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use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

our $VERSION = '0.32';

use English qw( -no_match_vars );

use Data::Printer {caller_info => 1,};

# we are doing this so we can run from git during development
# perl ~/GitHub/App-Midgen/script/midgen
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib map {"$Bin/$_"} qw( lib ../lib );

use App::Midgen;
use Time::Stamp 'gmstamp';

# get options from ~/.midgenrc

# Encode and decode JSON
use JSON::Tiny;
my $json = JSON::Tiny->new;

use File::Spec;
use File::Slurp::Tiny qw(read_file write_file);

my $midgenrc = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{HOME}, '.midgenrc');

my $config;
if (-e $midgenrc) {
	$config = $json->decode(read_file($midgenrc));

# Start of Menu
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
my $help         = 0;
my $core         = $config->{core} || 0;
my $dual_life    = $config->{dual_life} || 0;
my $verbose      = $config->{verbose} || 1;
my @format       = $config->{format} || 'dsl';
my $experimental = 0;
my $quiet        = $config->{quiet} || 0;
my $zero         = $config->{zero} || 0;
my $debug        = 0;
my $write        = 0;
	'verbose|v+'     => \$verbose,
	'core|c!'        => \$core,
	'dual_life|l!'   => \$dual_life,
	'help|h|?'       => \$help,
	'experimental|x' => \$experimental,
	'format|f=s'     => \@format,
	'quiet|q'        => \$quiet,
	'zero|z!'        => \$zero,
	'debug|d'        => sub {
		$core    = 1;
		$verbose = 3;
		$debug   = 1;
	'write|w' => \$write,
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;

# run App::Midgen

if ($verbose > 0) {
	print 'Running midgen v' . $VERSION . "\n";
	print 'Stamped -> ' . gmstamp($BASETIME) . "\n";
	print 'Honouring $ENV{ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED}' . "\n"

my $midgen = App::Midgen->new(
	core         => $core,
	dual_life    => $dual_life,
	verbose      => $verbose,
	format       => $format[-1],
	experimental => $experimental,
	quiet        => $quiet,
	zero         => $zero,
	debug        => $debug,

p $midgen if $debug;


# write config to ~/.midgenrc
if ($write) {
	my $midgenrc_data = $json->encode(
			core      => $core,
			dual_life => $dual_life,
			format    => $format[-1],
			quiet     => $quiet,
			zero      => $zero,

	p $midgenrc_data;
	write_file($midgenrc, $midgenrc_data);

# time and exit
if ($verbose > 0) {
	my $run_time = time - $BASETIME;
	print 'I just spent ' . $run_time . "s doing all that, for you, enjoy\n";
	print "__END__\n";



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

midgen - Check B<requires> & B<test_requires> of your package for CPAN inclusion.

=head1 VERSION

This document describes midgen version: 0.32


Change to the root of your package and run, command line options always
 overwrite options from ~/.midgenrc if you have one.


Now with a Getopt --help or -?

 midgen -?


 midgen [options]

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<--help or -h>

Prints a help message and exits.

   --help           brief help message
   --format         change output format
   --dual_life      show dual-life modules
   --core           show all perl core modules
   --verbose        show detailed progress of files we are processing
   --experimental   this feature under development
   --zero           show a 0 instead of core
   --debug          show much more information relevant to self development

=item B<--format or -f>

By default we output to STDOUT in 'dsl' format, so you can check,
 copy n paste or select an alternative format as shown below.

 midgen -f dsl		# Module::Include::DSL
 midgen -f mi		# Module::Include
 midgen -f mb		# Module::Build
 midgen -f eumm		# ExtUtils::MakeMaker
 midgen -f dist		# dist.ini
 midgen -f cpanfile	# cpanfile prereqs
 midgen -f metajson	# META.json
 midgen -f infile	# show module in-files

=item B<--dual_life or -l>

Shows modules that are in Perl core and CPAN, some modules have a version
 number eg; constant, Carp.

 midgen -l

=item B<--core or -c>

Shows all modules that are in Perl core, including dual-life,
 some have a version of 0 eg; strict, English.

 midgen -c

=item B<--verbose or -v>

Show file names that we are checking, as we go.

 midgen -v

=item B<--experimental or -x>

This experimental feature turns on extra passing, that removes twins
and noisy_children, replacing them with there parent(dist),
giving a minimalist output, you might conceive this as controversial,
if so don't enable it. It also scans xt/ directory if you have one.
If you find it to noisy you can add a '-q' for --quiet.

 midgen -x

=item B<--zero or z>

Use a '0' instead of 'core' for core module version number,
 suggest you incorporate it with core for maximum affect.

 midgen -cz

=item B<--write or -w>

You can now write your current options to ~/.midgenrc in JSON format
 (core, dual_life, format, zero), to be used again.
 I you want to edit your ~./midgenrc file, you could use the Getopt
 --no-option to negate an option, or you can edit/delete the file, your choice.

 midgen --no-z -w

=item B<--debug or -d>

Provides a vast amount of output, relevant to development also enables
 (core, verbose), uses L<Data::Printer>.

Suggest you consider redirecting STDERR when the debug option is used.

 midgen -d 2>debug.txt


=head1 AUTHOR

See L<App::Midgen>


See L<App::Midgen>


See L<App::Midgen>

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
