raw date
		"n";		# Flags

	$data = $record{data};
	($startHour, $startMinute, $endHour, $endMinute, $rawDate,
	 $flags) =
		unpack $unpackstr, $data;
	$data = substr $data, 8;	# Chop off the part we've just parsed

	my $year;
	my $month;
	my $day;

	$day   =  $rawDate       & 0x001f;	# 5 bits
	$month = ($rawDate >> 5) & 0x000f;	# 4 bits
	$year  = ($rawDate >> 9) & 0x007f;	# 7 bits (years since 1904)
	$year += 1904;

	$record{start_hour} = $startHour;
	$record{start_minute} = $startMinute;
	$record{end_hour} = $endHour;
	$record{end_minute} = $endMinute;
	$record{day} = $day;
	$record{month} = $month;
	$record{year} = $year;

	# Flags
	my $when_changed	= ($flags & 0x8000 ? 1 : 0);
	my $have_alarm		= ($flags & 0x4000 ? 1 : 0);
	my $have_repeat		= ($flags & 0x2000 ? 1 : 0);
	my $have_note		= ($flags & 0x1000 ? 1 : 0);
	my $have_exceptions	= ($flags & 0x0800 ? 1 : 0);
	my $have_description	= ($flags & 0x0400 ? 1 : 0);

	$record{other_flags} = $flags & 0x03ff;

	if ($when_changed)
		$record{when_changed} = 1;

	if ($have_alarm)
		my $advance;
		my $adv_unit;

		($advance, $adv_unit) = unpack "cC", $data;
		$data = substr $data, 2;	# Chop off alarm data

		$record{alarm}{advance} = $advance;
		$record{alarm}{unit} = $adv_unit;

	if ($have_repeat)
		my $type;
		my $endDate;
		my $frequency;
		my $repeatOn;
		my $repeatStartOfWeek;
		my $unknown;

		($type, $endDate, $frequency, $repeatOn, $repeatStartOfWeek,
		 $unknown) =
			unpack "Cx n C C C C", $data;
		$data = substr $data, 8;	# Chop off repeat part

		$record{repeat}{type} = $type;
		$record{repeat}{unknown} = $unknown;

		if ($endDate != 0xffff)
			my $endYear;
			my $endMonth;
			my $endDay;

			$endDay   =  $endDate       & 0x001f;	# 5 bits
			$endMonth = ($endDate >> 5) & 0x000f;	# 4 bits
			$endYear  = ($endDate >> 9) & 0x007f;	# 7 bits (years
			$endYear += 1904;			# since 1904)

			$record{repeat}{end_day} = $endDay;
			$record{repeat}{end_month} = $endMonth;
			$record{repeat}{end_year} = $endYear;

		$record{repeat}{frequency} = $frequency;
		if ($type == 2)
			# "Weekly" repeat
			my $i;
			my @days;

			# Build an array of 7 elements (one for each
			# day of the week). Each element is set iff
			# the appointment repeats on that day.
			for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++)
				if ($repeatOn & (1 << $i))
					$days[$i] = 1;
				} else {
					$days[$i] = 0;

			$record{repeat}{repeat_days} = [ @days ];
			$record{repeat}{start_of_week} =
					# I don't know what this is,
					# but the Datebook app appears
					# to perform some hairy
					# calculations involving this.
		} elsif ($type == 3) {
			# "Monthly by day" repeat
			# If "weeknum" is 5, it means the last week of
			# the month
			$record{repeat}{weeknum} = int($repeatOn / 7);
			$record{repeat}{daynum} = $repeatOn % 7;

	if ($have_exceptions)
		my $numExceptions;
		my @exceptions;

		$numExceptions = unpack "n", $data;
		$data = substr $data, 2;
		@exceptions = unpack "n" x $numExceptions, $data;
		$data = substr $data, 2 * $numExceptions;

		my $exception;
		foreach $exception (@exceptions)
			my $year;
			my $month;
			my $day;

			$day   =  $exception       & 0x001f;
			$month = ($exception >> 5) & 0x000f;
			$year  = ($exception >> 9) & 0x007f;
			$year += 1904;

			push @{$record{exceptions}},
				[ $day, $month, $year ];

	my @fields = split /\0/, $data;

	if ($have_description)
		my $description;

