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package Astro::Correlate::Method::RITMatch;

=head1 NAME

Astro::Correlate::Method::RITMatch - Correlation using RIT Match.


  ( $corrcat1, $corrcat2 ) = Astro::Correlate::Match::RITMatch->correlate( catalog1 => $cat1, catalog2 => $cat2 );


This class implements catalogue cross-correlation using the RIT Match


use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings::register;

use Carp;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;
use File::SearchPath qw/ searchpath /;
use Storable qw/ dclone /;

our $VERSION = '0.02';
our $DEBUG = 0;

=head1 METHODS

=head2 General Methods

=over 4

=item B<correlate>

Cross-correlates two catalogues.

  ( $corrcat1, $corrcat2 ) = Astro::Correlate::Method::RITMatch->correlate( catalog1 => $cat1,
                                                                            catalog2 => $cat2 );

This method takes two mandatory arguments, both C<Astro::Catalog> objects.
It returns two C<Astro::Catalog> objects containing C<Astro::Catalog::Star>
objects that matched spatially between the two input catalogues. The
first returned catalogue contains matched objects from the first input
catalogue, and ditto for the second. The C<Astro::Catalog::Star> objects
in the returned catalogues are not in the original order, nor do they have
the same IDs as in the input catalogues. A matched object has the same ID
in the two returned catalogues, allowing for further comparisons between
matched objects.

This method takes the following optional named arguments:

=item cat1magtype - The magnitude type to use for the first supplied
catalogue. If not defined, will default to 'mag'. This is used for
Astro::Catalog::Item objects that have fluxes that are not standard
magnitudes (for example, one might set this to 'mag_iso' for
magnitudes that come from the MAG_ISO column of a SExtractor

=item cat2magtype - As for cat1magtype, but for the second supplied

=item keeptemps - If this argument is set to true (1), then this
method will keep temporary files used in processing. Defaults to

=item messages - no effect.

=item temp - Set the directory to hold temporary files. If not set,
then a new temporary directory will be created using File::Temp.

=item timeout - Set the time in seconds to wait for the CCDPACK
monolith to time out. Defaults to 60 seconds.

=item verbose - If this argument is set to true (1), then this method will
print progress statements. Defaults to false.

This method usees the RIT Match application. In order for this method
to work it must be able to find the match binary. It looks in the
directory pointed to by the MATCH_DIR environment variable, and if
that fails, looks through your $PATH. If it cannot be found, this
method will croak.


sub correlate {
  my $class = shift;

# Grab the arguments, and make sure they're defined and are
# Astro::Catalog objects (the catalogues, at least).
  my %args = @_;
  my $cat1 = dclone( $args{'catalog1'} );
  my $cat2 = dclone( $args{'catalog2'} );

  if( ! defined( $cat1 ) ||
      ! UNIVERSAL::isa( $cat1, "Astro::Catalog" ) ) {
    croak "catalog1 parameter to Astro::Correlate::Method::RITMatch->correlate "
        . "method must be defined and must be an Astro::Catalog object"
  if( ! defined( $cat2 ) ||
      ! UNIVERSAL::isa( $cat2, "Astro::Catalog" ) ) {
    croak "catalog2 parameter to Astro::Correlate::Method::RITMatch->correlate "
        . "method must be defined and must be an Astro::Catalog object"

# Retrieve the scaling factor.
  my $scale = _determine_scaling_factor( $cat1, $cat2 );

  my $keeptemps = defined( $args{'keeptemps'} ) ? $args{'keeptemps'} : 0;
  my $temp;
  if( exists( $args{'temp'} ) && defined( $args{'temp'} ) ) {
    $temp = $args{'temp'};
  } else {
    $temp = tempdir ( UNLINK => ! $keeptemps );
  my $verbose = defined( $args{'verbose'} ) ? $args{'verbose'} : 0;
  my $cat1magtype = defined( $args{'cat1magtype'} ) ? $args{'cat1magtype'} : 'mag';
  my $cat2magtype = defined( $args{'cat2magtype'} ) ? $args{'cat2magtype'} : 'mag';

# Try to find the match binary in the directory pointed to by the
# MATCH_DIR environment variable. If that doesn't work, check the
# user's $PATH. If that doesn't work, croak.
  my $match_bin;
  if( defined( $ENV{'MATCH_DIR'} ) &&
      -d $ENV{'MATCH_DIR'} &&
      -e File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{'MATCH_DIR'}, "match" ) ) {
    $match_bin = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{'MATCH_DIR'}, "match" );
  } else {
    $match_bin = searchpath( "match" );
    if( ! defined( $match_bin ) ) {
      croak "Could not find match binary. Ensure MATCH_DIR environment variable is set";

  print "match binary is in $match_bin\n" if $DEBUG;

# Get two temporary filenames for catalog files.
  ( undef, my $catfile1 ) = tempfile( DIR => $temp );
  ( undef, my $catfile2 ) = tempfile( DIR => $temp );

# Match is sensitive to the scaling of the problem, requiring that the
# error is of order 1, and certainly less than 50. To meet this requirement
# scale the X and Y coordinates to have a range of 200 (XXX make this some
# multiple of the image scale).
  my $cat1stars = $cat1->stars;
  foreach my $cat1star ( @$cat1stars ) {
    $cat1star->x( $cat1star->x() / $scale );
    $cat1star->y( $cat1star->y() / $scale );
  my $cat2stars = $cat2->stars;
  foreach my $cat2star ( @$cat2stars ) {
    $cat2star->x( $cat2star->x() / $scale );
    $cat2star->y( $cat2star->y() / $scale );

