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package App::Presto::ArgProcessor;
  $App::Presto::ArgProcessor::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:BPHILLIPS';
  $App::Presto::ArgProcessor::VERSION = '0.007';

# ABSTRACT: Term::ShellUI sub-class

use strict;
use warnings;
use Regexp::Common qw(balanced);
use Moo;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);

has _stash => (
	is      => 'lazy',
	handles => ['stash'],
sub _build__stash {
	return App::Presto->instance->_stash;

has client => (
	is       => 'lazy',

sub _build_client {
	return App::Presto->instance->client;

has config => (
	is       => 'lazy',

sub _build_config {
	return App::Presto->instance->config;

has term => (
	is       => 'lazy',

sub _build_term {
	return App::Presto->instance->term;

sub process {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args  = shift;
		foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#{$args} ) {
			my $arg = $args->[$i];
			if ( $arg =~ m{^#} ) {    # comments
				splice( @$args, $i );    # everything else is a comment
			} elsif ( $arg =~ m[^(\$$RE{balanced}{-keep})$] ) {                            # full substitutions
				$args->[$i] = $self->_expand_param( substr( $2, 1, -1 ), $1 );
			} else {                     # this one gets interpolated
				$args->[$i] =~ s[(\$$RE{balanced}{-keep})][my $result = $self->_expand_param(substr($2,1,-1),$1); ref($result) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(',', @$result) : $result]eg;
		return $args;

sub _expand_param {
	my $self = shift;
	my $param = shift;
	my $orig  = shift;
	my $replacement = '';
	if($param =~ m/^(BODY|HEADER)\b(.*)/){
		$replacement = $self->_expand_response_param($1,$2);
	} elsif($param =~ m/^STASH($RE{balanced}{-parens => '[]'})(\/.*)?/){
		my ($key, $dpath) = ($1, $2);
		$replacement = $self->stash(substr($key,1,-1));
			$replacement = _apply_dpath($replacement, $dpath)
	} elsif($param =~ m/^FILE($RE{balanced}{-parens => '[]'})($RE{balanced}{-parens => '[]'})?/){
		my $file = substr($1, 1, -1);
		my $encoding = $2 ? substr($2, 1, -1) : $self->config->get('binmode') || 'utf8';
		$replacement = read_file( $file, { binmode => ":encoding($encoding)" } );
	} elsif($param =~ m/^PROMPT($RE{balanced}{-parens => '[]'})($RE{balanced}{-parens => '[]'})?/){
		my($prompt,$default) = ($1, $2);
		$replacement = $self->term->readline( substr( $prompt, 1, -1 ) . ' ', ($default ? substr( $default, 1, -1 ) : () ) );
	return defined $replacement ? $replacement : $orig;

sub _expand_response_param {
	my $self = shift;
	my $section = shift;
	my $sub_section = shift;
	my $client = $self->client;
	if($section eq 'HEADER' && $sub_section =~ m/($RE{balanced}{-parens => '[]'})/){
		return $client->response->header(substr($1,1,-1));
	} elsif($section eq 'BODY'){
			return $client->response_data;
		} elsif( $sub_section =~ m{^/} ){
			return _apply_dpath($client->response_data, $sub_section);
	return undef;

sub _apply_dpath {
	my $data = shift;
	my $path = shift;
	require Data::DPath;
	my $dpath = Data::DPath::Path->new(path => $path);
	my @matches = $dpath->match($data);
	return @matches > 1 ? \@matches : $matches[0];



=head1 NAME

App::Presto::ArgProcessor - Term::ShellUI sub-class

=head1 VERSION

version 0.007

=head1 AUTHOR

Brian Phillips <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Brian Phillips and Shutterstock Images (

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