		$description = shift @fields;
		$record{description} = $description;

	if ($have_note)
		my $note;

		$note = shift @fields;
		$record{note} = $note;

	delete $record{data};

	return \%record;

sub PackRecord
	my $self = shift;
	my $record = shift;
	my $retval;

	my $rawDate;
	my $flags;

	$rawDate = ($record->{day}            & 0x001f) |
		  (($record->{month}          & 0x000f) << 5) |
		  ((($record->{year} - 1904)  & 0x007f) << 9);

	# XXX - Better to collect data first, then build flags.
	$flags = $record->{other_flags};
#  	$flags |= 0x8000 if $record->{when_changed};
#  	$flags |= 0x4000 if keys %{$record->{alarm}} ne ();
#  	$flags |= 0x2000 if keys %{$record->{repeat}} ne ();
#  	$flags |= 0x1000 if $record->{note} ne "";
#  	$flags |= 0x0800 if $#{$record->{exceptions}} >= 0;
#  	$flags |= 0x0400 if $record->{description} ne "";

#  	$retval = pack "C C C C n n",
#  		$record->{start_hour},
#  		$record->{start_minute},
#  		$record->{end_hour},
#  		$record->{end_minute},
#  		$rawDate,
#  		$flags;

	if ($record->{when_changed})
		$flags |= 0x8000;

	my $alarm = undef;

	if (defined($record->{alarm}) && %{$record->{alarm}})
		$flags |= 0x4000;
		$alarm = pack "c C",

	my $repeat = undef;

	if (defined($record->{repeat}) && %{$record->{repeat}})
		my $type;		# Repeat type
		my $endDate = 0xffff;	# No end date defined by default
		my $repeatOn = 0;
		my $repeatStartOfWeek = 0;

		$flags |= 0x2000;

		if (defined($record->{repeat}{end_day}))
			# End date defined
			$endDate =
				($record->{repeat}{end_day} & 0x001f) |
					& 0x000f) << 5) |
				((($record->{repeat}{end_year} - 1904)
					& 0x007f) << 9);

		if ($record->{repeat}{type} == 2)
			# Weekly repeat
			my $i;

			$repeatOn = 0;
			for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++)
				if ($record->{repeat}{repeat_days}[$i])
					$repeatOn |= (1 << $i);
			$repeatStartOfWeek = $record->{repeat}{start_of_week};
		} elsif ($record->{repeat}{type} == 3)
			# "Monthly by day" repeat
			my $weeknum = $record->{repeat}{weeknum};

			if ($weeknum > 5)
				$weeknum = 5;
			$repeatOn = ($record->{repeat}{weeknum} * 7) +
				($record->{repeat}{daynum} % 7);

		$repeat = pack "Cx n C C C C",

	my $exceptions = undef;

	if (defined($record->{exceptions}) && @{$record->{exceptions}})
		my $numExceptions = $#{$record->{exceptions}} + 1;
		my $exception;

		$flags |= 0x0800;

		$exceptions = pack("n", $numExceptions);

		foreach $exception (@{$record->{exceptions}})
			my $day		= $exception->[0];
			my $month	= $exception->[1];
			my $year	= $exception->[2];

			$exceptions .= pack("n",
				($day & 0x001f) |
				(($month & 0x000f) << 5) |
				((($year - 1904) & 0x007f) << 9));

	my $description = undef;

	if (defined($record->{description}) && ($record->{description} ne ""))
		$flags |= 0x0400;
		$description = $record->{description} . "\0";

	my $note = undef;

	if (defined($record->{note}) && ($record->{note} ne ""))
		$flags |= 0x1000;
		$note = $record->{note} . "\0";

	$retval = pack "C C C C n n",

	$retval .= $alarm	if defined($alarm);
	$retval .= $repeat	if defined($repeat);
	$retval .= $exceptions	if defined($exceptions);
	$retval .= $description	if defined($description);
	$retval .= $note	if defined($note);

	return $retval;


=head1 AUTHOR

Andrew Arensburger E<lt>arensb@ooblick.comE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO


