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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
require "xt/";
eval 'use RT::IR; 1' or plan skip_all => 'RTIR not installed';
plan tests => 128;

my $agent = default_agent();

use HTTP::Cookies;
my $root = new RT::Test::Web;
$root->cookie_jar( HTTP::Cookies->new );
$root->login('root', 'password');

my $SUBJECT = "foo " . rand;

diag("Testing Incident locking")  if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
# Create an incident
my $inc = create_incident($agent,
    {Subject => $SUBJECT, Content => "bla",
     Owner => 'Nobody in particular (Nobody)' }

my $inc_obj = RT::Ticket->new(RT::SystemUser());

is($inc_obj->Id, $inc, "report has right ID");
is($inc_obj->Subject, $SUBJECT, "subject is right");

#Hard lock
diag("Testing hard lock") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Lock', n => '1'}, "Followed 'Lock' link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket\.}ims, "Added a hard lock on ticket $inc");
my $lock = $inc_obj->Locked();
ok(($lock->Content->{'Type'} eq 'Hard'), "Lock is a Hard lock");

###Testing lock expiration###
###Be sure to set LockExpiry to a short time (say, 30) in, or you'll be waiting
###for a while for this test to finish###

my $expire = RT->Config->Get('LockExpiry');

    skip 'Not testing lock expiry -- expiration feature turned off', 4 unless $expire;
    skip 'Not testing lock expiry -- expiration time more than 30 sec.', 4 if $expire > 30;

    diag "Sleep for $expire second(s) to make sure expiration works";
    sleep $expire;

    $agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Display', n =>'1'}, "Going back to display page for Incident #$inc");
    $agent->content_unlike(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">}, "Incident #$inc not locked anymore (lock expired)");
    ok(!$inc_obj->Locked(), "Lock not in the database");

    $agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Lock', n => '1'}, "Followed 'Lock' link again");

sleep 5;    #Otherwise, we run the risk of getting "You have locked this ticket" (see /Elements/ShowLock)

###Testing Reply.html locking###

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Reply to Reporters', n => '1'}, "Followed Reply to Reporters link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had this ticket locked for \d+}ims, "Reply to Reporters page is locked");
diag("Submitted Reply form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">}, "Incident $inc is still locked");

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Edit', n => '1'}, "Followed Edit link");

$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had this ticket locked for \d+}ims, "Edit page is locked");

diag("Submitted Edit form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">}, "Incident $inc is still locked");

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Unlock', n => '1'}, "Unlocking Incident $inc");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You had this ticket locked for \d+ \w+\. It is now unlocked\.}ims, "Incident $inc is not locked");
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Lock', n => '1'}, "Followed 'Lock' link again");
sleep 5;    #Otherwise, we run the risk of getting "You have locked this ticket" (see /Elements/ShowLock)
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Split', n => '1'}, "Followed Split link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had this ticket locked for \d+}ims, "Split page is still locked");
my $nobody;
if($agent->content =~ qr{<option.+?value="(\d+)"\s*>Nobody in particular &#40;Nobody&#41;</option>}ims) {
    $nobody = $1;
    $agent->field('Owner', $nobody);
diag("Submitted Split form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
my $inc_id2;
if($agent->content =~ qr{<li>Ticket (\d+) created in queue.*</li>}i) {
    $inc_id2 = $1;
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had Ticket #$inc locked for \d+ \w+\.\W+</div>}ims, "Incident $inc is still locked");
display_ticket($agent, $inc);
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Merge', n => '1'}, "Followed Merge link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had this ticket locked for \d+}ims, "Merge page is still locked");

$agent->field("SelectedTicket", $inc_id2);
diag("Submitted Merge form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket\.}ims, "Lock from $inc moved to $inc_id2");
$inc = $inc_id2;
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Unlock', n => '1'}, "Removing hard lock on Incident $inc");

#Auto lock
diag("Testing auto lock") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};

###Testing Reply.html locking###

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Reply to Reporters', n => '1'}, "Followed Reply to Reporters link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket\.}ims, "Reply to Reporters page is locked");
sleep 5;
diag("Submitted Reply form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You had this ticket locked for \d+ \w+\. It is now unlocked\.}ims, "Incident $inc is still locked");

