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package MiscUtils;
$VERSION = '1.0.0';

use strict;
require Exporter;
require Carp;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(rindent indent mkdirs swap_dirs filter_text debug);

=head1 NAME

MiscUtils - Miscellanous Utitlies. Provided in hopes that you will add your own functions.


    use MiscUtils;

    print rindent(4).'I am 4 tabs over!';


    # hypothetical - see discussion below
    this_useful_function_I_wrote_and_use_constantly ('I added it in myself');


MiscUtils is a collection of utility functions I found myself using
in alot of my scripts. Then I thought it would be better to just
throw them all into one huge unrelated, incoherant module. Then
I thought it would be good to share with the world. Then I thought
the world would benifit even more if they threw in thier own
functions they constantly use.


This module is mostly provided as a means of making quick hacks quicker. For a serious
or distributed script you should not rely on or require anyone to have 
this module. To get the functions out of this module into your
serious or distributed scripts, just cut and paste directly into
your script or module(s). The module is nothing special, so don't be afraid to hack it up.


=head2 rindent

Returns x number of tabs.



=item 1

The number of spaces to indent.


Returns: (string) argument number of tabs

    print rindent(4).'I am 4 tabs over!';


sub rindent {
	my $ident = shift();
	my $tmp = '';

	while ($ident--) {
		$tmp .= "\t";

	return $tmp;

=head2 indent 

Prints onto a filehandle or stdout x number of tabs.



=item 1

The number of spaces to indent.

=item 2

A reference to a filehandle [optional] [default:STDOUT]


Returns: nothing

    print "I am 4 tabs over!\n";


sub indent {
	my ($indent, $fh) = @_;

	if ($fh) { print $fh rindent ($indent); }
	else { print rindent ($indent); }

=head2 mkdirs

Makes the directories specified in the path.



=item 1

The full file/path name to be made if it does not exist.


Returns: 1 upon success, 0 upon failure.

    if (mkdirs('/xtra/shared/mp3s/by/author/m/mo/mono/life_in_mono.mp3')) {
        # /xtra/shared/mp3s/by/author/m/mo/mono/ will definitaly exist.


sub mkdirs {
    my $full_path = shift();
    return if (-d $full_path);
    $full_path =~ s-^((?:/)?.+)/.+?$-$1/-;
    my @all_dirs = split(/\//, $full_path);
    my ($dir, $tmp_dir) = ();
    foreach $dir (@all_dirs) {
	$tmp_dir .= "$dir/";
	if (!-e $tmp_dir) {
	    if (!mkdir($tmp_dir)) {
		return 0;

    return 1;

=head2 swap_dirs

Simplify relative path, path blending.



=item 1

The full file/path name

=item 2

The first part of the path that will be swapped.

=item 3

The first part of the path that you want to swap with.


Returns: The new path.

    print swap_dirs('/publicwww/oldsite/index.php', '/publicwww/', '');
    # prints


sub swap_dirs {
	my ($path, $from, $to) = @_;
	$path =~ s/^$from/$to/i;
	return 	($path);

=head2 debug

Debug (pretty print) array ref, hash ref, or scalar. Not as cool as L<Data::Dumper>



=item 1

The item to be debugged. Arrays and Hashes must be in reference form.

=item 2

Variable/Output name.

=item 3

Indentation level [optional|internal]


Returns: nothing

    my @words = qw(a ab abc abcd);
    debug (\@words, 'my words');


sub debug {
	my ($whatnot, $name, $indent) = @_;

	$name = 'VARIABLE' if (!$name);
	$whatnot = '(empty)' if (!$whatnot);

	if (ref($whatnot) eq 'ARRAY') {
		for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{ $whatnot }); $i++) {
			debug ($whatnot->[$i], "${name}\[$i\]", $indent);
	elsif (ref($whatnot) eq 'HASH') {
		foreach my $item (keys %{ $whatnot }) {
			debug ($whatnot->{$item}, "${name}\{$item\}", $indent);
	elsif (ref($whatnot) eq 'SCALAR') {
		debug ($$whatnot, $name, $indent);
	elsif (ref($whatnot) eq 'CODE') {
		debug ('a code reference', $name, $indent);
	else {
		print ("debug: ");
		while ($indent--) { print "\t"; }
		print ("$name is $whatnot\n");

=head2 filter_text

Transforms non-XML-data elements to useful stoarge.



=item 1

Text to transform.


Returns: Transformed Text.

    print $some_var_with_smart_quotes_and_punctuation;


sub filter_text {
	my $dirty_text = shift();

	# trim
	$dirty_text =~ s/^ +//;		$dirty_text =~ s/ +$//;

	# "smart" quotes X{
	$dirty_text =~ tr/\x93\x94/"/;	$dirty_text =~ tr/\x92/'/;

	# convert special chars
	$dirty_text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
	$dirty_text =~ s/</&lt;/g;	$dirty_text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
	$dirty_text =~ s/"/&quot;/g;	$dirty_text =~ s/'/&#39;/g;

	return $dirty_text;



=head1 BUGS

Uh.... are you sure they aren't yours? Let me know if you find any.

=head1 AUTHOR

BPrudent (Brandon Prudent)

email: L<>