use strict;
use warnings;
use Panotools::Script;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Storable qw/ dclone /;

my $help = 0;
my $path_out = 'morphed.pto';
my $p_order = undef;

GetOptions ('o|output=s' => \$path_out,
            'p|polynomial=f' => \$p_order,
            'h|help' => \$help);

pod2usage (-verbose => 2) if $help;

my $path_pto = shift || pod2usage;
die "Can't find $path_pto" unless -e $path_pto;

my $pto = new Panotools::Script;
$pto->Read ($path_pto);
$pto->InitTrafo ($path_pto);

my $mapping;

for my $cp (@{$pto->Control})
    my $cp_new = dclone $cp;
    if ($cp->{t} == 0)
        my @uv = $pto->Trafo ($cp->{n}, $cp->{x}, $cp->{y});
        my @UV = $pto->Trafo ($cp->{N}, $cp->{X}, $cp->{Y});
        my @average = (($uv[0] + $UV[0])/2, ($uv[1] + $UV[1])/2);

        ($cp_new->{x}, $cp_new->{y}) = $pto->TrafoReverse ($cp->{n}, @average);
        push @{$mapping->{$cp->{n}}}, join (',', $cp->{x}, $cp->{y}), join (',', $cp_new->{x}, $cp_new->{y});

        ($cp_new->{X}, $cp_new->{Y}) = $pto->TrafoReverse ($cp->{N}, @average);
        push @{$mapping->{$cp->{N}}}, join (',', $cp->{X}, $cp->{Y}), join (',', $cp_new->{X}, $cp_new->{Y});
    $cp = $cp_new;

for my $id_image (0 .. scalar @{$pto->Image} -1)
    next unless defined $mapping->{$id_image};
    next unless scalar @{$mapping->{$id_image}} > 2;

    my $path_original = $pto->Image->[$id_image]->Path ($path_pto);
    my $path_new = $path_out;
    $path_new =~ s/\.pto/_/i;
    $path_new .= sprintf("%04d", $id_image) .'.png';

    if (defined $p_order)
        my $o = $p_order;
        while ((($o+1) * ($o+2) /2) > scalar @{$mapping->{$id_image}})
            # reduce the order of the polynomial if there are not enough control points
        system ('convert', $path_original, '-alpha', 'on',
            '-virtual-pixel', 'transparent',
            '-distort', 'Polynomial', join ('  ', $o, @{$mapping->{$id_image}}),
        system ('convert', $path_original, '-alpha', 'on',
            '-virtual-pixel', 'transparent',
            '-distort', 'Shepards', join ('  ', @{$mapping->{$id_image}}),

    $pto->Image->[$id_image]->{n} = '"'. $path_new . '"';

@{$pto->Control} = () if defined $p_order;

$pto->Write ($path_out);


=head1 NAME

ptomorph - Distort photos before stitching


ptomorph [options] project.pto

  -h | --help           Outputs help documentation
  -o | --output name    Output .pto project name, defaults to 'morphed.pto'
  -p | --polynomial num Uses a polynomial best fit, num is 'order' of polynomial
                            and must be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5


B<ptomorph> looks at control points in a Hugin PTO panorama project and creates
a new set of photos that are distorted such that these control points line up
perfectly.  Distortion is a 'rubber-sheet' type morph.

A PTO project is created that references these distorted photos, this project
can then be stitched as normal.

Temporary distorted images are in PNG format with filenames based on the prefix
of the new PTO filename. i.e. this command:

  ptomorph -o /path/to/morphed.pto project.pto

..will produce the following files:


Control point positions are calculated using the 'pano_trafo' tool from the
Hugin project, the morphed photos are created with 'convert' from the
ImageMagick project.

By default the 'Shepards' distortion is used, if a polynomial is specified then
the ImageMagick 'Polynomial' distortion is used, see
L<http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/distorts/#polynomial> and

Masks and cropping settings are not distorted, so projects with masks that need
lots of distortion may not work so well.

Note: Due to the way that the 'pano_trafo' process is spawned, it is likely
that this proof of concept tool doesn't currently work on Windows.

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Bruno Postle - April 2012.