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Edit', n => '1'}, "Followed Edit link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket}ims, "Edit page is auto locked");
# Without this, the lock type doesn't seem to refresh, even on successive calls to Locked()
$lock = $inc_obj->Locked();
ok(($lock->Content->{'Type'} eq 'Auto'), "Lock is an Auto lock");
diag("Submitted Edit form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_unlike(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">.+\.It is now unlocked\.}ims, "Incident $inc is not locked");

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Split', n => '1'}, "Followed Split link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket}ims, "Split page is auto locked");
$agent->field('Owner', $nobody);
sleep 5;
diag("Submitted Split form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You had Ticket #$inc locked for \d+ \w+. It is now unlocked\.}ims, "Incident $inc is not locked");
if($agent->content =~ qr{<li>Ticket (\d+) created in queue.*</li>}i) {
    $inc_id2 = $1;
display_ticket($agent, $inc);
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Merge', n => '1'}, "Followed Merge link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket\.}ims, "Merge page is locked");

$agent->field("SelectedTicket", $inc_id2);
diag("Submitted Merge form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_unlike(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">}ims, "Lock from $inc not moved to $inc_id2");
$inc = $inc_id2;

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Lock', n => '1'}, "Hard locked to test multi-user lock");

diag("Testing Incident locking from other user's point of view");

display_ticket($root, $inc);
$root->content_like(qr{<div class="locked">}, "Incident #$inc is locked by another");
$root->follow_link_ok({text => 'Break lock', n => '1'}, "Breaking lock on Incident #$inc");
$root->content_like(qr{<li>You have broken the lock on this ticket</li>}, "Lock on Incident #$inc is broken");

diag("Testing Incident Report locking")  if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
# Create a report
my $report = create_ir($agent, {Subject => $SUBJECT, Content => "bla", Owner => 'Nobody in particular &#40;Nobody&#41;' });

my $ir_obj = RT::Ticket->new(RT::SystemUser());

is($ir_obj->Id, $report, "report has right ID");
is($ir_obj->Subject, $SUBJECT, "subject is right");

#Hard lock
diag("Testing hard lock") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Lock', n => '1'}, "Followed 'Lock' link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket\.}ims, "Added a hard lock on ticket $report");
$lock = $ir_obj->Locked();
ok(($lock->Content->{'Type'} eq 'Hard'), "Lock is a Hard lock");

sleep 5;    #Otherwise, we run the risk of getting "You have locked this ticket" (see /Elements/ShowLock)

###Testing Update.html locking###

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Comment', n => '1'}, "Followed Comment link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had this ticket locked for \d+}ims, "Comment page is locked");
diag("Submitted Comment form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">}, "IR $report is still locked");

###Testing Edit.html locking###

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Edit', n => '1'}, "Followed Edit link");

$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had this ticket locked for \d+}ims, "Edit page is locked");
diag("Submitted Edit form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">}, "IR $report is still locked");

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Unlock', n => '1'}, "Unlocking IR $report");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You had this ticket locked for \d+ \w+\. It is now unlocked\.}ims, "IR $report is not locked");
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Lock', n => '1'}, "Followed 'Lock' link again");
sleep 5;    #Otherwise, we run the risk of getting "You have locked this ticket" (see /Elements/ShowLock)

###Testing Split.html locking###

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Split', n => '1'}, "Followed Split link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had this ticket locked for \d+}ims, "Split page is still locked");
$agent->field('Owner', $nobody);
diag("Submitted Split form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
my $ir_id2;
if($agent->content =~ qr{<li>Ticket (\d+) created in queue.*</li>}i) {
    $ir_id2 = $1;
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had Ticket #$report locked for \d+ \w+\.\W+</div>}ims, "IR $report is still locked");

###Testing Merge.html locking###

display_ticket($agent, $report);
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Merge', n => '1'}, "Followed Merge link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had this ticket locked for \d+}ims, "Merge page is still locked");

$agent->field("SelectedTicket", $ir_id2);
diag("Submitted Merge form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">}ims, "Lock from $report moved to $ir_id2");
$report = $ir_id2;
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Unlock', n => '1'}, "Removing hard lock on IR $report");

#Auto lock
diag("Testing auto lock") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};

