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package DJabberd::Presence;
use strict;
use base qw(DJabberd::Stanza);
use Carp qw(croak confess);
use fields (
            'dont_load_rosteritem',  # bool: if set, don't load roster item for this probe.  it's a trusted probe.  (internally generated)

sub clone {
    my $self = shift;
    my $clone = $self->SUPER::clone;
    $clone->{dont_load_rosteritem} = $self->{dont_load_rosteritem};
    return $clone;

# TODO:  _process_outbound_invisible   -- seen in wild.  not in spec, but how to handle?
#  Wildfire crew says:
#    Presences of type invisible are not XMPP compliant. That was the
#    old way invisibility was implemented before. The correct way to #
#    implement invisibility is to use JEP-0126: Invisibility that is #
#    based on privacy lists. The server will ignore presences of type
#    # invisible and instead assume that an available presence was
#    sent. In # other words, the server will ignore the invisibility
#    request.

# used by DJabberd::PresenceChecker::Local.
my %last_bcast;   # barejidstring -> { full_jid_string -> $cloned_pres_stanza }

sub forget_last_presence {
    my ($class, $jid) = @_;

    my $barestr = $jid->as_bare_string;
    my $map     = $last_bcast{$barestr}   or return;
    delete $map->{$jid->as_string};
    delete $last_bcast{$barestr} unless %$map;

sub set_local_presence {
    my ($class, $jid, $prepkt) = @_;
    return 0 unless $jid;
    $last_bcast{$jid->as_bare_string}{$jid->as_string} = $prepkt;

# is this directed presence?  must be to a JID, and must be available/unavailable, not probe/subscribe/etc.
sub is_directed {
    my $self = shift;
    return 0 unless $self->to_jid;
    my $type = $self->type;
    return 0 if $type && $type ne "unavailable";
    return 1;

sub on_recv_from_server {
    my ($self, $conn) = @_;

sub on_recv_from_client {
    my ($self, $conn) = @_;

sub local_presence_info {
    my ($class, $jid) = @_;
    my $barestr = $jid->as_bare_string;
    return $last_bcast{$barestr} || {};

# constructor
sub available {
    my ($class, %opts) = @_;
    my ($from) = map { delete $opts{$_} } qw(from);
    croak "Invalid options" if %opts;

    my $xml = DJabberd::XMLElement->new("", "presence", {
        '{}from' => $from->as_string,
    }, []);
    return $class->downbless($xml);

# constructor
sub probe {
    my ($class, %opts) = @_;
    my ($from, $to) = map { delete $opts{$_} } qw(from to);
    croak "Invalid options" if %opts;

    my $xml = DJabberd::XMLElement->new("", "presence", { '{}type' => 'probe',
                                                          '{}from' => $from->as_string,
                                                          '{}to'   => $to->as_bare_string }, []);
    return $class->downbless($xml);

# constructor
sub make_subscribed {
    my ($class, %opts) = @_;
    my ($from, $to) = map { delete $opts{$_} } qw(from to);
    croak "Invalid options" if %opts;

    my $xml = DJabberd::XMLElement->new("", "presence", { '{}type' => 'subscribed',
                                                          '{}from' => $from->as_bare_string,
                                                          '{}to'   => $to->as_bare_string }, []);
    return $class->downbless($xml);

# constructor
sub make_subscribe {
    my ($class, %opts) = @_;
    my ($from, $to) = map { delete $opts{$_} } qw(from to);
    croak "Invalid options" if %opts;

    my $xml = DJabberd::XMLElement->new("", "presence", { '{}type' => 'subscribe',
                                                          '{}from' => $from->as_bare_string,
                                                          '{}to'   => $to->as_bare_string }, []);
    return $class->downbless($xml);

# constructor
sub available_stanza {
    my ($class) = @_;
    my $xml = DJabberd::XMLElement->new("", "presence", {}, []);
    return $class->downbless($xml);

# constructor
sub unavailable_stanza {
    my ($class) = @_;
    my $xml = DJabberd::XMLElement->new("", "presence", { '{}type' => "unavailable" }, []);
    return $class->downbless($xml);

sub is_unavailable {
    my $self = shift;
    no warnings 'uninitialized';   # type can be uninitialized and that is ok
    return $self->type eq 'unavailable';

sub type {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->attr("{}type");

sub fail {
    my ($self, $vhost, $reason) = @_;
    # TODO: figure this out (presence type='error' stuff, when?)
    warn "PRESENCE FAILURE: $reason\n";

# like delivery, but handles inbound processing if the target
# is somebody on our domain.  TODO: IQs are going to need
# this same out-vs-in processing.  it should be generic.
sub procdeliver {
    my ($self, $vhost) = @_;

    if ($vhost->isa("DJabberd::Connection")) {
        warn "Deprecated arg of connection to procdeliver at " . join(", ", caller);
        $vhost = $vhost->vhost;

