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use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Panotools::Makefile;
use Panotools::Script;

my $path_output;
my $path_mk;
my $help = 0;

GetOptions ('o|output=s' => \$path_output,
            'm|makefile=s' => \$path_mk,
            'h|help' => \$help);

pod2usage (-verbose => 2) if $help;
pod2usage (2) unless (defined $path_output and scalar @ARGV);

my $path_prefix = $path_output;
$path_prefix =~ s/\.[[:alnum:]]+$//;

my $path_input = shift @ARGV;

my $mk = new Panotools::Makefile;
$mk->Comment ('Command-line tools');
$mk->Variable ('PTOMERGE', 'ptomerge');
$mk->Variable ('PTOSPLIT', 'ptosplit');
$mk->Variable ('AUTOPANO', 'autopano');
$mk->Variable ('GENKEYS', 'generatekeys');
$mk->Variable ('CELESTE', '-', 'celeste_standalone');
$mk->Variable ('CPCLEAN', 'cpclean');
$mk->Variable ('RM', '-', 'rm');

$mk->Comment ('Input project file and prefix for output');
$mk->Variable ('PROJECT_FILE', $path_input);
$mk->Variable ('PREFIX', $path_prefix);
$mk->Variable ('PTO_OUT', $path_output);

my $rule = $mk->Rule ('all');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PTO_OUT)');

$mk->Comment ("Files we don't need afterwards");
my $var_tempfiles = $mk->Variable ('TEMP_FILES');

$rule = $mk->Rule ('clean');
$rule->Command ('$(RM_SHELL)', '$(TEMP_FILES_SHELL)');

$rule = $mk->Rule ('.PHONY');
$rule->Prerequisites ('all', 'clean');

my $pto = new Panotools::Script;
$pto->Read ($path_input);

my $pix_max = $pto->Option->{cpgenSize} || 1600;
my $points = $pto->Option->{cpgenNumber} || 25;
my $ransac = 1;
$ransac = 0 if (defined $pto->Option->{cpgenRansac} and $pto->Option->{cpgenRansac} eq 'false');
my @refine = ();
@refine = ('--refine', '--keep-unrefinable', 0)
    if (defined $pto->Option->{cpgenRefine} and $pto->Option->{cpgenRefine} eq 'true');

$ransac = 0 if $pto->Image->[0]->v ($pto) > 60;

$mk->Comment ('All input photos');
$mk->Variable ('INPUT_IMAGES', map {$_->Path ($path_input)} @{$pto->Image});

$mk->Comment ('Rule to create feature-point files when required');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('%.key');
$rule->Prerequisites ('%');
$rule->Command ('$(GENKEYS_SHELL)', '$<', '$@', $pix_max);

$var_tempfiles->Values (map {$_->Path ($path_input) .'.key'} @{$pto->Image});

my $var_links = $mk->Variable ('LINK_PTOS');

$mk->Comment ('Rules to match points between adjacent images');
for my $id_image (0 .. scalar @{$pto->Image} -2)
    next if $pto->Connections ($id_image, $id_image +1);
    my $path_a = $pto->Image->[$id_image]->Path ($path_input);
    my $path_b = $pto->Image->[$id_image +1]->Path ($path_input);
    # strip any suffixes
    $path_a =~ s/\.[[:alnum:]]+$//;
    $path_b =~ s/\.[[:alnum:]]+$//;
    # strip all but filename
    $path_b =~ s/.*[\/\\]//;
    my $stub = $path_a .'-'. $path_b;

    $rule = $mk->Rule ($stub .'.a.pto');
    $rule->Prerequisites ($pto->Image->[$id_image]->Path ($path_input) .'.key',
                            $pto->Image->[$id_image +1]->Path ($path_input) .'.key');
    $rule->Command ('$(AUTOPANO_SHELL)', @refine, '--ransac', $ransac,
                      '--maxmatches', $points, $stub .'.a.pto',
                      $pto->Image->[$id_image]->Path ($path_input) .'.key',
                      $pto->Image->[$id_image +1]->Path ($path_input) .'.key');

    $var_tempfiles->Values ($stub .'.a.pto');

    $rule = $mk->Rule ($stub .'.b.pto');
    $rule->Prerequisites ('$(PROJECT_FILE)');
    $rule->Command ('$(PTOSPLIT_SHELL)', $id_image, $id_image +1, '$(PROJECT_FILE_SHELL)', $stub .'.b.pto');
    $var_tempfiles->Values ($stub .'.b.pto');

    $rule = $mk->Rule ($stub .'.c.pto');
    $rule->Prerequisites ($stub .'.b.pto', $stub .'.a.pto');
    $rule->Command ('$(PTOMERGE_SHELL)', $stub .'.b.pto', $stub .'.a.pto', $stub .'.c.pto');
    $var_tempfiles->Values ($stub .'.c.pto');

    $rule = $mk->Rule ($stub .'.pto');
    $rule->Prerequisites ($stub .'.c.pto');
    $rule->Command ('$(CPCLEAN_SHELL)', '-o', $stub .'.pto', $stub .'.c.pto');

    $var_links->Values ($stub .'.pto');
    $var_tempfiles->Values ($stub .'.pto');

$rule = $mk->Rule ('$(PTO_OUT)');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PROJECT_FILE)', '$(LINK_PTOS)');

my $rule_secondary = $mk->Rule ('.SECONDARY');
$rule_secondary->Prerequisites ('$(TEMP_FILES)');

$mk->Write ($path_mk) if defined $path_mk;
$mk->DoIt ('--always-make', 'all', 'clean') unless defined $path_mk;

exit 0;


=head1 NAME

ptochain - add control points to a Hugin project between consecutive photos


ptochain [options] --output output.pto input.pto

  -m | --makefile file  Output Makefile
  -o | --output file    Output project
  -h | --help           Outputs help documentation.


B<ptochain> is a wrapper around various tools that generates control points.
Output is in the form of a .pto project.

Consecutive photos in the project are selected for feature matching and
connected into one or more chains of connected images.  If points already exist
between photos then matching will be skipped i.e. this tool is a noop if a full
set of control points already exist in the project.

If the --makefile option is given, rules for generating the project are written
to a Makefile, if --makefile isn't set then these rules will be executed

Control point generator parameters are set via Option lines in the input

  #hugin_cpgenSize 1500
  #hugin_cpgenNumber 25
  #hugin_cpgenRansac true
  #hugin_cpgenRefine false

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Bruno Postle - November 2009.


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