###Testing Update.html locking###

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Comment', n => '1'}, "Followed Comment link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket}ims, "Comment page is auto locked");
# Without this, the lock type doesn't seem to refresh, even on successive calls to Locked()
$lock = $ir_obj->Locked();
ok(($lock->Content->{'Type'} eq 'Auto'), "Lock is an Auto lock");
sleep 5;
diag("Submitted Comment form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">.+\. It is now unlocked\.}ims, "IR $report is still locked");

###Testing Edit.html locking###

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Edit', n => '1'}, "Followed Edit link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket}ims, "Edit page is auto locked");
sleep 5;
diag("Submitted Edit form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">.+\. It is now unlocked\.}ims, "IR $report is not locked");

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Split', n => '1'}, "Followed Split link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket}ims, "Split page is auto locked");
sleep 5;
diag("Submitted Split form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You had Ticket #$report locked for \d+ \w+. It is now unlocked\.}ims, "IR $report is not locked");
if($agent->content =~ qr{<li>Ticket (\d+) created in queue.*</li>}i) {
    $ir_id2 = $1;
display_ticket($agent, $report);
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Merge', n => '1'}, "Followed Merge link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket\.}ims, "Merge page is locked");

$agent->field("SelectedTicket", $ir_id2);
diag("Submitted Merge form") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->content_unlike(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">}ims, "Lock from $report not moved to $ir_id2");
$report = $ir_id2;

#Now we need to set the owner to Nobody so that we can take the ticket for the Take tests
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Edit', n => '1'}, "Followed Edit link");
$agent->field('Owner', $nobody);
$agent->content_like(qr{<li>Owner changed from \w+ to Nobody</li>}, "Owner changed to Nobody");

#Take lock
diag("Testing take lock") if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Take', n => '1'}, "Followed Take link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket\.}ims, "Got a lock from Taking");
$lock = $ir_obj->Locked();
ok(($lock->Content->{'Type'} eq 'Take'), "Lock is a Take lock");
sleep 5;
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => '[New]', n => '1'}, "Followed New (incident to link to) link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had Ticket #$report locked for \d+ \w+\.}, "IR #$report is locked on Create Incident page");
$agent->field('Subject', 'Incident linked to Lock Testing IR');
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You had Ticket #$report locked for \d+ \w+. It is now unlocked\.}ims, "Removed IR #$report Take lock");
$agent->content_unlike(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">}ims, "IR #$report is not locked");

###Testing linking to existing incident###
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => '[Unlink]', n => '1'}, "Followed Unlink link");
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Edit', n => '1'}, "Followed Edit link");
$agent->field('Owner', $nobody);
$agent->content_like(qr{<li>Owner changed from \w+ to Nobody</li>}, "Owner changed to Nobody");

# create an incident to have at least one
    my $id = create_incident(
        { Subject => $SUBJECT },
#        { Constituency => $ir_obj->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_Constituency') },
    ok $id, 'created an incident';

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Take', n => '1'}, "Followed Take link again");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have locked this ticket\.}ims, "Got a lock from Taking");
sleep 5;
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => '[Link]', n => '1'}, "Followed Link (to existing incident) link");
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You have had this ticket locked for \d+ \w+\.}, "IR still locked on Link To Incident page");
###Pick a ticket to link to (we don't really care which)
$agent->content =~ qr{<input type="radio" name="SelectedTicket" value="(\d+)"\s*/>}ims;
my $inc_to_link_to = $1;
ok $inc_to_link_to, 'found id of an incident to link to';
$agent->field('SelectedTicket', $inc_to_link_to);
$agent->content_like(qr{<div class="locked-by-you">\s*You had Ticket #$report locked for \d+ \w+. It is now unlocked\.}ims, "Removed IR #$report Take lock");

$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Lock', n => '1'}, "Hard locked to test multi-user lock");

diag("Testing IR locking from other user's point of view");

$root->get_ok( '/RTIR/index.html', 'go home');
display_ticket($root, $report);
$root->content_like(qr{<div class="locked">}, "IR #$report is locked by another");
$root->follow_link_ok({text => 'Break lock', n => '1'}, "Breaking lock on IR #$report");
$root->content_like(qr{<li>You have broken the lock on this ticket</li>}, "Lock on IR #$report is broken");

#removes all user's locks
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Logout', n => '1'}, "Logging out rtir_test_user");
$root->follow_link_ok({text => 'Logout', n => '1'}, "Logging out root");