    # TODO: this needs some re-thinking for the cluster case, as
    # "handles_jid" means one of two things in general: 1) I'm the
    # sole handler of this JID (the below interpretation), vs 2) I can
    # handle at least some of this vhost's domain, at least I don't
    # handle none of it.
    # The fear is that in the cluster case you'd have to always deliver,
    # which we want to avoid.
    # We should have another API that's like ->handles_jid_and_shes_online_here($jid)
    my $contact_jid = $self->to_jid or die;
    if ($vhost->handles_jid($contact_jid)) {
        my $clone = $self->clone;
    } else {

sub process {
    confess "No generic 'process' method for $_[0]";

our %outbound_need_ritem = (
                            unsubscribe  => 1,
                            unsubscribed => 1,

sub process_outbound {
    my ($self, $conn) = @_;
    my $type      = $self->type || "available";

    return 0 unless $conn->bound_jid;
    return $self->fail($conn->vhost, "bogus type") unless $type =~ /^\w+$/;

    my $call_method = sub {
        my $ritem = shift;
        my $meth = "_process_outbound_$type";
        eval { $self->$meth($conn,$ritem) };
        if ($@) {
            warn "  ... ERROR: [$@]\n";

    if ($outbound_need_ritem{$type}) {
        my $to_jid = $self->to_jid
            or return $self->fail($conn->vhost, "no/invalid 'to' attribute");
        my $from_jid   = $self->from_jid
            or return $self->fail($conn->vhost, "no/invalid 'from' attribute");
        $self->_roster_load_item($conn->vhost, $from_jid, $to_jid, $call_method);
    } else {


sub process_inbound {
    my ($self, $vhost) = @_;
    Carp::confess("Not a vhost") unless $vhost->isa("DJabberd::VHost");

    my $type      = $self->type || "available";

    return $self->fail($vhost, "bogus type") unless $type =~ /^\w+$/;

    my $to_jid = $self->to_jid
        or return $self->fail($vhost, "no/invalid 'to' attribute");
    my $from_jid   = $self->from_jid
        or return $self->fail($vhost, "no/invalid 'from' attribute");

    my $call_method = sub {
        my $ritem = shift;
        my $meth = "_process_inbound_$type";
        eval { $self->$meth($vhost, $ritem, $from_jid) };
        if ($@) {
            warn "  ... ERROR: [$@].\n";

    # the presence packet is flagged as internally-generated and not
    # wanting us to load the roster item (because it's probably a
    # trusted probe).  also, for available/unavailable directed
    # presence don't load ritem because those handlers don't need it:
    # they just deliver.
    if ($self->{dont_load_rosteritem} ||
        $type eq "available" || $type eq "unavailable")

    # find the RosterItem corresponding to this sender, and only once
    # we have it, invoke the next handler
    $self->_roster_load_item($vhost, $to_jid, $from_jid, $call_method);

sub _roster_load_item {
    my ($self, $vhost, $my_jid, $contact_jid, $call_method) = @_;

    $vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "RosterLoadItem",
                           args  => [ $my_jid, $contact_jid ],
                           methods => {
                               error   => sub {
                                   my ($cb, $reason) = @_;
                                   return $self->fail($vhost, "RosterLoadItem hook failed: $reason");
                               set => sub {
                                   my ($cb, $ritem) = @_;
    return 0;

sub _process_inbound_available {
    my ($self, $vhost) = @_;

sub _process_inbound_unavailable {
    my ($self, $vhost) = @_;

sub _process_inbound_subscribe {
    my ($self, $vhost, $ritem, $from_jid) = @_;

    my $to_jid = $self->to_jid;

    # XMPP: server SHOULD auto-reply if contact already subscribed from
    if ($ritem && $ritem->subscription->sub_from) {
        my $subd = DJabberd::Presence->make_subscribed(to   => $from_jid,
                                                       from => $to_jid);

        # let's act like they probed us too, so we send them our presence.
        my $probe = DJabberd::Presence->probe(from => $from_jid,
                                              to   => $to_jid);

    #warn "   ... not already subscribed from, didn't shortcut.\n";

    $ritem ||= DJabberd::RosterItem->new($from_jid);

    # ignore duplicate pending-in subscriptions
    if ($ritem->subscription->pending_in) {
        warn "ignoring dup inbound subscribe, already pending-in.\n";

    # TODO: HOOK FOR auto-subscribed sending.  violates spec, but LiveJournal
    # could use it.  i think spec isn't thoughtful enough there.