# Write the two input catalogues for match.
  print "Writing catalog 1 to $catfile1 using $cat1magtype magnitude.\n" if $DEBUG;
  $cat1->write_catalog( Format => 'RITMatch',
                        File => $catfile1,
                        mag_type => $cat1magtype );
  print "Input catalog 1 written to $catfile1.\n" if $DEBUG;
  print "Writing catalog 2 to $catfile2 using $cat2magtype magnitude.\n" if $DEBUG;
  $cat2->write_catalog( Format => 'RITMatch',
                        File => $catfile2,
                        mag_type => $cat2magtype );
  print "Input catalog 2 written to $catfile2.\n" if $DEBUG;

# Create two hash lookup tables. Key will be the "match-ed" ID, which
# is the original ID with all non-numeric characters removed, and
# value will be the original ID. This will allow us to match up stars
# after the correlation has happened.
  my %lookup_cat1;
  my %lookup_cat2;

  $cat1stars = $cat1->stars;
  my $newid = 1;
  foreach my $cat1star ( @$cat1stars ) {
    $lookup_cat1{$newid} = $cat1star->id;

  $cat2stars = $cat2->stars;
  $newid = 1;
  foreach my $cat2star ( @$cat2stars ) {
    $lookup_cat2{$newid} = $cat2star->id;

# Create a base filename for the output catalogues. Put it in the
# temporary directory previously set up.
  my $outfilebase = File::Spec->catfile( $temp, "outfile$$" );

# Set up the parameter list for match.
  my @matchargs = ( "$catfile1",

# Run match.
  my $pid = open my $stdout, "$match_bin " . ( join ' ', @matchargs ) . "|" or croak "Could not execute match: $!";
  close $stdout;

# Read in the first output catalogue of matching objects. The old ID
# will be in the comment field.
  my $tempcat = new Astro::Catalog( Format => 'RITMatch',
                                    File => $outfilebase . ".mtA" );

# Loop through the stars, making a new catalogue with new stars using
# a combination of the new ID and the old information.
  my $corrcat1 = new Astro::Catalog();
  my @stars = $tempcat->stars;
  $newid = 1;
  foreach my $star ( @stars ) {

# The old ID is found in the first column of the star's comment.
# However, this old ID has been "match-ed", i.e. all non-numeric
# characters have been stripped from it. Use the lookup table we
# generated earlier to find the proper old ID.
    $star->id =~ /^(\w+)/;
    my $oldmatchid = $1;
    my $oldid = $lookup_cat1{$oldmatchid};

# Get the star's information.
    my $oldstar = $cat1->popstarbyid( $oldid );
    $oldstar = $oldstar->[0];
    next if ! defined( $oldstar );

# Set the ID to the new star's ID.
    $oldstar->id( $newid );

# Restore X and Y.
    $oldstar->x( $oldstar->x() * $scale );
    $oldstar->y( $oldstar->y() * $scale );

# Set the comment denoting the old ID.
    $oldstar->comment( "Old ID: " . $oldid );

# And push this star onto the output catalogue.
    $corrcat1->pushstar( $oldstar );


# And do the same for the second catalogue.
  $tempcat = new Astro::Catalog( Format => 'RITMatch',
                                 File => $outfilebase . ".mtB" );

  my $corrcat2 = new Astro::Catalog();
  @stars = $tempcat->stars;
  $newid = 1;
  foreach my $star ( @stars ) {

# The old ID is found in the first column of the star's comment.
# However, this old ID has been "match-ed", i.e. all non-numeric
# characters have been stripped from it. Use the lookup table we
# generated earlier to find the proper old ID.
    $star->id =~ /^(\w+)/;
    my $oldmatchid = $1;
    my $oldid = $lookup_cat2{$oldmatchid};

# Get the star's information.
    my $oldstar = $cat2->popstarbyid( $oldid );
    $oldstar = $oldstar->[0];
    next if ! defined( $oldstar );

# Set the ID to the new star's ID.
    $oldstar->id( $newid );

# Restore X and Y.
    $oldstar->x( $oldstar->x() * $scale );
    $oldstar->y( $oldstar->y() * $scale );

# Set the comment denoting the old ID.
    $oldstar->comment( "Old ID: " . $oldid );

# And push this star onto the output catalogue.
    $corrcat2->pushstar( $oldstar );


# Delete the temporary files if we're not in debug mode.
  if( ! $DEBUG ) {
    unlink $catfile1;
    unlink $catfile2;
    unlink $outfilebase . ".mtA";
    unlink $outfilebase . ".mtB";
    unlink $outfilebase . ".unA";
    unlink $outfilebase . ".unB";

  return ( $corrcat1, $corrcat2 );


=head2 Private Methods

=over 4

=item B<_determine_scaling_factor>

match v0.09 and above had a requirement (or strong suggestion) that
coordinate values be less than about 5000. Testing has shown that this
limit is closer to about 1000, so this method looks at all of the
coordinate values in the two catalogues and determines a scaling
factor to bring those coordinate values under 1000.

  my $factor = _determine_scaling_factor( $cat1, $cat2 );


sub _determine_scaling_factor {
  my $cat1 = shift;
  my $cat2 = shift;

  my $max = 0;
  my $max_pos = 500;

  foreach my $cat ( ( $cat1, $cat2 ) ) {
    foreach my $item ( $cat->stars ) {
      if( $item->x > $max ) {
        $max = $item->x;
      if( $item->y > $max ) {
        $max = $item->y;

  my $scale = ( $max > $max_pos ? $max / $max_pos : 1 );

  return $scale;


=head1 SEE ALSO




=head1 AUTHORS

Brad Cavanagh <>


Copyright (C) 2006 Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council.
All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place,Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA

