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use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Panotools::Makefile;
use Panotools::Photos;

my $path_makefile;
my $deg_fov;
my $help = 0;

my @argv_save = @ARGV;
my $mk = new Panotools::Makefile;

GetOptions ('o|output=s' => \$path_makefile,
            'v|fov=s' => \$deg_fov,
            'h|help' => \$help);

pod2usage (-verbose => 2) if $help;
pod2usage (2) unless scalar @ARGV > 1;
$path_makefile = 'Makefile' unless defined $path_makefile;

my $rule = $mk->Rule ('.PHONY');
$rule->Prerequisites (qw/all pointless chained bound filled cleaned pto images clean/);

$rule = $mk->Rule ('all');
$rule->Prerequisites ('pto');

# some variable definitions

$mk->Variable ('MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS');
$mk->Variable ('PTO2MK', 'pto2mk');
$mk->Variable ('MATCHNSHIFT', 'match-n-shift');
$mk->Variable ('PTOMERGE', 'ptomerge');
$mk->Variable ('PTOCHAIN', 'ptochain');
$mk->Variable ('PTOBIND', 'ptobind');
$mk->Variable ('PTOVARIABLE', 'ptovariable');
$mk->Variable ('PTOFILL', 'ptofill');
$mk->Variable ('AUTOOPTIMISER', 'autooptimiser');
$mk->Variable ('CPCLEAN', 'cpclean');

my $all_photos = new Panotools::Photos (@ARGV);

$mk->Variable ('INPUT_IMAGES', $all_photos->Paths);
$mk->Variable ('PREFIX', $all_photos->Stub);

# some phony targets, prerequisites will be populated later

$rule = $mk->Rule ('pointless');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).pointless.pto');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('chained');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).chained.pto');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('bound');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).bound.pto');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('placed');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).placed.pto');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('filled');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).filled.pto');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('cleaned');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).cleaned.pto');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('pto');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).pto');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('images');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).tif');

$mk->Comment ('Create a pointless project file from a list of photos');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('$(PREFIX).pointless.pto');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(INPUT_IMAGES)');

my @command = ('$(MATCHNSHIFT_SHELL)', '--output', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).pointless.pto', '--noransac');
push @command, ('--fov', $deg_fov) if defined $deg_fov;
push @command, ('$(INPUT_IMAGES_SHELL)');
$rule->Command (@command);

$mk->Comment ('Add points between consecutive photos');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('$(PREFIX)', '$(PREFIX).chained.pto');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(INPUT_IMAGES)', '$(PREFIX).pointless.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(PTOCHAIN_SHELL)', '--makefile', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)',
                    '--output', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).chained.pto', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).pointless.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '$(MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS_SHELL)', '-f', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).chained.pto');

$mk->Comment ('Try and connect ends of chains');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('$(PREFIX)', '$(PREFIX).bound.pto');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(INPUT_IMAGES)', '$(PREFIX).chained.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(PTOBIND_SHELL)', '--makefile', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)',
                    '--output', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).bound.pto', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).chained.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '$(MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS_SHELL)', '-f', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).bound.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(PTOVARIABLE_SHELL)', '--pitch', '--yaw', '-p', 0, '$(PREFIX_SHELL).bound.pto');

$mk->Comment ('Optimise approximate positions');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('$(PREFIX).placed.1.pto', '$(PREFIX).placed.pto');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).bound.pto', '$(PREFIX).pointless.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(AUTOOPTIMISER_SHELL)', '-n', '-l', '-o', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).placed.1.pto', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).bound.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(PTOMERGE_SHELL)', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).placed.1.pto', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).pointless.pto', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).placed.pto');

$mk->Comment ('Add points to overlapping pairs');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('$(PREFIX)', '$(PREFIX).filled.pto');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(INPUT_IMAGES)', '$(PREFIX).placed.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(PTOFILL_SHELL)', '--makefile', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', '-f', '1.0',
                    '--output', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).filled.pto', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).placed.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '$(MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS_SHELL)', '-f', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).filled.pto');

$mk->Comment ('Clean unlikely control points');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('$(PREFIX).cleaned.pto');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).filled.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(CPCLEAN_SHELL)', '-o', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).cleaned.pto', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).filled.pto');

$mk->Comment ('Optimise final positions');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('$(PREFIX).pto');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).cleaned.pto');
$rule->Command ('$(AUTOOPTIMISER_SHELL)', '-a', '-l', '-s', '-o', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).pto', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).cleaned.pto');

$mk->Comment ('Normal seam blended output');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('$(PREFIX)', '$(PREFIX).tif');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PREFIX).pto', '$(INPUT_IMAGES)');
$rule->Command ('$(PTO2MK_SHELL)', '-o', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', '-p', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).pto');
$rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '$(MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS_SHELL)', '-f', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', '$(PREFIX_SHELL).tif');

$mk->Comment ('Rule to delete all intermediate files');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('clean');
$rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', 'clean');
$rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', 'clean');
$rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', 'clean');
$rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', '$(PREFIX_SHELL)', 'clean');

$rule = $mk->Rule;
$rule->Targets ($path_makefile);
$rule->Prerequisites (@ARGV);
$rule->Command ($0, @argv_save);

$mk->Write ($path_makefile);


=head1 NAME

gigastart - assemble multi-row panoramas


gigastart [options] image1 image2 [...]

  -o | --output name    Filename of created Makefile. Otherwise defaults
                        to 'Makefile'
  -v | --fov            Horizontal field of view in degrees.  Otherwise
                        will be calculated from EXIF info.
  -h | --help           Outputs help documentation.


B<gigastart> takes a list of image files and creates a Makefile
containing rules to generate a single panorama from the images.

It utilises a multi-step strategy:

1. Consecutive pairs of photos are linked into one or more chains.
2. Photos from the ends of each chain are linked if possible.
3. Photos are placed in a rough grid with approximate positions.
4. overlapping images with no links are linked if possible.
5. Positions are optimised

This approach has some advantages:

The number of connections checked is directly proportional to the number of
images, so a 200 photo panorama should take twice as long as a 100 photo

Different shooting strategies are supported: multi-row, zig-zag,
middle-top-bottom row-ordering, different number of photos in each row,
multiple angle-of-view.

Feature points are only identified once per photo and are reused.

The process is very suited to parallel processing, simply set the maximum
number of processes by redefining the $MAKE built-in variable, e.g:

  make MAKE='make -j 16'

Each step and photo pair is written as an intermediate .pto project, so any
problems can be fixed at this level, rerunning make will only repeat work
required to integrate those changes - The entire process does not need to be

A disadvantage is that features are identified by B<generatekeys> and matched
by B<autopano> from the B<autopano-sift-C> package.  These features are saved
in a verbose XML file format which adds a significant IO overhead, a future
improvement could be to use a different caching format for these files.

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Bruno Postle - December 2009.