    # mark the roster item as pending-in, and save it:

    $vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "RosterSetItem",
                           args  => [ $to_jid, $ritem ],
                           methods => {
                               done => sub {
                               error => sub { my $reason = $_[1]; },

sub _process_inbound_subscribed {
    my ($self, $vhost, $ritem) = @_;
    Carp::confess("Not a vhost") unless $vhost->isa("DJabberd::VHost");

    # MUST ignore inbound subscribed if we weren't awaiting
    # its arrival
    return unless $ritem && $ritem->subscription->pending_out;

    my $to_jid    = $self->to_jid;

    #warn "processing inbound subscribed...\n";

    $vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "RosterSetItem",
                           args  => [ $to_jid, $ritem ],
                           methods => {
                               done => sub {
                                   $vhost->roster_push($to_jid, $ritem);

                                   my $probe = DJabberd::Presence->probe(from => $to_jid,
                                                                         to   => $ritem->jid);
                               error => sub { my $reason = $_[1]; },


sub _process_inbound_probe {
    my ($self, $vhost, $ritem, $from_jid) = @_;
    unless ($self->{dont_load_rosteritem}) {
        return unless $ritem && $ritem->subscription->sub_from;

    my $jid = $self->to_jid;

    $vhost->check_presence($jid, sub {
        my $map = shift;
        foreach my $fullstr (keys %$map) {
            my $stanza = $map->{$fullstr};
            my $to_send = $stanza->clone;

sub _process_inbound_unsubscribe {
    my ($self, $vhost, $ritem) = @_;

    # if we don't know the user, just drop it
    return unless $ritem;

    my $to_jid = $self->to_jid;


    $vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "RosterSetItem",
                           args  => [ $to_jid, $ritem ],
                           methods => {
                               done => sub {
                                   $vhost->roster_push($to_jid, $ritem);
                               error => sub { my $reason = $_[1]; },

sub _process_inbound_unsubscribed {
    my ($self, $vhost, $ritem) = @_;

    # TODO:
    # 1) MUST roster push
    # 2) MUST deliver to all available resources

    # to -> none
    # keep it in the roster as 'none', don't remove.  client does that with type='remove'

sub broadcast_from {
    my ($self, $conn) = @_;

    my $from_jid = $conn->bound_jid;
    my $vhost    = $conn->vhost;

    my $broadcast = sub {
        my $roster = shift;
        foreach my $it ($roster->from_items) {
            my $dpres = $self->clone;

    $vhost->get_roster($from_jid, on_success => $broadcast);

sub _process_outbound_available {
    my ($self, $conn, $skip_alter) = @_;

    my $vhost = $conn->vhost;
    if (!$skip_alter && $vhost->are_hooks("AlterPresenceAvailable")) {
        $vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "AlterPresenceAvailable",
                               args  => [ $conn, $self ],
                               methods => {
                                   done => sub {
                                       return if $conn->{closed};
                                       $self->_process_outbound_available($conn, 1);

    if ($self->is_directed) {

    my $jid = $conn->bound_jid;
    DJabberd::Presence->set_local_presence($jid, $self->clone);


    if ($conn->is_initial_presence) {


sub _process_outbound_unavailable {
    my ($self, $conn, $skip_alter) = @_;

    my $vhost = $conn->vhost;
    if (!$skip_alter && $vhost->are_hooks("AlterPresenceUnavailable")) {
        warn "runnig hook chain unavailable";
        $vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "AlterPresenceUnavailable",
                               args  => [ $conn, $self ],
                               methods => {
                                   done => sub {
                                       return if $conn->{closed};
                                       $self->_process_outbound_unavailable($conn, 1);

    if ($self->is_directed) {

    # if we are becoming unavailable then we need to tell all our directed presences customers this
    # per RFC 3921

    my $from_jid = $conn->bound_jid;
    foreach my $to_jid ($conn->directed_presence) {
        my $dpres = $self->clone;
        # I think we only need to deliver and not procdeliver here
        # because we don't actually want to process it anymore -- sky
        # TODO: not sure of that.  --brad

    my $jid = $conn->bound_jid;
    DJabberd::Presence->set_local_presence($jid, $self->clone);


sub _process_outbound_unsubscribe {
    my ($self, $conn, $ritem) = @_;

    my $from_jid  = $self->from_jid;
    my $to_jid    = $self->to_jid    or die "Can't subscribe to bogus jid";

    # we didn't have this user;
    return unless $ritem;


    $conn->vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "RosterSetItem",
                                 args  => [ $from_jid, $ritem ],
                                 methods => {
                                     done => sub {
                                         # xmpp-ip 8.4.[12]
                                         # roster push,   (to => none, both => from)
                                         # deliver.
                                         $conn->vhost->roster_push($from_jid, $ritem);

