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=head1 NAME

brackup-target - Manage your backup targets


 $ brackup-target [opts] <target_name> list_backups
 $ brackup-target [opts] <target_name> get_backup <backup_file>
 $ brackup-target [opts] <target_name> get_backups
 $ brackup-target [opts] <target_name> delete_backup <backup_file>
 $ brackup-target [opts] <target_name> prune   # remove old backups
 $ brackup-target [opts] <target_name> gc      # run garbage collector

=head2 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item --dest=DIR

Destination to write files to.  Defaults to current working directory.

=item --verbose|-v

Be verbose with status.

=item --dry-run

Do not actually execute write operations.

=item --keep-backups

To be used in combination with the I<prune> command. This overrides the
I<keep_backups> option specified in the configuration file.

=item --source <source>

To be used in combination with the I<prune> command. This restricts the
prune operation to only delete backup files from the given I<source>.

=item --interactive

To be used in combination with the I<gc> command. Runs interactively,
requiring an explicit confirmation before deleting chunks that have been
garbage collected. Implies --verbose.



Brackup is distributed as-is and comes without warranty of any kind,
expressed or implied.  We aren't responsible for your data loss.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Brad Fitzpatrick E<lt>brad@danga.comE<gt>

Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Six Apart, Ltd. All rights reserved.

This module is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this
software under the terms of same terms as perl itself.


use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;

use Cwd;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/lib";

use Brackup;

my $config_file;
my $destdir;
my $opt_help;
my $opt_verbose;
my $opt_keep_backups;
my $opt_dryrun;
my $opt_interactive;
my $opt_source;
usage() unless
               'verbose+' => \$opt_verbose,
               'dest=s'   => \$destdir,
               'config=s' => \$config_file,
               'keep-backups=i' => \$opt_keep_backups,
               'dry-run'   => \$opt_dryrun,
               'interactive' => \$opt_interactive,
               'source=s' => \$opt_source,
               'help'     => \$opt_help,

if ($destdir) {
    chdir $destdir or die "Failed to chdir to $destdir: $!\n";

if ($opt_help) {
    eval "use Pod::Usage;";
    Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -verbose => 1, -exitval => 0 );
    exit 0;
$opt_verbose = 1 if $opt_interactive && ! $opt_verbose;

my $config = eval { Brackup::Config->load($config_file) } or

my $target_name = shift or usage();
my $cmd_name    = shift or usage();
$cmd_name =~ s/-/_/g;      # accept hyphenated versions of commands

my $target = eval { $config->load_target($target_name); } or

my $code = __PACKAGE__->can("CMD_$cmd_name") or
    usage("Unknown/unimplemented command.");

exit($code->() ? 0 : 1);

sub CMD_list_backups {
    printf("%-32s %-30s %10s\n",
        'Backup File',
        'Backup Date',
        'Size (B)'); 
    printf("%-32s %-30s %10s\n",
        '-' x 11,
        '-' x 11,
        '-' x 8);
    foreach my $si (sort { $b->time <=> $a->time } $target->backups) {
        printf("%-32s %-30s %10s\n",
               $si->size || '?');
    return 1;

sub CMD_get_backup {
    my $name = shift @ARGV or
        die "get_backup requires a filename to download";
		or die "Failed to retrieve backup $name\n";

sub CMD_get_backups {
    foreach my $si ($target->backups) {
        my $size = $si->size;
        my $name = $si->filename;
        no warnings 'uninitialized';
        if (-s "$name.brackup" == $size || -s "$name.brackup.orig" == $size) {
            debug("Skipping $name; already have it");
        debug("Fetching $name");

sub CMD_delete_backup {
    my $name = shift @ARGV or
        die "delete_backup requires a filename to download";
		or die "Failed to delete backup $name\n";

sub CMD_prune {
    my $removed_count = $target->prune( keep_backups => $opt_keep_backups,
                                        dryrun => $opt_dryrun,
                                        source => $opt_source,
                                        verbose => $opt_verbose);
    debug("$removed_count backups " . ($opt_dryrun ? "would be " : "") . "removed from target");

sub CMD_gc {
    my ($removed_chunks, $total_chunks) = $target->gc(dryrun => $opt_dryrun,
                                                      verbose => $opt_verbose,
                                                      interactive => $opt_interactive);
    debug("$removed_chunks/$total_chunks chunks " . ($opt_dryrun ? "would be " : "") . 
          "removed from target");

sub debug {
    my $msg = shift;
    return unless $opt_verbose;
    warn "$msg\n";

sub usage {
    my $why = shift || "";
    if ($why) {
        $why =~ s/\s+$//;
        $why = "Error: $why\n\n";
    die "${why}brackup-target <target> <cmd> [...]\nbrackup-target --help\n";