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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Iouri Ivliev 2008

use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Panotools::Script;

our $VERSION = "0.0.2 (using Panotools::Script $Panotools::Script::VERSION)";
our ($opt_D,$opt_d,$opt_o,$opt_r,$opt_x,$opt_y,$opt_O,$opt_B,$opt_b) = 
    (64,    3,     undef, 0xa1  ,12,    9,     0,     0,     0);
getopts 'D:d:o:p:r:x:y:O:B:b:';
(HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDERR),die "No input script\n") if $#ARGV<0;
(HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDERR),die "Only one input script allowed\n") if $#ARGV>0;

    my $h = shift;
    my ($cmd) = ($0 =~ m,([^/\\]+)$,);
    my $r = sprintf '0x%04x',$opt_r;
    my $O = sprintf '0x%02x',$opt_O;
    print $h <<EOM
Usage: $cmd [options] <script>
Options are:
    -B - HFOV bounds size [$opt_B]
    -b - VFOV bounds size [$opt_b]
    -D - max distance [$opt_D]
    -d - min distance [$opt_d]
    -O - verbosity flags [$O]
        0x01 - script info
        0x02 - panorama info
        0x04 - images info
        0x08 - control points info
        0x10 - overall statistics
        0x20 - cluster statistics
    -o - output script [undef]
    -r - remove control points mask [$r]
        0x0001 - (point distance) > (max distance)
        0x0002 - (point distance) > (overall avg distance) + (overall stddev)
        0x0020 - (point distance) > (cluster avg distance) + (cluster stddev)
        0x0040 - (cluster avg distance) > (min distance) 
            and (point distance) - (cluster avg distance) > (cluster stddev)
        0x0080 - (point distance) > (min distance) 
            and (point direction) != (point direction of more then half 
                    of points in cluster)
        0x2000 - control point near of panorama FOV bounds
        0x4000 - control point haven't corresponding morph control point,
            probubly out of panorama FOV bounds
        0x8000 - "line" control point
    -x - number of buckets on width [$opt_x]
    -y - number of buckets on height [$opt_y]

    my $h = shift;
    my ($cmd) = ($0 =~ m,([^/\\]+)$,);
    print $h <<EOM
Panorama Tools Script control points clustreing filter

$opt_O = 0xff unless $opt_O or $opt_o;
sub verbose {
    my $vf = shift;
    printf STDOUT @_ if $vf & $opt_O;

$opt_r = eval $opt_r;
$opt_O = eval $opt_O;

use constant PI => 4*atan2(1,1);

my $p = new Panotools::Script;
verbose 0x01,"Loading $ARGV[0]\n";
my ($i,$c,$C) = ($p->Image,$p->Control,$p->ControlMorph);
my ($in,$cn,$Cn) = (1+$#{$i},1+$#{$c},1+$#{$C});
my ($W,$H,$V) = ($p->Panorama->{w},$p->Panorama->{h},$p->Panorama->{v});
verbose 0x02,"Output panorama: %dx%d (HFOV: %d)\n",$W,$H,$V;
verbose 0x02,"Input images ('i'): $in\n";
verbose 0x02,"Control points ('c'): $cn; Morph ('C'): $Cn\n";

my $NM = ($Cn and defined($C->[0]->{c})); # output of patched PToptimiser

# overall statistics
my (@D,@F);
my ($MD,$mD,$aD,$aD2,$n,$N) = (-100000,100000,0,0,0,0);
my %ip;
for (my ($ci,$Ci)=(0,0); $ci<$cn; ++$ci) {
    $c->[$ci]->{FLG} = 0x8000;
    # skip "line" control points
    next if $c->[$ci]->{t};
    $c->[$ci]->{FLG} = 0x4000;
    $D[$ci] = 0;
    $F[$ci] = 0;
    # out of morph num or corresponding control point num greater (if defined)
    next unless $Ci<$Cn and (not $NM or $C->[$Ci]->{c}==$ci);
    #print "$Ci: ",join(':',%{$C->[$Ci]},"\n");
    $c->[$ci]->{FLG} = 0;
    my $x = $C->[$Ci]->{x};
    my $y = $C->[$Ci]->{y};
    my $X = $C->[$Ci+1]->{x};
    my $Y = $C->[$Ci+1]->{y};
    my ($dx,$dy,$d);
    if ($NM) { # patched PToptimiser - using distancies from morph control point line
        $dx = $C->[$Ci]->{Dx};
        $dy = $C->[$Ci]->{Dy};
        $d = $C->[$Ci]->{D};
    } else { # original PToptimiser - using orthogonal as difference between morph (highly approximately) and distance as control point error.
        $dx = $X-$x;
        $dy = $Y-$y;
        #$d = sqrt($dx*$dx+$dy*$dy);
        $d = $c->[$ci]->Distance($p);
    if ($x<$opt_B or $y<$opt_b or $x>$W-$opt_B or $y>$H-$opt_b 
     or $X<$opt_B or $Y<$opt_b or $X>$W-$opt_B or $Y>$H-$opt_b) {
        $c->[$ci]->{FLG} = 0x2000;
        next CP;
    my ($ipn,$ipN) = @{$c->[$ci]}{qw(n N)};
    my $ipk = sprintf '%04d/%04d',$ipn,$ipN;
    ($ip{$ipk}->{n},$ip{$ipk}->{N}) = ($ipn,$ipN) unless exists $ip{$ipk};
    push @{$ip{$ipk}->{c}},$ci;
    $D[$ci] = $d;
    $F[$ci] = int(atan2($dx,$dy)*4/PI+.5)+4;
    $MD = $d if $MD < $d;
    $mD = $d if $mD > $d;
    $aD += $d;
    $aD2 += $d*$d;
verbose 0x10,"Normal control point(s) found: $n\n";
verbose 0x10,"Morph control point pairs(s) found: $N\n";
die "No control points\n" unless $n;
# overall stddev
$aD2 = sqrt(($aD2-$aD*$aD/$n)/$n);
# overall avg distance
$aD /= $n;
verbose 0x10,"Overall distance (min/avg/max stddev): %1.4f/%1.4f/%1.4f %1.4f\n",
die "No morph control points\n" unless $N;
die <<EOM
Each normal control point MUST have 2 morph control points (2*$n != $Cn)
Try to enlarge panorama HFOV ('v' variable) and/or height ('h' variable) 
and run PToptimiser again
    unless $NM or $N == $n;

# cluster statistics
foreach my $ipk (sort keys %ip) {
    my ($ii,$Ii) = @{$ip{$ipk}}{qw(n N)};
    my ($w,$h) = ($i->[$ii]->{w},$i->[$ii]->{h});
    my ($cw,$ch) = ($w/$opt_x,$h/$opt_y);
    verbose 0x04,"Input images pair %d/%d: %dx%d/%dx%d; cluster size: %1.2fx%1.2f\n", 
    for (my $yi=0; $yi<$opt_y; ++$yi) {
    for (my $xi=0; $xi<$opt_x; ++$xi) {
        my ($x,$y) = ($xi*$cw,$yi*$ch);
        my ($X,$Y) = ($x+$cw,$y+$ch);
        verbose 0x04,"Cluster: (%1.2f,%1.2f)-(%1.2f,%1.2f)\n",$x,$y,$X,$Y;
        my @cc = ();
        foreach my $ci (@{$ip{$ipk}->{c}}) {
            # out of this cluster
            next if $c->[$ci]->{x}<$x or $c->[$ci]->{x}>=$X 
                 or $c->[$ci]->{y}<$y or $c->[$ci]->{y}>=$Y;
            # distance too big
            if ($D[$ci]>$opt_D) {
                $c->[$ci]->{FLG} |= 0x0001;
                verbose 0x08,"%d\t0x%04x\t%1.4f %d%s\n", 
                    $ci,$c->[$ci]->{FLG},$D[$ci],$F[$ci],($c->[$ci]->{FLG} & $opt_r)?' *':'';
            # don't use for cluster statistics
            next if $c->[$ci]->{FLG} & 0x0001;
            push @cc,$ci;
        $n = @cc;
        verbose 0x08,"Control points found: %d\n",$n;
        next if $n<1;
        my ($cMD,$cmD,$caD,$caD2) = (-1000000,1000000,0,0);
        my @ff = (undef,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
        foreach my $ci (@cc) {
            $cMD = $D[$ci] if $cMD < $D[$ci];
            $cmD = $D[$ci] if $cmD > $D[$ci];
            $caD += $D[$ci];
            $caD2 += $D[$ci]*$D[$ci];
        # cluster stddev
        $caD2 = sqrt(($caD2-$caD*$caD/$n)/$n);
        # cluster avg distance
        $caD /= $n;
        verbose 0x20,"Cluster statistics:\n";
        verbose 0x20," distance (min/avg/max stddev): %1.4f/%1.4f/%1.4f %1.4f\n",
        #cluster direction
        my ($f,$fn) = (0,0);
        foreach my $fi (1..8) {
            if ($ff[$fi]>$fn) {
                $f = $fi;
                $fn = $ff[$fi];
        verbose 0x20," direction (val num/tot): %d %d/%d\n",$f,$fn,$n;
        foreach my $ci (@cc) {
            $c->[$ci]->{FLG} |= 0x0002 if $D[$ci]>$aD+$aD2*1.01;
            $c->[$ci]->{FLG} |= 0x0020 if $D[$ci]>$caD+$caD2*1.01;
            $c->[$ci]->{FLG} |= 0x0040 
                if $caD>$opt_d and abs($D[$ci]-$caD)>$caD2*1.01;
            $c->[$ci]->{FLG} |= 0x0080 
                if $D[$ci]>$opt_d and $F[$ci]>0 and $fn>$n/2 and $F[$ci]!=$f;
            verbose 0x08,"%d\t0x%04x\t%1.4f %d%s\n", 
                $ci,$c->[$ci]->{FLG},$D[$ci],$F[$ci],($c->[$ci]->{FLG} & $opt_r)?' *':'';

exit 0 unless defined $opt_o; 

verbose 0x01,'Removing bad control points:';
for (my $ci=$cn; $ci--; ) {
    (delete $c->[$ci]->{FLG},next) unless $c->[$ci]->{FLG} & $opt_r;
    verbose 0x01," $ci";
    splice @$c,$ci,1;
verbose 0x01,"\n";

verbose 0x01,"Saving $opt_o\n";