                                         # let's bare-ifiy our from address, as per the SHOULD in XMPP-IM 8.2.5
                                         # {=remove-resource-on-presence-out}
                                     error => sub { my $reason = $_[1]; },


sub _process_outbound_unsubscribed {
    my ($self, $conn, $ritem) = @_;

    my $deliver = sub {

    # no relation, but deliver anyway....
    unless ($ritem) {
        # TODO: we should deliver these, I assume, as that's consistent
        # with other parts of spec wrt inter-server sync issues?  --brad

    my $from_jid    = $conn->bound_jid;
    my $contact_jid = $self->to_jid or die "Can't subscribe to bogus jid";

    # xmpp-ip 8.5.[12]
    # roster push   (from => none, both => to), clearing pendin as well...

    $conn->vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "RosterSetItem",
                                 args  => [ $from_jid, $ritem ],
                                 methods => {
                                     done => sub {
                                         $conn->vhost->roster_push($from_jid, $ritem);

                                         # continue this packet along to contact

                                         # send unavailable presence to contact:
                                         my $unavail = DJabberd::Presence->unavailable_stanza;
                                         $unavail->deliver($conn->vhost);  # procdeliver's useless:  proc just delivers
                                     error => sub { my $reason = $_[1]; },

sub _process_outbound_subscribe {
    my ($self, $conn) = @_;

    my $from_jid    = $conn->bound_jid;
    my $contact_jid = $self->to_jid or die "Can't subscribe to bogus jid";

    # XMPPIP-9.2-p2: MUST without exception
    # route these, to combat sync issues
    # between parties

    my $deliver = sub {
        # let's bare-ifiy our from address, as per the SHOULD in XMPP-IM 8.2.5
        # {=remove-resource-on-presence-out}


    my $save = sub {
        my $ritem = shift;
        $conn->vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "RosterSetItem",
                                     args  => [ $from_jid, $ritem ],
                                     methods => {
                                         done => sub {
                                             $conn->vhost->roster_push($from_jid, $ritem);
                                         error => sub { my $reason = $_[1]; },

    my $on_load = sub {
        my (undef, $ritem) = @_;

        # not in roster, skip.
        $ritem ||= DJabberd::RosterItem->new($contact_jid);

        if ($ritem->subscription->got_outbound_subscribe) {
            # subscription modified, must save, which will then
            # deliver when done.
        } else {

    $conn->vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "RosterLoadItem",
                                 args  => [ $from_jid, $contact_jid ],
                                 methods => {
                                     error   => sub {
                                         my (undef, $reason) = @_;
                                         return $self->fail($conn, "RosterLoadItem hook failed: $reason");
                                     set => $on_load,

sub _process_outbound_subscribed {
    my ($self, $conn) = @_;

    # user wanting to subscribe or approve subscription request to contact
    my $contact_jid = $self->to_jid
        or return $self->fail($conn, "no/invalid 'to' attribute");

    $conn->vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "RosterLoadItem",
                                 args  => [ $conn->bound_jid, $contact_jid ],
                                 methods => {
                                     error   => sub {
                                         my (undef, $reason) = @_;
                                         return $self->fail($conn, "RosterLoadItem hook failed: $reason");
                                     set => sub {
                                         my (undef, $ritem) = @_;

                                         # not in roster, skip.
                                         return unless $ritem;

                                         my $subs = $ritem->subscription;

                                         # skip unless we were in pending in state
                                         return unless $subs->pending_in;

                                         $self->_process_outbound_subscribed_with_ritem($conn, $ritem);

# second stage of outbound 'subscribed' processing, once we load the item and
# decide to skip processing or not.  see above.
sub _process_outbound_subscribed_with_ritem {
    my ($self, $conn, $ritem) = @_;
    my $vhost = $conn->vhost;

    my $from_jid = $conn->bound_jid || die("lacking from_jid");
    my $to_jid = $self->to_jid;

    $conn->vhost->run_hook_chain(phase => "RosterSetItem",
                                 args  => [ $conn->bound_jid, $ritem ],
                                 methods => {
                                     done => sub {
                                         $conn->vhost->roster_push($conn->bound_jid, $ritem);

                                         # the spec's a little unclear as to whether, on successful subscribe,
                                         # host A sends probes vs. host B sends the presence out.  we do both,
                                         # as does ejabberd and other servers.
                                         $vhost->check_presence($conn->bound_jid, sub {
                                             my $map = shift;
                                             foreach my $fullstr (keys %$map) {
                                                 my $stanza = $map->{$fullstr};
                                                 my $to_send = $stanza->clone;
                                     error => sub { my $reason = $_[1]; },
